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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2099

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v1.14
2000 Is this the source of our blaze...? Is this what started the blaze!? Is this what started the blaze!? Slattery.
2001 Locke: Try to avoid the flames.
Terra: Easier said than done.
Strago: Hurry!
We have to find Relm!
Locke: The fire's spreading fast...
Terra: Looks like this house could collapse at any second...
Strago: We have to hurry and find Relm!
"Fire's spreading fast…!"

"Looks like this house could collapse at any second…"

We have to find Relm!"
Page 1: Slattery, "The fire's" -> "Fire's" for brevity, repunctuated w/r/t DarkMage. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey.
2002 Uwaaa!!
Too late!
Oh no! We're too late! Uwaaah!!

"We're too late!"
Page 1: Woolsey, lightly edited for style. // Page 2: Slattery.
2003 Huh!? Huh!? Huh!? (W & S)
2004 Strago: Relm!!!
Where are you?!
Strago: Relm! Where are you!? Strago
Where are you!?"
2005 Shadow: Let's get outta here! I'll use a Smoke Bomb!! Shadow: Time to get out of here! I'll use a smoke bomb! Shadow
"Time to get out of here.
I'm using a Smoke Bomb!!"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey, "I'll use" -> "I'm using" for style.
2006 Strago: Are you okay?
Relm: Yes. Thanks, Grandpa!
Strago: Are you okay?
Relm: Yeah. Thanks, Grandpa...
"Feeling better?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Grandpa…"
Page 1: Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: Slattery.
2007 Strago: Save your thanks for these people.
Relm: Thank you...
Strago: These folks are the ones you should be thanking!
Relm: Thank you.
"These folks are the ones you should be thanking!"

"…Thank you."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, with leading ellipsis added to indicate follow-through rather than response.
2008 Strago: I guess our town's little secret is out now... Strago: I guess our little secret is out now... Strago
"I guess our little secret is out now…"
2009 Locke: Can everyone here use magic? What's going on here? Locke: Everyone in this village can use magic, can't they? What is this place...? Locke
"Everyone in this village can use magic, can't they?
What is this place…?"
2010 Strago: This is...
...the village of the Mage Warriors...
Strago: This is... ...the village of the magi. Strago
"This is…
the village of mages."
kWhazit ("This is... the village of the sorcerers."), "the sorcerers" -> "mages" (See #82).
2011 Strago: Long ago humans used Magicite to gain magical powers. They came to be known as Mage Warriors. Strago: A long, long time ago, humans used magicite to acquire magical powers... Those who gained the ability to use magic were the people known as the magi. Strago
"Long ago, humans used Magicite to acquire sorcerous power."

"Those who developed the ability to cast magic spells came to be known as mages."
Page 1: Woolsey, repunctuated; "gain magical powers" -> "acquire sorcerous power". // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("Those humans who became able to use magic were then called sorcerers.").
2012 Locke: But I thought they perished centuries ago... Locke: I didn't think there were any magi left in the world... Locke
"I thought there weren't any of those left in the world…"
kWhazit, "sorcerers" -> "of those".
2013 Strago: After the War of the Magi, the Espers fled to their new world behind the sealed gate.
They wished to live peacefully, without fear of being used by humans. They left us here to fend for ourselves...
But we were despised by normal people. Everyone felt we had begun that war...
Strago: After the War of the Magi, the espers fled to a new world beyond the Sealed Gate. They wished to live in peace, without fear of their powers being used by others. That left only humans in this world, and the ordinary ones feared the magi's power. The horror of the war was still fresh in their minds... Strago
"After the War of the Magi, the Espers fled to a new hidden realm beyond what is now the Sealed Gate."

"They wanted to live without fear of their powers being exploited again.
The humans were left here to fend for themselves."

"But ordinary people feared the mages' powers.
The horror of the war was still fresh in their minds…"
Page 1: Slattery; "world" -> "hidden realm" w/r/t kWhazit ("separate world", "in hiding"); "the Sealed Gate" -> "what is now the Sealed Gate" for precision. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery, removed novel "in peace" (from Woolsey's novel "peacefully"), "used by others" -> "abused again" w/r/t kWhazit ("abused"), where "again" is novel for precision -- We've already learned that the Espers had a problem in particular with the "humans who had been infused with magical powers extracted from other espers (Slattery #1096)", and these are different from the mages who "used magicite to acquire magical powers (Slattery #2011)"; Second sentence Woolsey, reworked for third person passive voice for consistency. // Page 3: Slattery's wording superimposed on Woolsey's structure.
2014 Strago: They sent people to hunt us down like animals.
There weren't even any trials...
Terra: Even though the only difference was that you could use magic...?
Strago: It soon turned into an inquisition. Magi were hunted down and executed. Oh, there were trials, of course...but they were merely for show.
Terra: Even though the only difference was that they could use magic...
"It soon turned into a full-blown hunt for mages."

