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FF6:ROSE Dialog Script Notes

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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v2.00
Received "Lump of Metal."
Obtained Lump of Metal!
Obtained Lump of Metal.
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2801Sabin: You don't suppose...
Gau, could this be your father?
Gau: Uooo...
Sabin: You don't suppose... Gau, couldn't that man be your father?
Gau: Uwaoh...
"You don't suppose…
Gau, could this guy be your father?"

Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2802Sabin: Come on,
It's true, right?
Gau: ...fffatherrr...?
Sabin: Yes.
This is definitely your father.
Gau: ......???
Sabin: Come on, Gau... don't you think?
Gau: Fa-ther...?
Sabin: Yeah. That guy's gotta be your dad!
Gau: ...?!? Uwaooo Gau!
"Come on, Gau…
Don't you think?"


He's got to be your father."

Slattery, edited for style in part w/r/t Woolsey.
2803Sabin: Right!!
Let's go tell your father the news!
He needs to know you're his son!
Sabin: All right! Let's go tell him! He needs to know you're his son!Sabin
"All right! Let's go tell him!
He needs to know you're his son!"
2804Sabin: Just a minute...
We can't just go there with you looking like this.
Sabin: I know!
Let's go to Jidoor and give you a make-over!
Sabin: Wait a minute... This is a once-in-a-lifetime event!
Sabin: We should at least dress you up a bit! Let's go to Jidoor and get you spiffed up!
"Wait a minute…"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime reunion.
We should at least dress you up a bit."

"…I know!
Gau, let's go to Jidoor and make a real gentleman out of you!"
Slattery, edited with slightly more conservative word choice.
2805Sabin: No, Gau!
Don't eat with your fingers!
Sabin: No, Gau! How many times do I have to tell you not to eat with your fingers?Sabin
"No, no, Gau!
How many times do I have to tell you? We don't eat with our fingers!"
kWhazit; edited for coherence with #2806.
2806Gau: Yaoooo...Gau: Uwao...Gau
2807Sabin: Don't say "Yaoooo" when you mean "Yes!"Sabin: Don't say "uwao" when you mean "sorry"!Sabin
"Don't say 'Uwao' when you mean 'Yes'!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2808Gau: Ho!Gau: Yaoh!Gau
New, close to Lina Darkstar ("Yao!").
2809Sabin: ......Sabin: ...Sabin
2810Terra: How do you like these?
Wait! What about those?
Hm...oh well...
Terra: How do you like these? Wouldn't they look good on him? Oh, but I liked those other ones so much, too...! ...*mumble*...everything you liked......boy wouldn't even be able to move...Terra
"How do you like these?
Wouldn't they look good on him?"

"Oh, but I liked those other ones so much, too…!"

…can't wear the whole store at once…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: New, based on Lina Darkstar ("He can’t wear them ALL...").
2811Terra: Did you say something?
"! Nothing...
...Uh huh..."
Terra: What was that!? N-nothing! Didn't say a thing! ...Whew. That was close...Terra
"Did you say something!?"

"N…no! Nothing…"

kWhazit, lightly reformatted.
2812Celes: Which is it gonna be? Oh! This is nice...but...
Do you think it becomes Gau?
Celes: What to do, what to do... Oh, this is nice! ...But I need something that would look good on Gau, don't I? Hmm... Oh, pick something, already...!Celes
"Which will it be…?
Oh! This is nice! But… what clothes would look good on Gau…?"

"For crying out loud…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("Which will it be? Ah! This one’s nice too, but... what would look good on Gau?"). // Page 2: kWhazit.
2813Celes: What?!
Celes: What did you say!? ...N-nothing!Celes
"What was that!?"

Page 1: Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: Slattery.
2814Cyan: What a jaunty hat!
"Not at..."
Cyan: Now this is a fine and jaunty little hat! Maybe if he were a clown...Cyan
"Now this is a fine and jaunty little hat!"

"…Couldn't be any less hip…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: New, attempt at better wordplay based on kWhazit's commentary "The peanut gallery comments on his horrible センス (SENSU, fashion sense), a more modern word that someone as archaic as Cayenne would never recognize, so he interprets it as 扇子 (sensu, folding fan), and questions how the hat is in any way a fan.".
2815Cyan: Wait a minute!
Where's the hat?
Cyan: What was that? If he wore a crown? Ha! We don't want his father thinking he's some kind of prince, now, do we? ...Cyan
"His hip!? 'Tis not a belt-pouch!
'Twould go rightly on his head,
would it not?"

Page 1: New, following up on #2814. // Page 2: Woolsey.
2816Sabin: This is it!
Me go to funeral?
Sabin: Perfect!
Functional yet sporty! Done!
"I don't think..."
Sabin: I know just the thing! That's a kenpo gi...
Sabin: It's perfect! Functional, yet sporty! That's, uh...not exactly what I had in mind...
"This is it!"

"That's…a kenpo uniform…"

"Functional, yet sporty.
We're done!"

"{I don't think so/{Me no think/I don't think so}}…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery, repunctuated for pacing, "gi" -> "uniform"; adaptive dialog assigns a speaker. // Page 3: Woolsey, edited lightly for tone. // Page 4: Lina Darkstar; adaptive dialog assigns a speaker & adjusts dialect.
2817Setzer: Phew!
Completely lacking in fashion...
Setzer: Excuse me, sir.
Could you order some clothes like the ones I'm wearing?
Setzer! How dare you think of sticking him in that kinda getup?!
Setzer: *sigh*... Not an ounce of fashion sense among the lot of you...
Setzer: Excuse me, sir. Could you order another set of clothes like the ones I'm wearing? Setzer, no! We're trying to make him look better, not worse!
Not an ounce of fashion sense among the lot of you…"

"Excuse me, sir.
Could you order a set of clothes for him like the ones I'm wearing?"

"Setzer, NO!"

}}}}"…We{'re trying to make him look better, not worse!/ want Gau look more good, not bad!/'re trying to dress the kid, not punish him…}{/
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey; "clothes" -> "clothes for him". // Page 3: Slattery. // Page 4: Slattery; adaptive dialog assigns a speaker and adjusts dialect.
2818Edgar: I got it!
A tuxedo, silk hat...and...
...a rose in his teeth!
Edgar: I've got it! A tuxedo, a silk hat...and a rose between his teeth!Edgar
"I've got it!
A tuxedo, a silk hat…
and in his teeth, a rose…"
Slattery's wording superimposed on kWhazit's structure.
2819Locke: I think that's overdoing it just a bit...
He should have a bandana on his head!
Locke: Talk about overdoing it! Sheesh... I guess we'll have to go with a bandana on his head after all.Locke
"Over! Doing! It!
Good grief… Just stick a bandana on his head and be done with it."
New, based on kWhazit ("Too. Much!! Good grief... Just stick a bandana on his head...") & Slattery/Woolsey ("overdoing it").
2820Edgar: What's so great about a bandana? Most of the time I see 'em tied around dogs at the beach!Edgar: A bandana? I thought we were trying to make him look presentable! Guess we all know better than to expect any sort of class out of Locke, though...Edgar
"And just what about a bandana makes for a good outfit?"

"I suppose it's a tall order to expect any class out of you,{
/ }Locke…"
kWhazit ("And just what about a bandana makes a good outfit...? I suppose there's no expecting any refinement out of you, Lock...") merged w/ Slattery.
2821Locke: HEY!
What do you mean by that?
Locke: What was that!? Why don't you try saying that again?Locke
"What was that!?
Why don't you try saying that again!?"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2822Sabin: Okay, Gau?
Now, any father'd be glad to have a son like you!
Gau: Hooo...
Sabin: Listen, Gau. You're gonna go in there now and show your father what a fine young man you've become!
Gau: Yaoooh...
"All set, Gau?
Time to show your father what a fine young man you've become!"

Slattery simplified/merged w/ kWhazit ("Ready, Gau? We're showing your dad your new and improved look.").
2823Sabin: Excuse me, Sir.
AGED MAN: Who'n blazes 'r you?
Oh! The repairman!
Sabin: Sir...
You...had a son, right?
You with me!?
Sabin: Excuse me, sir.
Aged Man: Who in blazes are you? Oh! Repairmen!?
Sabin: Sir... You had a son once, didn't you? You did...right?
"Excuse me, mister…"

Aged Man
"Who in blazes are you guys…?

"Sir… you had a son once, right?
…Well, didn't you!?"
Page 1: Slattery, "sir" -> "mister". // Page 2: Slattery; "you?" -> "you guys...?" w/r/t kWhazit ("you people...?"). // Page 3: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("You had a son, right...? Well, didn't you...!?"), with delay added for pacing.
2824Sabin: Now, Sir...
AGED MAN: Oh! Yes!
I'd like you to make those repairs on the double!
Sabin: Sir...
You...had a son, right?
You with me!?
Sabin: Now, sir... Aged Man: Oh, right! I need you to get to those repairs, right away!
Sabin: Sir... You had a son...right? You did, didn't you?
"Anyway, mister…"
Aged Man
"Oh, that's right!
I need you to get to those repairs,
right away!"

