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FF6:ROSE Dialog Script Notes

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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v2.00
2000Is this the source of our blaze...?Is this what started the blaze!?Is this what started the blaze!?Slattery.
2001Locke: Try to avoid the flames.
Terra: Easier said than done.
Strago: Hurry!
We have to find Relm!
Locke: The fire's spreading fast...
Terra: Looks like this house could collapse at any second...
Strago: We have to hurry and find Relm!
"Fire's spreading fast…!"

"Looks like this house could collapse at any second…"

We have to find Relm!"
Page 1: Slattery, "The fire's" -> "Fire's" for brevity, repunctuated w/r/t DarkMage. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey.
Too late!
Oh no! We're too late!Uwaaah!!

"We're too late!"
Page 1: Woolsey, lightly edited for style. // Page 2: Slattery.
2003Huh!?Huh!?Huh!? (W & S)
2004Strago: Relm!!!
Where are you?!
Strago: Relm! Where are you!?Strago
Where are you!?"
2005Shadow: Let's get outta here! I'll use a Smoke Bomb!!Shadow: Time to get out of here! I'll use a smoke bomb!Shadow
"Time to get out of here.
I'm using a Smoke Bomb!!"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey, "I'll use" -> "I'm using" for style.
2006Strago: Are you okay?
Relm: Yes. Thanks, Grandpa!
Strago: Are you okay?
Relm: Yeah. Thanks, Grandpa...
"Feeling better?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Grandpa…"
Page 1: Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: Slattery.
2007Strago: Save your thanks for these people.
Relm: Thank you...
Strago: These folks are the ones you should be thanking!
Relm: Thank you.
"These folks are the ones you should be thanking!"

"…Thank you."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, with leading ellipsis added to indicate follow-through rather than response.
2008Strago: I guess our town's little secret is out now...Strago: I guess our little secret is out now...Strago
"I guess our little secret is out now…"
2009Locke: Can everyone here use magic? What's going on here?Locke: Everyone in this village can use magic, can't they? What is this place...?Locke
"Everyone in this village can use magic, can't they?
What is this place…?"
2010Strago: This is...
...the village of the Mage Warriors...
Strago: This is... ...the village of the magi.Strago
"This is…
the village of mages."
kWhazit ("This is... the village of the sorcerers."), "the sorcerers" -> "mages" (See #82).
2011Strago: Long ago humans used Magicite to gain magical powers. They came to be known as Mage Warriors.Strago: A long, long time ago, humans used magicite to acquire magical powers... Those who gained the ability to use magic were the people known as the magi.Strago
"Long ago, humans used Magicite to acquire sorcerous power."

"Those who developed the ability to cast magic spells came to be known as mages."
Page 1: Woolsey, repunctuated; "gain magical powers" -> "acquire sorcerous power". // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("Those humans who became able to use magic were then called sorcerers.").
2012Locke: But I thought they perished centuries ago...Locke: I didn't think there were any magi left in the world...Locke
"I thought there weren't any of those left in the world…"
kWhazit, "sorcerers" -> "of those".
2013Strago: After the War of the Magi, the Espers fled to their new world behind the sealed gate.
They wished to live peacefully, without fear of being used by humans. They left us here to fend for ourselves...
But we were despised by normal people. Everyone felt we had begun that war...
Strago: After the War of the Magi, the espers fled to a new world beyond the Sealed Gate. They wished to live in peace, without fear of their powers being used by others. That left only humans in this world, and the ordinary ones feared the magi's power. The horror of the war was still fresh in their minds...Strago
"After the War of the Magi, the Espers fled to a new hidden realm beyond what is now the Sealed Gate."

"They wanted to live without fear of their powers being exploited again.
The humans were left here to fend for themselves."

"But ordinary people feared the mages' powers.
The horror of the war was still fresh in their minds…"
Page 1: Slattery; "world" -> "hidden realm" w/r/t kWhazit ("separate world", "in hiding"); "the Sealed Gate" -> "what is now the Sealed Gate" for precision. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery, removed novel "in peace" (from Woolsey's novel "peacefully"), "used by others" -> "abused again" w/r/t kWhazit ("abused"), where "again" is novel for precision -- We've already learned that the Espers had a problem in particular with the "humans who had been infused with magical powers extracted from other espers (Slattery #1096)", and these are different from the mages who "used magicite to acquire magical powers (Slattery #2011)"; Second sentence Woolsey, reworked for third person passive voice for consistency. // Page 3: Slattery's wording superimposed on Woolsey's structure.
2014Strago: They sent people to hunt us down like animals.
There weren't even any trials...
Terra: Even though the only difference was that you could use magic...?
Strago: It soon turned into an inquisition. Magi were hunted down and executed. Oh, there were trials, of course...but they were merely for show.
Terra: Even though the only difference was that they could use magic...
"It soon turned into a full-blown hunt for mages."

"One after another, mages were unjustly captured, tried, and put to death."

"…Even though, aside from using magic, they were normal human beings…"
Page 1: Slattery, novel "inquisition" -> "a full-blown hunt for mages" w/r/t kWhazit ("the hunting of sorcerers"), where "full-blown" is novel. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar ("One after another, they were unjustly tried and put to death"), edited for clarity esp. w/ added "captured". NOTE: Slattery's paraphrasing here is considered inappropriate as it gives the impression that Strago lived through the events described. // Page 3: Lina Darkstar, repunctuated.
2015Strago: A few Mage Warriors escaped and found their way here. They were our ancestors.
Our powers have weakened over time, but some of it remains.
Strago: The few who managed to escape took up shelter here. They were our ancestors. Our powers have weakened as our magi blood has thinned, but they some form or another.Strago
"The few who managed to escape found shelter in this land.
They were our ancestors."

"Their blood has thinned with time, losing much of its potency…
but some of the power still lingers with us in some form or another."
Page 1: Slattery edited w/ some wording from kWhazit ("Those sorcerers who fled then to live in hiding in these lands were our ancestors."). // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("Their blood has thinned, and our sorcerous powers have largely faded, but they still remain in some form.").
2016Terra: Look, if you're up to it, we could use your help.
Strago: So, you're after the Espers, eh...?
Terra: If you're up to you think you'd be willing to help us?
Strago: You said you're looking for some espers, right?
"If you're up to it…
would you be willing to help us?"

"You said you're looking for some Espers, right?"
Page 1: DarkMage (Slattery edited) for brevity. // Page 2: Slattery, reformatted.
2017Strago: Well, I owe you for saving Relm. I'll help you find your Espers.Strago: Well, I do owe you one for saving Relm... I'll help you find your espers.Strago
"Well, I do owe you one for saving Relm…
I'll help you find your Espers."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2018Relm: Me too!
Strago: I don't think so.
Relm: I wanna go, too!
Strago: I think not, young lady!
"Me too!"

"Absolutely not."
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: New, firm and brief answer w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar ("No.").
2019Relm: What a fuddy duddy...Relm: Fuddy-duddy...Relm
"What a fuddy-duddy…"
Woolsey, reformatted.
2020Locke: But...where do we start looking?
Strago: Hmm...
If they're here, they must be hiding in the mountains to the west.
Locke: But...where do we start?
Strago: Hmm... If they came this way, they may be hiding in the mountains to the west.
"But…where do we start?"

"Hmm… If the Espers came to this island, then they might be hiding in the mountains to the west."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey ("Hmm... If the Genjuu fled to this island, they may be in the mountains west of the village.").
2021Locke: Why there?
Strago: Those mountains have powerful magical properties.
They say the Espers were created there...
Locke: Why there?
Strago: Those mountains are teeming with magical energy. According to legend, they're a sacred place to the espers.
"Why there?"

"Those mountains are teeming with magical energy. Legend has it they are a kind of Esper holy ground…"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence DarkMage (Slattery, "According to legend" -> "Legend has it") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("According to legend it's the Espers' holy ground.") & added "a kind of" w/r/t kWhazit ("a Genjuu holy land" [note the article]).
2022Terra: Maybe they're drawn to that place?Terra: Perhaps the magic of that place drew them there after they went berserk...Terra
"Perhaps the Espers were drawn to that place when they were running wild…?"
Lina Darkstar ("Maybe the Espers were drawn to that place, when they were running wild...?"), lightly edited for style.
2023Locke: I think it's worth a look.Locke: It's worth a look.Locke
"I think it's worth a look."
2024Shadow: Don't misunderstand me. I just wanted my dog back.Shadow: Don't get the wrong idea. I just wanted my dog back.Shadow
"Don't get the wrong idea.
I just wanted my dog back."
2025Locke: Going somewhere?
Shadow: I'll search for the Espers in my own way.
Locke: You're leaving?
Shadow: I'll search for the espers my own way.
"You're leaving?"

"I'll search for the Espers my own way."
Slattery, reformatted.
2026ULTROS: G'heh, heh...these shiny statues are all mine!
These'll get Ziegfried's attention!
Ultros: Heh-heh-heh... These shiny golden statues are all mine! Now I'll finally be able to get some respect from Siegfried!Ultros
"G'heh, heh… These shiny golden statues are all mine! Ol' Ziegfried isn't gonna believe his eyes!"
First sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Second sentence New, based on Woolsey & Lina Darkstar ("My man Ziegfried'll look twice at these!") -- less literal than Slattery / kWhazit ("Now I'll be worthy of showing my face to Siegfried!"), but since this relationship is never touched upon elsewhere in the script, interesting wording is preferred.
2027ULTROS: Oh!
They're glowing!!
Ultros: Ohhh! They're all glowy and sparkly! So purdy...Ultros
They're all glowy and sparkly!
So purrrdy!"
Slattery, "Ohhh" -> "Ooh", "purdy" -> "purrrdy".
2028Locke: Hey, squidball!
Don't you ever learn?
ULTROS: Uh, well they always said I was a slow learner...
but I eat FAST!!
Locke: Hey squidbrain! Don't you ever learn?
Ultros: Well, Mama always said I was a slow learner...but at least I never give up!
"Dammit, Ultros!
Was twice not enough to get it through your squid brain?"