"One after another, mages were unjustly captured, tried, and put to death."

"…Even though, aside from using magic, they were normal human beings…"
Page 1: Slattery, novel "inquisition" -> "a full-blown hunt for mages" w/r/t kWhazit ("the hunting of sorcerers"), where "full-blown" is novel. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar ("One after another, they were unjustly tried and put to death"), edited for clarity esp. w/ added "captured". NOTE: Slattery's paraphrasing here is considered inappropriate as it gives the impression that Strago lived through the events described. // Page 3: Lina Darkstar, repunctuated.
2015 Strago: A few Mage Warriors escaped and found their way here. They were our ancestors.
Our powers have weakened over time, but some of it remains.
Strago: The few who managed to escape took up shelter here. They were our ancestors. Our powers have weakened as our magi blood has thinned, but they some form or another. Strago
"The few who managed to escape found shelter in this land.
They were our ancestors."

"Their blood has thinned with time, losing much of its potency…
but some of the power still lingers with us in some form or another."
Page 1: Slattery edited w/ some wording from kWhazit ("Those sorcerers who fled then to live in hiding in these lands were our ancestors."). // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("Their blood has thinned, and our sorcerous powers have largely faded, but they still remain in some form.").
2016 Terra: Look, if you're up to it, we could use your help.
Strago: So, you're after the Espers, eh...?
Terra: If you're up to you think you'd be willing to help us?
Strago: You said you're looking for some espers, right?
"If you're up to it…
would you be willing to help us?"

"You said you're looking for some Espers, right?"
Page 1: DarkMage (Slattery edited) for brevity. // Page 2: Slattery, reformatted.
2017 Strago: Well, I owe you for saving Relm. I'll help you find your Espers. Strago: Well, I do owe you one for saving Relm... I'll help you find your espers. Strago
"Well, I do owe you one for saving Relm…
I'll help you find your Espers."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2018 Relm: Me too!
Strago: I don't think so.
Relm: I wanna go, too!
Strago: I think not, young lady!
"Me too!"

"Absolutely not."
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: New, firm and brief answer w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar ("No.").
2019 Relm: What a fuddy duddy... Relm: Fuddy-duddy... Relm
"What a fuddy-duddy…"
Woolsey, reformatted.
2020 Locke: But...where do we start looking?
Strago: Hmm...
If they're here, they must be hiding in the mountains to the west.
Locke: But...where do we start?
Strago: Hmm... If they came this way, they may be hiding in the mountains to the west.
"But…where do we start?"

"Hmm… If the Espers came to this island, then they might be hiding in the mountains to the west."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey ("Hmm... If the Genjuu fled to this island, they may be in the mountains west of the village.").
2021 Locke: Why there?
Strago: Those mountains have powerful magical properties.
They say the Espers were created there...
Locke: Why there?
Strago: Those mountains are teeming with magical energy. According to legend, they're a sacred place to the espers.
"Why there?"

"Those mountains are teeming with magical energy. Legend has it they are a kind of Esper holy ground…"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence DarkMage (Slattery, "According to legend" -> "Legend has it") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("According to legend it's the Espers' holy ground.") & added "a kind of" w/r/t kWhazit ("a Genjuu holy land" [note the article]).
2022 Terra: Maybe they're drawn to that place? Terra: Perhaps the magic of that place drew them there after they went berserk... Terra
"Perhaps the Espers were drawn to that place when they were running wild…?"
Lina Darkstar ("Maybe the Espers were drawn to that place, when they were running wild...?"), lightly edited for style.
2023 Locke: I think it's worth a look. Locke: It's worth a look. Locke
"I think it's worth a look."
2024 Shadow: Don't misunderstand me. I just wanted my dog back. Shadow: Don't get the wrong idea. I just wanted my dog back. Shadow
"Don't get the wrong idea.
I just wanted my dog back."
2025 Locke: Going somewhere?
Shadow: I'll search for the Espers in my own way.
Locke: You're leaving?
Shadow: I'll search for the espers my own way.
"You're leaving?"