"Sir… you had a son, right?
Well, didn't you…!?"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit (See #2823).
2825AGED MAN: ...son?
Sabin: Right.
The truth is, he's alive!
Come here, Gau!
Aged Man: ...A son?
Sabin: Yes. You see, sir...he's alive. ...Gau, speak up!
Aged Man
"…A son?"

You see, sir… he's alive.
…Gau, speak up!"
2826Gau: Fffatherrr...Gau: Fa-ther...Gau
"Fa… Father."
Slattery/Woolsey "Father" superimposed on kWhazit ("D... dad...").
2827AGED MAN: What is this?!
What's with this "son" business? I never had a son!
Aged Man: Huh? What? What's all this business about a son? I don't have a son!Aged Man
"Huh? What is this!?
You people, going on about…a son?
I haven't got a son!!"
First sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; second & third sentences kWhazit ("You've been going on about... a son? I haven't got a son!!") lightly edited.
2828AGED MAN: But now that you mention it, I once had a terrible dream. In it, a demon-child was born!
I grabbed the creature, and rushed off to the Veldt with it...
It was crying like crazy when I arrived on the Veldt.
Sabin: But, Sir...!
Aged Man: But now that you mention it, I once had a terrible dream... A dream in which some kind of demon child was born. I grabbed the thing and rushed off to the Veldt with it... Thing was crying like crazy by the time I got there...
Sabin: But, sir...!
Aged Man
"But now that you mention it, I once had a terrible dream. In the dream,
a demon child was born!"

"I grabbed the child--the demon child--and rushed off to the Veldt with it. The thing started crying like crazy the moment I got there…"

"But, sir…!"
Slattery, edited in part w/r/t kWhazit ("I carried the child all the way to the Beast Plains... the demon child...") // Lina Darkstar ("I took the child to the Veldt... the demon child...").
2829AGED MAN: I left the child there...
And without looking back,
I turned and started to run.
Sabin: I'm trying to tell you...
Aged Man: I left the child there... And then I turned around and ran, trying not to look back...
Sabin: I'm trying to tell you...
Aged Man
"I threw the kid out right there…
And then I turned around and ran, trying not to look back…"

"I'm trying to tell you…"
Page 1: First sentence New, based on Lina Darkstar ("I threw away that thing right there.") & kWhazit ("Then I threw that child away on the Beast Plains..."); second sentence Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery.
2830AGED MAN: Suddenly the crying stopped. I turned around and saw a frightful monster...
Hideous! Still gives me the shakes.
Sabin: I give up...
Aged Man: Then all of a sudden the crying stopped. I turned around... ...and there was some frightful monster! Never seen anything like it... Hideous! Still gives me the shakes when I think about it...
Sabin: I give up... This guy's hopeless...
Aged Man
"All of a sudden, the crying stopped.
I looked behind me, and there was…
a monster like I'd never seen…"

Still gives me the shakes when I think about it…"

"I give up…
This guy's hopeless…"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("and there was a... a monster like I’d never seen"). // Page 2 & 3: Slattery.
2831AGED MAN: But you, young man, your parents must be proud of you! I still have dreams of that demon child...
Aged Man: But you, young man... Your parents must be proud to have such a fine son! I still dream about being chased by that demon child... Terrifying, those dreams...Aged Man
"But you, young man…
Your parents must be proud to have such a fine son!"

"I still get dreams about being chased by that demon child…
Terrifying, those dreams…"
2832Sabin: Why! You old...
He's completely lost his mind!
Gau, I'm gonna clobber him!!
Sabin: Why you old...! Running your mouth, not even so much as thinking about Gau's feelings! You want me to beat some sense back into you!?Sabin
"Why, you old…! Running your mouth, not even so much as thinking about Gau's feelings!"

"You want me to clobber you, or what!?"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey with light editing.
2833Gau: Uwaooo...ooooo...Gau:
2834AGED MAN: Eh?
Say, is everything fixed yet?
Aged Man: Eh? Say, is everything fixed yet?Aged Man
Say, is everything fixed yet?"
(W & S)
2835AGED MAN: The repairman,
at last!
"Uh, no.
I was wondering if you knew anything about Emperor Gestahl's map..."
AGED MAN: Map...?!
Everyone's askin' 'bout that map!
AGED MAN: Little while ago, some guy wearin' a bandana asked for the map.
So I told him!
W...where is it?
Aged Man: Oh! You finally come to do those repairs? "No, actually I was wondering if you knew anything about Emperor Gestahl's map..." Aged Man: The emperor's map...? Seems like that's all anyone wants to talk about these days! "Pardon?" Aged Man: Little while back, another repairman wearing a bandana came here asking the same thing... So I told him! "Then...where is it!?"Aged Man
"The repairman, at last!"

<Party Leader>
"Uh, no{/, sire/, kupo}.
{Would{ you/st thou} happen to know anything {about/of} a map Emperor Gestahl had/Maybe you know map Emperor Gestahl have before}…?"

Aged Man
Seems like that's all anyone wants to talk about these days!"

<Party Leader>

Aged Man
"Little while back, a repairman wearing a bandana came here asking the same thing… So I told him!"

<Party Leader>
"Then…where{ is it/ is it, kupo/}!?"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; adaptive dialog for party size & party leader Cyan/Mog/Gau/Umaro. // Page 3: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 4: Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Relm/Mog/Gau/Umaro. // Page 5: Slattery, lightly edited for brevity. // Page 5: Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Mog/Gau.
2836AGED MAN: It's where the mountains form a star-shape!
You should have just come out and asked me.
No need to be shy!
Aged Man: It's where the mountains form a shape like a star... Sheesh! Why didn't you just ask me from the beginning? No need to be so shy!Aged Man
"It's where the mountains form a shape like a star…"

If that's all you wanted, why didn't you just ask me from the beginning?
No need to be so shy!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, edited for clarity; "Sheesh" -> "Phooey".
2837AGED MAN: Got it?!
Where the mountains form the shape of a star!
Aged Man: Got it? Where the mountains form a star!Aged Man
"Got it!?
Where the mountains form a star!"
2838Sabin: I...I'm sorry...Sabin: I...I'm sorry...Sabin
I'm sorry…"
Woolsey/Slattery, reformatted.
2839Gau: Fffatherrr...alive...
H... a... p... p... y...
Gau: Fa-ther...alive... Gau...ha-ppy...Gau
Gau… hap… py…"
Slattery somewhat merged w/ Woolsey.
2840......Not enough money....You don't have enough money.
…You don't have enough money.
2841HP and MP recovered,
and status ailments, like Poison,
HP and MP restored! Status effects removed!
HP and MP restored!
Status effects removed!
2842First time I've been back in a while, and the village looks trashed.
What on earth happened?
I come back here for the first time in ages, and the place looks like it's been through a war! What in the world happened?I{'m back/ come back here} for the first time in ages, and the {village/place} is in shambles!
What on earth happened?
First sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("I'm back for the first time in ages and the village is in shambles."), adaptive dialog for party leader Relm/Strago; second sentence Woolsey (Note: this edit does not consider "earth" to be immsersion-breaking.)
2843I am Gungho.
Warrior extraordinaire from the town of Thamasa.
I am Gungho, Thamasa's most renowned monster hunter.{I am Gungho, Thamasa's/It is I, Gungho, the} most renowned monster hunter{./ in Thamasa!}Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Relm/Strago.
2844Strago: G...Gungho?!Strago: G-Gungho!?Strago
2845If you're looking for the man dressed all in black, he left for the colosseum.If you're looking for that man who was dressed all in black, he already left. He said he was going to the coliseum.{{If you're looking for that man who was dressed/Have you seen that man who dresses} all in /{So, you're back!
Did you/So, you're traveling with the man who dresses all in black.
Did he} ever make it to the coliseum?}{black{, he already left. He said he was going to the coliseum./ lately?}/}
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Shadow in party.
2846One day, a man working for an aristocrat in Jidoor came and took that young woman back with him!One day not long ago, a man came here saying he worked for an aristocrat in Jidoor, and left with that little girl!{{One day not long ago/A while back}, a man came here saying he worked/You're back!
Did the man you left with before really work} for an aristocrat in Jidoor{, and left with that little girl!/?}
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Relm in party.
2847I saw a monster floating in the sky! It looked just like a fish.I saw a huge monster fly across the sky. It looked like a giant bat!I saw a huge monster flying across the sky. It looked like a giant bat!Slattery.
2848All the fun places are gone now.There aren't any good places left to play.There aren't any good places left to play.Slattery.
2849For the first time in 50 years, Ebot's Rock is above water!
Head north of town if you want to see it.
Ebot's Rock is above water for the first time in fifty years. Head north of town and you should be able to see it!Ebot's Rock is above water for the first time in fifty years.
Head north of town and you should be able to see it!
2850GUNGHO: Is that you,
Have you come back to hunt Hidon?
Gungho: Oh, Strago! Have you come back to hunt Hidon?Gungho
"My, if it isn't Strago!
Have you returned to the hunt for Hidon?"
First sentence New, based on Lina Darkstar ("My word, Stragos. Have you gone back to the hunt for Hidon?"); second sentence Woolsey/Slattery.
2851I've got Strago on my side now, but what a monumental bag of hot air!Seems you're letting Strago fight with you, but I should warn you...the man's a monumental coward.I understand you'{ve added Strago to your number/ll be journeying with Strago}, but you should know he's a monumental coward.kWhazit ("I hear you've added Stragus to your number, but he's quite the coward."), edited based on Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Relm.
2852GUNGHO: He'll never change.
That's who he is!
Gungho: You haven't changed a bit, have you?Gungho
"You haven't changed a bit, have you?
Just like the old days…"
First sentence Slattery; second sentence New, based on Lina Darkstar ("Same as back then.").
2853When you were younger you hunted Hidon, the legendary monster. But you quit before you found it...Back when you were young, you tried so hard to hunt down Hidon...but then you gave up and quit before you found him.{He/You} strove as a youth to hunt the legendary monster Hidon, only to give up and quit before finding it…Based on kWhazit ("Strove to hunt the legendary monster Hidden when younger, but gave up partway through...") & Lina Darkstar ("Strove so hard to hunt that legendary monster, but quit along the way...") with some wording from Slattery; adaptive dialog for Strago in/out of party.
2854Strago: I didn't really quit!
It's just that, well, the monster lives only on Ebot's Rock, which has been submerged for some time.
GUNGHO: You never could give me an honest answer.
Strago: I didn't quit! It's just... I sort of... I mean... The thing lives in Ebot's Rock, and after the place sunk, well...
Gungho: Always have to make excuses, don't you?
"I didn't quit!"

