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FF6:ROSE Dialog Script Notes

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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v2.00
1200Locke: That ribbon suits you.Locke: ...That ribbon looks nice on you.Locke
"…That ribbon suits you."
Woolsey w/ Slattery's punctuation.
1201Celes: On with the show!
This is a big scene in which Maria senses that something's happened to Draco!
Celes: I have to go on stage soon. This next scene's an important one. Maria starts to worry that something's happened to Draco, and pours her feelings into song.Celes
"I have to go on stage soon.
This next scene's an important one."

"Maria begins to worry that something's happened to Draco, and pours all of her feelings into a single song."
Slattery; "starts" -> "begins" for eloquence (kWhazit notes this marks the point where Celes starts to use a more feminine tone, which she retains for the rest of the game); "into song" -> novel "into a single song" for clarity, and so that it's not so much stating the obvious (i.e. of course the character is going to put their feelings to song in an opera -- the point is that this is the "important" song.)
1202Locke: Don't make any more mistakes!Locke: Don't slip up this time.Locke
"Don't let it get away from you this time."
New; replaces Slattery's "slip up" / kWhazit's "mess up" with presumably less literal "let it get away from you": if Locke's going to use a figure of speech (as opposed to Woolsey's straightforward "make any more mistakes"), he should try a little harder not to come off like a mob boss.
1203Locke: You'd better check the score one last time.Locke: Shouldn't you check the score one last time?Locke
"You should check the score one last time, don't you think?"
Slattery's wording adapted for Lina Darkstar's structure, so as to begin the line similar to Woolsey.
1204Read the score?
<Choice> (Yes)
<Choice> (No)
Read the score?
<Choice> (Yes)
<Choice> (No)
{Read/Look at} the score?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Woolsey/Slattery; Adaptive dialog for illiterate M.C. (Gau/Umaro)
1205Scene 1
Oh my hero, so far away now. Will I ever see your smile?
Love goes away, like night into day. It's just a fading dream...
I'm the darkness, you're the stars. Our love is brighter than the sun. For eternity, for me there can be,
only you, my chosen one...
Must I forget you? Our solemn promise? Will autumn take the place of spring?
What shall I do? I'm lost without you. Speak to me once more! you pick up the flowers.
Climb the stairs to the balcony high atop the castle. Raise the flowers to the stars.
(Hurry! You have just moments before Scene 2 starts!
The Impresario)
Scene 2
Scene 1 O my hero, my beloved, Shall we still be made to part, Though promises of perennial love Yet sing here in my heart? I'm the darkness, you're the starlight Shining brightly from afar. Through hours of despair, I offer this prayer To you, my evening star. Must my final vows exchanged Be with him and not with you? Were you only here to quiet my fear... O speak! Guide me anew. ...This is where you pick up the flowers. Climb the stairs and toss the flowers from the highest balcony. (Be sure to finish by the end of the interlude! There isn't much time before the start of Scene 2.) -Impresario Scene 2 ........................
- Verse 1 -

O my hero, my beloved,
Shall we still be made to part,
Though promises of perennial love
Yet sing here in my heart?

I'm the darkness, you're the starlight,
Shining in a distant sky.

Through nights of despair,
I'll call to you there
With each languishing sigh.

Must my final vows exchanged
Be with him and not with you?
Were you only here to quiet my fear;
O speak! Guide me anew!

…This is where you pick up the
flowers. Climb the stairs to the
balcony high atop the castle.
Raise the flowers to the stars.

(Be sure to finish by the end of the
interlude! There isn't much time
before the start of the next verse.)

- Verse 2 -
Page 1: New, based on reference to "second verse [Lina Darkstar]", backed up by kWhazit "second chorus", parallel to "Scene 2 (Woolsey/Slattery)" in the Impresario's note, appropriate because it is clear that both sections of the song mentioned in this score are a part of the same continuous scene. Surely a division of music is intended here. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: See #1212 p.1. // Page 4: See #1212 p.2. // Page 5: See #1214. // Page 6: First sentence Slattery; Second & third sentence Woolsey. Woolsey's "Raise the flowers" is novel (kWhazit & Slattery: "toss"); considered superior since it transforms Celes's gesture from a rote exersize in following directions into a powerful moment of self-expression. // Page 7: Slattery; "Scene 2" -> "the next verse". // Page 8: New (See note for page 1).
1206Locke: Good luck...!Locke: Good luck.Locke
"Good luck."
1207The forces of the West fell,
and Maria's castle was taken.
Prince Ralse, of the East, took her hand by force.
But she never stopped yearning for Draco...
The Western armies were defeated, and Maria's castle fell into the hands of the East. Forced to wed the Eastern Prince Ralse, Maria still thinks only of Draco as she gazes at the stars each night... The Western armies were defeated,
and Maria's castle fell into
the hands of the East.

Forced to wed the Eastern Prince
Ralse, Maria still thinks only of Draco
as she gazes at the stars each night…
1208The next line is...?
<Choice>(Oh my hero...)
<Choice>(Alas, Draco...)
The next line is...
<Choice> (O my hero...)
<Choice> (Alas, Draco...)
The first line is…
<Choice> (O my hero…)
<Choice> (Alas, Draco…)
Slattery; "next line" -> "first line" for clarity w/r/t Darkmage
1209& Oh my hero,
so far away now.
Will I ever see your smile?
& Love goes away,
like night into day.
& It's just a fading dream... &
<Choice>(I wish I...)
<Choice>(I'm the darkness)
<Musical note> O my hero, my beloved, Shall we still be made to part, <Musical note> Though promises of perennial love Yet sing here in my heart? <Musical note>
<Choice> (I wish I...)
<Choice> (I'm the darkness...)
♬ O my hero, my beloved,
Shall we still be made to part,

♬ Though promises of perennial love
Yet sing here in my heart? ♬
<Choice> (I wish I…)
<Choice> (I'm the darkness…)
1210& Alas, Draco!
You're outta here!
<Musical note> Alas, Draco! You have left me... ♬ Alas, Draco!
Are you dead now…?
First half Woolsey/Slattery; Second half New w/r/t kWhazit "Are you truly dead...?"
Oops... That wasn't it, was it? Sorry!Oops…!
That wasn't it, was it?
Slattery, lightly repunctuated for style.
1212& I'm the darkness,
you're the stars.
Our love is brighter than
the sun.
& For eternity,
for me there can be,
& only you, my chosen one... &
<Choice>(Must I...)
<Choice>(Prince Ralse...)
<Musical note> I'm the darkness, You're the starlight Shining brightly from afar. <Musical note> Through hours of despair, I offer this prayer To you, my evening star. <Musical note>
<Choice> (Must my...)
<Choice> (Prince Ralse...)
♬ I'm the darkness,
You're the starlight,
Shining in a distant sky.

♬ Through nights of despair,
I'll call to you there

♬ With each languishing sigh… ♬
<Choice> (Must my…)
<Choice> (Prince Ralse…)
Page 1: Slattery; "brightly from afar." -> "in a distant sky" (kWhazit: ..."to a distant place"); inferior per se, but necessary to set up the rhyme on the next page. // Page 2: Slattery; "Through hours" -> "Through nights", since "hours" is used in the same sense later on; "I offer this prayer To you, my evening star" -> "I'll call to you there With each languishing sigh" to avoid Slattery's strange double-dip into the original "star" metaphor (kWhazit: "I'll think of that star falling in the sky as you") -- instead adds a second "despair" sentiment as in FF6j (kWhazit: "In times when I'm sad Or times when I hurt"); still maintaining the "calling out" aspect of Slattery to transition into the next stanza. NOTE: English versions really miss out on a big chunk of the "star" bit. In FF6j, Maria specifically picks a "falling" star to identify with Draco, so she can envision him coming down from the sky to meet her. This leads nicely into what we see with the interlude.
1213& I wish I...uh?<Musical note> I wish I...uh? ♬ I wish I died…
Woolsey/Slattery; "I wish I...uh...?" -> "I wish I died... uh...?" w/r/t kWhazit ("I want to die too... huh?").
1214& Must I forget you?
Our solemn promise?
Will autumn take the place
of spring?
& What shall I do?
I'm lost without you.
Speak to me once more! &
<Musical note> Must my final vows exchanged Be with him and not with you? <Musical note> Were you only here To quiet my fear... O speak! Guide me anew. <Musical note> ♬ Must my final vows exchanged
Be with him and not with you?

♬ Were you only here
To quiet my fear;
O speak! Guide me anew! ♬
Slattery, lightly repunctuated. NOTE: The word "exchanged" is sung in three syllables, ex-chang-ed. To avoid inconsistencies with this convention, the "-ed" verb ending is avoided for the rest of the revised piece.
1215& Prince Ralse...yeah, so?
I hate him! Everyone does.
<Musical note> Prince Ralse will be my groom. I know...that this isn't the right line. ♬ Prince Ralse will be my groom…
I know… ♬
that this isn't the right line.
Slattery, repunctuated to imply "that this isn't the last line" as spoken by Celes.
1216Uhnn...not in time...
We messed up.
Ah, I'm too late! So much for that...Ah, I'm too late!
Messed up, messed up…!
First sentence Slattery, Second sentence kWhazit.
1217& We must part now.
My life goes on.
But my heart won't give
you up.
& Ere I walk away,
let me hear you say.
I meant as much to you... &
<Musical note> I am thankful, my beloved, For your tenderness and grace. <Musical note> I see in your eyes, So gentle and wise, All doubts and fears erased! <Musical note> ♬ I am thankful, my beloved,
For your tenderness and grace.

♬ With words to cast out
My worry and doubt,
Your voice brightens my face! ♬
The Most Agonizing Caption of the Entire ROSE Project. Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: New. Closer than Slattery to literal (kWhazit: "To me, whose feelings wavered if but once, You quietly, gently gave an answer"), while following the tone of Slattery (ends on a triumphant note). The idea is that Maria takes ownership of her lapse in confidence (previous stanza), and thus considers it an act of grace for Draco to have "answered" her in spite of her not deserving it. Pretty old-school. This is somewhat lost in Slattery's rendering: "doubts and fears" are mentioned in a more general sense, and agency is shifted from 'Draco' to Maria -- hence no explicit mention of an "answer". Secondary Slattery Nitpicks: 1) This is the one and only place where the rhyme is imperfect ("grace" - "erased"). 2) The word "and" in "doubts and fears" sounds awkward as a stressed syllable. 3) The word "fears" feels slightly redundant with "quiet my fear" in the previous stanza. 4) Slattery's wording is ambiguous when taken at face value. (Maria sees "all fears and doubts erased" in Draco's eyes; is she talking about Draco's doubts, then?) The new rendering is intended to improve upon the above points while fitting in as seamlessly as possible. It retains Slattery's use of the present tense here, which nicely frames her vision of Draco as a sort of ongoing daydream -- not necessarly anything supernatural. NOTE: This is more explicitly the case in FF6j, #1212.
1218& So gently,
you touched my heart.
I will be forever yours.
& Come what may,
I won't age a day,
I'll wait for you, always... &
<Musical note> Though the hours take no notice Of what fate might have in store, <Musical note> Our love, come what may, Will never age a day. I'll wait forevermore! <Musical note> ♬ Though the hours
take no notice
Of what fate might have in store,

♬ Our love, come what may,
Shall age not a day.
I'll wait forevermore! ♬
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "Will never age a day" -> "Shall age not a day" -- simple fix for the one and only case of imperfect syllable count. No forced contractions (e.g. "ne'er") required. The sense of finality in "never" is now supplied by "Shall". Essentially no downside here, unless unfaithfulness to Slattery counts. The ROSE author is thoroughly baffled and questioning his own sanity.
1219DRACO: Come, Maria!
Follow my lead...
Draco: Come, Maria! Dance with me... Draco
"Come, Maria!
Dance with me…"
1220DRACO: Ha, ha, ha...Draco: Ha-ha-ha...! "Ha-ha-ha…!"Slattery.
1221CHANCELLOR: Prince Ralse is looking for a dance partner.
Leave the past behind!
Our kingdom is adopting the spirit of the East...!
Chancellor: Price Ralse is looking for his dance partner. Please, leave the past behind! Our kingdom is part of the East now...Chancellor
"Prince Ralse is looking for his dance partner."

"Please, leave the past behind!
Our kingdom is part of the East now…"
1222Locke: Well done, Celes.Locke: You were wonderful, Celes.Locke
"Well done… Celes."
Lina Darkstar (same text as Woolsey/kWhazit, equivalent punctuation to FF6j); lightly repunctuated for more familiar presentation of the same idea.
1223I owe you one, so I'm gonna jam up your opera!
I owe you guys one, so I'm gonna jam up your opera! Ultros I owe you guys one, so I'm gonna
jam up your opera!
1224Locke: Uh oh...
Better tell the Impresario!
Locke: Uh-oh... Better tell the impresario!Locke
Better tell the Impresario!"
(W & S)
1225Locke: Again!Locke: Not again!Locke
"Not again!"
1226IMPRESARIO: What!!!?Impresario: What!?Impresario
1227The survivors of the West attack!
RALSE: Impossible!
Soldier: The Western survivors attack!
Ralse: Impossible!
"The survivors of the West attack!"

Woolsey; add "Soldier" speaker label from Slattery
1228 Attack!!Attack! "Attack!" Slattery.
1229 Wait!!Wait! "Wait!!" (W)
1230& Maria<Musical note> Maria! ♬ Maria! ♬ Slattery.
1231& Draco,
I've waited so long.
I knew you'd come. &
<Musical note> Oh, Draco! I knew you would Come for me, my love! <Musical note> ♬ Oh, Draco,
I knew you would
come for me, my love! ♬
Slattery, adjusted capitalization.
1232& Maria will finally
have to become my queen! &
<Musical note> Insolent rogue! Knave of the Western horde! <Musical note> You would address my queen to be, Maria? <Musical note> ♬ Insolent rogue!
Unworthy saboteur!
Lady Maria is to be my princess! ♬
Mostly New, follows Slattery's strategy. Slattery's novel "Knave of the Western horde!" toned down to "Unworthy saboteur!"; "You would address my queen to be, Maria" -> more literal "Lady Maria is to be my princess" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Maria is~ the one who shall become~ my one and only princess")
1233& For the rest of my life
I'll keep you near... &
<Musical note> Never shall you have Maria's hand! I would die before that day comes! <Musical note> ♬ Sooner would
I face my own demise
than resign to life without you! ♬
New. Similar to Woolsey & Lina Darkstar, Draco addresses Maria, essentially ignoring Ralse. Meaning based on Lina Darkstar ("I would die here and now rather than live my life without you"), checked against kWhazit. Overall simpler and more literal than Slattery.
1234 It's a duel! & Then it's a duel! <Musical note> ♬ Then it's a duel! ♬ Slattery.
1235Locke: Impresario, what's up above the stage?Locke: Impresario, what's up above the stage?~~~
"Impresario, what's up above the stage?"
(unused) Slattery.
1236IMPRESARIO: But how might he disrupt the opera?
...With that?!
Impresario: But how is he planning to disrupt the opera? ...With that!?Impresario
"But how is he planning to disrupt the opera?"