"I'll search for the Espers my own way."
Slattery, reformatted.
2026 ULTROS: G'heh, heh...these shiny statues are all mine!
These'll get Ziegfried's attention!
Ultros: Heh-heh-heh... These shiny golden statues are all mine! Now I'll finally be able to get some respect from Siegfried! Ultros
"G'heh, heh… These shiny golden statues are all mine! Ol' Ziegfried isn't gonna believe his eyes!"
First sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Second sentence New, based on Woolsey & Lina Darkstar ("My man Ziegfried'll look twice at these!") -- less literal than Slattery / kWhazit ("Now I'll be worthy of showing my face to Siegfried!"), but since this relationship is never touched upon elsewhere in the script, interesting wording is preferred.
2027 ULTROS: Oh!
They're glowing!!
Ultros: Ohhh! They're all glowy and sparkly! So purdy... Ultros
They're all glowy and sparkly!
So purrrdy!"
Slattery, "Ohhh" -> "Ooh", "purdy" -> "purrrdy".
2028 Locke: Hey, squidball!
Don't you ever learn?
ULTROS: Uh, well they always said I was a slow learner...
but I eat FAST!!
Locke: Hey squidbrain! Don't you ever learn?
Ultros: Well, Mama always said I was a slow learner...but at least I never give up!
"Dammit, Ultros!
Was twice not enough to get it through your squid brain?"

"Well, Mama always said I was a slow learner. But hey…"
♬ Third time's the chaaaarm! ♬
Page 1: First sentence Lina Darkstar w/r/t kWhazit ("Dammit, Orthros!"), Second sentence Lina Darkstar ("Was twice just not enough") edited & expanded based on Slattery ("squidbrain"). // Page 2: Slattery (novel, from Woolsey) combined with Lina Darkstar ("You know what they say. Third times the chaaarm~!") -- compare to kWhazit ("Oh, but this is all about 'third time's a charm'!")
2029 Relm: Hey! Did you see me? I was awesome!
Wouldn't I be more helpful than Gramps?
Strago: G...GRAMPS!!?
Relm: Hey! Did you see me? Wasn't I great? I'd be way more useful than Gramps!
Strago: G-Gramps!?
"Hey! Did you see me? I was stupendous! Don't you think I'd be more helpful than this old fart?"

Page 1: Woolsey, "awesome" -> "stupendous (Spooniest)" edited with wording from Lina Darkstar ("old fart").
2030 Terra: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have you along... Terra: It wouldn't hurt to bring her along, would it? Terra
"It wouldn't hurt to have her along, would it?"
Slattery, "bring" -> "have (Woolsey)".
2031 Strago: I can't believe it...
The Statues...!
Terra: "The" Statues?!
Strago: Are these... ...statues of the Warring Triad!?
Terra: The Warring Triad?
"Th…these are…
…statues of the Warring Triad!"

"Warring Triad…?"
kWhazit ("Th-these are... statues of the Three Warring Gods!?", "Three Warring Gods?"), "Three Warring Gods" -> "Warring Triad (Slattery)"; Strago's line repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey to improve contrast between Strago's exclaiming and Terra's questioning.
2032 The birth of magic...
3 goddesses were banished here. In time they began quarreling, which led to all-out war.
Those unlucky humans who got in the way were transformed into Espers, and used as living war machines...
The dawn of magic... Three gods descended from the heavens. Fearing one another's power, the gods began to war. Those mortals caught amongst their fighting became espers, and were forced to fight endlessly as slaves to the gods. The Dawn of Sorcery…
From the heavens descended three gods. Fearing one another's power,
the gods began to make war.

Those mortals caught amongst the fighting were transformed into Espers, and were forced to battle endlessly as slaves to the gods.
Page 1: First line kWhazit, recapitalized; remaining lines Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("From heaven descended three gods. They feared each other, and made war."). // Page 2: Slattery, "became espers" -> "were transformed into Espers (Woolsey)".
2033 Locke: Some faint letters are carved on the back of the stone figures... Locke: There are letters chiseled into the back of these things... Locke
"There's some fine lettering carved into the backs of these figures…"
Lina Darkstar ("There's some fine lettering carved on the back.") w/ Woolsey; "stone figures" is translated by kWhazit as "statues"; "stone" is omitted w/r/t Slattery's more aggressive replacement with "these things".
2034 Locke: Say, old man, what else can you tell us about these goddesses? Locke: So, uh, what's this "Warring Triad"? Locke
"Say, old man, what exactly is this 'Warring Triad'?"
kWhazit ("So, old man, what are these Three Warring Gods?") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("So what exactly are the 'Warring Gods'?") & Slattery's terminology ("Warring Triad").
2035 Strago: They quite literally created magic, as we know it.
Locke: So, they're the goddesses of magic, then?
Strago: You could say that.
Strago: They're the legendary gods who created the power we know as magic.
Locke: So...they're the gods of magic?
Strago: You could say that.
"They're the legendary gods who long ago brought the power of magic into this world."

"So…they're the gods of magic, then?"