"It's just that… well…
the thing lives on Ebot's Rock, and that sunk into the sea, and…"

"…And you keep on making excuses, as always."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 3: Slattery superimposed on Lina Darkstar's structure ("And you keep dodging the point, as always.").
2855GUNGHO: What a buffoon!!Gungho: You're pathetic!Gungho
"How sad."
Lina Darkstar.
2856MAYOR: It's only been a year
since the world changed...
But it feels like forever.
Mayor: It's hard to believe it's only been a year since the cataclysm... It feels like it's been ages.Mayor
"It's hard to believe it's only been a year since the cataclysm…
It feels like it's been ages."
2857Relm: Yea!! We're back!
It's like old times!
Relm: Yay, we're home! I'll be in the house, okay?Relm
"Yay!! We're home!
I'll be at the house, okay?"
Slattery; "in the house" -> "at the house (DarkMage)"; repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2858Strago: Time to relax!
Home sweet home!
Strago: So full of energy! I must be the only one getting old...Strago
"So much energy in that one!
…Or am I just getting old?"
First sentence Slattery, edited for style; second sentence kWhazit w/ added ellipsis at the beginning.
2859Relm: This is terrible!
Gungho's hurt!
Relm: You've gotta come quick! Gungho's hurt!Relm
"This is terrible!
Mister Gungho's hurt!"
Woolsey; Gungho -> "Mister Gungho" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Mr. Gungho").
2860Strago: Gungho, wake up!Strago: Gungho, hang in there!Strago
"Gungho, hold on!"
Slattery; "hang in there" -> "hold on".
2861Strago: Who did this to you?
GUNGHO: It was...Hidon, the beast you and I used to hunt.
I almost had it...
Strago: Who did this to you?
Gungho: It was Hidon, that legendary beast you and I used to hunt... Almost had him, too...
"Who did this to you?"

"It was…Hidon, the same legendary beast you and I used to pursue…
Almost had him, too…"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery; Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("I've fallen victim to the legendary monster Hidden you and I used to pursue..."). // Page 3: Slattery.
2862GUNGHO: Oooh...cough, cough...Gungho: Oooh... *cough*, *wheeze*...Gungho
…(cough), (cough)……"
Woolsey, reformatted.
2863GUNGHO: Strago... must avenge me...
Gungho: Strago... Please...avenge me...Gungho
Please…avenge me…"
2864Strago: You took on Hidon...?Strago: Hidon!?Strago
"Hidon, you say!?"
kWhazit, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery.
2865Relm: Gramps!
Why are you hesitating!
Relm: Grandpa! What are you standing around for!?Relm
"Come on, old-timer!
What're you standing around for?"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Hey, come on, geezer."); moved exclamation point from end of question to end of first sentence.
2866Strago: Well... I spent my
youth chasing that creature.
To do it again at this age is more than I bargained for.
Strago: You're right... I grew old and stopped even thinking about pursuing the dreams of my youth...Strago
"You're right…"

"I just never imagined, at this age,
I'd end up chasing the very dream I lost in my youth…"
kWhazit ("You're right... I never thought I would end up chasing the dream I lost in my youth at this age..."), restructured.
2867Strago: Gungho...
rest easy, I'll do it for you!
Strago: Gungho, I'm going after him!Strago
"Gungho, I'm going after him!"
2868Relm: Just a minute!
You don't think you're going alone, do you?
Relm: Grandpa, wait! You're not thinking of going all alone, are you?Relm
"Hold on a minute!
You're not thinking of going all alone, are you?"
First sentence kWhazit, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery.
2869Strago: I spent too many years of my life hunting that thing. It is my obsession, not yours.Strago: ...I need to face the thing I ran from all those years ago. I need to get the best of it. It's a matter of pride, dear.Strago
"…I need to face the thing I ran from all those years ago, and conquer it.
I'm stubborn when it comes to this."
First sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("...I must once again face that which I ran from long ago, and conquer it."); second sentence New, in part based on Slattery #2870 ("stubborn") & Woolsey. FF6j uses the same word (kWhazit: "pride") in both this caption and $2870.
2870Relm: But Grandpa!
This "obsession" of yours could easily slay you!
You're my Grandfather.
I can't just sit idly by and watch you go.
Relm: It's a matter of you being a stubborn old man! You're my grandpa! I can't just sit and watch while you make things harder for yourself than they have to be!Relm
"Hey, now, Grandpa.
I'm pretty sure there's more to life than being stubborn!"

"You're my only Grandpa.
I'm not gonna just sit and watch while you get yourself into trouble!"
Page 1: New, based on kWhazit ("But hey, gramps. I don't think it's a good idea to just stick with pride on this."), maintaining parity with #2869 "stubborn". // Page 2: Based on Slattery, kWhazit ("I can't just shut up and watch when you're in trouble.") & Lina Darkstar ("I can’t just sit and watch you get in trouble.").
2871Strago: Sorry, Relm.
I'm so grateful that you care!
But as its name implies, the Hidon is extremely difficult to find.
Unless I go alone, it will not show itself.
Strago: I'm sorry, Relm... It means a lot to me that you care so much. ...But Hidon's a tough beast to track. Its name comes from the old word for "hidden," after all! No one'll ever find him if I don't go.Strago
"I'm sorry, Relm.
I'm grateful that you care so much!"

"But Hidon will not be easy to track.
That beast can hide itself away like no other--hence the name.
No one'll ever find him if I don't go."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery, sans novelty, edited for brevity.
2872Strago: Next stop,
Ebot's Rock.
Strago: To Ebot's Rock!Strago
"Now, to Ebot's Rock!"
kWhazit, "Eboshi" -> "Ebot's (Woolsey/Slattery)".
2873Relm: Phew...Relm: Phew...Relm
(W & S)
2874TREASURE: I'm hungry!
Hungry hungry hungry
hungry hungry hungry
hungry hungry hungry
hungry hungry hungry!!
Feed me!
Otherwise, I won't let you by!
Chest: I'm hungry! Hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry! Gimme somethin' ta eat! Or I won't let ya through!Treasure Chest
"I'm hungry…"

"Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry,
hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry,
hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry,

"Gimme somethin' to eat!
Or I won't let ya through!"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit (number of times "hungry" is said), lighty edited for style.
Git outta here!
Skinflint! Get outta here!Treasure Chest
Get outta here!"
2876You must have more than one of those!You don't even have any!Treasure Chest
"You don't even have any!"
2877I'm not happy unless I have plenty to eat!I've gotta eat a whole bunch at once or it won't fill me up!I won't be happy 'til I get a bunch to eat all at once!Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2878Munch munch munch
Muurp...that was great.
Bring me some more!!
*munch*... *munch*... *munch*... Hrm... That wasn't enough! Go get me some more!Treasure Chest
"(munch)… (munch)… (munch)…"

"Mmm… that wasn't enough!
Go get me some more!"
Slattery, lightly edited for style.
2879Munch munch munch
G'nnnaa! What a feast!
I'm stuffed. Completely full!
*munch*... *munch*... *munch*... Oh yeah, that's the stuff! Corpulence is happiness! And I'm stuffed!Treasure Chest
"(munch)… (munch)… (munch)…"

"G'nahh! What a feast!
I'm stuffed. Completely full!"
Woolsey, lightly edited.
2880I like to eat "Coral"!
Have any?
Hand over some "Coral"?
<Choice>(I don't think so.)
I love me some coral! You got any on ya? Feed the chest some coral?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Treasure Chest
"I like coral the best!
You got any?"