"…With that!?"
1237Locke: That has to be a joke!Locke: With that!~~~
"With that!"
1238ULTROS: Mwa ha ha!
Let's see if Maria can shrug THIS off!
Ultros: Mwa-ha-ha! Let's see if Maria can shrug this off!Ultros
"Mwa, ha, ha!
Let's see if Maria can shrug THIS off!"
Woolsey, repunctuated for presentation.
1239Locke: We haven't a second to lose!
IMPRESARIO: Talk to the man in the room to the far right!
He'll help you get up there!
Locke: It's as good as done!
Locke: We haven't a second to lose!
Impresario: Talk to the stagehand in the room up on the right! He'll help you get up there!
Locke: Leave it to us!
"We haven't a second to lose!"

"Talk to the stagehand in the room to the far right!
He'll help you get up there!"

"Leave it to {me/us}!"
Page 1: (W & S) // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 3: Slattery; Adaptive Dialog for 1-person party.
1240ULTROS: N'ghaaa!
This is heavier than I thought! It'll take me 5 minutes to drop it!
Ultros: N'ghaaa! This is heavier than I thought! It's gonna take me 5 minutes to push this thing off!Ultros
This is heavier than I thought!
It'll take me five minutes to drop it!"
Woolsey; "5" -> "five"
1241ULTROS: N'ghooo!
And it only weighs 4 tons...!
Ultros: N'ghaaa! This one's four tons, too!?Ultros
This one's four tons, too…!"
First sentence Woolsey; second sentence Slattery w/ Woolsey's punctuation, checked against kWhazit
1242ULTROS: Phew! Rats!Ultros: Huh...? Oh, rats!Ultros
"Phew! Rats!"
1243IMPRESARIO: Disaster!
If the two heroes are flattened, the opera's over! Then who'll win the girl?!
Impresario: Oh no, this'll never do! With those two flattened, there's no one to win the girl! How can the story possibly continue!?Impresario
"Oh no, this will never do! With those two flattened, the story's over!
Who can possibly win the girl now?"
Slattery's style superimposed on Woolsey's structure.
1244Locke: Neither Draco nor Ralse will save Celes!Locke: Neither Draco nor Ralse will win Celes's hand!Locke
"Neither Draco nor Ralse will take Celes as his wife! No!"
Spooniest (likely sourced from Slattery); "have Celes for his wife" -> "take Celes as his wife (kWhazit / similar to Slattery #1245)". Spooniest hams up the line even further by adding a novel delayed "No!" at the end of the line. Too good to pass up.
1245Locke: I, Locke, the world's premier adventurer, will save her!Locke: It is I, Locke, the world's premier adventurer, who shall take her as my wife!Locke
"It is I, Locke,
the world's premier adventurer,
who shall win her hand instead!"
Slattery; "take her as my wife" -> "win her hand instead" w/r/t "win Celes's hand (Slattery #1244)". This edit of #1244 & #1245 places the literal ("wife") before the figure of speech ("win her hand"), considered a more natural progression, at the expense of Slattery's a direct parallel wording between the Impresario's outcry in #1243 and Locke's immediate response in #1244.
1246IMPRESARIO: Aya...
What awful acting!
Impresario: Oh, dear... What dreadful acting!Impresario
What dreadful acting!"
Slattery; "Oh, dear..." -> "Oof...!"
1247ULTROS: Silence! You are in the presence of octopus royalty! A lowborn thug like you could never defeat me!Ultros: Silence, knave! You stand in the presence of octopus royalty! A lowborn thief like you could never defeat me! I challenge you to a duel!Ultros
"Silence, knave! You stand in the presence of octopus royalty!"

"A lowborn thug like you could never defeat me.
I challenge you to a duel!"
Slattery; lighly repunctuated for tone/range.
1248IMPRESARIO: Hmm...
Might as well make the most of this. MUSIC!!
Impresario: Hmm... Might as well make the most of this. MUSIC!Impresario
Might as well make the most of this.
(W & S)
1249Just a darn minute! Hold it right there! "Hold it right there!"Slattery.
1250What a performance!!My compliments on a most impressive performance! "It was a fantastic show!"Lina Darkstar.
1251IMPRESARIO: Setzer!
Setzer: I'm a man of my word, music man!
Impresario: Setzer!
Setzer: I'm a man of my word, Impresario. I'm taking Maria!

"I'm a man of my word, Impresario.
I'm taking Maria!"
1252Celes: That's HIM...?!Celes: Whaaa--Celes
kWhazit, lightly reformated in part w/r/t Woolsey for expression.
1253IMPRESARIO: What a reversal!
Thinking she's Locke's new queen, Maria is instead nabbed by Setzer!
What fate lies in store for her? Stay tuned for Part 2!
Impresario: Unforeseen twists at every turn! Just as we think Maria is to become Locke's new bride, she's dragged off by Setzer instead! What fate lies in store for her now? Be sure to come back and see Part Two!Impresario
"What a twist! Just as we think Maria is to become Locke's bride,
she's nabbed by Setzer instead!"

"What fate lies in store for her now?
Be sure to come back and see
Part Two!!"
Page 1: First sentence Woolsey, "reversal" -> "twist (kWhazit/Slattery)"; Second sentence Slattery merged with Woolsey; omits novel "new" in "new bride" / "new queen". // Page 2: Slattery.
1254IMPRESARIO: Sorry,
but yesterday's performance was awful! I'll give you just 3 more chances!
Impresario: Yesterday was a royal mess, but we managed to keep the stage. The show's still on for the next three days.Impresario
"Yesterday was a royal mess, but we managed to keep the stage."

"The show's still on for the next three days."
1255IMPRESARIO: You have 2 more chances.Impresario: We still have two shows left.Impresario
"We still have two shows left."
1256IMPRESARIO: You have 1 more chance.Impresario: Today's the last chance for both of us.Impresario
"Today's our last chance…"
New; based on Slattery but reducing what appears to be a novel elaboration "for the both of us". Woolsey gives a very dry "You have 1 more chance", likely close to the original in complexity.
1257IMPRESARIO: We're all in this together!Impresario: Let's make this happen!Impresario
"We're all in this together!"
Woolsey. Agrees well with kWhazit ("Let's all do our best together.")
1258You don't have enough acting ability to convince your own mama! It looks like you weren't exactly born to be on stage...
Undone by an utter lack
of stage talent…
New. A more literal take would be "The party lacked any talent for theater... [kWhazit]". Woolsey & Slattery both use the second person here, are pretty inventive, and differ widely. This rendering is more impersonal, a little more literal w/r/t kWhazit, but adds flavor text with the words "undone" and "utter lack"
1259STAGE MASTER: Off limits!
Please turn around.
Stagehand: I can't let you up here. It's too dangerous.Stagehand
"I can't let you up here.
It's too dangerous."
1260STAGE MASTER: The Impresario asked me to have you press the far right switch.Stagehand: The impresario sent you? You need to get up to the catwalks? Lower the switch on the far right. But don't touch any of the others!Stagehand
"Impresario's orders, eh?
Lower the switch on the far right.
But don't touch any of the others!"
First sentence kWhazit, lightly reworded for tone; Second & third sentence Slattery. Slattery's novel "You need to get up to the catwalks?" is omitted.
1261STAGE MASTER: Don't press the wrong switch, or...Stagehand: Don't touch the wrong switch, or you'll be in for a surprise!Stagehand
"Don't press the wrong switch,
or you'll be in for it!"
Slattery; novel sentence completion "in for a surprise" -> "in for it" for simplicity/believability
1262STAGE MASTER: Enter the room to the far left of the stage, then make for the framework above the stage.Stagehand: The door to the room on the left-hand side of the stage should be open now. You can get up to the catwalks from there.Stagehand
"The room on the left side of the stage should be open now. You can get up to the catwalks from there."
Slattery; first sentence edited for brevity.
1263ULTROS: N'ghaa, ha, ha!
Ultros: Gwaaah-ha-ha! Bombs away!Ultros
"N'ghaa, ha, ha!
Bombs away!!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1264Setzer: I'll deal with you in a minute!Setzer: Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of attention later.Setzer
"Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of attention later."
1265Locke: What a performance!
Celes: Enough already!
Locke: What a performance! You're a great fake actress, Celes.
Celes: Enough!
"What a performance!
Celes, you acted the actress splendidly."

"Ha, ha…
Very funny."
Page 1: First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence expands the line w/ Lina Darkstar's more accurate rendering ("You acted the actress splendidly"), and opens the sentence with a novel address to "Celes" based on Slattery's novel inclusion of Celes's name. // Page 2: New, informed by Lina Darkstar ("Oh, don't make fun of me" -- Celes having transistioned to a more feminine demeanor, see note for #1201) and kWhazit ("Don't mock me"). Light sarcasm used as a more believeable alternative to forthright renderings, which likely come across colder than intended.
1266Locke: But this is the tough one! Part 2 begins now!Locke: But the real show starts now. It's time for Act Two!Locke
"But the real show starts now.
It's time for Act Two!"
1267Locke: ...
Where's Setzer?
Locke: Where's Setzer?Locke
"Where's Setzer?"
1268Celes: He's coming.Celes: He should be right back.Celes
"He should be right back."
1269Setzer: W...who're YOU?
You're not Maria!
Setzer: Wh-what are you doing in here? Y-you're not Maria, are you!?Setzer
"Wh-who the hell are {YOU/you guys}!?
Y-you're not Maria, are you!?"
First sentence Lina Darkstar merged w/ Mato (#07 @ 2:38:22 "Who are you guys?"), Adaptive Dialog replaces "you guys" with singular "YOU" if Celes is only accompanied by Locke; Second sentence Slattery.
1270Celes: Setzer, we need your help. We have to go to Vector. We need this ship to get there.Celes: Setzer, we need your help. We need to get to Vector. Your ship is the only--Celes
"We need your help, Setzer.
We're trying to get to Vector,
and your ship is the only--"
Darkmage (light rearrangement of Slattery) merged with Slattery. As with Darkmage, the original second and third sentences are joined. This helps prevent Celes's tone from feeling too rigid (see note for #1201) and may also enhance the impact of Setzer's interruption in the following caption.
1271Setzer: Look, if you're not Maria, I don't want you aboard.Setzer: If you're not Maria, then we have nothing to talk about.Setzer
"Look, if you're not Maria, then we have nothing to discuss."
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; "to talk about [Slattery]" -> "to discuss".
1272Celes: Wait!
We were told your ship is the finest vessel in the world.
Celes: Wait! We heard that your ship is the finest vessel in the world.Celes
We were told your ship is the finest vessel in the world…"
Woolsey, repunctuated for coherence & tone: Woolsey & Slattery leave out the beginning of the sentence "We're here because (kWhazit/Lina Darkstar)", as does this edit for the sake of brevity; however, without that opening, the sentence falls flat and doesn't really lead anywhere. To mitigate this, the sentence now ends with an elipsis instead of a period.
1273Locke: And that you were the world's most notorious gambler...Locke: And that you were the world's greatest gambler...Locke
"…And that you were the world's greatest gambler…"
Slattery; elipsis added to the beginning to match the ending elipsis added to the previous caption. NOTE: At first, "you were" seems to improperly break parallelism of verb tense with the previous caption "your ship is". But on second thought, it may be appropriate here functioning as a subjunctive mood, gradually intensifying the rhetoric, not necessarily indicating past tense. It sounds too good to be too erroneous.
1274Edgar: I'm the King of Figaro. If you cooperate, you'll be well rewarded...Edgar: I'm the king of Figaro. If you help us, you'll be well rewarded...Edgar
"I'm the king of Figaro.
If you cooperate, you'll be well rewarded…"
Slattery (Woolsey, "King" -> "king").
1275Sabin: My brother's the King of Figaro. Cooperate, and you'll be well rewarded!Sabin: My brother's the king of Figaro. If you help us, I can ask him to reward you.Sabin
"My brother's the king of Figaro.
Cooperate with us, and I'll get him to reward you…"
First sentence Slattery (Woolsey, "King" -> "king"); Second sentence a compromise b/t Woolsey & Slattery. Woolsey treats Setzer's reward as a guarantee as in #1274; while novel, it is considered better than the rather unpersusasive original "I'll try asking him to offer a reward [kWhazit]" / "I can ask him to reward you [Slattery]".
1276Cyan: I'm one of Doma's Knights. Please, help us.Cyan: I am a warrior of Doma. Please, I humbly beg for thy aid!Cyan
"I am a warrior of Doma.
I {also implore thee./{also implore thee./implore thee to receive us.}}"
kWhazit; Adaptive Dialog lightly expands the line if neither Edgar nor Sabin are available to speak before Cyan.
1277Setzer: Come here.Setzer: Come with me.Setzer
"Come with me."
1278Celes: Yeah...
Setzer: Don't misunderstand me. I'm still not sure if I'm going to help you.
Celes: Then you'll...?
Setzer: Don't misunderstand me. I still haven't said I'll help you.
"Then you'll…?"

"Don't misunderstand me.
I still haven't said I'll help you."
1279Setzer: Phew...
The Empire's made me a rich man.
Setzer: Hmmm... Business has been awfully slow lately, thanks to the Empire...Setzer
Business has been awfully slow lately, thanks to the Empire…"
Slattery; "Hmmm..." -> "Phew... [Woolsey]".
1280Celes: Stop thinking of yourself. Many towns and villages have been smashed by the Empire.Celes: You're not the only one suffering. The Empire has been toppling towns and villages left and right...Celes
"You're not the only one suffering.
Towns and villages all over have fallen under the Empire's iron hand."
First sentence Slattery (Note: "suffering" is novel -- more literal renderings seem to be "It's not just you [kWhazit]"/"It's not just you, either [Lina Darkstar]"; Second sentence Darkmage (based on Lina Darkstar), edited for style, incl. "iron fist" -> more standard "iron hand". kWhazit simply has "under the Empire's control" here.
1281Locke: The Empire's also totally rotten! It's using magic to enslave the world.Locke: They're abusing their Magitek power and trying to take over the world.Locke
"The Empire is abusing its Magitek power and trying to take over the world."
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit.
1282Edgar: The Empire and my realm were allies...
until recently.
Edgar: My kingdom was allied with the Empire...until recently.Edgar
"My own kingdom was allied with the Empire…until recently."
Slattery; "My kingdom" -> "My own kingdom".
1283Sabin: The Empire'll end up owning you!Sabin: Maybe you want to be a slave to the Empire, but I sure don't.Sabin
"Maybe YOU want to play by the Empire's rules, but I sure don't."
Slattery; "be a slave to the Empire" -> "play by the Empire's rules" w/r/t kWhazit ("doing as the Empire says") & Lina Darkstar ("gonna be their yes-men"); "slave" considered too extreme and so less persuasive than it should be w/r/t FF6j.
1284Cyan: ...I lost my friends...
and my family.
Cyan: I lost my friends, my family...Cyan
"I lost my friends,
my family…"
1285Setzer: The Empire ...evil...?Setzer: ...Hmm.Setzer
"So the Empire…
Darkmage (similar to Slattery), lightly edited for style; "hmm" -> "hm" w/r/t kWhazit/Lina Darkstar "huh".
1286Celes: We all hate the Empire for the same reasons. That's why...
Setzer: You're even more stunning than Maria.
Celes: ????
Celes: We're at least together in hating the Empire, right? So, please...
Setzer: You know, I think you may be even cuter than Maria.
Celes: Huh?
"We're at least together in hating the Empire, right?
So please…"

"You know… I think you may be even more stunning than Maria."

Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; "cuter" -> "more Stunning [Woolsey]". // Page 3: Slattery.
1287Setzer: Enough!
If you...
If Celes becomes my wife, I'll help. Otherwise...
Setzer: All right! If you... If Celes becomes my wife, I'll help you. Otherwise...Setzer
"All right, I've decided!"



"Right. Celes, you're going to be my woman. And I'll help you out, on that condition."
Page 1: Lina Darkstar, "Alright" -> "All right" (same as Slattery combined with kWhazit). // Page 2 - 4: Lina Darkstar merged w/ kWhazit; Pages 2 & 3 extend the humorous moment where Setzer hesitates on Celes's name: It is now Celes who tells Setzer her name, rather than Setzer coming up with it himself. This resolves what seems to be an outright continuity error: Celes's name is not mentioned at any time before this moment, so Setzer most likely would not know who she is. One might argue that Celes is (in)famous enough for Setzer to recognize her upfront, but this is considered a stretch for a couple of reasons: 1) He would have to know what Celes looks like in order to positively identify her -- far from a given in the world of FF6; 2) He would have to be exceptionally well informed about Celes recently defecting from the Empire, etc. in order to be expecting her; this is at odds with the rest of the conversation which suggests Setzer has been relatively detatched from the Empire-Returner struggle.
1288Locke: WHAT!
Are you stupid!?
Locke: WHAT!? Are you crazy!?Locke
Are you crazy!?"
1289Celes: We haven't any choice.Celes: ...Fine.Celes
kWhazit (similar to Slattery).
1290Setzer: Yes! It's settled!Setzer: Great! It's settled!Setzer
"Great! It's settled!"
1291Celes: But I have conditions...Celes: But I have some conditions...Celes
"But I have conditions of my own…"
Woolsey; added "of my own" to improve flow w/ #1287.
1292We'll decide with a coin toss.
If it's heads, you'll help us. If it's tails, I'll go with you.
Well, Mr. Gambler...?
We flip this coin. If it's heads, you help us. If it's tails, I'm yours. Well, Mr. Gambler?Celes
"We flip this coin. If it's heads,
you help us. Tails… I'm all yours.
Well, Mister Gambler…?"
Slattery; "If it's tails, I'm yours" -> "Tails... I'm all yours."; "Mr." -> "Mister".
1293Setzer: Oho! Fine!
I accept!
Setzer: Ha! I like it! I accept.Setzer
"Oho! That's more like it!
I accept."
Woolsey; "Fine!" -> "That's more like it!" in part w/r/t Slattery ("I like it!").
1294Locke: Listen to yourself! can't become his wife! You just can't!
Locke: Celes... Are you serious...? If you marry that guy...Locke
"Are you sure about this?
If you end up going with that guy…"
Darkmage (similar to kWhazit w/ Slattery's "marry"), lighly repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit; "marry that guy" -> "end up going with that guy", similar to Lina Darkstar ("have to be with a guy like him"), since the reference to marriage / becoming Setzer's wife seems to be a Woolsey & Slattery novelty -- Lina Darkstar & kWhazit have it as Celes becoming Setzer's "girl" & "woman", respectively.
1295Cyan: That man uses people...Cyan: There is no telling what manner of dishonorable things he might do to thee...Cyan
"There's no telling what manner of things might be in store for thee…"
Darkmage (likely based on kWhazit); "Thou knowest not" -> "There's no telling" w/r/t Slattery ("There is no telling");
1296Celes: Ready?Celes: Ready?Celes
"Shall we?"
Lina Darkstar. NOTE: Woolsey, Slattery, and kWhazit all have "Ready?".
1297Celes: I win!
Now, honor your part of the bargain!
Celes: Heads... I win. Now it's time for you to hold up your end of the bargain.Celes
"Heads. I win.
Now, you'll honor your word and help us."
First two sentences Slattery, repunctuated for style (Note: Slattery's "Heads" is novel); Last sentence wording of Darkmage ("honor your word", similar to Woolsey "honor your part of the bargain") and Lina Darkstar ("help us") superimposed on kWhazit's structure. Holding up one's end of "the bargain (Woolsey/Slattery)" typically implies reciprocity, but Celes has not given up anything here.
1298Setzer: How...unusual!
A coin with identical sides...!
Setzer: ...A valuable trinket indeed. I've never seen a double- headed coin before.Setzer
"…A precious trinket indeed.
Can't say I've ever seen a double-headed coin before…"
Slattery; "valuable" -> "precious [kWhazit]"; "I've never" -> "Can't say I've ever"
1299Celes: I think you've been hustled, Mr. Gambler.Celes: I'm afraid you've been hustled, Mr. Gambler. But that's part of the game, now, isn't it?Celes
"I'm afraid you've been hustled,
Mister Gambler. But that's part of the game, now, isn't it?"
Slattery; "Mr." -> "Mister".
1300Setzer: Ha!
How low can you get?!
I love it!
All right, I'll help you.
Nothing to lose but my life...
Setzer: Ha! How low can you stoop? ...I love it! All right, I'll help you. Gambling against the Empire, with nothing to lose but my life... I haven't felt so excited in years!Setzer
"Ha! How low can you stoop?
I love it!
Hell, now I like you even more!"

"All right, I'll lend you a hand."

"Gambling against the Empire,
with nothing to lose but my life…
I haven't felt so excited in years!"
Page 1: First 3 sentences Slattery; Fourth sentence DarkMage (Lina Darkstar, "I like you" -> "now I like you") // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 3: Slattery.
1301My life is a chip in your pile! Ante up!My life's a chip in your pile! Ante up!Setzer
"My life's a chip in your pile!
Ante up!"
1302G'ho! Customers!
Need any refreshment?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Oh, it's nice having guests on board again! Need a little refreshment?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
G'ho! Sure is nice having guests here again! Need a little refreshment?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Slattery's content superimposed on Woolsey's tone/style
It's locked...
Can't open or shut during flight
"Do not open door during flight."
Door is locked during flight.
DarkMage (likely a rephrasing of Woolsey w/ "door" w/r/t Slattery).
1305Sabin: That coin...!?
BIG BROTHER!!! Don't tell me...!
Sabin: That coin...!? Edgar! Don't tell me...!Sabin
"That coin…!?
BIG BROTHER! Don't tell me…!"
Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit
1306Locke: This unwieldy-looking ship really moves! Could it crash?Locke: I can't believe this clunky old thing can fly... You sure it'll stay in the air?Locke
"I can't believe this clunky old thing can fly…
You sure it won't fall?"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit. "won't fall (kWhazit)" better works with Setzer's reponse in #1307.
1307Setzer: When things fall, they fall! It's all a matter of fate...Setzer: When things fall, they fall... Life's a game of chance. You play your cards, and Fate plays hers...Setzer
"When things fall, they fall…
Life's a game of chance. You play your cards, and Fate plays hers…"
1308Locke: This ship's going to stick out like a sore thumb. Better land some distance away.
Setzer: Right.
I'll wait on board in case of an emergency.
Locke: They'll spot us in the air from miles away if we try to fly this thing into the Empire. We'd better land a safe distance away.
Setzer: That sounds like a good idea. I'll stay on board and keep the ship ready to take off at a moment's notice.
"We'll stick out like a sore thumb flying a ship this big toward the capital."

"Better land a safe distance away."

"Good idea. I'll stay on board and keep the ship ready to take off at a moment's notice."
Page 1: Woolsey's figure of speech, included explicit mention of the airship's size (kWhazit, Lina Darkstar); flying through "Imperial skies (Lina Darkstar)"/"Imperial airspace (kWhazit)" replaced with "toward the capital" to help clarify the destination referenced on Page 3 -- implicitly Vector, recalling caption #1270. Here Slattery seems to confuse Vector with the Empire itself. // Page 2: Slattery; "We'd better" -> "Better (Woolsey), since Page 1 already begins with "We'll". // Page 3: Slattery; "That sounds like a good idea" -> "Good idea" for brevity w/r/t Woolsey.
1309Setzer: What's going on?
The Empire's becoming paranoid!
Setzer: What's the matter? Lost your nerve to take on the Empire?Setzer
"What's the matter?
Lost your nerve to take on the Empire?"
1310Setzer: I'll have to repair the air ship. Go scout around and let me know what's happening.Setzer: I need to repair the airship. Please, hurry and check out the situation in the Empire!Setzer
"I need to repair the airship.
Please, hurry and check on the situation in the Empire!"
Slattery; "check out" -> "check on" for style.
1311Setzer: Repairs aren't finished yet. You'd better take the boat from Albrook.Setzer: The repairs will take some time. You're going to have to take a boat from Albrook.Setzer
"Repairs won't be finished for some time. You're going to have to take the boat from Albrook."
Elements of Slattery & Woolsey.
1312Setzer: By all means!
Take a turn at the wheel!
Setzer: Oh! By all means, take a turn at the wheel!Setzer
By all means, take a turn at the wheel!"
1313Operating instructions:Let me teach you how to fly...Here's how you operate it…kWhazit superimposed on Slattery-like structure
1314Control Pad:
L/R = direction
Up/down = Altitude
Press the A Button to move forward. Press the X Button to go amidships. There you can change your party,
or purchase items.
Press the B Button to land.
Press the A Button to lift off.
Press the A Button to lift off or move forward. Press the B Button to land. Press <Left key> or <Right key> to turn. Press <Up key> or <Down key> to adjust altitude. Press Start to go amidships. There, you can change party members and purchase items.On the control pad, use Left and Right to alter course. Use Up and Down to adjust altitude.

"Press the {A/B} button to lift off or move forward.
Press the {B/A} button to land."

"Press the X button if you want to go amidships. There, you can change party members and purchase items."
Page 1: Based on Woolsey w/ Spooniest "Alter course", converted to prose w/r/t Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; adaptive dialog for custom confirm/cancel button setting. // Page 3: Slattery, lightly edited for style.
1315All right?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Setzer: Got it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Got it?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
W & S, adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan & Gau
1316Shall I teach you a technique, too?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Setzer: Would you like me to teach you some special techniques as well?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Shall I teach you a few special techniques as well?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
W & S, adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan & Gau
1317Press the Start Button to view the world map.
Hold the Y Button down and use the Control Pad to move in all directions.
Use the L and R Buttons with the Control Pad for high speed turns.
Setzer: Press Select to view the world map. Hold the L Button and <Left key> or the R Button and <Right key> to make sharp, high-speed turns. Hold down both the L and R Buttons and use the <Control pad>Control Pad to move without turning. This is especially helpful when trying to land.Press the Start button to toggle the world map.

"Hold the Y button down and use the control pad to move without turning.
This is especially helpful when trying to land."

"Use the L and R buttons along with the control pad to make high-speed banking turns."
Page 1: Woolsey; "view" -> "toggle". // Page 2: Slatter, adapted for SNES controller. // Page 3: Woolsey, lightly edited for clarity
1318<Choice> (Find the Floating Continent)
<Choice> (Lift-off)
<Choice> (Not just yet)
<Choice> (Head to the Floating Continent.)
<Choice> (Take the wheel.)
<Choice> (Never mind.)
<Choice> (Head to the Floating Continent.)
<Choice> (Take the wheel.)
<Choice> (Do nothing.)
Slattery; "Never mind" -> "Do nothing" for option consistency - thoughts vs. actions
1319Change party members?
<Choice> No
<Choice> Yes
Change party members?
<Choice> No
<Choice> Yes
Change party members?
<Choice> No
<Choice> Yes
(W & S)
Only 3 members, please.
You may only have 3 party members.
You may only have
three party members.
Slattery, reformatted
<Choice>(Not just yet)
<Choice> (Take the wheel.)
<Choice> (Never mind.)
<Choice> (Take the wheel.)
<Choice> (Do nothing.)
Slattery; "Never mind" -> "Do nothing" for option consistency - thoughts vs. actions
1322Locke: Let's not overstay our visit. We're outta here on the double!Locke: We'd better not overstay our welcome... Let's get outta here fast!Locke
"We'd better not overstay our welcome.
Let's get outta here, fast!"
Slattery, lightly repunctuated.
1323Setzer: Right.
Speaking of which...
Maybe we should be leaving.
Setzer: That probably would've been a good idea... ...But it seems we're a bit too late. Here they come!Setzer
"Good idea.
…But I'm afraid it's too late for that.
Here they come!"
Slattery's wording superimposed on Woolsey's structure.
1324Cyan: Whoa!
What IS that?!
Cyan: Gah! What are those mechanical monstrosities!?Cyan
What are those!?"
Slattery, "Gah" -> "Gaah" w/r/t kWhazit "Graaaaah!!", removed Slattery novelty "mechanical monstrosities"
1325Edgar: Something horrible's coming!!Edgar: I don't like the looks of those things!Edgar
"Something monstrous is headed for us!!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit; "horrible's (Woolsey)" -> "monstrous" borrowed from "mechnical monstrosities" removed from Slattery #1324. Literal gives a plural like the other character variants of this line; Woolsey is singular.
1326Sabin: Uwaaoo!
What in the...?
Sabin: Whoa! What're those!?Sabin
What the heck are those!?"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit
1327Gau: Gau!
Gau go!!
Gau: Uwao! Waou!!!Gau
1328Ugly brute...
Better make tracks!
Haven't seen you around here before... Why don't you go climb back down whatever hole you crawled out of?Haven't seen you around here before…
Why don't you go climb back down whatever hole you crawled out of?
1329Pledge your allegiance to the Empire?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Are you loyal to the Empire?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Are you loyal to the Empire?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Slattery; adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan & Gau
1332Magitek Research Facility.
No Entry!
The Magitek Research Facility is just beyond here. Entry beyond this point is forbidden.Ahead is the Magitek Research Facility.
No trespassing!
kWhazit; "Sorcery Research Laboratory" -> "Magitek Research Laboratory (W & S)"
1333Cid, the director of Magitek research, is a genius! He gave my child the gift of cure magic!Cid, the director of Magitek research, is a genius! He gave my son the gift of Cure magic!Cid, the director of Magitek research, is a genius!
He gave my son the gift of healing magic!
Slattery; "Cure" -> "healing" -- "Cure" is a little awkward, & redundant given that the child also refers to the spell by name.
1334Hey, YOU! ... ...
You're Returners!!
You......... You're Returners!Hey, YOU!