"You could say that, yes."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("brought the power of magic into this world"). // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar & kWhazit (..."the gods of magic, then?"). // Page 3: Woolsey/Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("You could call them that, yes.").
2036 Terra: I can feel their power...
Strago: The Statues are the source of all magic.
It's said the Espers made these images, and put them in a very special place.
These represent power beyond all comprehension...
Terra: This place is brimming with magic...
Strago: Those three gods are the creators of magic...meaning they also created the espers. It's said that the espers once enshrined images of the gods in a holy place. This must be it...
"This place is brimming with magic…"

"All magic ultimately flows from those three gods… meaning they created the Espers, too."

"It's said that the Espers once enshrined images of the gods in a holy place.
This must be it."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: New, based on Woolsey for the first half and Slattery for the second half for a hopefully more coherent whole. // Page 3: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2037 Terra: Our Espers no doubt came to this island to bask in all this magical power! Terra: The espers must have been drawn here by the magic of these statues. Terra
"Our Espers must have been drawn to this island by the power in these statues."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2038 The goddesses finally realized that they were being laughed at by those who had banished them here.
In a rare moment of mutual clarity, they agreed to seal themselves away from the world.
With their last ounce of energy they gave the Espers back their own free will, and then transformed themselves...
...into stone.
Their only request was that the Espers keep them sealed away for all eternity.
Realizing their power begot naught but strife, the gods at last agreed to seal away their strength. With the last of their fading magic, the gods returned the espers' free will, then turned themselves to stone. The last words they left to the espers were these: "Never must we be woken." Realizing their power begot naught but strife, the gods finally agreed to seal themselves away by aligning their powers into equilibrium.

With the last of their fading strength,
they restored the Espers' free will,
then turned themselves to stone.

The last words they left to the Espers were these:
"Never must we be woken."
Page 1: Slattery, with addition based on kWhazit ("by causing their powers to neutralize each other"). // Page 2: Slattery, "magic" -> "strength (kWhazit)", "returned" -> "restored" for style. // Page 3: Slattery, reformatted.
2039 The Espers created these statues as a symbol of their vow to let the goddesses sleep in peace.
The Espers have sworn to keep the goddesses' power from being abused.
In reverence towards the gods were these statues made, and in prayer that their power would ne'er again be stirred. Let them serve as a warning to future generations of the three gods who once descended from the heavens... In reverence towards the slumbering gods were these statues made, and in prayer that their power shall never again be stirred.

Let these enshrined images upon earth serve as a warning to future generations, of the gods that once descended from the heavens.
Page 1: Slattery, "gods" -> "slumbering gods" w/r/t kWhazit ("gods in their eternal slumber"), lightly edited for style. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("We enshrine these here on earth as an admonition to future generations of the gods that once decended from the heavens."), where "images" is a slight novelty.
2040 Locke: Phew...what a story.
Terra: If the Espers were attracted here by these statues, they must be around here somewhere!
Locke: Hmm...
Terra: If the espers were drawn here by these statues, they could be just up ahead...
Makes sense."

"If the Espers were drawn here by these statues, they could be just up ahead…"
Page 1: Slattery w/ kWhazit ("Makes sense.") appended. // Page 2: Slattery.
2041 Locke: Say, old timer,
what happened to the stone goddesses?
Strago: Legend has it that they're hidden somewhere beyond the reach of humans.
I'd say they're beyond the sealed gate...
Locke: So what happened to the gods after they made the espers?
Strago: Supposedly, they tired of their fighting and turned themselves to stone. Legend has it they can be found beyond the Sealed Gate, resting in their eternal slumber.
"So, Gramps, what happened to the gods after they made the Espers?"

"Supposedly, the three tired of their fighting and turned themselves to stone."

"Legend has it they can be found beyond the Sealed Gate, resting in their eternal slumber."
Slattery, "So" -> "So, Gramps," w/r/t kWhazit ("By the way, old man") & Woolsey ("Say, old timer"). // Page 2: Slattery, "they" -> "the three" w/r/t kWhazit ("the Three Warring Gods"). // Page 3: Slattery.
2042 Terra: I wonder if the barrier that protects that place is generated by those stone goddesses? Terra: I wonder if their magic is what connects the gate to the esper world? Terra
"I wonder… Could their power be the reason there's an opening to the Esper realm at the Sealed Gate?"
New, based on kWhazit ("Could it be the magical power of the Three Warring Gods that makes the Mystic Barricade the only point of contact with the Genjuu World?") & incorporating "I wonder (Woolsey)". Slattery's "connects" seems to misleadingly imply that the Esper world/realm is in some alternate dimension.
2043 Relm: Are these...Espers?! Relm: Is esper!? Relm
"Is this…an Esper!?"
Slattery, reformatted.
2044 Terra: I didn't think they'd look so...
Locke: Gramps, take Relm and clear outta here!
Terra: I had no idea there were this many...
Locke: Gramps, take Relm and get out of here!
"I never thought there'd be this many…"