"Well, Mama always said I was a slow learner. But hey…"
♬ Third time's the chaaaarm! ♬
Page 1: First sentence Lina Darkstar w/r/t kWhazit ("Dammit, Orthros!"), Second sentence Lina Darkstar ("Was twice just not enough") edited & expanded based on Slattery ("squidbrain"). // Page 2: Slattery (novel, from Woolsey) combined with Lina Darkstar ("You know what they say. Third times the chaaarm~!") -- compare to kWhazit ("Oh, but this is all about 'third time's a charm'!")
2029Relm: Hey! Did you see me? I was awesome!
Wouldn't I be more helpful than Gramps?
Strago: G...GRAMPS!!?
Relm: Hey! Did you see me? Wasn't I great? I'd be way more useful than Gramps!
Strago: G-Gramps!?
"Hey! Did you see me? I was stupendous! Don't you think I'd be more helpful than this old geezer?"

Page 1: Woolsey, "awesome" -> "stupendous (Spooniest)" edited with wording inspired by Lina Darkstar ("old fart" -> "old geezer", since "old fart" will be used later).
2030Terra: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have you along...Terra: It wouldn't hurt to bring her along, would it?Terra
"It wouldn't hurt to have her along, would it?"
Slattery, "bring" -> "have (Woolsey)".
2031Strago: I can't believe it...
The Statues...!
Terra: "The" Statues?!
Strago: Are these... ...statues of the Warring Triad!?
Terra: The Warring Triad?
"Th…these are…
…statues of the Warring Triad!"

"Warring Triad…?"
kWhazit ("Th-these are... statues of the Three Warring Gods!?", "Three Warring Gods?"), "Three Warring Gods" -> "Warring Triad (Slattery)"; Strago's line repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey to improve contrast between Strago's exclaiming and Terra's questioning.
2032The birth of magic...
3 goddesses were banished here. In time they began quarreling, which led to all-out war.
Those unlucky humans who got in the way were transformed into Espers, and used as living war machines...
The dawn of magic... Three gods descended from the heavens. Fearing one another's power, the gods began to war. Those mortals caught amongst their fighting became espers, and were forced to fight endlessly as slaves to the gods.The Dawn of Sorcery…
From the heavens descended three gods. Fearing one another's power,
the gods began to make war.

Those mortals caught amongst the fighting were transformed into Espers, and were forced to battle endlessly as slaves to the gods.
Page 1: First line kWhazit, recapitalized; remaining lines Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("From heaven descended three gods. They feared each other, and made war."). // Page 2: Slattery, "became espers" -> "were transformed into Espers (Woolsey)".
2033Locke: Some faint letters are carved on the back of the stone figures...Locke: There are letters chiseled into the back of these things...Locke
"There's some fine lettering carved into the backs of these figures…"
Lina Darkstar ("There's some fine lettering carved on the back.") w/ Woolsey; "stone figures" is translated by kWhazit as "statues"; "stone" is omitted w/r/t Slattery's more aggressive replacement with "these things".
2034Locke: Say, old man, what else can you tell us about these goddesses?Locke: So, uh, what's this "Warring Triad"?Locke
"Say, old man, what exactly is this 'Warring Triad'?"
kWhazit ("So, old man, what are these Three Warring Gods?") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("So what exactly are the 'Warring Gods'?") & Slattery's terminology ("Warring Triad").
2035Strago: They quite literally created magic, as we know it.
Locke: So, they're the goddesses of magic, then?
Strago: You could say that.
Strago: They're the legendary gods who created the power we know as magic.
Locke: So...they're the gods of magic?
Strago: You could say that.
"They're the legendary gods who long ago brought the power of magic into this world."

"So…they're the gods of magic, then?"

"You could say that, yes."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("brought the power of magic into this world"). // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar & kWhazit (..."the gods of magic, then?"). // Page 3: Woolsey/Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("You could call them that, yes.").
2036Terra: I can feel their power...
Strago: The Statues are the source of all magic.
It's said the Espers made these images, and put them in a very special place.
These represent power beyond all comprehension...
Terra: This place is brimming with magic...
Strago: Those three gods are the creators of magic...meaning they also created the espers. It's said that the espers once enshrined images of the gods in a holy place. This must be it...
"This place is brimming with magic…"

"All magic ultimately flows from those three gods… meaning they created the Espers, too."

"It's said that the Espers once enshrined images of the gods in a holy place.
This must be it."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: New, based on Woolsey for the first half and Slattery for the second half for a hopefully more coherent whole. // Page 3: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2037Terra: Our Espers no doubt came to this island to bask in all this magical power!Terra: The espers must have been drawn here by the magic of these statues.Terra
"Our Espers must have been drawn to this island by the power in these statues."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2038The goddesses finally realized that they were being laughed at by those who had banished them here.
In a rare moment of mutual clarity, they agreed to seal themselves away from the world.
With their last ounce of energy they gave the Espers back their own free will, and then transformed themselves...
...into stone.
Their only request was that the Espers keep them sealed away for all eternity.
Realizing their power begot naught but strife, the gods at last agreed to seal away their strength. With the last of their fading magic, the gods returned the espers' free will, then turned themselves to stone. The last words they left to the espers were these: "Never must we be woken."Realizing their power begot naught but strife, the gods finally agreed to seal themselves away by aligning their powers into equilibrium.

With the last of their fading strength,
they restored the Espers' free will,
then turned themselves to stone.

The last words they left to the Espers were these:
"Never must we be woken."
Page 1: Slattery, with addition based on kWhazit ("by causing their powers to neutralize each other"). // Page 2: Slattery, "magic" -> "strength (kWhazit)", "returned" -> "restored" for style. // Page 3: Slattery, reformatted.
2039The Espers created these statues as a symbol of their vow to let the goddesses sleep in peace.
The Espers have sworn to keep the goddesses' power from being abused.
In reverence towards the gods were these statues made, and in prayer that their power would ne'er again be stirred. Let them serve as a warning to future generations of the three gods who once descended from the heavens...In reverence towards the slumbering gods were these statues made, and in prayer that their power shall never again be stirred.

Let these enshrined images upon earth serve as a warning to future generations, of the gods that once descended from the heavens.
Page 1: Slattery, "gods" -> "slumbering gods" w/r/t kWhazit ("gods in their eternal slumber"), lightly edited for style. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("We enshrine these here on earth as an admonition to future generations of the gods that once decended from the heavens."), where "images" is a slight novelty.
2040Locke: Phew...what a story.
Terra: If the Espers were attracted here by these statues, they must be around here somewhere!
Locke: Hmm...
Terra: If the espers were drawn here by these statues, they could be just up ahead...
Makes sense."

"If the Espers were drawn here by these statues, they could be just up ahead…"
Page 1: Slattery w/ kWhazit ("Makes sense.") appended. // Page 2: Slattery.
2041Locke: Say, old timer,
what happened to the stone goddesses?
Strago: Legend has it that they're hidden somewhere beyond the reach of humans.
I'd say they're beyond the sealed gate...
Locke: So what happened to the gods after they made the espers?
Strago: Supposedly, they tired of their fighting and turned themselves to stone. Legend has it they can be found beyond the Sealed Gate, resting in their eternal slumber.
"So, Gramps, what happened to the gods after they made the Espers?"

"Supposedly, the three tired of their fighting and turned themselves to stone."

"Legend has it they can be found beyond the Sealed Gate, resting in their eternal slumber."
Slattery, "So" -> "So, Gramps," w/r/t kWhazit ("By the way, old man") & Woolsey ("Say, old timer"). // Page 2: Slattery, "they" -> "the three" w/r/t kWhazit ("the Three Warring Gods"). // Page 3: Slattery.
2042Terra: I wonder if the barrier that protects that place is generated by those stone goddesses?Terra: I wonder if their magic is what connects the gate to the esper world?Terra
"I wonder… Could their power be the reason there's an opening to the Esper realm at the Sealed Gate?"
New, based on kWhazit ("Could it be the magical power of the Three Warring Gods that makes the Mystic Barricade the only point of contact with the Genjuu World?") & incorporating "I wonder (Woolsey)". Slattery's "connects" seems to misleadingly imply that the Esper world/realm is in some alternate dimension.
2043Relm: Are these...Espers?!Relm: Is esper!?Relm
"Is this…an Esper!?"
Slattery, reformatted.
2044Terra: I didn't think they'd look so...
Locke: Gramps, take Relm and clear outta here!
Terra: I had no idea there were this many...
Locke: Gramps, take Relm and get out of here!
"I never thought there'd be this many…"

"Gramps, take Relm and get out of here."
Page 1: Slattery, edited w/r/t kWhazit ("So many Genjuu...") to focus Terra's observation on the Espers present rather than a statement about the sum of all Espers. // Page 2: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit for tone.
2045Strago: What about you?Strago: ...What are they doing!?Strago
"What are they doing!?"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2046YURA: Halt!Yura: Wait!Yura
2047Relm: What is it?
Strago: I sense some immense magical power in Terra... It...frightens me...
Relm: What is it?
Strago: I sense...incredible magic power in Terra. No... it's more than just magic...
"What is it?"