Feed the chest some coral?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("My favorite’s coral fragments. Ya got any?").
Received a piece of "Coral."
Obtained 1 piece of coral!
Obtained a piece of Coral!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
Received 2 pieces of "Coral."
Obtained 2 pieces of coral!
Obtained 2 pieces of Coral!
Received 3 pieces of "Coral."
Obtained 3 pieces of coral!
Obtained 3 pieces of Coral!
Received 5 pieces of "Coral."
Obtained 5 pieces of coral!
Obtained 5 pieces of Coral!
2885TREASURE: Bluuurp! Whew!Chest: *buuurp*! Whew!Treasure Chest
"(burp)…! Whew!"
Slattery, reformatted w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("*burp*").
2886TREASURE: Oh, yeah,
you wanna pass through here, right?
Chest: Oh, right, you wanted to get through here, didn't ya?Treasure Chest
"Oh, right, you wanted to get through here, didn't ya?"
2887TREASURE: Eh!!
What the...!
Chest: Oooh, shouldn'ta ate so much...Treasure Chest
"So long!"
New, based on Lina Darkstar ("Later!").
2888Strago: That's Hidon!Strago: That's Hidon!Strago
"That's Hidon!"
(W & S)
2889Strago: I did it!
I actually beat Hidon!
Strago: I did it! I...I really beat Hidon!Strago
"I did it!
I really beat Hidon!"
Slattery, reformatted.
2890Strago: I have to tell Gungho he is avenged!Strago: I'll have to tell Gungho he's been avenged!Strago
"I have to tell Gungho he's been avenged!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2891Strago: Gungho...!Strago: Gungho...!Strago
2892GUNGHO: What's all the hullabaloo?!
Strago: Listen to me!
Gungho: What's all the fuss? Can't an injured man get some rest!?
Strago: Gungho, listen to me! I defeated Hidon!
What's all the hullabaloo!?"

"Gungho, listen to me!
I defeated Hidon!"
Page 1: Woolsey, edited for pacing in part w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("What, what is it, what’s all the fuss!") & kWhazit ("Hey, pipe down!"). Note: Slattery's second sentence is novel. // Page 2: Slattery.
2893GUNGHO: You WHAT?!
You b...beat Hidon?!
You're lying! LYING!
Gungho: You...WHAT!? Y-you beat Hidon? You're lying!Gungho
Y-you beat Hidon?
You're lying! LYING!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2894Relm: No, he's not!
He really defeated Hidon.
Relm: Nope, he's not! He really did it!Relm
"Nope, he's not!
Grandpa really beat Hidon."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery & kWhazit ("beat").
2895Strago: Ho, ho, ho!
If I didn't know better, I'd say that Hidon wasn't my only enemy!
Strago: Ho-ho-ho... Well, a little monster like Hidon could hardly expect to stand up to the likes of me!Strago
"Ho, ho, ho!
Well, even a monster like Hidon is no match for me once I get serious!"
First sentence Woolsey; second sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("It just goes to show that a mere monster like Hidden is no match for me once I get serious."); "little monster"/"mere monster" feels inconsistent with the other boasting, is omitted in Woolsey, and so is replaced here with novel "even a monster".
2896GUNGHO: I don't believe this.
This has to be a joke!
Strago: Ho, ho, ho!!
Strago: the way, how are your wounds healing, Gungho?
Gungho: I can't believe it... But it looks like I have to concede defeat! You showed me up, old man!
Strago: Ho-ho-ho!
Strago: ...By the way, how are your wounds healing, Gungho?
"Aagh! I cannot believe this…
But I suppose I'll have to accept it."

"Ho, ho, ho!"

"…By the way, how are your wounds healing, Gungho?"
Page 1: kWhazit ("Arrrgh, it's frustrating, but I suppose I'll have to accept it.") merged w/ Woolsey & Slattery; "can't" -> "cannot" as a tiny hint that Gungho is hamming it up. // Page 2: Woolsey, "!!" -> "!" w/r/t Slattery. // Page 3: Slattery.
2897GUNGHO: Eh?
Oh, they're fine...
Gungho: Hmm? Oh, my wounds! Yes, they're fine...Gungho
Oh! They're…fine now…
kWhazit ("Wha? Heh, heh...") / Lina Darkstar ("Eh? Aheh, heh...") merged w/ Woolsey & Slattery.
That evening......
That evening...

That evening…
2899Strago: There I was, in a cave that seemed endless. Then, before I knew it, Hidon appeared!Strago: So there I was, creeping through those caves that seemed to go on forever... I finally reach the deepest, darkest cavern, and there he is, right in front of me!Strago
"So there I was, creeping farther and farther into a cave that seemed toon forever…"

"I finally reach the end…
and there's Hidon, right in front of me!"
Slattery edited for brevity & merged w/ Woolsey & kWhazit ("I made it through a cave that seemed to go on forever, and there was Hidden.")
2900Strago: I stared Hidon straight in the eye, lifted my staff, and let him have it!



Strago: I stared the ugly brute straight in the eye, raised my staff, and let him have it! Bam! Thwack! Pow! Right in the kisser!Strago
"I stared that Hidon straight in the eye, lifted my staff…
and let him have it!"



Page 1: Woolsey, "Hidon" -> "that Hidon" as a minor embellishment w/r/t Slattery. // Pages 2-4: Slattery.
2901Strago: I wanted to show my enemy the true meaning of the word, "hero"!Strago: Oh, I wish you could've been there to see me...Strago
"Oh, if only you could've been there to witness my heroism firsthand…"
New, synthesizing Slattery & kWhazit ("Oh, how I wish I could have shown you my heroism.")
2902Strago: And then......Strago: Oh...and then......Strago
"And then……"
2903Relm: What happened to Grandpa?
Finally! He nodded off.
Relm: Where's Grandpa?
Gungho: Hmm? Oh, I think he finally tired himself out from all that jabbering and nodded off.
"Where's Grandpa?"

He finally tired himself out talking and nodded off."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery's wording superimposed on kWhazit's structure.
2904GUNGHO: However...
Let's let him be!
He's nice and...quiet...
Now, about my "wounds"...
Gungho: you think it's okay to leave it like this, with him thinking I was really hurt?Gungho
"But…is it right for us to keep him in the dark like this…?
Since I was never exactly 'hurt'…"
kWhazit ("But... is this okay? Leaving him in the dark about it. I'm not even hurt...") adapted to a more Woolsey-like style.
2905Relm: Wait!
First let me thank you.
You gave Grandpa a reason to go and defeat something that had tormented him for decades!
Even if YOU were faking, that creature meant business!
Relm: Don't worry about it! If we hadn't tricked him, he'd have spent the rest of his life doing nothing but talk. And even if you were faking, that monster wasn't!Relm
"Don't worry about it."

"If we hadn't gotten that geezer moving somehow, he would've been all bark, no bite for life."

"Besides, he's actually beaten his legendary monster now!
Even if YOU were faking, that thing sure wasn't!"
New, influenced by Slattery, kWhazit ("Dont' sweat it.", "the geezer'd have been all talk for life.", "Besides, it's the truth that he beat the legendary monster."), & Lina Darkstar ("If we didn’t do something to get him off his butt that old geezer’d be all mouth and no fight his whole entire life. ‘sides. He really did beat a legendary monster.").
2906GUNGHO: What a granddaughter he's raised! Amazing!
Relm: And what a terrible actor you are!
Gungho: I don't know how a man like him ever managed to raise a granddaughter as wonderful as you...
Relm: Yeah? Well, I don't know how anyone could be as terrible an actor as you!
"My, is he ever lucky to have a granddaughter like you!
You're wasted on him."

"And you're a terrible ham of an actor."
Page 1: First sentence New, based on kWhazit ("My word, but he has quite a granddaughter.") & Lina Darkstar ("Really, he’s got himself a fine granddaughter"); second sentence kWhazit / Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: kWhazit, edited with some wording from Slattery.
2907Relm: Only Strago could have been taken in by that performance!Relm: Strago is probably the only man alive who would fall for a performance like that!Relm
"Only Strago could have fallen for a performance like that!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2908GUNGHO: Everything okay?Gungho: How've you been? Everything okay?Gungho
"How are things going?"
New, somewhere between Woolsey & Slattery.
2909GUNGHO: Hidon's appeared at Ebot's Rock again!Gungho: I heard someone saw Hidon at Ebot's Rock again!Gungho
"I hear Hidon's been sighted at Ebot's Rock again!"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("I hear").
2910During the past year I've traveled the world over.
Wanna hear some of my stories?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
I've been traveling all over the world since the cataclysm last year. I've seen all sorts of things! Wanna hear something neat?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
I've been traveling all over the world since the cataclysm last year.
I've seen all sorts of things!