You're Returners!!
Woolsey, reformatted. Makes a little less sense than Slattery but is more entertaining.
1335Peaceful times are here...Peace has come at last...Peace has come at last…Slattery.
Slattery, reformatted.
1337General Leo's a good man.
Compared to him, Kefka's a...
Oh! What am I saying?!
General Leo's a good man. Compared to him, Kefka's a... Uh-oh! Please, forget I said that!General Leo's a good man.
Compared to him, Kefka's a…
Oop! Forget I said that.
DarkMage (Slattery w/ more casual-sounding ending).
They're all controlled by the Empire. It's all because of the Returners...
Albrook, Maranda, and Tzen are all controlled by the Empire now. It's for their own good, really.Tzen, Maranda, and Albrook are all controlled by the Empire now.
It's for their own good, really…
Slattery, repunctuated for tone.
1339You're Returners?You're Returners, aren't you?You're Returners, aren't you?Slattery.
1340Not a problem by me. Shall I tell you something neat?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Hey, that's cool, I don't judge! Wanna hear something juicy?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Not a problem by me.
Wanna hear something juicy?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
First sentence Woolsey, second sentence Slattery; Adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan & Gau
1341All the soldiers in the Magitek Research Facility can use magic! That Prof. Cid is truly a genius!All the soldiers at the Magitek Research Facility can use magic now. All thanks to that genius, Cid, apparently...All the soldiers at the Magitek Research Facility can use magic now.
Seems Doctor Cid is quite the innovator over there…
First sentense Slattery; second sentence Lina Darkstar, reworded for style, "genius" -> "innovator" due to redundancy w/ #1333.
1342Here's one for you...
That guy Kefka? He was Cid's first experimental Magitek Knight.
But the process wasn't perfected yet. Something in Kefka's mind snapped that day...!
Here's another one for you... That Kefka guy? They say he was Cid's first experimental Magitek knight. The process hadn't been perfected yet. Kefka ended up with extraordinary magic power, but it shattered his mind...Here's another one for you…
That Kefka guy? They say he was one of Cid's first test subjects for becoming a Magitek Knight.

"The process hadn't been perfected yet… so while Kefka did end up with extraordinary sorcerous power, something in his head snapped…"
Page 1: First & second sentence Slattery; Third sentence Darkmage (Slattery, reworded to keep "Magitek Knight" a proper name a la Woolsey), reworded w/r/t kWhazit "one of the sorcerers made by Dr. Cid early on" -- Kefka was one of the first, not necessarily THE first. // Page 2: Slattery, "magic power" -> "sorcerous power" w/r/t kWhazit, superimposed on kWhazit's structure & using "snapped" w/r/t Woolsey
1343General Leo refused a Magitek infusion! He's a warrior's warrior!General Leo's never had a Magitek infusion. He's a warrior's warrior!General Leo's never had a Magitek infusion. He's a warrior's warrior!Slattery.
1344General Celes turned traitor! Why? The other side's sure to lose!I heard General Celes went over to the Returners... Why join the side that has no hope of winning?{I heard/Who are you trying to be?
Some kind of} General Celes{/?

"Speaking of, I heard she} went over to the Returners.
Can't imagine why, though…
They're just fighting a losing battle."
First sentence Slattery; Second & third sentences New with elements of kWhazit & Woolsey. (Woolsey & Slattery both include questions, kWhazit does not.); Adaptive dialog for M.C. Celes.
1345Your friends...
They're in the cafe.
Your friends are in the pub.Your friends are in the pub.Slattery.
1346BANON: What ARE you talking about...?!
Talking with...Espers...?
Banon: What happened here...? ...! Did the espers do this!? No, they couldn't have...!Banon
"What happened here…?"

Did the Espers do this…?
No, they couldn't have…!"
1347ARVIS: It was like this when we got here.Arvis: It was like this when we got here.Arvis
"It was like this when we got here."
(W & s)
1348RETURNER: What on earth...Returner: What in the world happened...?Returner
"What the hell…?"
Rodimus Primal.
1349BANON: Could Gestahl have meant such a thing? Team up with the Empire to track down an Esper... Hmm...Banon: So, that's what Gestahl said... Team up with the Empire to look for the espers... Hmm...Banon
"So, that's what Gestahl said…
Team up with the Empire to look for the Espers… Hmm…"
Slattery, lightly reworded for style.
1350ARVIS: Makes sense.
Can't just forget about Espers...
Arvis: It does make sense... We can't just leave the espers alone.Arvis
"It does make sense…
We can't just ignore the Espers…"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit
1351RETURNER: The war...
It's over...right?
Returner: The war... It's really over...Returner
"The war…
It's really over…"
1352NARSHE GUARD: We didn't have to do a thing!
The Empire's troops just ran away in terror!
Narshe Guard: We didn't have to do a thing. It looks like the Empire destroyed itself for us.Narshe Guard
"We didn't have to do a thing.
It looks like the Empire destroyed itself for us."
1353NARSHE GUARD: What's going on?Narshe Guard: What's going on...?Narshe Guard
"What's going on…?"
1354Is it true they extract magic from monsters inside the facility?Wonder if those rumors about them extracting magic from monsters at the research facility are true?You think those rumors are true,
that they're sucking magic out of monsters at the research facility?
Slattery; reworded for more colloquial style.
I'm a Returner sympathizer!
I've heard of you!
Shhh! I'm a Returner. I've heard all about you.Shhh!
I'm a Returner sympathizer.
I've heard all about you.
Slattery; "Returner" -> "Returner sympathizer (Woolsey/kWhazit)"
1356While I distract the soldiers, climb onto the steel tower from this box, and enter the facility!I'll distract the soldiers. Use this box to climb up onto those steel beams and sneak into the research facility.I'll distract the troopers.
While they're busy, climb onto the steel framework from this crate and sneak into the research facility.
Based on Slattery, incorporating wording from DarkMage ("beams" -> "framework", "box" -> "crate", "soldiers" -> "troopers")
1357All ready?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Are you ready?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Are you ready?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Slattery; Adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan & Gau
1358Who goes there?!
This is off-limits!
Who goes there? This area's off-limits!Trooper
"Who goes there?
This area's off-limits!"
1359MAN: I...I'm gonna be sick!
SOLDIER: Get outta here!
Man: Ohhh...! Musta...hadda...few too many...Man
I musta had a…few too many…"

"Hey! Get outta here!"
Page 1: Slattery, lightly edited/repunctuated for style. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit; "Soldier" -> "Trooper"
1360MAN: Urghh...
Gonna toss it all...
Man: Urghhh... Gonna toss it all...
Soldier: Oh, geez...
Gonna toss it all…"

"Give me a break…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: kWhazit, "Gimme" -> "Give me"
I'm sure you can do it!
Hmm... You just might be able to do it...Hmm…
You just might be able to do it…!
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
1363Young people...
Hang in there!
Young folks... Please, don't give up!Young {{one/people}/at heart}…
Don't give up!
First sentence Woolsey, second sentence Slattery; Adaptive dialog for party size & M.C. Strago
1364Danger...danger...That was close...Careful, careful…New. Keeps the repetition structure from FF6j & Woolsey for an eerie mood
1365SOLDIER: Returner scum!Soldier: Filthy Returner scum!Trooper
"Returner scum!"
Woolsey; "SOLDIER" -> "Trooper"
1366Guess I'll stay here and volunteer to be a soldier...I think I'm going to stay here and apply to become a soldier...Guess I'll stay here and apply to become a soldier…Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1367In the army that destroyed our village??? What about your promise to begin anew in Maranda?In the same army that destroyed our village? What about your promise to start over in Maranda?In the same army that burned our village? What about your promise to start over in Maranda?Slattery; "destroyed" -> "burned"
1368It's on the house.
Have a snooze!
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Stay the night! It's on the house!
<Choice> Okay.
<Choice> No thanks.
It's on the house. Stay the night!
<Choice> {Okay./Agreed./Uwao!}
<Choice> {No thanks./Nay./Don't want to.}
First sentence Woolsey, second sentence Slattery; Adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan & Gau
13691000 GP stolen! 1000 gil was stolen!
1000 gil stolen!
Woolsey; "GP" -> "gil"
1370Nee, hee, hee, hee, hee!Nee-hee-hee-hee-hee!Nee, hee, hee, hee, hee! (W)
1371KEFKA: I'm all-powerful!
Hee, hee, haw!
I'm collecting Espers!
I'm extracting magic!
And... ... ...
I'll restore the...Statues!
Kefka: I'm a god! I'm all-powerful! Uwee-hee-hee... I'll collect more espers... I'll extract their magic... And then......... I'll revive the Warring Triad!Kefka
"I'm a god! All-powerful! Uwee-hee!
I'll collect more Espers…
I'll extract their powers…"

"And then…
I'll… …
revive the Warring Triad!!"
Slattery, "magic" -> "powers" w/r/t kWhazit " lightly edited for rhythm & partly repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit "power of sorcery". This script frequently omits the word "sorcery" from "power of sorcery" if the power is explicitly mentioned as coming from an Esper.
1372KEFKA: You've been completely drained of your powers!
Now you're useless to me!
Kefka: I've already drained all your powers! You're useless to me now!Kefka
"Looks like you've already been sucked dry…
You're useless now!"
kWhazit; "drained dry" -> "sucked dry (Spooniest)", reworded for style, omitted explicit reference to "powers" due to redundancy w/ #1371.
1373KEFKA: And you! Take a hike!Kefka: You too! Take a hike!Kefka
"And you!
Take a hike!"
1374IFRIT: Hmmm...
SHIVA: Well, Ramuh DID entrust them with his power.
Ifrit: Hmmm...
Shiva: I can see why Ramuh entrusted you with his power...

"I can see why Ramuh entrusted them with his power…"
Page 1: kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery; "you" -> "them" w/r/t kWhazit & Woolsey
1375IFRIT: Gestahl has grabbed our friends and is trying to drain them of their power.
I, too, suffered my turn in one of the glass tubes...
Ifrit: Gestahl has captured many more of us. They're all here, being drained of their powers. I, too, suffered my turn in one of the capsules...Ifrit
"Gestahl has captured many more of us. They're all here, being drained of their powers."

"I, too, suffered my turn in one of the capsules…"
1376SHIVA: They drained our powers, then threw us away to...
We haven't long to live...
Shiva: When they finish draining us of our powers, they dump us down here to die. We haven't much time left...Shiva
"When they can't draw any more power out of us, they dump us down here to die. We haven't long to live…"
Slattery; introductory clause reworded to emphasize the condition of the Esper w/r/t kWhazit ("Those whose sorcerous powers run out") & Lina Darkstar ("When our power runs out").
1377We will follow Ramuh's lead, and give to you our power...We and Ramuh were siblings, each of us born with a different elemental power. If Ramuh was willing to give you his strength, then we shall do the same...Ifrit
"We and Ramuh were siblings, each of us born with a different elemental power."

"If Ramuh was willing to entrust you with his strength, then we shall do the same…"
1378Our friends are all gone...
We haven't much time left...
No choice but to entrust you with our essences...
Our friends are also... running out of time... I'm sure they will lend you their strength as well...Our friends are also…
running out of time…
I'm sure they will lend you their strength as well…
Received the Magicite
Obtained Ifrit magicite!
Received the Magicite
Woolsey, reformatted.
Received the Magicite
Obtained Shiva magicite!
Received the Magicite
Woolsey, reformatted.
1381ESPER: You want to help me...
But... I haven't long to live.
Just as Ifrit did before me,
I'll give to you my power...
Espers: You wish to help us... But...we haven't long to live. We will follow Ifrit's example... Our power we entrust to you...Esper
"You wish to help us…
But…we haven't long to live."

"Following Ifrit's example,
we shall entrust you with our power in death…"
Page 1: Slattery; speaker label "Espers" -> "Esper". // Page 2: Wording of Slattery ("Ifrit's example"), Woolsey ("entrust you"), and Lina Darkstar ("in death") superimposed on kWhazit's structure.
1382CID: What are you doing there?Cid: What are you doing over there?Cid
"What are you doing over there!?"
1383CID: W...what's this!?Cid: Wh-what are those!?Cid
"Wh-what are these!?"
Slattery; "those" -> "these" w/r/t Woolsey "this"
1384CID: So...Esper magical power can only truly be transferred when one of them passes away...Cid: So...when espers die, they can leave behind the essence of their powers... The power contained within these stones is far greater than what we could ever hope to extract... Hundreds of times greater... Interesting...Cid
"So…when Espers die, they're able to leave just the essense of their power behind…"

"The power within these stones is several times greater than what we could ever hope to extract."

"…No, hundreds of times greater…
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Mato. // Page 2 & 3: kWhazit merged w/ Slattery.
Received Magicite!
Obtained magicite!
Obtained Magicite!
1386Celes: Professor Cid.
CID: General Celes!
And who might these dubious characters be? Your troops?
Celes: Professor Cid.
Cid: General Celes! Who are these shady characters? Your underlings?
"Doctor Cid."

"General Celes!
And who might th{is shady fellow be? An underling/ese shady fellows be? Underlings} of yours?"
Page 1: kWhazit, reformatted. // Page 2: Slattery's wording superimposed on Woolsey's structure.
1387Celes: No...
You see, ...
CID: Can it be true that you came here as a spy, seeking to cause an uprising?!
Celes: No... You see, I...
Cid: Is it true you worked your way in amongst those rebels as a spy?
You see, I--"

"Is it true you worked your way in amongst those rebels as a spy?"
Page 1: Slattery; repunctuated cutoff "I..." -> "I--". // Page 2: Slattery.
1388KEFKA: Celes!
W...what are you doing?
Stop it!!!
Kefka: Celes! Wh-what are you doing!? Stop!!!Kefka
Wh-what are you doing?
1389Locke: !?
Locke: ...!? Celes...?Locke
1390KEFKA: So that's it!
Cid, you miserable blockhead! Now...
Kefka: Oh, I see! Magicite...! Excellent work, Cid!Kefka
"Oh, I see! Magicite…!
Cid, you miserable blockhead!
Nicely done! Now…"
First two sentences Slattery; Third sentence Woolsey; Fourth sentence New, appending a more literal version of the third sentence for clarification, based on Slattery "Excellent work" & kWhazit "Now you've done it"; Fifth sentence Woolsey.
1391KEFKA: General Celes!!
The game's over.
Bring me those Magicite shards!
Kefka: General Celes! We needn't keep up the charade any longer. Bring me those magicite crystals!Kefka
"General Celes! We needn't keep up the charade any longer.
Bring me those Magicite crystals!"
1392Locke: Celes!
You...deceived me?!
Celes: Of course not!
Have a little faith!
Locke: Celes! You...tricked us!?
Celes: Of course not! Please, trust me!
You…tricked us!?"