"I sense an immense magical power in Terra.
No… it's more than just magic…"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence DarkMage, likely edited from Lina Darkstar ("I sense...a strong magical power in Tina."); Second sentence Slattery -- less literal than kWhazit ("Or... should I say sorcerous power...?").
2048Locke: I wonder if she's gonna go ballistic again?!Locke: I wonder if she's gonna go ballistic again!Locke
"Is she gonna go ballistic again…?"
Woolsey, rephrased more cleanly as a question w/r/t kWhazit ("Is she going to go out of control again, like before?") / Lina Darkstar ("Is she gonna lose it again?").
2049YURA: You're somehow different...
I sense a familiar power radiating from you...
Terra: Yes.
Yura: You're...different from the others. You possess the same power we do... I can feel it.
Terra: Yes.
"You're…different from the others.
You possess the same power we do… I can feel it."

Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey/Slattery.
2050Strago: You're the Espers that fled through the sealed gate?
YURA: As a rule, we are not allowed to visit to your world.
We few had gathered near the gate, and were wondering how we could save the Espers that had been kidnapped.
It was just a coincidence that Terra appeared when she did...
Strago: You're all young espers from the world beyond the gate, aren't you?
Yura: Entering this world is forbidden, but we wanted to do something for our friends who'd been turned to magicite. We all gathered at the gate. And just then, Terra appeared...
"You're all youngsters from the Esper realm, aren't you?"

"There is a law in our realm which forbids us from attempting to enter this world."

"But we younger ones assembled before the gate, intending to mount a rescue for our kindred who had been expiring in captivity."

"It was right then that Terra appeared…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("So you're the youngsters from the Genjuu World?"). // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("The Genjuu World has a law that forbids us from coming to this world."), novelty "attempting" added for clarity since the law forbids something that, for the Espers, was normally impossible anyway. // Page 3: kWhazit ("But we young ones assembled by the gate to rescue our kindred who were turned to magicite."), edited esp. "were turned to magicite" -> novel "had been expiring in captivity" (compare to Woolsey "that had been kidnapped") for congruity, since you can't rescue an Esper once they've become magicite -- they're already dead. Also, it is reasonable to assume that the Espers only learned of the others' true fate after seeing it with their own eyes a la #1725, despite Cid's unreliable account of the events. // Page 4: Lina Darkstar, "then" -> "right then".
2051Terra: I felt...
your presence...
through the gate.
YURA: We bolted the moment Terra opened the gate.
But once in your world, we lost control of our powers.
Terra: I could feel the strength of your emotions from the other side of the gate.
Yura: When Terra opened the gate for us, we were finally able to escape. But the moment we stepped into your world, we completely lost control of our powers.
"I could feel the strength of your emotions from the other side of the gate."

"We were finally able to get out when Terra opened the gate for us."

"But the moment we crossed into your world, we lost control of our powers."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: kWhazit, "able" -> "finally able (Slattery)". // Page 3: Slattery, "stepped" -> "crossed", "completely lost" -> "lost (kWhazit/Woolsey)".
2052YURA: We completely leveled a city...and took some innocent lives...Yura: We destroyed an entire city, and attacked people who had done no wrong...Yura
"We razed an entire city, and destroyed many innocent lives…"
Lina Darkstar, "and even took some innocent lives" -> "and destroyed many innocent lives" w/r/t kWhazit ("and even innocent people...") -- less explicit about death but not ruling it out, explaining Slattery's own interpretation "and attacked people who had done no wrong".
2053Terra: That's what happened to me! I lost all control of my power...Terra: The same thing happened to me... When that power suddenly stirred inside me, I had no control over it...Terra
"It was the same with me.
When that power suddenly stirred inside me, I couldn't control it…"
First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence Slattery, lightly edited for brevity.
2054Strago: There must be something in your world that allows you to focus your power differently.
You must use caution while in our world...
Strago: There must be something in your world that dampens your powers. Freed of their reins, your powers ran wild...Strago
"There must be something in your realm that suppresses your powers to a degree."

"Once you left, the floodgates were opened all at once…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Most likely, the other world has properties such that Genjuu power is suppressed to a certain degree."). // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("Because it was suddenly unleashed...") & Lina Darkstar ("If that control were to be suddenly lifted..."), using imagery similar to Slattery but hopefully with a cleaner depiction of the release of pent-up energy, while avoiding describing the consequences.
2055YURA: We are deeply sorry to have caused you humans such suffering and pain.Yura: It seems even we espers can lose our senses and do unforgivable things. ...I'm truly sorry.Yura
"We lost our senses, and now it is we Espers who have brought suffering and pain to you humans."

"For this we are deeply sorry."
New, using elements of Woolsey & Slattery, informed by kWhazit ("Some among us lost mental stability and even caused harm to people... this was truly inexcusable.") NOTE: Slattery has a redundant translation with "unforgivable" & "I'm truly sorry".
2056Locke: The past is history. The Empire seems to want to talk peace with you. Why not come with us?
YURA: They would forgive us so easily?
Locke: The Empire wants to make peace with you. Why don't you come with us?
Yura: ...They would forgive us?
"The Empire wants to make peace with you.
Why don't you come with us?"
"…They would forgive us?"
2057Locke: Let's go to Thamasa and talk with General Leo.
Terra: Right!
Locke: Let's head back to Thamasa and meet with General Leo.
Terra: Right!
"Let's head back to Thamasa and meet with General Leo."

2058Locke: General Leo.
LEO:'re back! And you've made the Espers understand our desire for peace!
Locke: General Leo!
Leo: Locke! It seems you found the espers. I owe you a debt of gratitude.
"General Leo."

"Ah, Locke!
I see you found the Espers.
Thank you for your efforts."
Page 1: Woolsey; // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence DarkMage; Third sentence kWhazit ("I appreciate your efforts") merged w/ Mato ("Thanks for the trouble"/"Thanks for the hard work").
2059LEO: I am General Leo.
May I have your name, please?
YURA: I am called Yura.
Leo: I am Leo, a general of the Empire. Might I have your name?
Yura: I am Yura.
"I am Leo, a general of the Empire.
Might I have your name?"

"I am Yura."
2060YURA: We have done something inexcusable to your people.
YURA: This probably isn't the time or place to ask for your forgiveness, but...
Yura: What we have done to your people is inexcusable. We are in no position to ask for your forgiveness, but...Yura
"What we have done to your people is inexcusable. We are in no position to ask for forgiveness, but…"
2061LEO: Speak no further.
It is we who owe you an apology. We hungered for your power...
How close we came to reenacting the War of the Magi!!!
YURA: We must put this all behind us.
Leo: Speak no further. We did not seek you out to chastise you for past mistakes. It is we who ought to be ashamed. We thought of you only as a means by which to wage war. How close we came to bringing about a second War of the Magi!
Yura: We must put this all behind us.
"Speak no further.
We do not seek to condemn you for mistakes of the past."

"Rather, it is we who ought to be ashamed. We saw your kind only as a means by which to wage war…"

"How close we came to igniting a second War of the Magi!"

"I am most grateful for your words.
We must put this all behind us."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("We understand. We have no interest in condemning you for mistakes made.") for brevity. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("On the contrary, we are ashamed for thinking of you as no more than a power for war."), "On the contrary" -> "Rather (Lina Darkstar)". // Page 3: Slattery, "bringing about" -> "igniting" for style. // Page 4: Woolsey/Slattery.
2062KEFKA: I don't care for the appearance of this pitiful little hamlet...
So burn it!!
Kefka: This little hamlet has too much "boring" and not enough "burning"... Torch everything!Kefka
"I don't care for the appearance of this pitiful little hamlet…
Burn it to the ground!"
Woolsey; "So burn it" -> "Burn it to the ground" for style.
2063Locke: I believe our job is finally over! I, for one, could use some peace and quiet...
Celes: Let's return to Vector.
Locke: I think our work is finally done. It looks like true peace is finally upon us.
Celes: Let's go back to Vector.
"I believe our work is finally done!
I, for one, could use some peace and quiet…"

"Let's go back to Vector."
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery.
2064Celes: Please, not another word.Celes: Please, don't say anything...Celes
"Please, don't say a thing."
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Don't say a thing.").
2065Relm: I'm too hot, Grandpa.
Strago: Kids!!
Relm: Those two are hot and heavy, huh, Grandpa?
Strago: They're young, dear...
"…Getting kinda steamy out here, huh, Grandpa?"

"Oh, to be young…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey & Lina Darkstar ("How steamy."). // Page 2: Lina Darkstar ("Oh, to be young."), repunctuated for tone.
2066LEO: Kefka! What ARE you doing?!
KEFKA: G'ha, ha, ha! Emperor's orders!
I'm to bring the Magicite remains of these Espers to his excellency! Behold! A Magicite mother lode!!
Leo: Kefka! What do you think you're doing!?
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee... Emperor's orders! I'm to turn all these espers into magicite. Behold! A magicite mother lode!
What are you doing!?"

"G'ha, ha, ha… Emperor's orders!
I'm to bring back all of these Espers as Magicite!"