"Wanna hear something neat?"
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan/Gau
2911North of the Veldt is a small, triangular island.There's a small, triangular island to the northeast of the Veldt.There's a small, triangular island to the northeast of the Veldt.Slattery.
2912The island is home to a monster that could suck up an entire ocean.
What do you suppose might happen if it sucked you inside? That much I don't know!
That island is home to a monster that sucks in anything unfortunate enough to go near it. Wonder what would happen if you got sucked into it? ...Yuck, I don't even want to think about that!That island is home to a monster that'll suck in anything that gets near it.

"What do you suppose might happen if YOU got sucked into it?
That much I don't know!"
Woolsey, adapted to Slattery's meaning without giving negative connotations, lightly reformatted for style.
2913GUNGHO: What the...!Gungho: What did you say!?Gungho
"What did you say!?"
2914This is Figaro, the desert castle.This is Figaro, the desert castle.{This is Figaro, the desert castle./Sabin!
Welcome home!}
Slatery; adaptive dialog for party leader Sabin.
2916Hey! Oh, it's you.
...Oh, it's you. Proceed.…Oh, it's you.
Please proceed.
Slattery; second sentence edited for slightly more courteous tone w/r/t kWhazit ("You may pass.").
2917Figaro and the Empire are allies!Figaro has an alliance with the Empire.Figaro {is allied/can still assert its alliance} with the Gestahlian Empire.DarkMage.
2918Figaro Castle is the most modern structure in the world!Figaro Castle is the most advanced structure in the world!Figaro Castle is the most modern structure in the world! (W)
2919It doesn't look like it, but this castle incorporates some of the most high-tech devices in existence. For example, ...You wouldn't know by looking at it, but this castle is loaded with advanced technology. For example...{It may not look like it, but this castle is loaded with advanced technology. For example/No one'd ever think our castle was loaded with such advanced technology. Especially}…Slattery, edited for simplicity; adaptive dialog for party leader Edgar.
2920Oops...they're all top-secret!Whoops! Heh... It's all top-secret!…Whoops!
{I/Almost forgot i}t's all top-secret!
Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey; adaptive dialog for party leader Edgar.
2921You've seen it, haven't you?You saw it, didn't you?You saw it, didn't you?Slattery.
Who might you be?
Hmmm...? Is that...? Hey!!!Eh?……
Who might you be?
2923Locke: This is the pits.
We'd better hightail it southward, to Figaro.
Locke: It's not safe here. We'd better hightail it south to Figaro!Locke
"It's not safe here.
We'd better hightail it south to Figaro."
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2924This is the frozen Esper...Biggs: So...this is the frozen esper?So…this is the frozen Esper?Slattery, reformatted.
2925GUARD: We won't hand over the Esper!!Guard: We're not handing over the esper!Guard
"We're not handing over the Esper!"
Slattery, reformatted.
2926GUARD: Whelk! Get them!Guard: Ymir! Get them!Guard
Get them!"
2927Scram, you blockhead.What are you doing here? Scram!What are you doing here?
{Scram!/I'd scram if I were you!}
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Celes in party.
2928Back to your post.Get back to your post.Get back to your post.Slattery.
2929Time's up?
Good! I'll take a break!
Oh, is my shift up already? Great! I'll go take a break.It's time already?
Great! I'm takin' a break!
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey & kWhazit ("It's time? Thanks."); light editing for tone.
2930I'm not buying anything!I'm not buying anything!I'm not buying anything! (W & S)
2931The Empire has taken possession here.This town's under Imperial occupation.{The town is secure.
Back to your post./This {town/area} is under Imperial occupation.{{/
I'd scram if I were you!}/{/
I'd scram if I were you!}}}
Slattery, lightly edited for tone & clarity; adaptive dialog for variety & Celes in party.
2932A detached force is making its way toward Narshe.
We'll link up with them soon.
A detachment should be making its way toward Narshe as we speak. We'll be linking up with them soon.A detachment should be making its way toward Narshe right about now.
We'll be linking up with them soon.
Slattery; edited for variety against #849's "as we speak".
2933That clown, Kefka, is on the verge of invading Narshe.That idiot, Kefka, is about to invade Narshe. ...Oh, of course I know better than to call him that to his face!That clown, Kefka, is about to invade Narshe.

"Of course, you won't hear me calling him anything but 'Lord Kefka, sir!' to his face…!"
Page 1 Slattery, "idiot" -> "clown (Woolsey)". // Page 2: kWhazit ("Of course, to his face, it's Cefca-sama... Can't call him anything else.") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("And we can't call him anything but Cefca-sama... to his face.").
2934DUNCAN'S WIFE: I'm sure there's a hidden passage under the rich man's house. Find the room that's drafty.Duncan's Wife: Rich people's homes always have secret passages. You just have to search until you find a place where you can feel a draft!Duncan's Wife
"Rich people's homes always have secret passages. Just search any room where you can feel a draft!"
Slattery, edited for brevity/simplicity.
2935MERCHANT: You're that thief,
Locke, aren't you?
Locke: Hey!
Call me a treasure hunter,
or I'll rip your lungs out!
Merchant: ...You're that infamous thief, Locke, aren't you?
Locke: Oh, now that was just plain rude. I'm a treasure hunter...and don't you forget it!
"You're that infamous thief,
Locke, aren't you?"

Call me a treasure hunter, or I'll rip your lungs out!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey.
2936MERCHANT: Sorry!Merchant: Why do I always have to go and open my mouth...S…sorry!Woolsey, edited to emphasize fright.
2937MERCHANT: Look!
As luck would have it, I'm fresh out of merchandise!
<Choice>(I'm gonna pound your face!)
<Choice>(Guess I'm out of luck!)
Merchant: Terribly sorry, I just ran out of everything I had to sell!
<Choice> Lie to me will you!? Let's go!
<Choice> Guess I'm out of luck...
"Terribly sorry!
I just ran out of everything I had to sell!"