"Of course not!
Trust me!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; "Please trust me" -> "Trust me" w/r/t kWhazit "Believe me" & Woolsey "Have a little faith" -- it's a little too early for Celes to be pleading here.
1393Cyan: See!
I knew she couldn't be trusted!
Cyan: Hmph. I knew she was not to be trusted!Cyan
I knew that woman was not to be trusted!"
Slattery; "she" -> "that woman" w/r/t kWhazit "the woman" for extra impoliteness.
1394KEFKA: G'hee, hee, hee!
She has tricked you all!
Celes, that's so...YOU!
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! The sweet taste of betrayal! Oh, Celes! That's!Kefka
The sweet taste of betrayal!
Oh, Celes, that is so…YOU!"
First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery; Third sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1395Celes: Locke...
Please believe me...
Locke: I... ... ...
Celes: Locke... Believe me...
Locke: I.........
Please believe me…"

"I… … …"
1396KEFKA: NOW!!Kefka: NOW!Kefka
1397KEFKA: Exterminate all of them!Kefka: Kill them all!Kefka
"Kill them all!"
1398Celes: Locke...
Let me protect you for once...
Maybe now...
Now you'll believe me...
Celes: Locke... Let me protect you for once... And maybe... ...maybe then you'll believe me.Celes
It's my turn to protect you for once…"

"So maybe…
Maybe now, you'll believe me…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit "Now it's my turn to protect you..." // Page 2: Merged Slattery, Woolsey, & kWhazit "So...".
1399Locke: Celes...Locke: Celes...Locke
(W & S)
1400CID: Ooh, ooh...
What happened?
Cid: *hack, cough*... What happened?Cid
What happened?"
Slattery, reformatted.
1401CID: This is a disaster!
Your fighting has caused the capsules to rupture! Their contents are spilling out!
Cid: Oh, no! This is bad! That blast reversed the energy flow in the capsules! We need to get out of here!Cid
"Oh, no…
This is bad!"

"That blast reversed the energy flow in the capsules!
We need to get out of here!"
Slattery, lightly repunctuated for tone.
1402CID: Quick! Over here!Cid: Quick! Over here!Cid
"Quick! Over here!"
1403CID: Kefka has used me...
used the Empire.
What have I done...?
Cid: Oh, what have I done...? There's no excuse for it, no matter how much Kefka may have threatened me...Cid
"Oh, what have I done…? There's no excuse for it, no matter how much Kefka may have threatened me…"
1404CID: The life-energy of those Espers...Cid: Draining the life energy from espers just to make people stronger...Cid
"Exchanging the lives of Espers for power…"
New, based on kWhazit ("Genjuu lives into power..."). Slattery expands Woolsey's rendering to restore the missing "into power" part, while retaining Woolsey's apparent mistake of joining "power" with "lives" to get "life-energy".
1405CID: You've helped me come to a decision. I'm going to talk to the Emperor and have this stupid war stopped!Cid: You've helped me come to a decision. I'm going to talk to the emperor and make him realize how foolish this whole war is!Cid
"Meeting you has helped me come to a decision."

"I'm going to talk to the Emperor and make him realize how foolish this whole war is!"
Page 1: Slattery; "You've" -> "Meeting you has" w/r/t kWhazit "since I met you all". // Page 2: Slattery.
1406CID: Celes...
I've known her since she was a baby. I raised her as if she was my own daughter!
But she was forced to become a Magitek Knight, and has done some awful things.
If I could only talk to her...
I'd apologize for the way her life has turned out.
Cid: Celes... I've known her ever since she was a child. I doted on her as if she were my own daughter. But I also forced her to become a Magitek knight... If I ever get to see her again, I want to apologize...for all of my mistakes...Cid
"Celes… I've known her ever since she was little. I doted on her as if she were my own daughter…"

"But I also molded her to become a Magitek Knight, and that was immeasurably cruel.
That's why…"

"If I ever get to see her again,
I want to apologize…
for all of my mistakes…"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit "since she was little"; Second sentence Slattery. / /Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar; "forced (Woolsey & Slattery)" is stronger than literal (kWhazit: "raised her", Lina Darkstar "educated her") -> compromise "molded her". "and that was immeasurably cruel (Lina Darkstar)" analagous to kWhazit "committed the atrocity", and follows the structure of Woolsey's mistranslation "and she has done some awful things". // Page 3: Slattery.
1407CID: No! It's Kefka!Cid: Oh no! It's Kefka!Cid
"Oh no! It's Kefka!"
1408CID: GO!!Cid: Go!Cid
1409Setzer: I was starting to worry...Setzer: You were taking too long... I got worried.Setzer
"You were taking too long…
I got worried."
1410Setzer: ?
What's up with Celes?
Locke: ......
Setzer: ...Where's Celes?
Locke: ...
Where's Celes?"

Slattery merged with Woolsey; reformatted standalone "?" -> "...?"
1411Setzer: Huh?Setzer: ...?Setzer
(Unused) kWhazit.
1412KEFKA: Crud!
What a mess!!
Kefka: Crud! What a mess!Kefka
What a mess!"

"…Fine, if that's how you want it…!!"
Page 1: Slattery (Woolsey, "Crap" -> "Crud" & repunctuated); Page 2: appends a more faithful translation of the second sentence of Page 2; kWhazit ("Fine, then!!") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("If that's the way you want it!!!")
1413Setzer: We'll talk later.
Let's get outta here!
Setzer: We can talk about it later. Let's get out of here!Setzer
"We can talk later.
Let's get out of here!"
Slattery; "talk about it later" -> "talk later (Woolsey)" for brevity.
1414KEFKA: I don't think so...!
You won't get away!
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! You're not getting away from me!Kefka
You're not getting away from me!"
1415Locke: I'm worried about Terra. Let's return to Zozo.Locke: I'm worried about Terra. Let's head back to Zozo.Locke
"I'm worried about Terra.
Let's head back to Zozo."
Slattery & kWhazit.
1416Setzer: Terra?
Who's that?
Locke: I'll explain on the way...
...about Terra...Espers...the Returners...
Setzer: Terra? Who's that?
Locke: I'll explain everything on the way... Terra... The espers... The Returners...
Who's that?"

"I'll explain on the way…
…about Terra… the Returners…
Page 1: (W & S) (same as kWhazit). // Page 2: Woolsey, with list reordered according to kWhazit.
1417Terra: Father...?Terra: Father...?Terra
(W & S)
1418We're all here...Everyone's here...Everyone's here…Slattery.
1419Locke: Terra...Locke: Terra...Locke
(W & S)
1420Locke: Magicite!!Locke: The magicite!Locke
"The Magicite!"
1421Terra: I remember it all...
I was raised in the Esper's world.
"I remember now. I was born in…"
(Unused) Spooniest, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit #1422
1422Terra: I remember it all...
I was raised in the Esper's world.
Terra: I remember now... I was raised in the esper world...Terra
"I remember now.
I was born in the Esper realm…"
DarkMage (Woolsey/Slattery; "raised" -> "born" (Lina Darkstar), "world" -> "realm"), repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. "raised" is the more straight-literal translation, but it doesn't make sense given that Terra exited in infancy. According to Lina Darkstar, it is just as valid to translate as "reared through infancy". This revision uses "Esper realm" instead of "Esper world" to avoid confusion with parallel dimensions and the like, again informed by Lina Darkstar's commentary ('Making a barrier around, say, a peaceful valley in the middle of a mountain range somewhere is totally not the same thing as creating your own world.')
The Esper World...
The esper world...

"The Esper realm…"
Slattery; "world" -> "realm" (see #1422), nearly identical to DarkMage but avoids capitalizing "realm".
1424MADUIN: Listen well, and think clearly!
What will you do?
<Choice>(Return together?)
<Choice>(Leave her here?)
Maduin: Hey... Pull yourself together...! Wait, is this a...?
<Choice> (Return with her.)
<Choice> (Leave her here.)
Pull yourself together!"

"What in the…?"
<Choice> (Return with her.)
<Choice> (Leave her here.)
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey against kWhazit. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit ("What the...?") merged with Lina Darkstar ("What on earth...?"); Options Slattery.
1425She's pretty weak.
Better let her rest for a moment.
She's still quite weak... She'll need to rest for a while.She's still quite weak.
We should let her rest for a while.
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("You should let her rest for a while"); "You" -> "We" for style.
1426ELDER: Did I hear there was a human here?
MADUIN: Probably...
...wandered in here by mistake.
Elder: She's a human?
Maduin: She must have wandered in from the other world by mistake.
"A human, you say?"

"In all likelihood…
She must've wandered in from the other world by mistake."
Page 1: kWhazit. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit (equivalent missing from Slattery); Second sentence Slattery.
1427ELDER: This evening is an ill omen...Elder: There's an ominous air about this evening...Elder
"There's an ominous air about this evening…"
1428You okay, Maduin?Good evening, Maduin!Good evening, Maduin.
Everything all right?
First sentence Slattery repunctuated for subdued Esper tone w/r/t Lina Darkstar commentary & kWhazit. Second sentence New, appended, based on Woolsey.
1429You'd better do away with it. Humans and Espers are incompatible...We ought to kill it right away. Humans and espers are incompatible...We ought to kill it right away.
Humans and Espers cannot coexist…
Slattery; "are incompatible" -> "cannot coexist (kWhazit)".
1430You're the Gate Keeper, Maduin?Is it your turn to watch the gate, Maduin?Is it your turn to watch the gateway, Maduin?Slattery; "gate" -> "gateway". Surely the official terminology is a source of confusion. See Slattery #1100, "we erected a massive gate and forced the humans out", referring to the Sealed Gate. But at the point in the story, there is no Sealed Gate, aka the giant closed "door (Woolsey/kWhazit)" conjured over the entrance a few scenes later. The visuals also indicate that the "gate" is more of an opening than a barrier. While the word "gate" can indeed mean an opening, it is the less-common definition. This script uses "gateway" as a less ambiguous alternative.
1431Everyone here's feeling uneasy.Everyone is worried...Everyone is worried…Slattery.
1432You just want to peer into the human realm beyond the north gate, eh, Maduin?Wouldn't you love to see the human world beyond the northern gate just once, Maduin?Wouldn't you love to see the human realm beyond the northern passage
just once, Maduin?
Slattery; "northern gate" -> "northern passage" for clarity (see explanation in #1430).
1433Why'd you bring that thing here?Why'd you bring that thing here?Why'd you have to bring that thing here?Slattery; "Why'd you" -> "Why'd you have to" for style.
1434Strong winds...
Be careful, Maduin.
This is one nasty storm... Be careful, Maduin.This is one nasty storm…
Be careful, Maduin.
1435The link between worlds has surely weakened over the past 1000 years.The barrier between our worlds must've weakened over the past millennium.The barrier between our realms may well have weakened over the past thousand years…Slattery; "worlds" -> "realms" (see #1422); merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("may well have weekened over the past thousand years"). Slattery's "between our worlds" is novel.
1436You okay Maduin?Hey, Maduin! How have you been?Hey, Maduin.
How have you been?
Slattery; repunctuated for subdued Esper tone w/r/t Lina Darkstar commentary & kWhazit.
1437Do you even know what you've done?Do you have any idea what you've done?Do you have any idea what you've done?Slattery.
1438Elder's orders...
No one passes through the gate.
Elder's orders... No one passes through the gate.Elder's orders…
No one passes through the gateway.
Slattery; "gate" -> "gateway" (see #1430)
Something's coming through the gate!
Maduin! Someone's trying to come through the gate!Maduin!
Someone's trying to come through the gateway!
Slattery; "gate" -> "gateway" (see #1430)
1440They say a human girl's here...I heard there's a human girl in the village!I heard there's a human woman in the village…Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey; "girl" -> "woman (Lina Darkstar)"
1441.........…… (W)
1442.........…… (W)
1443MADUIN: Did I awaken you?Maduin: Did I wake you?Maduin
"Did I wake you?"
1444GIRL: You' Esper?
What's that pendant for?
Young Woman: You' esper? What's this pendant around your neck?Young Woman
"You're…an Esper?
…What's this pendant around my neck?"
First sentence Slattery, "esper" -> "Esper"; Second sentence Lina Darkstar (same as slattery except "your neck" -> "my neck"), corroborated by kWhazit ("on my chest"). The pendant starting out on Maduin appears to be the less-likely interpretation of an ambiguity, which that Slattery also adopted. FF6j uses the word "this", not "that", in reference to the pendant, implying that it is already on Madeline. There is an animation between this line and the next, but the animation only shows Madeline walking further away from Maduin. However, the following caption #1445 (in FF6j) may also indicate that Maduin is only just then suggesting that Madeline take the pendant as a present. At the end of the day, either scenario is pretty awkward and Maduin needs to up his game fast if he wants this story to have a protagonist.
1445MADUIN: It's...yours now!
It helps protect the Esper World.
GIRL: Esper World...
Boy, did I take the low road or what?
MADUIN: The Esper folk are pretty upset, you being a human and all...
GIRL: You the one who...saved me?
Maduin: ...I'll give it to you. A charm from the esper world!
Young Woman: The esper world... So, that is where I ended up...
Maduin: Everyone is at a loss as to how you, a human, could have made it into our world...
Young Woman: You're the one who saved me, right?
"It's a gift for you.
A charm from the Esper realm."

Young Woman
"Esper realm…
Boy, did I ever get lost…"

"My people don't know what to make of you being here. You, a human…"

Young Woman
"You saved me, didn't you?"
Page 1: kWhazit merged w/ Slattery; "world" -> "realm" (see #1422). // Page 2: kWhazit; "Woman" label -> "Young Woman (Slattery)"; "world" -> "realm". Similar to Woolsey but with the colloquialisms significantly dialed back. // Page 3: First sentence New, based on kWhazit ("The people of this world don't know what to do with you") and Lina Darkstar ("This world's people don't know what to do about you"), "The people of this world" -> "My people" for brevity, and nudged the meaning away from the Espers' struggle with how to deal with Madeline and towards the Espers' general confusion over her presence w/r/t Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit & Lina Darkstar. // Page 4: Lina Darkstar
1446ESPER: I am Maduin.
I tired living in the human world...
That world is filled with desire, greed and loathing. It's highly infectious...
Madeline: My name is Madeline. I was sick of living in the human world. It's nothing but a vortex of greed and hate... So I wandered out into the storm, and before I knew it, I was here...Young Woman
"My name's Madeline.
I was sick of living in the human world."

I couldn't stand the spiral of greed and hatred in that place any longer…
So I found myself wandering out into the storm, and before I knew it…"
Page 1: Label Slattery; First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence Slattery; NOTE: "realm" would be too proper/precise wording for Madeline at this point, so "world" is retained here. // Page 2: First sentence New, based on kWhazit "Disgusted with that world swirling with hatred and greed" w/ "spiral (Lina Darkstar)"; Second sentence kWhazit, "I wandered" -> "I found myself wandering".
1447MADUIN: Are humans and Espers different?
Maduin: They say that humans and espers...can't coexist.Maduin
"They say that humans and Espers…
can't coexist."
Slattery, reformatted.
1448MADONNA: So...I'm an example of the evil in this world, huh?
MADUIN: No, I mean...
Madeline: don't want me here, right?
Maduin: No, I'm just...not sure.
"So…I'm not much good for your world, either… right?"