"And I've got a special new technique up my sleeve to get it done…
A Magicite mother lode!"
Page 1: Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: First sentence Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery; Second sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Bring back the Genjuu as magicite"). // Page 3: First sentence New, based on kWhazit "A secret technique to magicitize them!!" which normally came after the "Behold!"; Second & third sentences Woolsey.
2067LEO: Kefka! No!Leo: Kefka! No!Leo
"Kefka! No!"
(W & S)
2068KEFKA: Shut up!Kefka: Shut up!Kefka
"Shut up!"
(W & S)
2069M.TEK TROOPER: General Leo, prepare yourself!Magitek
Soldier: General Leo, prepare to meet your end!
Magitek Pilot
"General Leo, prepare yourself!"
Woolsey, speaker label edited.
2070LEO: No.
I won't let this happen!
Leo: It's no use! I'd better fall back for the time being!Leo
"It's no use!
I'd better fall back for now!"
Slattery, "for the time being" -> "for now" for brevity.
2071LEO: Kefka!
Your behavior is dishonorable!
I can't allow this!
Leo: Kefka! I can no longer stand by while you commit these atrocities!Leo
I can no longer stand by while you commit these atrocities!"
2072KEFKA: Hee, hee...!
How 'bout a little Magitek mayhem!
Kefka: Uwee-hee-hee...! How about a little Magitek mayhem?Kefka
How about a little Magitek mayhem?"
2073KEFKA: Now for a little Magicite hocus-pocus...!Kefka: Well, I wouldn't want to turn you down after you came all this way!Kefka
"Now, since you're all so eager…
Allow me to entertain you with some Magicite hocus-pocus…!"
Lina Darkstar ("If you're so eager for it, I'll gladly convert you!") merged w/ Woolsey, further edited for cohesion.
2074KEFKA: Whoa! Yes, I feel some incredible magic power here, today! Wave after wave of pure, magical energy...Kefka: Wh-what is this!? I feel tremendous power! Wave after wave of pure, magical energy...!Kefka
"Wh-what's this!? I'm sensing some tremendous power! Yes… wave after wave of pure, magical energy…!"
Slattery merged somewhat w/ Lina Darkstar ("What, what's this? I'm sensing some tremendous magic power, I am! What a fierce surge in energy!").
2075KEFKA: I'd say you're all charged up, boys and girls...or whatever...
Say, remind me to show you my Magicite collection someday! You might see a few familiar faces!!!
Kefka: Oh, you all showed up for my party! I wasn't expecting you guys! ...Gals? ...Whatever! But I'm so happy to see you! After all, you've brought me more presents! And they're all just what I wanted--magicite!Kefka
"Oh, you all showed up for my party!
I wasn't expecting you guys! …Gals?

"But I'm so happy to see you!
After all, you've brought me more presents! And they're just what I wanted--Magicite!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "they're all" -> "they're" for brevity.
2076KEFKA: First, let's neutralize your abilities.Kefka: First, let's neutralize those pesky powers of yours...Kefka
"First, let's neutralize those pesky powers of yours, shall we?"
Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("First let's neutralize that troublesome magic power, shall we?").
2077KEFKA: Now, little Espers...
Let's see whatcha got!
Kefka: Now, little espers... let's see those presents!Kefka
"Now, little Espers…
Let's see whatcha got!"
2078KEFKA: This is ridiculous!
I had no idea you were such wimps! Time to put a stop to all of this.
Kefka: What a joke! I didn't know you espers were such wimps! This isn't even fun... Time to wrap things up!Kefka
"What a joke.
I had no idea you Espers were such wimps!"

"This isn't even fun…
Time to wrap things up!"
Slattery; first sentence repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar.
2079KEFKA: Eh?!
You wanna take me on?
Fine. Here I am...
Kefka: Eh? You wanna take me on? Fine. Here I am!Kefka
You wanna take me on?
Fine. Here I am!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2080KEFKA: Phew...
I think I have plenty of Magicite for the time being...
that is, until I make my way through your precious sealed gate!!
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! This should be plenty of magicite... Now all I need to do is claim that final treasure beyond your precious Sealed Gate!Kefka
"Hya hya hya…
This should be plenty of Magicite."

"Now all I need to do is claim that final treasure beyond your precious Sealed Gate!"
Page 1: First sentence New, based on kWhazit ("Hyo, hyo, hyo!"); Second sentence Slattery, reformatted & repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery.
2081It hurts...I got this bruise... It hurts when I push it. ...Ouch!It hurts… (W)
2082Curse the Empire...Curse Kefka!Curse Kefka! Curse the Empire!Curse the Empire…
Curse Kefka!
Woolsey, reformatted.
2083The Espers...are they all...?The espers...were they all killed?The Espers…
Were they all killed?
Slattery, reformatted.
2084MAYOR: I can only take some comfort in the fact that there were so few casualties.Mayor: I can at least take comfort in the fact that there weren't many casualties among the villagers...Mayor
"I can only take some comfort in the fact that there were so few casualties among the villagers…"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2085Terra: General Leo...Terra: General Leo...Terra
"General Leo…"
(W & S)
2086Terra: People only seem to want power. Do they really want to be like me?Terra: People only seem to want power, don't they? Do they really want to be like me?Terra
"People only seem to want power.
Do they really want to be like me…?"
Woolsey; Second sentence repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2087Terra: I...I wanted to learn so much more from you...Terra: I... I wanted you to teach me so much more...Terra
"I… I wanted you to teach me so much more…"
That's a nasty wound!
...Interceptor!? That's a nasty wound!…Interceptor!?
That's a nasty wound!
2089Locke: We not only lost Leo, but Shadow, too...
Curse the Empire!
Locke: Not only Leo, but Shadow, too... Curse the Empire!Locke
"Not only Leo, but Shadow, too…
Damn the Empire!"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit.
2090Locke: This'll have to do...Locke: That'll have to do for now, buddy.Locke
"That'll have to do for now, buddy."
2091Celes: He was so gentle...Celes: You're so sweet...Celes
"You're so sweet…"
2092Relm: I'll go with you.Relm: Don't worry, your friend Relm will take care of you!Relm
"It's okay.
Relm will take care of you."
Slattery edited for brevity & merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("It's okay, I'm here with you.").
2093Locke: Now I'm worried about Edgar and the others...
Terra: I wish I could say they were safe...
Locke: Now I'm worried about Edgar and the others back in the Empire...
Terra: I hope they're all right...
"Now I'm worried about Edgar and the others back in the Empire…"

"I wish I could say they're safe…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar (compares to Woolsey).
2094Setzer: We've been had!!
The Emperor is a liar!
Setzer: We've been had! The emperor is a liar. It was all a trap.Setzer
"We've been had!
The Emperor is a liar.
It was all a trap."
Slattery, recapitalized.
2095Cyan: Thanks to Edgar, we escaped before anything bad happened...Cyan: Thanks to King Edgar, we managed to escape before the trap was sprung.Cyan
"Thanks to King Edgar's information, we managed to escape before the trap was sprung…"
Slattery, "Edgar" -> "Edgar's information (kWhazit)", repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey for tone.
2096Locke: Way to go, Edgar!Locke: Good work, Edgar!Locke
"I knew he was king for a reason.
Nice one, Edgar!"
New. First sentence based on kWhazit ("He's king for a reason.") & FF6j (~"As expected from the king of a country."); Second sentence appends line similar to the novelty by Woolsey/Slattery.
2097Edgar: I got to know the gal who brought us tea.
After a while, she just blurted out the whole crooked plan.
Edgar: The lady who brought us tea tipped me off to the whole crooked plot... I'd barely finished exchanging pleasantries with her when she just blurted it out!Edgar
"I was just getting to know the lady who brought us our tea, and…"

"Well, after a while, she just blurted out the whole crooked plot!"
Woolsey, edited to emulate Slattery's pacing, with some wording from Slattery.
2098Sabin: finally hit pay dirt, eh?Sabin: ..."Pleasantries"?Sabin
Killing two birds with one stone,
New & novel, toned down from Woolsey. NOTE: Literal renderings are kWhazit ("...such a handy trick.") & Lina Darkstar ("...Convenient skill, that.").
2099Edgar: Watch your mouth!
There're ladies present!
I was a perfect gentleman.
Edgar: Did you think I could be so rude as to meet a lady and not make any moves at all? It was a matter of courtesy, dear brother! Courtesy!Edgar
"Did you think I could be so rude as to meet a lady and not make any moves at all?"

"It's a matter of courtesy, dear brother! Courtesy!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "It was" -> "It's".
2100Locke: General Leo's gone...
Kefka did him in...
Locke: General Leo's dead... Kefka...murdered him.Locke
"General Leo's dead.
Kefka did him in…"
First sentence Slattery, Second sentence Woolsey.
2101Cyan: Sir Leo?! Gone?!
What a waste...
He was their finest soldier...
Cyan: Sir Leo? Dead!? What a terrible waste... He was one of the few people in the Empire who truly understood.Cyan
"Sir Leo? Dead!?"

"What a terrible waste…
He was one of the few men in the Empire who truly understood…"
Slattery, "people" -> "men (kWhazit)", repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit.
2102Edgar: We need to rethink our plans. Let's return to the airship.Edgar: We need to rethink our plans. Let's return to the airship.Edgar
"We need to rethink our plans.
Let's return to the airship."
(W & S)
2103Strago: May I accompany you?Strago: Would you mind if I accompanied you?Strago
"Would you mind if I accompanied you?"
2104Edgar: Who're you?Edgar: And you would be...?Edgar
"And you would be…?"
2105Locke: He's one of this town's citizens.Locke: He's from this village.Locke
"This is Strago, from this village."
Darkmage (novel, "This is Strago. He's from here.") merged w/ Slattery. Original is too awkward with Strago's name omitted.
2106Terra: He's descended from the Mage Warriors of yore...
I think he can be a big help.
Terra: He's a descendant of the magi. He'll be useful to have along.Terra
"He's descended from the ancient mages.
He'd be a great help."
First sentence Woolsey, "Mage Warriors of yore..." -> "ancient mages", where "ancient" is a toning-down of Woolsey's novel "of yore" since "mages" alone doesn't carry the ancient connotation; Second sentence from Lina Darkstar ("and would be a great help.").
2107Strago: We must expect the Empire to flex its new-found muscle soon.Strago: The Empire has abused its power for the last time. We cannot allow them to get away with this.Strago
"I cannot sit idly by while the Empire continues to abuse its power."
Lina Darkstar ("I can't sit idly by while the Empire misuses its power"), "misuses" -> "continues to abuse" based in part on Slattery.
2108Relm: I'm coming along, too.Relm: Weirdo. I'm going on ahead, okay?Relm
"You're weird.
I'm going on ahead."
2109Sabin: Yeah, right kid!Sabin: We can't have kids getting in our way!Sabin
"I'm afraid you'd just slow us down, kiddo!"
kWhazit ("A kid would just slow us down") edited in part w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("A kid would hold us up, little girl") & Woolsey.
2110Relm: What?
Who is this puffed up aerobics instructor, anyway?
Sabin: Kid's got quite a lip!
Relm: Who do you think you are, trying to tell me what to do, you overfed muscle-man!?
Sabin: Kid's got quite a lip!
Who does this puffed-up gym rat think he is?"