<Choice> Lie to me, will you!? Let's go!
<Choice> Guess I'm out of luck…
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2938MERCHANT: Thanks to the Empire, my business is up!Merchant: Business has slowed to a crawl thanks to the Empire.Merchant
"Business has slowed to a crawl thanks to the Empire."
2939Peace has been restored, but my husband never returned.Peace has returned, but I fear my husband is gone forever...Duncan's Wife
"Peace has returned, but I'm afraid my husband is gone forever…"
Slattery; "I fear" -> "I'm afraid" since Duncan's wife's understanding at that point is that Duncan is definitely dead per the party's word.
2940You say peace is really here to stay?You say you really managed to make peace with the Empire?You say you really managed to make peace with the Empire?Slattery.
2941There's nothing like being free!We're free!Yay!
We're free!
Slattery, edited for tone.
2942Now I can relax and drink my cider.Now I can relax and drink my cider.Now I can relax and drink my cider in peace.Slattery, edited for clarity & flow.
2943Need a rest?
Rest for a bit?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rest for a bit?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
2945<Choice>(Ride a chocobo?)
<Choice>(Not yet.)
<Choice> (Ride a chocobo.)
<Choice> (Maybe later.)
<Choice> (Ride a chocobo?)
<Choice> (Maybe later.)
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2946Recovery spring Recovery spring!
Recovery Spring!
The three have reached Narshe,
and a decisive battle is about to
take place...
The three groups have arrived in Narshe, and now a decisive battle is about to unfold...
The three groups have arrived in
Narshe, and now a decisive battle
is about to unfold…
Received "<I>"!
Obtained <Item>!
{/{/ / / / / / / / / }} {/{/ / / / / / / / / }} {/{/ / / / / / / / / }} {/{/ / / / / / / / / }}Obtained !
Slattery; adaptive dialog for formatting.
Learned "<S>"!
Learned <Skill>!
Learned !
Found <N> GP!
Obtained <Gil> gil!
Obtained gil!
(W & S)
295280 GP per night!
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 80 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
80 gil per night.
How about it?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey, edited for style; "GP" -> "gil"; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan/Gau.
2953Good mattress for 150 GP!
Stay a while?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 150 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Good mattress{/es} for 150 gil!
Stay a while?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey, "GP" -> "gil"; adaptive dialog for multi-member party & party leader Cyan/Gau.
2954You can stay for 250 GP.
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 250 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
You can stay for 250 gil.
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey, "GP" -> "gil"; adaptive dialog for multi-member party & party leader Cyan/Gau.
Choose a scenario...kupo!
Choose a scenario, kupo!
"Choose a scenario, kupo!"
We're going in!
All right. We're going in!{<Party Leader>
/}"{All right./Now, then./Right, kupo!/Uwao!/Ughaah!}
{We're going in!/We shall enter in!/We're going in, kupo!/We go in now!}"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party size & party leader Cyan/Mog/Gau/Umaro.
2957Chocobo ride for 80 GP.
Hop aboard?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
80 gil for a chocobo ride! How about it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Chocobo ride for 80 gil!
How about it?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan/Gau.
2958Chocobo ride for 150 GP.
Hop aboard?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
150 gil for a chocobo ride! How about it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Chocobo ride for 150 gil!
How about it?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan/Gau.
(W & S)
2960Use the crane to go down?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Ride down on the crane?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Use the crane to go down?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
2961The Statues are up ahead...The Warring Triad awaits...{<Party Leader>
/}"{The Warring Triad awaits/The Warring Triad awaiteth/Warring Triad gods up ahead}…"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan/Gau/Umaro.
2962 Divide into 3 groups.
Use the Y Button to switch
between them.
Press Select to switch between the three parties.Proceed in three separate parties.
Press the Y button to switch between them.
2963Terra: General Leo...
I believe I understand what you're trying to say.
Terra: General Leo... I think I've begun to understand the things you told me...Terra
"General Leo…
I think I'm starting to understand the things you told me…"
Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("I think I'm starting to understand what you meant.").
2964Locke: As long as there're people who need to be protected, I'll fight!Locke: As long as there are people who need to be protected, I'll keep on fighting!Locke
"As long as there are people who need to be protected, I'll keep on fighting!"
2965Cyan: What an amazing device!Cyan: What an intriguing apparatus!Cyan
"What an astounding mechanism!"
Slattery, edited in part w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("astounding").
2966Shadow: ......Shadow: ...Shadow
2967Edgar: If something happens to me, all the world's women will grieve!Edgar: If something were to happen to me, all the world's ladies would grieve!Edgar
"If something were to happen to me, ladies all over the world would grieve!"
Slattery, "all the world's ladies" -> "ladies all over the world" in part w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Ladies the world over").
2968Sabin: Riiiiiight!Sabin: All right! Let's do this!Sabin
"{All right!
Let's do this!/Riiiiiight!}"
Slattery; adaptive dialog uses Woolsey as a sarcastic response to Edgar's line #2967.
2969Celes: I'm glad I made it this far...I feel I have a lot to live for...Celes: As long as we don't give up hope, there's still a chance for the future!Celes
"I'm glad I learned not to give up hope back then…
We all have so much to live for."
DarkMage [via Lina Darkstar] ("I'm glad I didn't give up_there's still hope for the future."), reworked to fix story inconsistency in part from Woolsey.
2970Strago: Hey everyone!
Let me see the light in your eyes! The old man, here, hasn't given up yet!
Strago: All of you have that sparkle in your eyes... Well, this old man's not giving up, either!Strago
"All of you have that sparkle in your eyes… Well, this old man's not giving up, either!"
2971Relm: Let's do it!
Let's go get that madman!
Relm: Come on! Let's go knock the crazy right out of that guy!Relm
"Come on!
Let's go beat that cackling maniac!"
First sentence Slattery, second sentence New, based on Woolsey & Lina Darkstar ("Let's go BEAT that giggly little slimeball!").
2972Setzer: Something good will come of it all!Setzer: I think luck is on our side!Setzer
"I believe luck is on our side!"
Slattery; "think" -> "believe" for style.
2973A piece of Magicite popped out of Doom Gaze's mouth!A piece of magicite fell from Deathgaze's maw! A piece of Magicite fell out
of Deathgaze's mouth!
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
Received the Magicite
Obtained Bahamut magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2975Edgar: It's time to break into Kefka's domain!Edgar: It's time we took the battle to Kefka's doorstep!Edgar
"It's time we took the battle to Kefka's doorstep!"
2976Setzer: What's wrong?
Setzer: What's wrong?
Celes: ...
"What's wrong?
Based on Woolsey & kWhazit ("What's wrong? Celes...") & Lina Darkstar ("Celes? What's wrong?"). Note: Slattery is the one in error here.
2977Celes: The Statues give the Espers the magical energy they need to live.
If we destroy the Statues...
Celes: The gods of the Warring Triad control the magic of the esper world... If we destroy them...Celes
"The gods of the Warring Triad govern the magic of the Esper realm.
If we defeat them…"
Slattery w/ some wording from kWhazit ("govern", "beat" -> "defeat"); "world" -> "realm".
2978Edgar: What'll happen?Edgar: ...You're worried about what might happen?Edgar
"What's going to happen?"
New, somewhere between Woolsey & Slattery.
2979Celes: I'm really not sure,
Celes: I'm not sure, but...Celes
"I'm not sure, but…"
2980Celes: The Espers, and magic, too, will cease to exist.Celes: ...espers and magic might vanish from the world entirely.Celes
"The Espers… and magic, too, may vanish from the world entirely."
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2981Strago: The Espers...and magic, too, will most definitely disappear from this world.Strago: Espers...and even magic itself could vanish from the world.Strago
"The Espers, and even magic itself, may vanish from the world entirely…"
Slattery, lightly edited.
2982Edgar: And then...Edgar: And if that happens...Edgar
"And if that happens…"
2983Celes: What will happen to ...
Celes: ...what'll happen to Terra?Celes
"…What'll happen to Terra?"

Welcome, friends!
Welcome, friends!

"Welcome, friends!"
(W & S)
2985I knew you'd make it here, so
I've prepared some suitable
entertainment for you!
I knew you'd come, so I've been practicing my greeting! "I knew you'd come,
so I've done my very best
to prepare suitable remarks."
Woolsey, adapted to more literal meaning w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit ("I knew you would all come, so I've tried my hardest to think of words suitable to the occasion.").
2986How long are you going to let the destruction continue?
KEFKA: I've tapped into the ultimate power. Observe...!
How much do you have to destroy before you'll have had your fill, Kefka!?
Kefka: I've acquired the ultimate power! Observe...
"Just how far do you plan on taking
this destruction, Kefka!?"

"I've acquired the ultimate power.
Page 1: kWhazit ("How far are you going to take this destruction, Cefca!?"), reworded for style. // Page 2: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2987KEFKA: Such magnificent power!
You are like insects to me!
Kefka: Such magnificent power! You're nothing more than fleas compared to me now! Kefka
"Such magnificent power…"

"You're nothing more than gnats
compared to me!"
Page 1: Slattery, repunctuated (toned down) w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: Slattery, "fleas" -> "gnats", lightly edited for brevity.
2988KEFKA: I will exterminate everyone, and everything!Kefka: Embrace your destruction... It is the fate of all things. Kefka
"Embrace your obliteration…!"

"All things are fated to crumble
sooner or later."
Page 1: Slattery; "destruction" -> "obliteration", repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("It all breaks sooner or later anyway.") & wording from Lina Darkstar earlier in the caption ("Crumble before me.").
2989People will keep rebuilding the things you take from them!To be destroyed? Maybe it is! But people can always rebuild, and new lives will always be born! <Actor>
"But people can create anew,
and rebuild the things they've lost!"
Lina Darkstar ("But people can create anew"), with appended novel elaboration based on Slattery's novel rendering earlier in the sentence.
2990KEFKA: Then I'll destroy those too. Why do people rebuild things they know are going to be destroyed?
Why do people cling to life when they know they can't live forever?
Think how meaningless each of your lives is!
Kefka: And time will destroy all those as well. Why do people insist on creating things that will inevitably be destroyed? Why do people cling to life, knowing that they must someday die? ...Knowing that none of it will have meant anything once they do?Kefka
"And time will destroy those, too.
Why do people insist on rebuilding things they know will be destroyed?"

"Why do people cling to life, knowing
that they must someday die?"

"Think how meaningless each of
your lives will have been once
you're dead!"
Page 1: Slattery, edited for brevity, "creating" -> "rebuilding" w/r/t kWhazit ("building anew"). // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("It's all for naught once you're dead.").
2991It's not the net result of one's life that's important!
It's the day-to-day concerns, the personal victories, and the celebration of life...and love!
Because it's not the end that matters! It's knowing you have something to live for right now, at this moment! Something you've worked for... Something that's worth protecting! <Actor>
"It's not the ending that matters!"