"Gramps, take Relm and get out of here."
Page 1: Slattery, edited w/r/t kWhazit ("So many Genjuu...") to focus Terra's observation on the Espers present rather than a statement about the sum of all Espers. // Page 2: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit for tone.
2045 Strago: What about you? Strago: ...What are they doing!? Strago
"What are they doing!?"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2046 YURA: Halt! Yura: Wait! Yura
2047 Relm: What is it?
Strago: I sense some immense magical power in Terra... It...frightens me...
Relm: What is it?
Strago: I sense...incredible magic power in Terra. No... it's more than just magic...
"What is it?"

"I sense an immense magical power in Terra.
No… it's more than just magic…"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence DarkMage, likely edited from Lina Darkstar ("I sense...a strong magical power in Tina."); Second sentence Slattery -- less literal than kWhazit ("Or... should I say sorcerous power...?").
2048 Locke: I wonder if she's gonna go ballistic again?! Locke: I wonder if she's gonna go ballistic again! Locke
"Is she gonna go ballistic again…?"
Woolsey, rephrased more cleanly as a question w/r/t kWhazit ("Is she going to go out of control again, like before?") / Lina Darkstar ("Is she gonna lose it again?").
2049 YURA: You're somehow different...
I sense a familiar power radiating from you...
Terra: Yes.
Yura: You're...different from the others. You possess the same power we do... I can feel it.
Terra: Yes.
"You're…different from the others.
You possess the same power we do… I can feel it."

Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey/Slattery.
2050 Strago: You're the Espers that fled through the sealed gate?
YURA: As a rule, we are not allowed to visit to your world.
We few had gathered near the gate, and were wondering how we could save the Espers that had been kidnapped.
It was just a coincidence that Terra appeared when she did...
Strago: You're all young espers from the world beyond the gate, aren't you?
Yura: Entering this world is forbidden, but we wanted to do something for our friends who'd been turned to magicite. We all gathered at the gate. And just then, Terra appeared...
"You're all youngsters from the Esper realm, aren't you?"

"There is a law in our realm which forbids us from attempting to enter this world."

"But we younger ones assembled before the gate, intending to mount a rescue for our kindred who had been expiring in captivity."

"It was right then that Terra appeared…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("So you're the youngsters from the Genjuu World?"). // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("The Genjuu World has a law that forbids us from coming to this world."), novelty "attempting" added for clarity since the law forbids something that, for the Espers, was normally impossible anyway. // Page 3: kWhazit ("But we young ones assembled by the gate to rescue our kindred who were turned to magicite."), edited esp. "were turned to magicite" -> novel "had been expiring in captivity" (compare to Woolsey "that had been kidnapped") for congruity, since you can't rescue an Esper once they've become magicite -- they're already dead. Also, it is reasonable to assume that the Espers only learned of the others' true fate after seeing it with their own eyes a la #1725, despite Cid's unreliable account of the events. // Page 4: Lina Darkstar, "then" -> "right then".
2051 Terra: I felt...
your presence...
through the gate.
YURA: We bolted the moment Terra opened the gate.
But once in your world, we lost control of our powers.
Terra: I could feel the strength of your emotions from the other side of the gate.
Yura: When Terra opened the gate for us, we were finally able to escape. But the moment we stepped into your world, we completely lost control of our powers.
"I could feel the strength of your emotions from the other side of the gate."

"We were finally able to get out when Terra opened the gate for us."

"But the moment we crossed into your world, we lost control of our powers."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: kWhazit, "able" -> "finally able (Slattery)". // Page 3: Slattery, "stepped" -> "crossed", "completely lost" -> "lost (kWhazit/Woolsey)".
2052 YURA: We completely leveled a city...and took some innocent lives... Yura: We destroyed an entire city, and attacked people who had done no wrong... Yura
"We razed an entire city, and destroyed many innocent lives…"
Lina Darkstar, "and even took some innocent lives" -> "and destroyed many innocent lives" w/r/t kWhazit ("and even innocent people...") -- less explicit about death but not ruling it out, explaining Slattery's own interpretation "and attacked people who had done no wrong".
2053 Terra: That's what happened to me! I lost all control of my power... Terra: The same thing happened to me... When that power suddenly stirred inside me, I had no control over it... Terra
"It was the same with me.
When that power suddenly stirred inside me, I couldn't control it…"
First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence Slattery, lightly edited for brevity.
2054 Strago: There must be something in your world that allows you to focus your power differently.
You must use caution while in our world...
Strago: There must be something in your world that dampens your powers. Freed of their reins, your powers ran wild... Strago
"There must be something in your realm that suppresses your powers to a degree."