Twerp's got quite a lip!"
Page 1: New, based on Woolsey & Slattery. // Page 2: Woosley/Slattery edited w/r/t kWhazit ("Hah! You've at least got a good mouth on you, missy"), esp. "missy" -> "Twerp".
2111Relm: Aaack!
I'm gonna paint your portrait!
Relm: Grr...! I'm gonna paint your picture!Relm
I'm painting your portrait!"
2112Uwaaa! S...stop!N-no, Relm! Stop!Whoa! No, stop!kWhazit.
2113Strago: All right all ready!
If you insist...
Relm: That's better!
Strago: Oh, all right already! Not like you stay at home when you're told, anyway...
Relm: Yay!
"All right already!
I suppose it can't be helped…"

Page 1: First sentence Woolsey, "all ready" -> "already"; Second sentence New, based on Lina Darkstar ("Really, no helping it"). // Page 2: New. Influenced by kWhazit ("Oh, yeah!"), more of an exclamation of triumph/victory than the simple celebratory "Yay! (Slattery)".
2114Relm: What's wrong, lover boy?
Edgar: How old are you?
Relm: 10...why?
Relm: What's wrong, lover-boy?
Edgar: ...How old are you?
Relm: Ten... Why?
"What's wrong, lover-boy?"

"…How old are you?"

Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey/Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. (Note: the "Why?" in Woolsey/Slattery is novel.)
2115Edgar: You've grown up entirely too fast!
Lighten up, okay?!
Edgar: Not even a lady yet... Here's hoping you're still around in eight years, kid.Edgar
"…Could've fooled anyone with that mouth…
…I'd better not."
First sentence New, rewritten based on the implications of Woolsey (Relm's vulgarity making her seem older) to more closely match the meaning of Slattery (appreciating that Relm is not yet an adult), where both Slattery and Woolsey avoid the reference to criminality present in FF6j (kWhazit: "I guess it would be criminal...") ; Second sentence kWhazit.
2116General Leo...General Leo...{<Party Leader>
/}"General Leo…"
Woolsey/Slattery, speaker label added when party is singular.
2117GESTAHL: Fuwa, ha, ha!
Now THIS is power!
This, and my Magicite...
now nothing can stop me!
Gestahl: Mwa-ha-ha! So this is the power of the Warring Triad! With this and my magicite... ...the world will be mine to command!Gestahl
"Fwa, ha, ha!
So this is the power of the Warring Triad!"

"This power, and the power of Magicite…
The world is mine!!"
Page 1: Slattery; "Mwa-ha-ha" -> "Fwa, ha, ha" w/r/t Woolsey "Fuwa, ha, ha". // Page 2: kWhazit, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2118Strago: The beginning of all magic...
Terra: Those?
Strago: It is said that they somehow neutralized each other's power, then sealed themselves away...
Strago: If the 3 statues should ever be moved out of alignment, the resulting inbalance of power would...
...rearrange the face of our planet...
Terra: What?!
Strago: The source of all magic... The Warring Triad...
Terra: Those things?
Strago: They're said to have turned themselves to stone facing one another. That way, each one's powers would be neutralized by those of the other two. If the three were ever moved out of their perfect alignment... ...the resulting power imbalance would destroy the world as we know it.
Terra: What!?
"The source of all magic…
The Warring Triad…"

"Those things?"

"They're said to have turned themselves to stone facing one another."

"That way, each one's powers would be neutralized by those of the other two."

"If the three were ever moved out of their perfect alignment, the resulting power imbalance would…
destroy the world as we know it."

Page 1-4: Slattery. // Page 5: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey. // Page 6: Slattery.
2119Quick! Back to the airship!!Let's get back to the airship!~~~
Back to the airship!!"
(unused) (W)
2120Setzer: The Empire's after the sealed gate! They're looking for some statues or something.
Strago: No!!!
Setzer: The Imperials were heading for the Sealed Gate. Said they'd found some statues or something...
Strago: It couldn't be...!
"The Imperials were heading for the Sealed Gate. Said they'd found some statues or something…"

"It couldn't be…!"
2121Celes: What's wrong, Terra?
Terra: The island...
The world is groaning in pain...
Celes: What's wrong, Terra?
Terra: The island... Something's happening! The earth is crying out...
"What's wrong, Terra?"

"The island…!?
The earth…is crying out…"
Page 1: W & S. // Page 2: kWhazit.
2122GESTAHL: Oh, those silly Espers! To think they opened the gate themselves! The Statues should be just ahead.
If we can just get our hands on them, we'll have everything we ever dreamed of!
Gestahl: Oh, those half-witted espers! To think they would open the gate for us themselves! The Warring Triad is waiting just beyond that door... I need only to reach out and claim it for my own, and all of my dreams will be fulfilled!Gestahl
"Oh, those half-witted Espers!
To think they would open the gate for us themselves…!"

"The Warring Triad is waiting just beyond that door…
Once I claim it for my own, my dream will be complete!"
Page 1: Slattery, repunctuated for style. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit (..."my dream will be complete!").
2123GESTAHL: Come quickly!Gestahl: Hurry it up!Gestahl
"Quit dragging!"
New, based on Woolsey & Slattery.
2124Setzer: Quick!
Let's jump onto that thing!
Only 3 allowed in your party.
The others must stay on board.
All right! Let's find a way onto that thing! Form a party of 3! Everyone else, below deck!Setzer
"We're gonna make a run for that thing!"

"Three people on deck.
Everyone else, get below!"
Page 1: DarkMage ("We're gonna have to make a run for that thing!"), edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey. // Page 2: DarkMage (in part from Lina Darkstar "Three people on deck!").
2125Only 3 allowed in your party.
The others must stay on board.
Form a party of 3! Everyone else needs to wait below deck!Form a party of three!
Everyone else needs to wait below deck!
2126Uh, oh!!!
The Imperial Airforce (IAF)!
We're surrounded!
Let's give 'em a bloody lip!
Uh-oh! It's the Imperial air force! They've got us surrounded! We're going to have to engage them!Uh-oh!
It's the Imperial Air Force!

"They've got us surrounded!
Let's give 'em a bloody lip!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery, second sentence Woolsey, edited for smoother transition from Slattery.
There's something strange up ahead! It's coming this way!There's…something strange up ahead!
It's coming at us!
Slattery, lightly edited for less formal tone.
2128Kefka, Gestahl...and the Statues are just ahead.Just ahead are Kefka, Gestahl...and the Warring Triad.Just ahead are Kefka, Gestahl…
and the Warring Triad.
2129Shadow: Down with the Empire! Once I outlived my usefulness, they tried to off me!
"We thought you were a goner!"
Shadow: Filthy, double- crossing Empire... Tried to off me the second I had served my purpose... Shadow! We thought you were dead!Shadow
"Imperial bastards!
Tried to off me the second I had served my purpose…"

<Party Leader>
"{We/Everyone/We} thought {you were a goner/you were dead/thou wert dead/you were a goner, kupo/you get killed}!"
Page 1: First sentence Lina Darkstar; second sentence Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery sans novelty ("Shadow!"); adaptive dialog uses Woolsey for M.C. Locke, Sabin, Strago, Relm; additional adaptive dialog for Cyan, Mog, Gau.
2130Shadow: Is Interceptor all right?
"He's fine.
Come on, let's go!"
Shadow: Is Interceptor all right? He's fine. Come on, let's go!Shadow
"Is Interceptor all right?"

<Party Leader>
"{He's fine.
Come on, we've got work to do/He is well.
Now, let us proceed/Your dog's fine.
Now, let's get going/He's fine, kupo!
Come on, kupo! Let's go/He fine.
Now, you join us}!"
Page 1: Woolsey / Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence slattery; second sentence DarkMage ("Come on, we've got work to do!"), adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan, Setzer, Mog, Gau.
2131Shadow: Forget about me.
"We can't just leave you!"
Shadow: Just leave me here. Sorry, that's not happening!Shadow
"Don't bother with me."

<Party Leader>
"We{'re not leaving you here/ shan't leave thee here/'re not leaving you here, kupo/ not leave you here}!"
Page 1: Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: DarkMage ("We're not leaving you hear...!"), removed ellipsis w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery; adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan, Mog, Gau.
2132Shadow: I sold my skills to the Empire...
I have no right to fight together with you.
Shadow: I have no right to fight at your side...not after I sold myself to the Empire.Shadow
"I sold myself to the Empire…
I have no right to fight alongside you."
First sentence kWhazit; second sentence Woolsey, "together with" -> "alongside"
2133Shadow: We meet again.Shadow: We meet again.Shadow
"We meet again."
(W & S)
2134The airship's below!
Do you wish to return?
<Choice> (No)
<Choice> (Yes)
Look! The airship's down there! Return to the airship?
<Choice> No
<Choice> Yes
The airship's below!