"I'm just…not sure."
Page 1: Slattery merged with New wording, closer to literal, based on kWhazit ("I'm in the way even in this world?")
1449MADONNA: I'll return to my world tomorrow!
MADUIN: You'll need a guide.
Madeline: I'll return to my own world tomorrow.
Maduin: All right... Someone can show you the way back.
"I'll return to the human world tomorrow."

"All right, I'll have someone guide you."
1450ELDER: Everything all right?
WHAT? The human's gone?
Elder: That human already left. I wonder if she'll be all right without a guide?Elder
"Are you okay with this?
That human has already left."
kWhazit; "human's" -> "human has" for clarity/readability.
1451If this generation of humans knew about our abilities...
And decided they wanted to utilize our powers...
It would be a total disaster!
If the humans learned of our powers and decided to try to make use of them... That would be a terrible thing indeed.If humans today were to learn about our powers… and then decide to try to make use of them…

"That would be a terrible thing indeed."
Page 1: Slattery; "the humans" -> "humans today" w/r/t Woolsey's apparently novel "this generation of humans", rephrased more explicitly as a hypothetical w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("If humans were to know about the power we hold..."); repunctuated for pacing w/r/t Woolsey & Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: Slattery.
1452A human girl made it all the way to the gate!That human girl went to the gate quite a while ago.That human girl {went to the gateway quite a while ago/was heading toward the gateway between the realms}.Slattery; "gate" -> "gateway" (see #1430); Adaptive dialog changes the line for the second NPC, based on the more loquacious (& possibly more literal) rendering by Lina Darkstar ("If you're looking for the human girl, she's already gone as far as the gate that connects the human and Esper worlds.")
1453Why has this happened now after all these years?For centuries, no human has wandered into our world. Why has this happened now, after all these years?For centuries, no human has wandered into our realm.
Why has this happened now, after all these years?
Slattery; "world" -> "realm" (see #1422)
1454YOUTH: What's wrong, Maduin?Youth: What's wrong, Maduin?Youth
"What's wrong, Maduin?"
(W & S)
1455MADUIN: If you don't want to return to your world, you may stay here.
MADONNA: But humans and Espers can never coexist...!
Maduin: If you don't want to go back to your world, you're welcome to stay here.
Madeline: But... Humans and espers can't be together...
"If you don't want to go back to your world, you can stay here."

Humans and Espers can't be together…"
Slattery; "you are welcome to stay here" -> "you can stay here (kWhazit)" (similar to Woolsey "you may stay here"); NOTE: "world" is retained here since this is a conversation w/ Madeline (see #1442, #1446). NOTE: All sources except Slattery would have Madeline repeating "cannot coexist" from #1446, but Slattery's segue-esque phrasing "can't be together" is just too great to skip.
1456MADUIN: How do we know for sure unless we observe for ourselves?Maduin: How can we know for sure unless we try for ourselves?Maduin
"How can we know for sure unless we find out for ourselves?"
Slattery; "try" -> "find out"; "find out" lifted from Darkmage #1459 ("to find out for ourselves...?") but first used by SkyRender; more similar in meaning than "try" to kWhazit ("demonstrate") in the sense of bringing the truth to light, in part w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("And what would be wrong with finding the truth of that for ourselves").
How do we know...
How can we know for sure...
"How can we know…"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
unless we...
unless we...
"…unless we…"
Woolsey/Slattery, lightly repunctuated for style.
observe for ourselves...?
try for ourselves...?
"…find out for ourselves…?"
Slattery; "try" -> "find out" (see #1456), lightly repunctuated for style.
1460MADUIN: We've given her a name...
MADUIN: It's Terra.
Not bad, huh?
Maduin: I've chosen a name for her...
Madeline: What is it?
Maduin: "Terra." It's beautiful, isn't it?
"I've decided on a name for her…"

"What is it?"

It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Slattery; "chosen" -> softer "decided on", with basis in kWhazit ("Her name is decided...")
2 years later...
Two years later...
Two years later…
The nexus between our worlds has opened again!! The wind...
so odd...just like 2 years ago...
Humans! The nexus between our worlds has opened again! This storm is just like the one two years ago...Eagh!

"The barrier's grown thin again.
This storm is just like the one two years ago…"
Page 1: New; based on Woolsey/Slattery which leave out the modifier to "humans" (kWhazit: "Damn humans") but includes the opening utterance (kWhazit: "Bah!"). // Page 2: First sentence Lina Darkstar, confirmed by kWhazit ("The barrier's thinned out again."); Second sentence Slattery.
1463But something's different now...
Troops have come seeking our magical power.
But this is different from the time Madeline came here... This time, an army has come seeking our magical powers.But it's different now than it was when Madeline arrived…

"An army has come seeking our powers."
Page 1: New, informed by Slattery & kWhazit ("But this time isn't like when Madaline came"), worded for less redundancy with the prvious caption. // Page 2: Slattery; edited for brevity in part w/r/t kWhazit & Woolsey.
1464Blast it!
They've made it as far as the Elder's house!
This is no good! Retreat to the elder's house!Damn it!
Fall back to the Elder's den!
kWhazit; "place" -> "den" w/r/t Woolsey/Slattery "house" but more consistent with the visuals.
1465GESTAHL: Aha!
We've finally found it!
Those ancient writings told us of this world, and described the awesome magical properties of these beasts!
Gestahl: Aha! I've finally found it. After all that time spent decoding the secrets of those ancient texts... Now it's time to reap the rewards!Gestahl
I've finally found it."

"After deciphering the ancient texts…
tirelessly searching for the secret of sorcery, for the hidden gateway to this realm…"

"At last, the time for my reward has come!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Pages 2-3: New, based on the content of kWhazit with some word choices taken from Slattery; "tirelessly" is novel.
1466GESTAHL: Grab them!
Riches to any man who captures an Esper!
Gestahl: Grab them! Riches to any man who captures an esper! GO!Gestahl
"Grab them! Riches to any man who captures an Esper. GO!"
Woolsey; repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
1467ELDER: We've no choice...
We must do what we've been avoiding...
MADUIN: You mean...
the magic barrier?
Elder: We've no choice... We must do what we've been avoiding...
Maduin: You mean...the magic barrier?
"We have no choice…
We must do what we've been avoiding…"

"You mean…the Mystic Seal?"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: kWhazit, lightly reformatted, "Mystic Barricade" -> "Mystic Seal". Woolsey, Slattery, and Lina Darkstar all have "magic barrier" here; FF6j is something like "mystic sealed barrier". This is the exact same term formalized by Woolsey & Slattery as the "Sealed Gate" in #1614, #1617, #1626, #1637, #1791, #2013, #2041, #2080, & #2120; Using "Sealed Gate" here would sound off as a term for a spell, as does "Barricade (kWhazit)", which is likely why it was rendered generically as "magic barrier" by Woolsey/Slattery. Unfortunately, "magic barrier" is likely to be confused with the older supernatural "barrier" that separates the Esper realm from the rest of the world (see #1097). For clarity's sake, this revision uses the New term "Mystic Seal" in reference to the spell and the seal as perceived from the inside; "Sealed Gate" to refer to the product of said spell from the perspective of the outside. (#1471 when properly translated also helps differentiate between the ancient barrier, the gateway/passage, and the Sealed Gate.)
1468It's dangerous out there!It's dangerous out there!It's dangerous out there.Woolsey/Slattery, repunctuated for tone w/r/t Lina Darkstar: 'They're being invaded, their fellows are being beaten and captured, and for the most part, they're CALM.'
1469Soon the humans will arrive!It won't be long before the humans make it here...It won't be long before the humans make it here…Slattery.
1470MADONNA: Terra's all right.Madeline: Terra's all right.Madeline
"Terra's all right."
1471ELDER: Here's the plan. We'll cause a tempest that'll sweep all the nasty creatures out of our realm.
Then we'll seal the gate...
I am the last of our kind able to cast this magical seal.
Elder: I'll create a tempest to sweep all the invaders out of our realm, then I'll seal the gate. Even among espers, the power to create a magical seal is limited to a single bloodline. I am the last of that line...Elder
"Indeed. Conjure a tempest to sweep all the invaders out of our realm,
and seal the barrier's passage shut."

"Even among Espers, the power to cast this spell is limited to a single bloodline. I am the last of that line."
Page 1: First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Slattery merged with Lina Darkstar ("Cause a storm, sweep all the outsiders from this world, and create a wall to seal shut the barrier's gate."). Here the Elder is defining the spell referenced in #1467; not necessarily proposing a personal plan. Slattery & kWhazit include the pronoun "I" (kWhazit: "I will cause a storm..."), but this is likely novel: Lina Darkstar does not include it, and Woolsey interpreted the sentence in the first person *plural*, meaning it is likely not given explicitly in the Japanese. // Page 2: Slattery, reformatted, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit; "create a magical seal" -> "cast this spell" w/r/t kWhazit ("cast that spell").
1472MADUIN: But in your state, you might just...
ELDER: Pass away...
but at least we will finally be safe.
MADUIN: Madonna......
Maduin: But at your age...
Elder: ...I may not survive. And without me, you will never again be able to open the gate.
Maduin: Madeline...
"But at your age, it could…"

"I may not survive.
And without me, you will never again be able to open the Mystic Seal."

"Madeline… can you live with that?"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "gate" -> "Mystic Seal" w/r/t "Mystic Barricade (kWhazit)" (see #1471). kWhazit alone has "we can never again open the Mystic Barricade" here, with the wording difference possibly to cover for the continuity awkwardness caused by #2050. Early ROSE efforts went the same route. // Page 3: Lina Darkstar; ellipsis added w/r/t Woolsey/Slattery; compare to kWhazit ("Madaline, are you okay with that?").
1473MADONNA: I, for one, will not miss the other side...Madeline: The other world holds nothing for me.Madeline
"The other side holds nothing for me."
1474ELDER: Let's do it.
We have no other choice.
Elder: Then it's decided. We have no other choice.Elder
"Then it's decided.
There is no other way for us."
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence New, based on Lina Darkstar ("No other way, after all") & kWhazit ("I doubt there is any other way"). The "no choice" phrase (W & S) was just used by the elder in #1467.
1475ESPER: This is all because of that human girl!
MADUIN: Nonsense!
ESPER: I'm sure she helped the others find us!
Esper: This is all because of that human woman!
Maduin: Nonsense!
Esper: She could have led them here for all we know!
"This is probably all because of that human woman."

"What did you say!?"

"Don't you think the woman could've led the others to us?"
Page 1: Slattery; "all because" -> "probably all because" w/r/t kWhazit ("It could be all"...) & Lina Darkstar ("You know it might be"...); repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: kWhazit; "are you saying" -> "did you say" for brevity; compare to Lina Darkstar ("What!"). // Page 3: New, based on kWhazit ("Couldn't that woman have led them right to us?") & Lina Darkstar ("You don't think she might have brought them with her?"). Note the avoidance of the pronoun "she", which contributes to the Esper's deprecation of Madeline.
1476MADUIN: Get a grip on yourself!
ESPER: No! She's one of them!
Soon she'll be wearing our hide!
Maduin: Enough!
Esper: No! She's one of them! It'll only be a matter of time before she decides she wants our power, too!
"Get a grip on yourself."

"No! She's just the same as them!
It's only a matter of time before she decides to exploit us, too…"
Page 1: Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: First & second sentence Lina Darkstar, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery (After holding back Woolsey's onslaught of exclamation points in #1475, we might as well let one extra fly here.); Third sentence Slattery, merged w/ kWhazit ("Sooner or later she'll use us and...").
1477MADUIN: Urghhh!Maduin: Oh, no...!Maduin
"Damn it!!"
New, based on kWhazit ("Damn!!"), compare to Rodimus Primal ("Damn it! Madeline_")
1478Madonna took Terra to the gate!Madeline took Terra and left!{Madeline took Terra and left/She ran off with Terra}!Slattery; Adaptive dialog for alternate NPC.
1479ELDER: Where are you going?! D' goh!
MADUIN: Madonna's getting drawn into the next world...!
ELDER: Impossible!
It's too late! I've already begun casting the barrier. There's no turning back!
MADUIN: That fool...
Elder: Where are you going!?
Maduin: Madeline, she...!
Elder: Oh, no... But it's already too late! I've begun activating the seal. You won't be able to return!
Maduin: I don't care!
"It's dangerous!
Where are you going?

"Madeline, she…!"

"Impossible! …But it's too late!
I've already begun casting the seal.
You won't be able to return!"

"I don't CARE!"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery with missing content restored based on kWhazit ("It's dangerous! Where are... ungh!"). // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("But it's too late now."), repunctuated for pacing; Third sentence Woolsey, "barrier" -> "seal"; Fourth sentence Slattery. // Page 4: Slattery; "care" -> "CARE (Darkmage)" w/r/t Woolsey's style.
1480MADUIN: Madonna!!Maduin: Madeline!Maduin
1481Terra!!!Terra!!!Terra!!! (W & S)
1482MADONNA: Maduin...
I'm not their friend...
MADUIN: I understand that!
MADONNA: Thank you...
MADUIN: Can you make it back here?
MADONNA: Sure...
Madeline: Maduin... I'm not like them...
Maduin: I know!
Madeline: ...Thank you.
Maduin: Will you come back home with me?
Madeline: Yes, of course...
I'm not like them…"

"Of course you're not!
I would never think that!"

"…Thank you."

"Will you come back with me?"

Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: New, a novel fleshing-out of the original line (Slattery/kWhazit/Lina Darkstar: "I know!"), intended to keep the sense of the line identical. The literal translation feels way off on pacing and conviction, which may only be an issue in English since in FF6j the line is 5 syllables long. Woolsey seems to have had the same instinct to increase the syllable count ("I understand that!"), but this actually distorts the meaning of the line a bit. Note: SkyRender uses "I know that!" here, which may actually be the superior solution. // Page 3: Slattery. // Page 4: Slattery; "come back home" -> "come back" removes Slattery novelty. // Page 5: kWhazit.
1483GESTAHL: Shriek!!!
Just when we were in reach of a veritable bonanza...!
Gestahl: Nooo!!! Just when the ultimate treasure was within my grasp!Gestahl
Just when the ultimate treasure was within my grasp…!"
First sentence New, interpreted from Woolsey ("Shriek!") -- literal translation is "Damn it! (kWhazit)" and the like; Second sentence Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
1484SOLDIER: Look what popped out!Soldier: W-we're being pushed out!Soldier
"W-we're being pushed out!"
1485GESTAHL: A...human girl?
Wh... Who is she?
Gestahl: ...A human woman? Who... Whose child is this?Gestahl
"A human woman?
Who… Whose child is this?"
First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Slattery.
1486MADONNA: Please...
take care...of my baby...
Eh!? Hmmm...Then she's half human and half...
How absolutely fascinating!
GESTAHL: Mwa, ha, ha...
She will help us realize our dream faster than we ever imagined!
Madeline: daughter...alone...
Gestahl: Your daughter? Hmm... Then she must be half human and half... How fascinating!
Gestahl: Mwa-ha-ha! It looks like my dreams of building an empire may come true sooner than I'd ever imagined!
"Leave…my daughter…alone…"

"Yours? With an Esper!?
Hm! Then she's half human and half…
How absolutely fascinating!"