"It's knowing what you're living for,
right now…
what you've helped to create…
what you have to protect…"
Page 1: Slattery, edited for clarity. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("It's what you're living for now... It's what you've been able to create... It's what you need to protect...") & Lina Darkstar ("What is it we’re living for, right now. What is it we’ve been able to create. What is it we protect.")
2992It's enough if people are able to experience the joy that each day can bring!As long as you have that...that's enough! <Actor>
"If people are able to find that
something during the course of
their lives, then…that's enough!"
kWhazit ("If people can discover the answers to those questions during their lives, isn't that good enough?") merged w/ Slattery.
2993KEFKA: And have you found your "joy", in this nearly dead world of ours?Kefka: And did you all find your "somethings" in this broken world that just won't die? Kefka
"And have you all found your
'somethings', in this forever-dying
world of ours?"
Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("in this world hung upon the brink of extinction?") & kWhazit ("In this world that's dying out...?").
2994Yes!Yes! <Actor>
Woolsey/Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label.
2995Terra: I know what love is...!Terra: Love! Terra
2996Locke: And I have learned to celebrate life...and the living.Locke: A person worth protecting. Locke
"A person worth protecting."
2997Cyan: My family lives on inside of me.Cyan: A wife and child who live on within me. Cyan
"My wife and child who live on in
my heart."
Content from kWhazit ("My wife and child in my heart.") / Lina Darkstar ("The wife and child within my heart."), superimposed on Slattery's structure.
2998Shadow: I know what friendship is... and family...Shadow: Friends...and family. Shadow
"Friends…and family."
2999Edgar: It is my dream to build a kingdom in which I can guarantee freedom, and dignity.Edgar: A peaceful kingdom. Edgar
"My mission to build a peaceful
and dignified kingdom."
New, based on kWhazit ("I have a mission to create an orderly country.") & Woolsey.
3000Sabin: I have come to experience anew the love of my brother!Sabin: A loving brother who always looks out for me! Gah-ha-ha-ha! Sabin
"A loving brother who always
looks out for me!
Gah, ha, ha, ha!"
Slattery, reformatted.
3001Celes: I've met someone who can accept me for what I am.Celes: Someone willing to accept me for who I am. Celes
"Someone willing to accept me for
who I am."
3002Strago: I have a special little Granddaughter!Strago: An adorable little granddaughter. Strago
"An adorable little granddaughter."
3003Relm: And I have a brave Grandpa who'll stand by me through it all.Relm: An obnoxious grandpa...who I couldn't live without! Relm
"An obnoxious grandpa…
who I couldn't live without!"
3004Setzer: My friend's airship...
and her love!
Setzer: Wings from a dear old friend! Setzer
"Wings from a dear friend!"
Slattery sans "old" w/r/t kWhazit / Lina Darkstar ("My friend's wings!")
3005Mog: I have my friends here!Mog: New pals, kupo! Mog
"My new pals, kupo!"
Slattery, adds first person w/r/t Woolsey, kWhazit, & Lina Darkstar.
3006Gau: You my friends!
Me uwaooo all of you!
Gau: These people! All them! Uwaooo! Gau
"These people!
All them! Uwao!"
Slattery; "Uwaooo" -> "Uwao" w/r/t kWhazit ("Gau!").
3007KEFKA: This is sickening...
You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet!
Prepare yourselves!
Kefka: Bleh! You people make me sick! You sound like lines from a self-help book! Kefka
"This is sickening…"

"You all sound like chapters from
a self-help book!
Page 1: Woolsey; // Page 2: Woolsey w/ added discusted utterance w/r/t kWhazit ("Blechhhh!!")
3008KEFKA: Now, for my next trick, I will make you all...disappear!Kefka: If that's how it's going to be... I'll snuff them all out! Every last one of your sickening, happy little reasons for living!Kefka
"If that's how it's going to be…"

"I'll snuff them all out! Every last one
of your little reasons for living!"
Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t kWhazit ("Your nourishment for living!") & Lina Darkstar ("These things that sustain your lives!").
3009Kefka, you don't know what you're doing! Stop!No! Kefka, stop! "No! Kefka, stop!!"Slattery.
3010KEFKA: I command the greatest
power in the universe!
You are all helpless before me!
Kefka: I wield the greatest power in existence! You may as well be the dirt on the bottom of my boots! Or the dirt stuck to the bottom of that dirt! Kefka
"I wield the greatest power in
existence! You may as well be the
dirt on the bottom of my boots!"

"…Or the dirt stuck to the bottom of
that dirt!"
Slattery, reformatted.
3011KEFKA: I will destroy everything...
I will create a monument to non-existence!
Kefka: I'll destroy everything! I'll create my own empire...of death! Kefka
"I will destroy everything…
I will create a monument of death
from the ruins!"
First sentence Woolsey; second sentence adapting Woolsey to a meaning closer to literal w/r/t kWhazit ("create a world of death") & Lina Darkstar ("I’ll make a wooorld of death!").
3012Life will go on!
There will always be people,
and dreams!
You can't destroy everything! People will always have dreams! <Actor>
"Life will go on!
People, and their dreams,
will keep being born!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("Life, and dreams, will keep being born!"); adaptive dialog adds speaker label.
3013KEFKA: No!
I will hunt them down.
I will destroy it all!
Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!!
Kefka: No! I'll destroy the entire world! There won't be anything left to dream about! Kefka
"No! I will hunt them down!
I'll destroy them all!!
Destroy! Destroy! DESTROY!!"
Woolsey, edited & reformatted for style.
3014We will not allow you to harm another living thing.We won't let you hurt any more people! <Actor>
"We won't allow you to take any
more lives!"
kWhazit ("You can't be allowed to take lives!") merged w/ Woolsey & Slattery.
3015KEFKA: Hee, hee, hee!!
But what fun is destruction if no "precious" lives are lost!
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! But what fun is destruction if no "precious" lives are lost? Kefka
But what fun is destruction if no
'precious' lives are lost?"
3016It's over, Kefka!It ends here, Kefka! "It ends here, Kefka!"Slattery.
3017KEFKA: Oh!
But it hasn't yet begun!
And I'm giving you a front-row seat!
Kefka: Oh, all right...if you insist! I'll end it here. I'll end everything! Your lives can be the first! Kefka
"Oh, all right… if you insist!"

"I'll end it here. I'll end everything!
Your lives can be the first!"
3018It's breaking up!The tower's collapsing!It's collapsing! kWhazit.
3019There's no time to lose!
Airship's just ahead.
There's no time to lose! Come on! The airship's just up ahead!We {came to help/come help you}!

"Come on!
{The airship's just/Airship's up} ahead!"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("We've come to help!").
3020Celes: Terra!
What's wrong?
Celes: Terra! What's wrong?Celes
What's wrong?"
(W & S)
3021Edgar: The Espers...
They no longer exist...
Edgar: If espers are fading from the world now...Edgar
"If the Espers are ceasing to exist, then…"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Since the Genjuu are ceasing to exist...")
3022Terra: Come with me.
I can lead you out with my last ounce of strength.
Terra: Come with me. I can use the last of my power to guide you out.Terra
"Follow me.
I can use the last of my strength to guide you out."
First sentence kWhazit; second sentence Slattery; "power" -> "strength (Woolsey/kWhazit)".
3023Celes: Come on, everybody!
We have to work together!
Celes: Come on, everybody! We can make it if we work together!Come on, everybody!
We can make it if we work together!
3024The Magicite...
Magic is disappearing from this world...
The magicite... Magic is disappearing...The Magicite…

"Magic is disappearing from the world…"
Woolsey; "this world" -> "the world".
3025Celes: You mean Terra too?Celes: What'll happen to Terra...?Celes
"Will Terra fade, too…?"
New, based on kWhazit ("Will Tina also...?") w/ novel word "fade" for elaboration.
3026Terra!!!!Terra!!!Mama Terra!!New, based on kWhazit ("Big sis Tina!").
3027Terra: Everyone's calling me.Terra: They're calling for me.Terra
"They're calling for me."
3028Celes: Terra!
You're back!
Celes: Terra! You're here!Celes
"Terra! You're here!"
3029Terra: Come with me!Terra: Follow me!Terra
"Follow me!"
Slattery / kWhazit / Lina Darkstar.
3030Edgar: The last piece of Magicite!Edgar: The last piece of magicite!Edgar
"The last of the Magicite!"
kWhazit, reformatted.
3031Celes: Terra!
It's okay!
Your power! It's fading...
Celes: Terra! You've done enough! Your power's getting weaker...Celes
You've done enough!
Your power's getting weaker…"
3032Celes: Terra,
your strength is going!
Celes: Terra isn't going to be able to hold out much longer!Celes
"Terra isn't going to be able to hold out much longer!"
3033Edgar: Follow her!Edgar: After her!~~~
"After her!"
(unused) Slattery.
3034Setzer: Leave it to me!Setzer: Leave it to me!~~~
"Leave it to me!"
(unused) Woolsey/Slattery.
Do it right, Katarin...!
Don't give up, Katarin...

"Don't give up, Katarin…!"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
Gotta hang in there...
I won't either...

"I won't, either…"
Slattery, repunctuated.
...for a while longer...
Not yet...
"Not yet…"
3038Just a little longer...Not...yet?Not…yet? Slattery.
3039Where's Terra!?Terra!?Terra!? Slattery.
3040Celes: Terra!Celes: Terra!Celes
(W & S)
3041Terra: Thank you,
Terra: Thank you, Setzer...Terra
"Thank you, Setzer…"
3042Setzer: Didn't I say it before?! This is the world's fastest ship!Setzer: I told you, didn't I? She's the fastest ship in the world!Setzer
"I told you, didn't I?
She's the world's fastest ship!"
First sentence Slattery; second sentence Slattery merged w/ Woolsey (or, kWhazit repunctuated).
Edgar: Cyan!
Think you can handle that switch?!