Return to the Blackjack?
<Choice> No
<Choice> Yes
Page 1: Woolsey/kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery, "airship" -> Blackjack (novel, based on Spooniest page 1 "The Blackjack's below!") to avoid repetition with "airship" on page 1.
2135GESTAHL: Well, well...Gestahl: Well, well...look who's here.Gestahl
"Well, well…
Look who's here."
Slattery, reformatted.
Welcome back!
Celes: I came to stop you!
Celes! What are you doing here?
Celes: I followed you. I have a score to settle with the Empire!
{What are you doing here/Thou'rt here/What are you doing here, kupo/You here}?"

"I followed you.
I have a score to settle with the Empire!"
Page 1: Slattery; adaptive dialog for Cyan, Mog, Gau. // Page 2: Slattery.
2137GESTAHL: Fwa, ha, ha...
Then you're just in time to perish. Behold! The Statues!!
Gestahl: Ha-ha... So you all came to die together, then... Well, you're just in time! Behold! The Warring Triad!Gestahl
"Fwa, ha, ha…
So you all came to die together.
Well, you're just in time."

The Warring Triad!"
Page 1: First sentence Woolsey; second sentence Slattery, edited for tone w/r/t Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery.
2138GESTAHL: Ooh! I've got goose bumps! What power...
Celes: Emperor Gestahl!
Please, stop this madness!
Gestahl: Ohhh! What power...! I've got goose bumps!
Celes: Emperor Gestahl! Please, stop this madness!
"Ooh! What power…!
I've got goose bumps!"

"Emperor Gestahl!
Please, stop this madness!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2139GESTAHL: Celes...
Come to me, my pretty!
You and Kefka were given life to serve me!!
It is your birthright to rule the world with me!!
Gestahl: Celes, child... You alone are special. Why don't I give you and Kefka the task of creating progeny to populate my new Magitek empire?Gestahl
"Celes, child…
Come to me.
You alone are special."

"You and Kefka shall have the task of creating progeny to build up my new Magitek empire!"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey, checked against ("Celes. Come here. You alone are special."). // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("You and Kefka are to leave behind magical children that will sustain the Supreme Ghastra Empire!") & kWhazit ("I shall grant you and Cefca the mission of leaving your descendants to build up my Gastra Sorcerous Empire!")
2140KEFKA: Kill the others and we'll overlook your treachery!Kefka: Kill the others and we'll forgive your treachery!Kefka
"Kill the others and we'll overlook your treachery!"
2141KEFKA: Take this sword!
Take care of them. Immediately!!
Kefka: Take this sword! Kill them all!Kefka
"Take this sword!
And kill them!"
kWhazit, "Cefca" -> "Kefka"
2142GESTAHL: Celes...together we can rule an entire world!
Think of it...!
Gestahl: Celes... Together we will rule the world!Gestahl
"Now, Celes.
Let us rule the world together!"
kWhazit, "Gastra" -> "Gestahl"
2143Celes: Power only breeds war...
I wish I'd never been...born.
Celes: Power only breeds war... It's something we'd all be better off without.Celes
"If power only begets war, then…
maybe…some of us should never have been born."
New, based on DarkMage ("If power begets only war and destruction...then I wish I'd never been born!") with Woolsey's memorable novelty ("I wish I'd never been...born") scaled back somewhat w/r/t kWhazit ("If power just gives birth to conflict... then it would be better if it didn't exist!").
2144KEFKA: Ouch!!Kefka: Ouch!Kefka
Woolsey/Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit ("Ouuuuch!!!").
2145KEFKA: B...blood!?Kefka: B-blood... Blood! Blood!!!Kefka
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery, lightly repunctuated for contrast w/ #2144.
2146KEFKA: You...vicious brat!Kefka: You vicious brat!Kefka
"You…vicious brat!"
2147Grrr... Aargh...Argh... Grrr...!Kefka
"Argh… grrr…!"
hate hate hate
hate hate hate...
hate hate hate hate hate
hate hate hate hate hate

HATE YOU! Grrr...
You know, you really are a stupid... Vicious... Arrogant, whiny, pampered, backstabbing, worthless... LITTLE BRAT!!!Kefka
"I hate… hate… hate…
hate… hate… hate…"

"…hate, hate, hate, hate, hate,
hate, hate, hate, hate, hate…"

Woolsey, reformatted with delays.
2149KEFKA: were born only to fight.
I implore me your power!!
Kefka: Gods, you were born to fight! Now is the time! I implore me your power!Kefka
"Gods! You exist only to make war! It's time for you to show me your power!!"
Lina Darkstar ("Gods! You lived to fight and make war! It's time to show your power!!") merged w/ kWhazit ("O gods, who were born and live to fight! It's now time for you to show me your power!!").
2150KEFKA: I command you!
Give me your power!
Arrrgh! Curses!
Kefka: Let me in here! Grrr...!Kefka
"Let me IN…!
Arrrgh! Dammit!"
Lina Darkstar ("Let-me-IN!! Arrrrgh!") merged w/ kWhazit ("Accept me!! Dammit!").
2151KEFKA: Listen to me,
or you'll regret it!
Give me...POWER!
Kefka: Now listen to me! No more playing games! I command you... Show me your power!Kefka
"Listen to me!
No more playing games!
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2152GESTAHL: Kefka, stop it!
Revive those statues, and you'll destroy the very world we're trying to possess!
KEFKA: Shuddap!
Gestahl: Kefka, stop! If you revive them, they'll destroy the very world we want to rule! There's no value in that!
Kefka: Shut up!
"Kefka, stop!"

"Revive the Warring Triad, and you'll destroy the very world we're trying to rule!
It's senseless!"

"Shut up!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery merged w/ Woolsey, "those statues (Woolsey)" -> "the Warring Triad" w/r/t kWhazit ("the Three Warring Gods"); second sentence DarkMage. // Page 3: Slattery.
2153GESTAHL: There'll be no one to worship us...Gestahl: The world is about to learn...the meaning of...fear...Gestahl
"The world is about to learn…
the meaning of…fear…"
2154Celes: Snap out of it, Kefka!Celes: No! Kefka!Celes
"No! Kefka!!"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2155Celes: Oh, that's really smart, Kefka!
Disturb their delicate balance, and they'll go haywire...!
Celes: mustn't! If you disturb the balance... their power will run wild...!Celes
"Kefka… you musn't…!
If you disturb the balance…
their power will run wild…!"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
2156KEFKA: Who're you?!Kefka: Who's that!?Kefka
"Who's there!?"
kWhazit, "Cefca" -> "Kefka".
2157KEFKA: Noooo!Kefka: Oof!Kefka
2158Shadow: Go!
There are people counting on you!
Shadow: Go!Shadow
People are counting on you!"
Woolsey, "There are people" -> "People are" w/r/t meaning of kWhazit ("Protect the world!").
Get outta here on the double!
Shadow... Come on! We have to get out of here!Shadow…

"Come on!
We have to get out of here!"
2160Shadow: Don't worry about me! Run!!
I can't stop this chain reaction!
I'll see you again.
Count on it!
KEFKA: You can't escape me!!
Shadow: Forget about me! Run! There's no stopping this now! I'll find my way back! Trust me!
Kefka: You can't escape me!
"Don't worry about me!
There's no stopping this now!"

"I'll be right behind you.
Trust me!"

"I won't let you escape!"
Page 1: First sentence Woolsey; second & third sentences Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence from DarkMage ("I'll be right behind you, trust me!") -- a better hint for the player concerning Shadow, as other renderings can give the impression that Shadow really plans on using some advanced death-defying trickery (a la Smoke Bomb!!) to get off the floating continent on his own; second sentence Slattery. // Page 3: kWhazit, "Cefca" -> "Kefka", repunctuated w/r/t Slattery.
2161The airship's below.
<Choice> (Jump!!)
<Choice> (Wait!!)
The airship's below.
<Choice> (Jump!)
<Choice> (Wait.)
The airship's below.
<Choice> (Jump!!)
<Choice> (Wait here…)
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("Stay here"), repunctuated for subtle hinting.
2162<Choice> (Jump!!)
<Choice> (Gotta wait for Shadow...)
<Choice> (Jump!)
<Choice> (Gotta wait for Shadow...)
<Choice> (Jump!!)
<Choice> (What about Shadow?)
Woolsey merged w/ Spooniest ("What about Shadow?") -- less obvious of a hint than Woolsey/Slattery, but more faithful w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar ("Worried about Shadow") and still plenty obvious.
Shadow: I'll be blown to bits before I can even collect my pay...
Shadow: I'd never be able to rest in peace if I died without collecting my pay...

"I can't get completely blown to bits before I've collected my pay…"
Woosley's wording superimposed on kWhazit's meaning ("Even dying can't kill me dead before I collect my pay.")
2164Can't you diffuse the statues?!There's no way to stop their magic?{There's no way to stop the/Can we do nothing to stop the/There no way to stop} Triad's magic?Slattery; "their magic" -> "the Triad's magic" w/r/t kWhazit ("the power of the Three Warring Gods"); adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan & Gau
2165Setzer: Hang on!Setzer: Hang on!Setzer
"Hang on!"
W & S
On that day, the world
was changed forever...
On that day the world was changed forever...
On that day,
the world was changed forever…
Woolsey, reformatted.
2167CID: last...!Cid: Oh, Celes...!Cid
"Oh{… Celes…/, Celes…!}"
Slattery; adaptive dialog replaces "Celes...!" with "Celes..." for the first appearance of the caption to reduce reduandancy.
2168CID: You're finally awake!
Celes: I...feel like I've been sleeping for ever...
CID: For one year, actually...
I thought you were out for good.
Celes: A whole year...
You've watched over me the whole time?
Cid: You're finally awake!
Celes: long have I been sleeping?
Cid: One year, as of today. I was starting to think you might be out for good.
Celes: A whole year... You've been taking care of me all this time?
"You're finally awake!"