"Mwa, ha, ha…
It looks like my dreams of building an empire may come true sooner than than I'd ever imagined!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("Yours? Hm! I see. Yours and a Genjuu's...? How interesting."). // Page 3: First sentence Woolsey, compare to kWhazit ("Fwa, ha, ha."); Second sentence Slattery.
1487MADONNA: N...noooo!!!
GESTAHL: Quiet, my dear!!
Madeline: No...!
Gestahl: Quiet!

Page 1: Slattery merged with kWhazit ("No... don't..."). // Page 2: Slattery.
1488GESTAHL: We will own this world!
Ha, ha, ha...
Gestahl: This world will be mine to rule! Ha-ha-ha...Gestahl
"This world will be mine to rule!
Ha, ha, ha…"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey.
1489MADUIN: Maadoonaaa!!Maduin: Madeline!!!Maduin
1490Terra: That was my father...?Terra: Father...?Terra
Slattery. Note: Compare Woolsey to kWhazit ("You're my dad...?")
1491Terra: I'm the product of an Esper and a human...
That's where I got my powers...
Now I understand...
I finally feel I can begin to control this power of mine...
Terra: I'm the daughter of an esper and a human... That's why I have these abilities... But I should be okay now. I can control this power, as long as I only use it in short bursts.Terra
"I'm the daughter of an Esper and a human…
That's why this power is inside me…"

"But I'm okay now.
I think I'll be able to control my power, as long as I use it just a little at a time…"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence New, based on kWhazit ("And that's why... my power...") / Lina Darkstar ("[T]his power, too, comes of that...") with similar structure as Slattery. Woolsey/Slattery seem to imply that Terra is referring to her magical abilities, while the unofficial sources seem to refer to her new transformation power specifically. The latter makes more sense in context w/ Page 2. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Lina Darkstar ("I think I can control the power, even if only for a little bit...") merged with kWhazit ("Though not for very long at a time, I'll be able to control my power..."). The uncertainty "I think I" is novel, as is Slattery's "I should be" in the first sentence.
1492Edgar: So Gestahl must've known the secret of the Espers' power back then.
Locke: And those Espers at the facility were grabbed during that expedition!
That means Celes's power came......
at the expense of an Esper...
Edgar: Gestahl already knew the secret of the espers' power back then...
Locke: Those espers in the research facility must've been the ones they grabbed that day. And Celes's power...came at the expense of one of them.
"So, Gestahl already knew the secret of the Espers' power back then…"

"And those Espers at the research facility were the ones carried off that day."

"Celes's power…came at the expense of one of them, too…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery; "in the research facility" -> "at the research facility" w/r/t Woolsey "at the facility"; "ones they grabbed" -> "ones carried off" w/r/t kWhazit ("the Genjuu carried off"), in part to avoid an ambiguous pronoun.
1493Sabin: They can't get away with this! We have to strike back!Sabin: The Empire won't get away with this! I'll hit that emperor with a blitz or two...Sabin
"The Empire won't get away with this! I'm ready to knock the daylights out of those freaks…"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence New, informed by kWhazit ("I won't be satisfied until I hit them good.") and Lina Darkstar's commentary ("Lit.: ... If I don't give them a punch I won't be satisfied").
1494Terra: What's happening in Narshe?
Locke: Hmm...
Maybe we should head back that way.
Terra: How are things in Narshe?
Locke: Hmm... Maybe we should head back and see.
"How are things in Narshe?"

Maybe we should head back and see."
1495Setzer: The airship's ready!Setzer: The airship's ready to go!Setzer
"The airship's ready to fly!"
Slattery merged w/ SkyRender ("The airship is ready to fly!") via Darkmage ("The Blackjack's ready to fly!"); "to fly" is novel but helps drive home Setzer's surprise for Terra. (This line also serves as Setzer introducing himself to Terra.)
1496Terra: Come on!Terra: Come on!Terra
"Come on!"
(W & S) [Note: kWhazit & Lina Darkstar both have "Let's go!!"]
1497 7 dragons left. 7 dragons remaining. Seven dragons remain.Slattery merged w/ Darkmage (..."seven remain")
1498 6 dragons left. 6 dragons remaining. Six dragons remain.Slattery merged w/ Darkmage (..."six remain")
1499 5 dragons left. 5 dragons remaining. Five dragons remain.Slattery merged w/ Darkmage (..."five remain")
1500 4 dragons left. 4 dragons remaining. Four dragons remain.Slattery merged w/ Darkmage (..."four remain")
1501 3 dragons left. 3 dragons remaining. Three dragons remain.Slattery merged w/ Darkmage (..."three remain")
1502 2 dragons left. 2 dragons remaining. Two dragons remain.Slattery merged w/ Darkmage (..."two remain")
1503 1 dragon left. 1 dragon remaining. One dragon remains.Slattery merged w/ Darkmage (..."one remains")
1504 Defeated all 8 dragons...
Dragon Seal broken!!
All 8 dragons have been defeated... The Eightfold Seal is broken! All eight dragons
have been vanquished…

The Seal of Dragons is broken!
Slattery merged w/ Darkmage ("The Eight Dragons have been vanquished... The Seal of the Dragons is broken!")
Received the Magicite
Obtained Crusader magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
1506DUNCAN: Look out! Move!
Darn this old body... deaf?
Duncan: Move it! You're in my way! *cough*... *wheeze*... Darn this old body of mine... Won't do what I tell it to anymore...Duncan
"Move it! You're in my way!

"Darn this old body of mine…
Won't do what I tell it to anymore…"
Slattery, reformatted.
1507Sabin: Duncan!!Sabin: Master Duncan!Sabin
"Master Duncan!"
1508DUNCAN: Wa, ha, ha...
Why the surprised face?
Did you think I'd...gone?
Duncan: Wah-ha-ha! Why the surprised face? Did you think I'd died or something?Duncan
"Wah, ha, ha!
Why the surprised face?
Did you think I'd died or something?"
Slattery, reformatted w/r/t Woolsey.
1509Sabin: Duncan...
I'm so glad you're safe!!!
Sabin: Master Duncan... I'm so glad you're safe...!Sabin
"Master Duncan…
I'm so glad you're alive!"
Slattery; "safe" -> "alive (Darkmage)" for coherence: Duncan was assumed to have been murdered, not just lost in the cataclysm.
1510DUNCAN: Whoa?!
Sabin, this can't be...
Duncan: Oh, dear... Sabin, you aren't...crying, are you?Duncan
"Whoa, now!
Sabin, you aren't…
crying, are you?"
Slattery; "Oh, dear" -> "Whoa, now!" w/r/t Woolsey ("Whoa?!").
1511DUNCAN: Wa, ha, ha... Nothing happened to me! The earth yawned right open to take me but I scrambled to safety!Duncan: Wah-ha-ha! Did you think a little thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in? The earth tried to swallow me up once or twice, but I just pried its jaws open and climbed back out!Duncan
"Wah, ha, ha!
Of course I'm alive!"

"The earth tried to swallow me up once or twice, but I just pried its jaws open and climbed back out!"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery, reformatted w/r/t Woolsey; Second sentence New; based on Lina Darkstar ("I'd never die!"), rephrased as a positive for coherence. One gets the impression this scene was finalized before the Duncan-related matrial in the WoB (see also #1509)
1512DUNCAN: Sabin!!
It is now time to complete your training. Use these new skills to smash Kefka!
Duncan: Sabin! It's time for me to teach you my ultimate technique! Use this to knock some sense into Kefka!Duncan
It's time to complete your training."

"Use this final technique to pulverize Kefka!"
Page 1: Woolsey; "Sabin!! It is now time" -> "Sabin! It's time (Slattery)" for brevity -- though one appreciates what Woolsey was evoking there; Woolsey is preferred over FF6j (kWhazit: "I shall grant you the ultimate technique!"). // Page 2: Woolsey; "these new skills" -> "this final technique" w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit "ultimate technique" in the previous sentence; "smash" -> "pulverize" to add intensity w/r/t kWhazit "wipe the floor with Kefka"
1513Put 'em up!Get ready!Get ready!Slattery.
1514I call this the "Bum Rush"!!I call it...the "Phantom Rush"!I call it…the 'Phantom Rush'!!Slattery.
1515DUNCAN: Go!
Give Kefka the boot!
Duncan: Now go on! Hit Kefka with every blitz I taught you!Duncan
"Now, go!
Give Kefka the boot!"
First sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey. Slattery's reference to "every Blitz I taught you" is novel (kWhazit: "Give Cefca the beating of a lifetime!!").
1516I've been waiting for you!
I wanted to give you this.
I've been waiting for you. I wanted to give you this.I've been waiting for you.
I wanted to give you this.
1517DUNCAN: Cough...wheeze...
Don't worry about me! Go!
Destroy Kefka!
Duncan: *cough*... *wheeze*... Don't worry about me! Go! Defeat Kefka!Duncan
Don't worry about an old man!
Go! Destroy Kefka!"
Woolsey, reformatted; "me" -> "an old man (Darkmage)"
1518I ran a Weapon Shop for 70 years!
This stone gives off an eerie aura!
If I melted it, and forged a sword, it'd be powerful!
Make this stone into a sword?
<Choice> Leave it the stone "Ragnarok"
<Choice> Make it the sword "Ragnarok"
I ran a weapon shop for seventy years, but I've never felt a power like the one I feel in this stone. If I were to grind it down into the shape of a blade, I'm sure it would make a very powerful weapon... What do you say? Shall I make a sword out of it?
<Choice> Leave it as the magicite, "Ragnarok."
<Choice> Turn it into the sword, "Ragnarok."
I ran a weapon shop for seventy years, but I've never felt a power like the one I feel in this stone.

"If I were to carve it into a sword, I'm sure it would be legendary."

"What do you say?
Shall I make a sword out of it?"
<Choice> Leave it as the Magicite 'Ragnarok'
<Choice> Turn it into the sword 'Ragnarok'
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("carved this stone into a sword") for brevity w/r/t Woolsey; "powerful" -> "legendary (Darkmage)" w/r/t kwhazit ("something amazing"). // Page 3: Slattery, repunctuated.
1519Right.All right.All right.Slattery.
1520I'll stay here.
This is my home.
I'm staying here. Narshe is my home.I'm staying here.
I'm a Narshe man, born and bred!
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Darkmage w/r/t kWhazit ("I'm a man of Narshe").
*cough*... Here... Take it...(cough)…
Woolsey, reformatted.
1522Cursed Shld...
If we could break its curse...
Imagine its defensive power!
The Cursed Shield... If only there were a way to lift the curse, it would be the finest shield in the world...The Cursed Shield…
If only its curse were broken, it would be the finest shield in the world…
Slattery merged with kWhazit ("If its curse were broken") for brevity & clarity -- Slattery seems to imply that the party needs to go out and find some means of breaking the curse.
1523What's with this carving?
Looks like bone... that eye...
... Magicite?!
What's with this carving? Looks like bone... Is that thing stuck in the eye socket... ...magicite!?{<Party Leader>
/}"Wh{at's with/at be/at's up with/y} this carving{/, kupo/ here}?
{Looks like/'Twould seem to be made of/It's mostly/Look like} bone{/, but}…"

"{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/{There's s/S}}}}}}}}}}}}omething stuck in {the /{the /{the /{the /{the /{the /{the /{the /{the /{the /{the /{the /}}}}}}}}}}}}eye socket…
Woolsey/Slattery, reformatted, adaptive dialog for Cyan/Mog/Gau.
1524Remove the Magicite from the eye of the carving?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Remove the magicite from the eye of the bone carving?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Remove the Magicite from the eye of the carving?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Received the Magicite
Obtained Midgardsormr magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
1527Mog: I'm your boss, kupo!
You're gonna join us, kupo!!!
Mog: I'm your boss, kupo! You're gonna join us, kupo!Mog
"I'm your boss, kupo!
You're gonna join {my friends/us}, kupo!"
Slattery w/ adaptive dialog for party size.
1528Admirer of bone-carvings,
as strong as a gigas,
a sasquatch pal with muscle!
A yeti with a love for bone carvings. Stronger than a gigas... ...but a bit unruly.A yeti passionate about bone carvings.
Strong as a gigas…
…but a bit unruly.
Slattery; "with a love for" -> "passionate about" w/r/t Woolsey ("admirer"). Umaro...
Yes, boss...
Me join you!
Mog: Umaro!
No slouching, now!
Umaro: Umaro... Yes, boss... Me join you!
Mog: Umaro! No slouching, now, kupo!
{Umaro see friends before/Me Umaro}…
Yes, boss… me join you!