Cyan: Machines...
I HATE machines!
Edgar: Cyan! Could you hit that switch?
Cyan: I, umm... Mechanical devices are...not my strong point.

Hit that switch, would you?"

"I am unskilled with such
contraptions, sire…!"
Page 1: Lina Darkstar (Cayenne! Hit- hit that switch!), reformed as a question w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar w/ added "sire".
3044Cyan: You just have to show technology who's boss!! Cyan: ...I do believe I am getting better, though!
"Thou needst only show technology
who's in charge!"
Woolsey, reworked in the archaic dialect.
3045Setzer: Wait! Setzer: Wait!
(W & S)
3046Setzer: Let's go that way!!

Sometimes in life you just have to FEEL your way through a situation!
Setzer: ...Whenever you think you're right, you're wrong. And that's a big mistake.
"…The moment you assume you're
right, you'll be wrong."

"…And that is a big mistake."
Page 1: New, considered from all sources & reworked into something that's close to literal (kWhazit: "...right now, the opposite of what you're thinking is correct. But... that's a grave mistake. and also makes some sense.").
Setzer: Daryl...I'm starting to sound just like you!
Setzer: That was what you always used to say, wasn't it, Darill?
"Just as you always used to say…
kWhazit ("You did always use to say that, Daryl!") merged w/ Slattery.
Mog: Heeeeelp! Save me!
Mog: Help me!!! Kupo!
"Help me!!! Kupooo!"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Save me, kupooo!").
Mog: The hair!!
Watch the hair!!!
Mog: The hair!!! Watch the hair! I'm not a stuffed animal, kupo!
"The hair!! Watch the hair!
I'm not a stuffed animal, kupo!"
Slattery, "!!!" -> "!!".
Celes: It won't open!
Celes: It won't open!
"It won't open!"
(W & S)
Umaro: U'ghaaaa!
Umaro: Ughaaa!
Slattery merted w/ kWhazit ("Ugaah!")
3052Edgar: Where's Sabin when you need him...? Edgar: Where's Sabin when you need him...? Edgar
"Where's Sabin when you need
(W & S)
3053Sabin: I didn't turn my back on the kingdom, big brother...
I knew you'd be a better king.
I trained hard knowing I might have to help you one day...
Now I know why I have these stupid muscles!
Sabin: It's not like I wanted to dump all that responsibility on you... I knew you'd look out for the kingdom. I wanted to be able to look out for you. That's why I went off to become stronger...
"I didn't just dump all that
responsibility on you, big brother…"

"I knew you'd look out for the
kingdom. I wanted to be able to
look out for you."

"Now you know why I went off and
got these stupid muscles!"
Page 1: Slattery, edited to lessen the implication the Sabin *did* just "dump all that responsibility" on Edgar despite not "wanting to". // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
Edgar: Ladies first!
Edgar: Ladies first! Edgar
"Ladies first!"
(W & S)
3055Gau: Gau find short cut! Gau: Shortcut! Take shortcut!
"Gau find shortcut!"
Woolsey; "short cut" -> "shortcut".
3056Celes: Both buttons have to be pressed simultaneously...Celes: Both buttons have to be pressed at the same time, in exactly the same way!
"The buttons on both sides have to
be pressed in the same sequence!"
kWhazit ("We have to push the buttons on both sides in the same sequence!") edited to remove first person w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery.
Setzer: Gogo!
Watch Celes and do exactly what she does!
Setzer: Gogo! Mimic Celes!
Mimic Celes!"
Come on!
This floor's about to break apart!
Come on! This place is breaking apart!
"Come on!
This place is breaking apart!"
Celes: Locke!!
Celes: Locke!
Locke: I will not let go...
...I promise!
Locke: I won't let go...I promise!
"I will not let go…
I promise!"
Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery.
3061Setzer: Don't fall!
Remember, you promised me you'd do your "Maria" act again!
Setzer: You'd better not fall! You still have to show me that Maria act of yours again! Setzer
"You'd better not fall!
You still have to show me that
Maria act of yours again!"
You almost ate it trying to pick up that silly trinket!
Are you crazy!? You almost got yourself killed--for that!?
"Are you crazy!? You almost got
yourself killed--for that!?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label.
Setzer: What a woman!
Your life is hanging by a bandana!
Setzer: Risking your life for a bandana... What a woman!
"Risking your life for a bandana…
What a woman!"
3064Celes: This is my good luck charm... When I found this, my life took a turn for the better...Celes: It's my good luck charm... It saved me when nothing else could have... Celes
"It's my good luck charm…
It changed my fate…"
First sentence Slattery; second sentence kWhazit.
3065Celes: Locke...
Promise me someday you'll look after me again?!
Celes: Locke... You're watching over me from somewhere...aren't you? Celes
You're watching over me from
somewhere, aren't you?"
Slattery, slightly repunctuated.
Terra: Father......?
Terra: Father...?
3067MADUIN: Terra...we must part now. We Espers will disappear from this world...
Maduin: Terra...we must part now. We espers will disappear from this world. You may fade away as well...Maduin
"Terra… we must part now.
We Espers will disappear from this world. You may fade away as well…"
Slattery, repunctuated.
3068MADUIN: But if the human part of you is very strongly attached to something or someone...

You will probably be able to remain in this world as a human being...
Maduin: But, perhaps if the human part of you feels something strong enough, then maybe... ...just maybe you will be able to remain here as a human... Maduin
"However, if the human part of you
has come to hold something very

"Then perhaps as a human,
you may remain…"
New, influenced by Woolsey, kWhazit ("But if you've been able to feel something precious as a human..."), Lina Darkstar ("But, if perhaps, as a human, you have found strong feelings for something precious to you...")
Relm: Grandpa!
Stop goofing around!!
Relm: Grandpa, you can't give up yet!
You can't give up yet!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
3070Strago: Sorry, dear...
Relm: If I hear even a peep out of you, I'm gonna draw your portrait!
Strago: Sorry, dear...
Relm: Any more whining out of you, and I'll paint your picture!

"Sorry, dear…"

"Any more whining out of you,
and I'll paint your portrait!"
Slattery; "picture" -> "portait (Woolsey)".
Strago: No!
Anything but that!
Strago: Oh, no! Anything but that!
"Waah, no!
Anything but that!"
Slattery; "Oh" -> "Waah" w/r/t kWhazit ("Awawa").
3072Relm: ... ...but you know...
Just once I'd really like to do a portrait of you...on canvas, of course!
Relm: ...But, you know, someday I really would like to paint your portrait. ...On canvas, I mean! Relm
"… …But, you know, someday I really
would like to paint your portrait.
…On canvas, I mean."
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar.
Strago: Relm!
How can you be thinking about pictures at a time like this?!
Strago: Oh, Relm... Look what you've done! You've made me go all misty-eyed, and now I can't see where we're going!{/ }Strago
{/ }"Relm. This is hardly the time…
{/ }I can't see straight when I'm
{/ }getting all misty-eyed!"
kWhazit ("Relm... This is hardly the time... I can't see when I'm tearing up!") merged w/ Slattery.
Shadow: Interceptor!
Get going!
Shadow: Go on, Interceptor! Get going!
"Go on, Interceptor!
Get going!"
3075Shadow: Baram!
I'm going to stop running.
I'm going to begin all over again...
Shadow: Baram... It looks like I can finally stop running... Come and find me, all right? Shadow
Looks like I can finally stop running.
Give me a warm welcome, will ya?"
Slattery, repunctuated in part w/r/t kWhazit; "Come and find me" -> "Give me a warm welcome (kWhazit / Lina Darkstar)".
Shadow: Stay well...
Shadow: Take care of yourself, boy...
"Take care of yourself…"
Slattery, sans "boy".
Strago: No...NO!!!!
A "kid" like me doesn't know the meaning of defeat!
Strago: Come on, Strago! You can't let yourself be shown up by a bunch of kids! Strago
"It's not over yet!
I won't let myself be shown up by
a bunch of youngsters!"
Slattery, converted from second person to first person w/r/t Woolsey, kWhazit, & Lina Darkstar.
Strago: Gotcha!!
Strago: Gotcha!
Relm: I won't be done in by an older woman!
Relm: No old woman's gonna beat me!
"No old woman's gonna beat me!"
Relm: Wait a minute,
lover boy!
Relm: Hey, lover-boy! I thought you were supposed to let ladies go first!
"Hey! Wait up, lover-boy!"
Combination of Woolsey, Slattery, & kWhazit ("Wait up!").
Relm: You can't just throw me aside!
Relm: ...You scar-faced old gambler! Don't leave me back here!!!
"Scar-faced bastard!
Don't leave me back here!"
First sentence New, close to new; second sentence Slattery.
Relm: How about a nice portrait for you, hmm?!
Relm: That's it! Portraits for all of you!!!
"That's it!
Portraits for all of you!!"
Slattery, "!!!" -> "!!" w/r/t FF6j.

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2024 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.