How long have I been sleeping?"

"For one year, actually.
I was starting to think you might be out for good."

"A whole year…
Cid, you've been taking care of me all this time?"
Page 1: Slattery; Page 2: Slattery, "How..." -> "I... (kWhazit)". // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 4: Slattery merged with kWhazit ("Cid, you took care of me?")
2169CID: Yes, and I'm about out of energy.Cid: Yes... And I must say, I'm a bit knackered...Cid
And I must say, I'm a bit knackered…"
2170CID: We're on a tiny, deserted island. After the world crumbled, I awoke to find us here together with...
...a few strangers.
Celes: The world...!
So, it wasn't just a dream.
Cid: We're on a tiny, deserted island. After the world was torn apart, I awoke to find us here.
Celes: After the world was torn apart...? So, that wasn't just a dream...
"We're on a tiny, deserted island.
After the world was torn apart,
I awoke to find us here."

"Torn apart…?
So, it wasn't just a dream…"
Page 1: Slattery edited for Woolsey's tone & brevity.
2171Celes: Where are my friends? Where's Locke...?
CID: I don't know.
I only know we're here...
Maybe we're the only people left alive...
CID: Since that day, the world's continued its slide into ruin. Animals and plants are dying...
The few others who washed up here with us passed away of boredom and despair.
Celes: What about everyone else? ...Where's Locke?
Cid: I don't know. For all I know, this island could be the only part of the world that's still above water.
Cid: Ever since that day, the world's been sliding deeper and deeper into ruin. Plants wither, and animals waste away. The other people who were here with us all gave up hope... One after the next, they flung themselves from the northern cliffs in despair...
"What about everyone else?
…Where's Locke?"

"It's hard to say…
We're the only ones here."

"For all I know, this island could be the only part of the world that's still above water."

"Since that day, the land has been sliding deeper and deeper into ruin…
Plants are withering, and the animals are wasting away…"

"The other survivors on this island all lost hope and, one by one, threw themselves off the northern cliffs…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey, paraphrased for style. // Page 3: Slattery. // Page 4: Slattery, edited for brevity & verb tense w/r/t Woolsey ("are dying") & Lina Darkstar ("are growing sickly and dying out"). // Page 5: Lina Darstar ("The other survivors on this island lost hope, one by one, and threw themselves off the cliffs to the north.") merged w/ Slattery.
2172Celes: My friends...
they're probably all gone...
Celes: So...everyone could already be...Celes
"My friends…
They're probably all gone…"
Woolsey, reformatted.
2173CID:'re the closest thing to family that I have...we could just live out our lives here peacefully...
Celes: I suppose so, Cid...
Or should I say, Granddad?!
May I call you that?
CID: Gramps, eh?
I'm overwhelmed! All of a sudden I have a granddaughter!
Cough... Wheeze...
Celes: My long-lost Granddad...
Cid: Celes... Try not to take it so hard. We can still live out our lives together in peace! You're the closest thing to family I have left in this world...
Celes: Yes... I suppose you're right, Cid... Or should I say...Granddad? Is it all right if I call you that?
Cid: Granddad, eh? Heh-heh... You're going to make an old man blush! All of a sudden I have a granddaughter! *hack*... *cough*...
Celes: Hee-hee! Granddad...
"Celes… try not to take it so hard. You're the closest thing to family I have in this world."

"We can still live out our lives together in peace!"

"Yes… I suppose you're right, Cid…
Or should I say, 'Granddad?'
May I call you that?"

"Granddad, eh…?"

"Heh, heh, you're making me blush!
All of a sudden I have a granddaughter! (cough)… (wheeze)…"

My long-lost granddad…"
Page 1 & 2: Slattery, edited for sentence order & brevity w/r/t Woolsey/FF6j. // Page 3: Slattery, lightly repunctuated. // Page 4: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Grampa!? Heh, heh, you're making me blush.") & Woolsey. // Page 4: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2174CID: Ha, ha...hack...cough!
Celes: Hey, are you hungry?
CID: I...haven't eaten in 3 or so days, ever since I became ill.
Celes: What would you like?
CID: Well, unless I ask for fish,
I won't get anything!
That's all there is here!
Celes: I'll go catch some.
Cid: Ha-ha-ha...*hack*! *cough*!
Celes: You must be hungry, Granddad...
Cid: I...actually haven't had anything to eat since I fell ill three days ago.
Celes: What would you like?
Cid: Well, unless I ask for fish, I won't get anything! That's all there is here.
Celes: I'll go catch some.
"Ha, ha, ha-(hack)…(cough)…!"

"Hey, Grandad…
You're hungry, aren't you?"

"I…actually haven't had anything to eat since I fell ill three days ago."

"What would you like?"

"Well, unless I ask for fish, I won't get anything!
That's all there is here."

"I'll go catch some."
Page 1: Slattery, reformatted. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("Grampa. You're hungry, aren't you?"). // Page 3: Slattery. // Page 4: Woolsey/Slattery. // Page 5: Slattery. // Page 6: Woolsey/Slattery.
2175CID: I feel much better!
Thanks, Celes!
Cid: I'm all better now! Thank you, Celes!Cid
"I'm {as good as new/all better now}!
{And it's all thanks to/Thank you,} Celes!"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Celes not in the party.
2176CID: My dear,
I...feel I'm not going to be around much longer...
Cid: I can feel my strength returning.Cid
"I can feel my strength returning."
2177CID: Celes, thanks for all you've done for me!Cid: Celes... Thank you for taking caring of me like this, day after day...Cid
Thank you for taking care of me like this, day after day…"
2178CID: Hackack!!
I feel a little better!
Cid: *cough*... I'm starting to feel a lot better.Cid
…I've gotten a lot better!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("I've gotten a lot better."); Note - Slattery's doesn't work quite as well in case of a backslide in Cid's health.
2179CID: Cough...wheeze...
I can't bear this any longer...
Cid: *cough*... *hack*... I just can't seem to shake this thing...Cid
I just can't seem to shake this thing…"
Slattery, with Woolsey's cough noises, reformatted.
2180CID: I...I'm not long for this cruel new world...Cid: I'm afraid...I may not be long for this world...Cid
"I'm afraid…I may not be long for this world…"
2181CID: My worst nightmare is to think of you alone here on this wretched island...hack...wheeze!!Cid: No matter what happens to mustn't lose hope! *cough*... *wheeze*...Cid
"My worst nightmare is to think of you despairing here on this wretched island…(hack)!…(wheeze)!…"
Woolsey, "alone here" -> "despairing here" for slightly more accuracy w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit ("Even if something happens to me ...don't you give up hope."). Even with the change, this line is not particularly accurate -- however, this is preferred because the clearer Cid's dying wish is, the more we are inclined to be annoyed with Celes for ignoring it & rushing straight to the cliffs the minute the guy flatlines.
2182CID: Cough...hack...ACK!!
While I can still talk, I...wheeze...pant...want to thank you...cough!
Cid: *cough*... *hack*... Celes...while I can still talk, I...*cough*...want to...*wheeze* ...thank you...*gasp*!Cid
"(cough)…(hack)…! Celes…
While I…can still talk, I (wheeze)…
(pant)…want to…thank you…(gasp)…!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; some punctuation based on kWhazit.
2183CID: Good-bye...Cid: This is the end for me...Cid
"This is the end for me…"
2185Celes: Granddad, here's a fish! Eat up!
CID: Oh! Yum...
Chomp, munch, chew...
Celes: Granddad, here's a fish! Eat up!
Cid: Thank you... *munch*...*chomp*...*chew*...
"Granddad, here's some fish!
Eat up!"

"Oh, thank you!
Mmm…(chomp), (munch), (chew)…"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery; "a fish" -> "some fish (kWhazit)" // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2186Celes: What's up?
CID: Celes...the project that kept me going over the past year is down below. Go have a look at it!
Celes: What is it?
Cid: Celes... I finally finished the little project I've been working on at night. Go on downstairs and take a look!
"What is it?"

"Celes… I finally finished the little project I've been working on at night."

"Go on downstairs and take a look!"
2187Celes: Granddad.
You have to eat, or else...
W...what's the matter?
Celes: Granddad... You have to eat, or... Wh-what's the matter? Granddad...Celes
You have to eat, or…"

"Wh…what's the matter?
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; "Granddad..." -> "Grandd--" w/r/t kWhazit ("Gra...")
2188Celes: Cid...Celes: Cid...Celes
(W & S)
2189Celes: No...NO!!
You promised you'd stay here with me!!
Celes: No! ...No!!! You promised you'd stay here with me!Celes
"No… NO!!
You promised you'd stay here with me!"
Woolsey, lightly repunctuated w/r/t Slattery.
2190Celes: Granddad, ANSWER ME!
Tell me you're just joking!
Celes: Granddad, answer me! Tell me you're just joking!Celes
"Granddad, ANSWER ME!
Tell me you're just joking!"
2191Celes: Cid...Granddad...!Celes: Granddad...!Celes
2192Celes: Granddad.
CID: Celes...
You must leave this place.
You have to find your friends!
Celes: I know...
But I'll bring 'em all back to meet you!
CID: That Locke fellow, too, no doubt...
Celes: Granddad...
Cid: Celes... You have to leave this place. I'm sure your friends are still alive somewhere, waiting for you!
Celes: ...I know they are. I'll go. But I'll be back! And I'll bring them all back to see you!
Cid: You bring that Locke fellow, too, now, you hear?