"Once you left, the floodgates were opened all at once…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Most likely, the other world has properties such that Genjuu power is suppressed to a certain degree."). // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("Because it was suddenly unleashed...") & Lina Darkstar ("If that control were to be suddenly lifted..."), using imagery similar to Slattery but hopefully with a cleaner depiction of the release of pent-up energy, while avoiding describing the consequences.
2055 YURA: We are deeply sorry to have caused you humans such suffering and pain. Yura: It seems even we espers can lose our senses and do unforgivable things. ...I'm truly sorry. Yura
"We lost our senses, and now it is we Espers who have brought suffering and pain to you humans."

"For this we are deeply sorry."
New, using elements of Woolsey & Slattery, informed by kWhazit ("Some among us lost mental stability and even caused harm to people... this was truly inexcusable.") NOTE: Slattery has a redundant translation with "unforgivable" & "I'm truly sorry".
2056 Locke: The past is history. The Empire seems to want to talk peace with you. Why not come with us?
YURA: They would forgive us so easily?
Locke: The Empire wants to make peace with you. Why don't you come with us?
Yura: ...They would forgive us?
"The Empire wants to make peace with you.
Why don't you come with us?"
"…They would forgive us?"
2057 Locke: Let's go to Thamasa and talk with General Leo.
Terra: Right!
Locke: Let's head back to Thamasa and meet with General Leo.
Terra: Right!
"Let's head back to Thamasa and meet with General Leo."

2058 Locke: General Leo.
LEO:'re back! And you've made the Espers understand our desire for peace!
Locke: General Leo!
Leo: Locke! It seems you found the espers. I owe you a debt of gratitude.
"General Leo."

"Ah, Locke!
I see you found the Espers.
Thank you for your efforts."
Page 1: Woolsey; // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence DarkMage; Third sentence kWhazit ("I appreciate your efforts") merged w/ Mato ("Thanks for the trouble"/"Thanks for the hard work").
2059 LEO: I am General Leo.
May I have your name, please?
YURA: I am called Yura.
Leo: I am Leo, a general of the Empire. Might I have your name?
Yura: I am Yura.
"I am Leo, a general of the Empire.
Might I have your name?"

"I am Yura."
2060 YURA: We have done something inexcusable to your people.
YURA: This probably isn't the time or place to ask for your forgiveness, but...
Yura: What we have done to your people is inexcusable. We are in no position to ask for your forgiveness, but... Yura
"What we have done to your people is inexcusable. We are in no position to ask for forgiveness, but…"
2061 LEO: Speak no further.
It is we who owe you an apology. We hungered for your power...
How close we came to reenacting the War of the Magi!!!
YURA: We must put this all behind us.
Leo: Speak no further. We did not seek you out to chastise you for past mistakes. It is we who ought to be ashamed. We thought of you only as a means by which to wage war. How close we came to bringing about a second War of the Magi!
Yura: We must put this all behind us.
"Speak no further.
We do not seek to condemn you for mistakes of the past."

"Rather, it is we who ought to be ashamed. We saw your kind only as a means by which to wage war…"

"How close we came to igniting a second War of the Magi!"

"I am most grateful for your words.
We must put this all behind us."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("We understand. We have no interest in condemning you for mistakes made.") for brevity. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("On the contrary, we are ashamed for thinking of you as no more than a power for war."), "On the contrary" -> "Rather (Lina Darkstar)". // Page 3: Slattery, "bringing about" -> "igniting" for style. // Page 4: Woolsey/Slattery.
2062 KEFKA: I don't care for the appearance of this pitiful little hamlet...
So burn it!!
Kefka: This little hamlet has too much "boring" and not enough "burning"... Torch everything! Kefka
"I don't care for the appearance of this pitiful little hamlet…
Burn it to the ground!"
Woolsey; "So burn it" -> "Burn it to the ground" for style.
2063 Locke: I believe our job is finally over! I, for one, could use some peace and quiet...
Celes: Let's return to Vector.
Locke: I think our work is finally done. It looks like true peace is finally upon us.
Celes: Let's go back to Vector.
"I believe our work is finally done!
I, for one, could use some peace and quiet…"

"Let's go back to Vector."
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery.
2064 Celes: Please, not another word. Celes: Please, don't say anything... Celes
"Please, don't say a thing."
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Don't say a thing.").
2065 Relm: I'm too hot, Grandpa.
Strago: Kids!!
Relm: Those two are hot and heavy, huh, Grandpa?
Strago: They're young, dear...
"…Getting kinda steamy out here, huh, Grandpa?"