No slouching, now, kupo!"
Slattery w/ adaptive dialog for party size. wait for you in big airship!Umaro: Oooh... Me wait, big flying ship!Umaro
Me wait for you on big flying boat!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; "ship (Slattery)" -> "boat"
1531This Magicite can be yours for 10000 GP.
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't want it.)
I'll sell you this magicite for 10,000 gil.
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
This Magicite can be yours for
10,000 gil.
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
Woolsey, reformatted; "Don't want it" -> "Don't buy it (Slattery)"
1532This Magicite can be yours for 50000 GP.
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't want it.)
I'll sell you this magicite for 50,000 gil.
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
This Magicite can be yours for
50,000 gil.
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
Woolsey, reformatted; "Don't want it" -> "Don't buy it (Slattery)"
Received the Magicite
Obtained Quetzalli magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
Received the Magicite
Obtained Midgardsormr magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
1535 (W)
1536Say, you wanna get hitched?He won't stop asking me to marry him!He won't stop asking me to marry him!Slattery.
1537Aishya, no!!Aisha, my love!Aisha, my love!Slattery.
1538You should hear the gossip floating around here!Why'd I have to get stuck guarding a town way out in the boondocks? How am I supposed to get a promotion now?Why'd I have to get stuck guarding a town out in the middle of nowhere?
I'll never get promoted at this rate…
First sentence Slattery, Americanism "way out in the boondocks" -> "out in the middle of nowhere"; Second sentence New, based on Darkmage ("No way I can get a promotion like this...") also based on Slattery.
1539Phew!Fight! Fight!Fight! Fight!Slattery.
1540My dog's the fiercest!My dog's the strongest!My dog's the fiercest!Woolsey.
1541Place all bets here!Place your bets here!Place your bets here!Slattery.
1542Scram!!Yeah! Get 'im!Yeah! Get 'im!Slattery.
1543This is our only means of recreation.How else are we supposed to have fun in a backwater town like this?How else are we supposed to have fun in a backwater town like this?Slattery.
1544Maranda used to be this continent's most beautiful town! Look what the Empire's done to it!Maranda used to be the most beautiful town on this continent...then the Empire came along. Now look at it!Maranda used to be the most beautiful town on this continent…
Then the Empire came along.
Now look at it!
Slattery, reformatted.
1545My son's being forced to serve in the Empire's army.My son was forced into the Imperial army. Oh, I hope he comes home safe...My son was forced into the Imperial army.
Oh, I hope he comes home safe…
1546These troopers are crazy!
How long can things keep going on like this?
These soldiers are out of control, and there's nothing we can do about it. How long do we have to put up with this?These troopers are out of control, and there's nothing we can do about it. How long do we have to put up with this?Slattery; "soldiers" -> "troopers (Woolsey)"
1547Tzen and Albrook, too, fell to the Empire.Tzen and Albrook were invaded by the Empire, too.Tzen and Albrook were taken by the Empire, too…Slattery; "invaded" -> "taken" w/r/t Woolsey ("fell")
1548200 GP per night!
Need a rest?
<Choice> Sure
<Choice> Nope
Rooms are 200 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 200 gil per night.
Will you be staying?
<Choice> {Sure./Indeed./{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau.}}}
<Choice> {Nope./Nay./Nah.}
Slattery w/ adaptive dialog for Cyan/Gau/Umaro
1549Hee, hee...
This town is ours to play with!
Heh-heh... We can do anything we want in this town!Heh, heh…
We can get away with anything in this town!
Slattery; "do anything we want" -> "get away with anything"
1550We must begin to rebuild!We must begin rebuilding!We have to start rebuilding!Slattery; "must begin" -> "have to start" for style.
1551That boy made to serve as a soldier has returned!My son has returned! I was so worried when they forced him into the Imperial army...My son has returned!
I was so worried when they forced him into the Imperial army…
1552When peace was reached, the soldiers left our town.The soldiers left our town as soon as the peace agreement was reached.The soldiers left our town as soon as the peace agreement was reached.Slattery.
1553The Imperial troopers are gone! Let's dance! Let's sing!The Imperial troops are gone! Now I can go back to dancing and raking in the gil!The Imperial troopers are gone!
Now I can get back to dancing and raking in the gil!
First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery, "go back" -> "get back"
1554I was forced into the Empire's army. They made me do some awful things...I was forced to become a soldier in the Imperial army. I can't believe the awful things they made me do...I was forced to become a soldier in the Imperial army.
They made me do some awful things…
First sentense Slattery; second sentence Woolsey.
1555I feel a little down...I kind of miss that soldier now that he's gone...I kind of miss that soldier now that he's gone…Slattery.
1556Most of the town's youths were led off to serve as Imperial troopers.Most of the town's youths were led off to serve in the Imperial army.Most of the town's young men were led off to serve in the Imperial army.Slattery; "youths" -> "young men"
1557Our poor kids'll be back soon, won't they?All of those young people who were forced to join the Imperial army should be coming back home soon.All of those youngsters who were forced to join the Imperial army should be back soon.Slattery; "young people" -> "youngsters", "should be coming back home" -> "should be back" for brevity.
1558I heard there's a huge gate deep inside a cave to the east.My grandfather once told me there's a huge gate deep inside the cave on the eastern edge of the continent.My grandfather once told me there's a huge gate deep inside a cave on the eastern side of the continent.Slattery; "edge" -> "side" for clarity.
1559Time to put Tzen back together!It's time to put Tzen back together!Time to put Tzen back together! (W)
1560Our royal family was slaughtered by the Empire.Our royal family was slaughtered by the Empire.Our royal family was slaughtered by the Empire. (W & S)
1561Thanks to you people peace has been achieved!Thanks to you, we're finally at peace with the Empire!Thanks to you, we're finally at peace with the Empire!Slattery.
1562Some friendly advice! There's a weapon called the Guardian.
It can't move, but it's very powerful. Run, if you meet it!
I'll tell you a secret... The Empire has a weapon called the Guardian. It's immobile, but ridiculously powerful. If you ever see it, run away and don't look back!I'll tell you a secret…
The Empire has a weapon called the Guardian. It's immobile, but ridiculously powerful.

"If you ever happen upon it, RUN!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: New, modeled after a more Woolsey-esque energy level.
1563The world seems to be getting back to normal...Now we should be able to enjoy another long age of peace!Now the world can enjoy another long age of peace!Slattery; "we should be able to" -> "the world can" w/r/t Woolsey ("The world")
1564I said it's dangerous outside,
so you can't go out!
Mom says I'm not s'posed to play outside 'cause it's dangerous!Mom says I'm not s'posed to play outside 'cause it's dangerous!Slattery.
1565Waaah! I wanna play outside!Yay! I'm allowed to play outside again!Yay!
I'm allowed to play outside again!
1566Our kid's still not home.
Even though we said it was dangerous outside!
Where's that boy of mine? I told him not to play outside! It's dangerous with all these soldiers around...Where's that boy of mine?
I told him not to leave the house!
It's too risky with all these soldiers around…
Slattery; "dangerous" -> "too risky" to avoid repetition w/ #1564.
1567The Imperial troopers are gone. Now we can live in peace.The Imperial troops are gone. Now we can relax and get back to our normal lives.The Imperial troopers are gone.
Now we can relax and get on with our lives.
Slattery; "troops" -> "troopers (Woolsey)"; "get back to our normal lives" -> "get on with our lives" for brevity.
1568Oh, NO!
Whew...don't SCARE people like that! I thought you were a trooper!
A while ago someone broke into the Magitek Research Facility, and raised a ruckus! I took the opportunity to grab this.
For 3000 GP this glowing stone's yours.
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Uh-oh...! Whew...don't scare people like that! I thought you were an Imperial trooper! Not too long ago, some people broke into the Magitek Research Facility and raised a huge ruckus. I used the opportunity to sneak in and grab this glowing stone. For 3000 gil, it's yours!
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
Oh, crap…!

Don't SCARE people like that!
I thought you were a trooper!"

"A little while ago, some people broke into the Magitek Research Facility and raised a huge ruckus. I used the opportunity to slip in and grab this."

"For 3000 gil, this glowing stone is yours!"
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
Page 1: New, based on kWhazit; Page 2: Woolsey, reformatted; Page 3: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; Page 4: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
1569The world's going to heck in a hand basket...just look at this weird stone!
If you want it, just give me 10 GP.
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
With the world falling apart like it is, I guess it doesn't do me much good to hold on to this glowing stone... Look, how's 10 gil sound for this thing?
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
The world's going to hell in a handbasket…
I guess there's no sense in holding on to this glowing stone anymore.

"If you want it, just give me 10 gil."
<Choice> (Buy it.)
<Choice> (Don't buy it.)
Page 1: First sentence Woolsey sans censorship; Second sentence Slattery adapted to Woolsey's opening. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1570Got any juicy gossip?!Haven't heard any juicy gossip, have you?Got any juicy gossip for me?Woolsey, lightly expanded for clarity.
Received the Magicite
Obtained Seraph magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1572The Empire strings up anyone who opposes it.Anyone who opposes the will of the Empire will be strung up for treason!Anyone who opposes the Empire's orders will be strung up for treason!Slattery; "will of the Empire" -> "Empire's orders" for brevity & style
15733 cheers for the Empire!Obey the Empire!Obey the Empire!Slattery.
1574You're in the way! Git!Shove off! Can't you see I'm busy?{Shove off!
Can't you see I'm busy?/You're in my way!
Adaptive dialog yields either Slattery of Woolsey depending on event flag.
1575Everything belongs to the Empire!This town belongs to the Empire!This town belongs to the Empire!Slattery.
1576Mess with the Empire and...!Defy us and you'll regret it!Defy us and you'll regret it!Slattery.
1577350 GP per night!
Rest a while?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 350 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 350 gil per night.
Will you be staying?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Cyan/Gau/Umaro
1578This is Albrook, the occupied city...Welcome to Albrook, the occupied city...Welcome to Albrook, the occupied port town…Slattery; "city" -> "port town" to distinguish from other occupied cities
1579Business is picking up in the port! Maybe economy will make a recovery!They said they would be reopening the harbor soon. Some life should start flowing back into this town now.They said they would be reopening the harbor soon. That ought to put some life back into this town.Slattery; second sentence reworded for clarity.
1580How could an island float in the sky?!Where in the world did that floating island in the sky come from!?How can there be an island floating in the sky!?Woolsey w/ some rewording for clarity
1581They say there's something valuable to the east...
The Empire built a base there, and no one may enter.
There's something important on the eastern edge of the continent... The Imperials built an observation post there and won't let anyone beyond it.There's something important in the eastern part of the continent…

"The Imperials built an observation post out there and won't let anyone beyond it."
Slattery; "on the eastern edge" -> "in the eastern part" for clarity.
1582I heard some Espers flew outta the mountains near the base and thrashed the troopers there!I heard monsters flew out of the mountains behind the Imperial observation post and attacked Vector!I heard monsters flew out of the mountains behind the Imperial observation post and attacked the capital!Slattery; "Vector" -> "the capital" -- no mention of Vector by name in Woolsey.
1583Yeah, thanks to that flying island, this town was shrouded in darkness!Yeah, this is what we get, thanks to that big, floating island up there blotting out the sun. Lovely, ain't it?Yeah…
Thanks to that floating island up there blotting out the sun, our town's shrouded in darkness!
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
1584We have to bribe the troopers to do business here...We have to bribe the Imperial soldiers or they won't let us do business here... In our own city! *sob*...We have to bribe the troopers just so we can keep doing business here… (sob)…Slattery, w/ second half of sentence edited for brevity, using positive construction w/r/t Woolsey; content verified against Lina Darkstar
1585And they're such TIGHTWADS!
They're raking in the cash!
I've got nothing to sell to Imperial scum! ...Sorry, I've just wanted to say that for so long!I've got nothing to sell to Imperial scum!

I've just wanted to say that for so long!"
Slattery, repunctuated.
1586Wouldn't want to be in their shoes, though!Now it's us bribing them to let us do business here... *sob*...Now it's US bribing THEM to let us do business here!
Slattery, reformatted for more Woolsey-like tone
1587People're disappearing,
islands are flying...
I have a bad feeling about this...
They say there's no one left in the Empire, and now there's an island floating in the sky... I've got a bad feeling about this...They say everyone's vanished from the capital, and now islands are floating in the sky!
I've got a bad feeling about this…
First sentence Slattery, "there's no one left in" -> "everyone's vanished from" w/r/t Woolsey ("disappearing"), "Empire" -> "capital" for clarity; Second sentence Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; Third sentence Slattery.
1588Vector, capital of the Empire, is at the center of this continent.The Imperial capital of Vector is right at the center of this continent.The Imperial capital of Vector is right at the center of this continent.Slattery.
1589You'll find some good weapons and items in Tzen and Maranda.You can find excellent weapons and armor in the shops in Tzen, to the north, and Maranda, to the west.You can find excellent weapons and armor in the shops in Tzen, to the north, and Maranda, to the west.Slattery.
1590Some strange guy's tryin' to sell glowing stones...
When I wouldn't take one, he said he was going to Tzen.
A guy came here trying to sell me some strange, glowing stone... When I didn't buy it, he told me he was going to Tzen.A guy came through here trying to sell a strange, glowing stone…
When I wouldn't buy it, he told me he was moving on to Tzen.
Slattery; "some strange" -> "a strange" for format limitations
1591I'm a scholar of magic. Monsters on this continent have only weak magical power.I study monsters. The ones on this continent seem to be exceptionally vulnerable to magic...I'm a scholar of monsters.
The monsters on this continent are exceptionally vulnerable to magic…
First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence Slattery; Second sentence Lina Darkstar ("The monsters on this continent are weak against magical power") merged w/ Slattery.
1592I found this in a 1000 year-old text:
8 dragons seal away this awesome beast.
Its name is Crusader...
Defeat these dragons, and its power can be released...
I found this passage in a thousand-year- old text: "Eight dragons seal away its awesome might...the might of the one called Crusader..." "And when the eight shall fall, the one again shall rise..."I found this passage in a thousand-year-old text:
'Eight dragons seal away a most fearsome power.'

"'Its name is Crusader…
Defeat the eight dragons, and this power shall be reawakened…'"
Page 1: Slattery, reformatted; "its awesome might" -> "a most fearsome power" w/r/t kWhazit ("this too-strong power"). // Page 2: First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Woolsey, "these dragons" -> "eight dragons" w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit, "its power can be released" -> "this power shall be reawakened" w/r/t kWhazit ("Again shall the power be reborn").
1593I'm a scholar of weapons. 1000 years ago, during the War of the Magi, 2 so-called Atma Weapons existed.
One changed a person's power into a sword, the other was an monster, bred for mass destruction.
I'm a scholar of ancient weaponry. Two weapons known as Ultima Weapons were used during the War of the Magi a thousand years ago. One was a sword whose blade sprang from its wielder's strength. The other was a monster born for destruction.I'm a scholar of ancient weaponry.
A thousand years ago, the War of the Magi saw the use of two weapons known as Ultima Weapons.

"One was a sword whose blade sprang from its wielder's life force.
The other was a monster bred for destruction."
Page 1: Slattery's content with new phrasing ("saw the use") to help get closer to Woolsey's structure. // Page 2: Slattery; "strength" -> "life force" for clearer correspondance w/ the HP stat & w/r/t Woolsey/kWhazit ("power"), "born" -> "bred (Woolsey)" -- less accurate, more interesting.
1594No entry into the port!The port's off-limits!The port is off-limits!Slattery, lightly edited for tone.
1595Ah...welcome!Welcome! Tee-hee-hee!Welcome! Tee-hee!Slattery, lightly edited for brevity.'re not of the Empire!
Get outta here!
Hey, you're not an Imperial! Get out of here!Hey!
You're not an Imperial{/ anymore}!
Get out of here{/ while you can}!
Slattery, lightly edited for tone; adaptive dialog for Celes
1597In any case, you're probably broke!You probably don't even have any money!You're probably {broke/too stingy}, anyway!DarkMage ("Hmph. I bet you're broke anyway!", compare to Woolsey "broke") merged w/ Slattery; adaptive dialog for visibly wealthy characters Edgar & Setzer.
...Hic! I shink I've hadda bit too druch to mink...Hyee hee…(hic)!
I sh'pose I'm a li'l drunk…
Lina Darkstar ("Hyee hee... sheems I'ma li'l drunk... hic!"), lightly edited for style & structure similar to Slattery.
1599Look out if you're caught working with the Returners.Who would've thought we'd end up allied with the Returners?Who would've thought we'd end up allied with the Returners?Slattery.

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1499     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2024 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.