"Oh, to be young…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey & Lina Darkstar ("How steamy."). // Page 2: Lina Darkstar ("Oh, to be young."), repunctuated for tone.
2066 LEO: Kefka! What ARE you doing?!
KEFKA: G'ha, ha, ha! Emperor's orders!
I'm to bring the Magicite remains of these Espers to his excellency! Behold! A Magicite mother lode!!
Leo: Kefka! What do you think you're doing!?
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee... Emperor's orders! I'm to turn all these espers into magicite. Behold! A magicite mother lode!
What are you doing!?"

"G'ha, ha, ha… Emperor's orders!
I'm to bring back all of these Espers as Magicite!"

"And I've got a special new technique up my sleeve to get it done…
A Magicite mother lode!"
Page 1: Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: First sentence Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery; Second sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Bring back the Genjuu as magicite"). // Page 3: First sentence New, based on kWhazit "A secret technique to magicitize them!!" which normally came after the "Behold!"; Second & third sentences Woolsey.
2067 LEO: Kefka! No! Leo: Kefka! No! Leo
"Kefka! No!"
(W & S)
2068 KEFKA: Shut up! Kefka: Shut up! Kefka
"Shut up!"
(W & S)
2069 M.TEK TROOPER: General Leo, prepare yourself! Magitek
Soldier: General Leo, prepare to meet your end!
Magitek Pilot
"General Leo, prepare yourself!"
Woolsey, speaker label edited.
2070 LEO: No.
I won't let this happen!
Leo: It's no use! I'd better fall back for the time being! Leo
"It's no use!
I'd better fall back for now!"
Slattery, "for the time being" -> "for now" for brevity.
2071 LEO: Kefka!
Your behavior is dishonorable!
I can't allow this!
Leo: Kefka! I can no longer stand by while you commit these atrocities! Leo
I can no longer stand by while you commit these atrocities!"
2072 KEFKA: Hee, hee...!
How 'bout a little Magitek mayhem!
Kefka: Uwee-hee-hee...! How about a little Magitek mayhem? Kefka
How about a little Magitek mayhem?"
2073 KEFKA: Now for a little Magicite hocus-pocus...! Kefka: Well, I wouldn't want to turn you down after you came all this way! Kefka
"Now, since you're all so eager…
Allow me to entertain you with some Magicite hocus-pocus…!"
Lina Darkstar ("If you're so eager for it, I'll gladly convert you!") merged w/ Woolsey, further edited for cohesion.
2074 KEFKA: Whoa! Yes, I feel some incredible magic power here, today! Wave after wave of pure, magical energy... Kefka: Wh-what is this!? I feel tremendous power! Wave after wave of pure, magical energy...! Kefka
"Wh-what's this!? I'm sensing some tremendous power! Yes… wave after wave of pure, magical energy…!"
Slattery merged somewhat w/ Lina Darkstar ("What, what's this? I'm sensing some tremendous magic power, I am! What a fierce surge in energy!").
2075 KEFKA: I'd say you're all charged up, boys and girls...or whatever...
Say, remind me to show you my Magicite collection someday! You might see a few familiar faces!!!
Kefka: Oh, you all showed up for my party! I wasn't expecting you guys! ...Gals? ...Whatever! But I'm so happy to see you! After all, you've brought me more presents! And they're all just what I wanted--magicite! Kefka
"Oh, you all showed up for my party!
I wasn't expecting you guys! …Gals?

"But I'm so happy to see you!
After all, you've brought me more presents! And they're just what I wanted--Magicite!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "they're all" -> "they're" for brevity.
2076 KEFKA: First, let's neutralize your abilities. Kefka: First, let's neutralize those pesky powers of yours... Kefka
"First, let's neutralize those pesky powers of yours, shall we?"
Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("First let's neutralize that troublesome magic power, shall we?").
2077 KEFKA: Now, little Espers...
Let's see whatcha got!
Kefka: Now, little espers... let's see those presents! Kefka
"Now, little Espers…
Let's see whatcha got!"
2078 KEFKA: This is ridiculous!
I had no idea you were such wimps! Time to put a stop to all of this.
Kefka: What a joke! I didn't know you espers were such wimps! This isn't even fun... Time to wrap things up! Kefka
"What a joke.
I had no idea you Espers were such wimps!"

"This isn't even fun…
Time to wrap things up!"
Slattery; first sentence repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar.
2079 KEFKA: Eh?!
You wanna take me on?
Fine. Here I am...
Kefka: Eh? You wanna take me on? Fine. Here I am! Kefka
You wanna take me on?
Fine. Here I am!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2080 KEFKA: Phew...
I think I have plenty of Magicite for the time being...
that is, until I make my way through your precious sealed gate!!
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! This should be plenty of magicite... Now all I need to do is claim that final treasure beyond your precious Sealed Gate! Kefka
"Hya hya hya…
This should be plenty of Magicite."

"Now all I need to do is claim that final treasure beyond your precious Sealed Gate!"
Page 1: First sentence New, based on kWhazit ("Hyo, hyo, hyo!"); Second sentence Slattery, reformatted & repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery.
2081 It hurts... I got this bruise... It hurts when I push it. ...Ouch! It hurts… (W)
2082 Curse the Empire...Curse Kefka! Curse Kefka! Curse the Empire! Curse the Empire…
Curse Kefka!
Woolsey, reformatted.
2083 The Espers...are they all...? The espers...were they all killed? The Espers…
Were they all killed?
Slattery, reformatted.
2084 MAYOR: I can only take some comfort in the fact that there were so few casualties. Mayor: I can at least take comfort in the fact that there weren't many casualties among the villagers... Mayor
"I can only take some comfort in the fact that there were so few casualties among the villagers…"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2085 Terra: General Leo... Terra: General Leo... Terra
"General Leo…"
(W & S)
2086 Terra: People only seem to want power. Do they really want to be like me? Terra: People only seem to want power, don't they? Do they really want to be like me? Terra
"People only seem to want power.
Do they really want to be like me…?"
Woolsey; Second sentence repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2087 Terra: I...I wanted to learn so much more from you... Terra: I... I wanted you to teach me so much more... Terra
"I… I wanted you to teach me so much more…"
2088 Interceptor!?
That's a nasty wound!
...Interceptor!? That's a nasty wound! …Interceptor!?
That's a nasty wound!
2089 Locke: We not only lost Leo, but Shadow, too...
Curse the Empire!
Locke: Not only Leo, but Shadow, too... Curse the Empire! Locke
"Not only Leo, but Shadow, too…
Damn the Empire!"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit.
2090 Locke: This'll have to do... Locke: That'll have to do for now, buddy. Locke
"That'll have to do for now, buddy."
2091 Celes: He was so gentle... Celes: You're so sweet... Celes
"You're so sweet…"
2092 Relm: I'll go with you. Relm: Don't worry, your friend Relm will take care of you! Relm
"It's okay.
Relm will take care of you."
Slattery edited for brevity & merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("It's okay, I'm here with you.").
2093 Locke: Now I'm worried about Edgar and the others...
Terra: I wish I could say they were safe...
Locke: Now I'm worried about Edgar and the others back in the Empire...
Terra: I hope they're all right...
"Now I'm worried about Edgar and the others back in the Empire…"

"I wish I could say they're safe…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar (compares to Woolsey).
2094 Setzer: We've been had!!
The Emperor is a liar!
Setzer: We've been had! The emperor is a liar. It was all a trap. Setzer
"We've been had!
The Emperor is a liar.
It was all a trap."
Slattery, recapitalized.
2095 Cyan: Thanks to Edgar, we escaped before anything bad happened... Cyan: Thanks to King Edgar, we managed to escape before the trap was sprung. Cyan
"Thanks to King Edgar's information, we managed to escape before the trap was sprung…"
Slattery, "Edgar" -> "Edgar's information (kWhazit)", repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey for tone.
2096 Locke: Way to go, Edgar! Locke: Good work, Edgar! Locke
"I knew he was king for a reason.
Nice one, Edgar!"
New. First sentence based on kWhazit ("He's king for a reason.") & FF6j (~"As expected from the king of a country."); Second sentence appends line similar to the novelty by Woolsey/Slattery.
2097 Edgar: I got to know the gal who brought us tea.
After a while, she just blurted out the whole crooked plan.
Edgar: The lady who brought us tea tipped me off to the whole crooked plot... I'd barely finished exchanging pleasantries with her when she just blurted it out! Edgar
"I was just getting to know the lady who brought us our tea, and…"

"Well, after a while, she just blurted out the whole crooked plot!"
Woolsey, edited to emulate Slattery's pacing, with some wording from Slattery.
2098 Sabin: finally hit pay dirt, eh? Sabin: ..."Pleasantries"? Sabin
Killing two birds with one stone,
New & novel, toned down from Woolsey. NOTE: Literal renderings are kWhazit ("...such a handy trick.") & Lina Darkstar ("...Convenient skill, that.").
2099 Edgar: Watch your mouth!
There're ladies present!
I was a perfect gentleman.
Edgar: Did you think I could be so rude as to meet a lady and not make any moves at all? It was a matter of courtesy, dear brother! Courtesy! Edgar
"Did you think I could be so rude as to meet a lady and not make any moves at all?"

"It's a matter of courtesy, dear brother! Courtesy!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "It was" -> "It's".

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2099

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2023 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.