"Celes… you have to leave this place. I'm sure your friends are still alive somewhere, waiting for you!"

"…I know they are.
Okay, I'll go. But I'll be back!
And I'll bring them all to see you!"

"That Locke fellow, too,
no doubt…"
Page 1 - 3: Slattery, lightly edited. // Page 4: Woolsey.
2193Celes: I'll make you proud of me...Granddad...Celes: I'll make you proud of me, Granddad...Celes
"I'll make you proud of me,
2194CID: Those others who were here...
when they were feeling down they'd take a leap of faith from the cliffs up north...perked 'em right up!
Cid: The other people who were here with us all gave up hope... One after the next, they flung themselves from the northern cliffs in despair...Cid
"The other survivors on this island all lost hope and, one by one, threw themselves off the northern cliffs…"
See #2171 page 5.
2195Celes: Everyone's gone...
Even Locke, who promised to watch over me...
The world's slowly ebbing away...
Celes: Everyone's gone... Even Locke... There's nothing left for me in this world.Celes
"Everyone's gone…
Even Locke, who promised to watch over me…"

"This really is the end of the world."
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar.
2196Celes: Phew...
Why did you nurse me back to health? Did I ever ask you to help me?!
Celes: Uhhhn... Were you watching over me? Why would you want to help someone like me? I've already given up hope...Celes
Were you watching over me?"

"Why would you want to help someone like me?
I've already given up hope…"
2197Celes: A bandana??? can't be...
Celes: Hey, you!
Where'd you get this?!
Is the person who healed you still alive? Answer me!
Celes: This bandana... It couldn't be...!
Celes: Hey, little bird... Where'd you come from? Is the person who wrapped your wound still alive? Please, tell me...!
"This bandana…!?
It couldn't be…!"

"Hey, you! Where did you come from?
Is the person who wrapped your wound still alive?"

"Come on, answer me…!"
A little bit of Slattery, Woolsey, & kWhazit ("This bandana? Could it be...?", "Come on, tell me...").
2198Celes: He's alive...
Locke's still alive!!!
Celes: He's alive... Locke's alive!Celes
"He's alive…
Locke's alive!"
2199You need to leave! The others are surely waiting for you!
Find the stairs next to the stove. Down them lies your road to freedom.
Love, Granddad
You must leave this island. Somewhere out there, your friends are waiting for you. Go down the stairs by the stove. The road to your freedom awaits... Love, Granddad You must leave this island.
Somewhere out there, your friends
are waiting for you.

Go down the stairs by the stove.
The road to your freedom awaits…
Love, Granddad
2200Thanks for saving the child!Thank you so much for saving my child. I'll never be able to repay you!{I'm so thankful for the travelers who saved/Thank you so much for saving} my child.
I'll never be able to repay {them/you}!
Slattery; adaptive dialog for parties w/o any characters who were involved in the rescue.
2201I was on lookout duty for Kefka...
But I lost my nerve...
I got this strange feeling Kefka was watching, then the whole town started shaking... Scared me out of my mind!I got this strange feeling Kefka was watching, and then the whole town started shaking…
Scared me out of my mind!
2202Anyone who opposes Kefka is doomed. He uses his "Light of Judgment" from high atop his tower to burn whole towns.Anyone who opposes Kefka is killed. He burns down their entire town from his tower with the Light of Judgment.Anyone who opposes Kefka is doomed. He uses his Light of Judgment from high atop his tower to burn whole towns. (W)
2203I saw it! Kefka used a light beam to burn the village of Mobliz, to the east.
Most of the adults there perished trying to save their children...
I was there... I saw when Kefka used his Light of Judgment to torch the village of Mobliz, far to the east. The adults all perished trying to shield their children...I was there… I saw when Kefka used a beam of light to torch the village of Mobliz, far to the east.

"The adults all perished trying to shield their children…"
Slattery; "Light of Judgment" -> "beam of light" w/r/t Woolsey "light beam" -- less literal but considered superior here because it is one of the only places where the Light of Judgment is described.
2204The "Serpent Trench" used to be deep under water.
Now it's above sea level.
Some "Cult of Kefka" members have built a tower there...
The Serpent Trench is no longer a valley in the ocean floor. It's above the surface now. Eerie place, too... Apparently, some members of the Cult of Kefka have built themselves a tower there.The Serpent Trench is no longer a valley in the ocean floor.
It's above the surface now.
Quite unsettling…

"Apparently, some members of the Cult of Kefka have built themselves a tower there."
Page 1: Slattery, "Eerie place, too..." -> "Quite unsettling..." w/r/t kWhazit ("It's ominous...") since, based on kWhazit, this appears to be commentary on the preceding sentence rather than an introduction to the following sentence. // Page 2: Slattery.
2205Many monsters nowadays attack with "Zombie", "Petrify" and the like. Have you equipped suitable Relics?I heard that a terrifying monster named Humbaba has taken up residence in the area around Mobliz.{I heard that a terrifying monster named Humbaba has taken up residence in the area around Mobliz.

/}Many monsters nowadays attack with Zombie, Petrify, and the like.
Have you equipped suitable Relics?"
Woolsey, reformatted; adaptive dialog inserts Slattery's novel line at the beginning if Humbaba has not yet been fought.
2206To the east you'll find the "Serpent Trench." Further east you'll find the village of Mobliz.
Boy, the Light of Judgment really fried that town...
To the east, you'll find the valley that was once the Serpent Trench. If you keep going east, you'll find Mobliz. I heard the village was burned to the ground by the Light of Judgment, though...To the east you'll find the valley that was once the Serpent Trench.
Keep going east and you'll find the village of Mobliz.

"…Or what's left of it, since it got fried by the Light of Judgment…"
Page 1: Slattery, edited for brevity. // Page 2: kWhazit ("What's left of it after being burned away by the Light of Judgment, anyway..."), edited for tone, "burned away" -> "fried (Woolsey)".
2207Head north on the Serpent Trench and you'll reach Nikeah. Ships still sail from there.Head north along the Serpent Trench and you'll find the town of Nikeah. Ships are still sailing out of there.Head north along the Serpent Trench and you'll reach the town of Nikeah.
Ships are still sailing out of there.
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
I've never been more frightened!
*sniffle*... That was scary...(sniffle)…
That was scary…
Slattery, reformatted.
2209My child's inside!
Do something!
My little boy's still inside! Please, help him! I'm begging you!My little boy's still inside!
Please, help him! I'm begging you!
2210Must have irritated Kefka...All this, just because someone acted against Kefka's will...Must've done something to irritate Kefka…Woolsey, edited w/r/t Slattery "someone" -> "something"
2211There are monsters inside! They keep petrifying everyone who goes in to help. You using suitable Relics?There are monsters inside that house! They keep petrifying everyone who goes in to help. You'd better have some relics that'll keep you safe!There are monsters in that house!
They keep petrifying everyone who goes in to help! You'd better have some relics that'll keep you safe!
Slattery, repunctuated for tone.
2212We resisted Kefka, so he unleashed his Light of Judgment on us!We refused to bow down to Kefka, so he unleashed the Light of Judgment on us!We didn't bow down to Kefka, so he unleashed the Light of Judgment on us!Slattery, edited for brevity.
2213Hurry, or the house'll collapse!Hurry, or the house'll collapse!Hurry, before that house collapses!Lina Darkstar, "the" -> "that".
2214Celes: Sabin!
Sabin: Hey! Celes!
Celes: Let's head in!
Sabin: Wait!!
Celes: Sabin!
Sabin: Oh...! Celes!
Celes: Let me help you!
Sabin: Wait!


"I'll help you out!"

Slattery, "Oh" -> "Whoa", repunctuated for tone.
Sabin: Hey! You're alive!!!
Get in there, quick!
Sabin: Hey... You're alive! Let me help you!
Sabin: Wait!
<Party Leader>
"{Sabin!/Sabin/{You're…Sabin! Kupo/Sabin!}/You're…Sabin/You…Sabin}!"

"Hey! {You're alive/Good timing}!!
You need to get in there, quick!"
Based on Woolsey w/ Darkmage's edit ("You need to get in there, quick!"); adaptive dialog for party leader's relationship to Sabin.
2216Sabin: If I move...
The whole house'll collapse. First... save the child that's in there...
I can't hold this up forever, so...
Get out on the hum...urgh...
Sabin: If I move, the whole house'll collapse. the kid who's inside! I don't think I can hold this up much longer... You've gotta hurry! ...Urgh!Sabin
"If I move, the whole house'll collapse.
First… save the kid who's inside…!"

"Don't think I can…
hold this up much longer…!
You've gotta hurry! …Urgh…!"
Slattery, lightly edited for style & brevity.
2217Sabin: I...I...
I'm losing my grip...
Keep up the fight, brother!
Sabin: I can't...hold out... ...any longer... Brother...the rest is up to you!Sabin
I'm losing my grip…"

The rest is up to you…!"
Woolsey merged with kWhazit ("Dammit!) & Slattery.
2218Sabin: Wait!Sabin: Took you long enough!Sabin
Lina Darkstar.
2219Celes: Sabin!
You're alive!
Celes: Sabin! You're alive!Celes
You're alive!"
(W & S)
You're alive!
Sabin! You're alive!<Party Leader>
"{/Sir }Sabin{!
You're alive!/!
Thou'rt alive!/…
You're alive./!
You're alive, kupo!/!
You alive!/!
You still alive!}"
Woolsey/Slattery; adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan, Shadow, Mog, Gau, Gogo, Umaro.
2221Sabin: But of course!
You think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?
Sabin: Of course I am! Did you think a little thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?Sabin
"Of course I am! Did {my friends/you} think a little thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party's relationship to Sabin.
2222Celes: I thought everyone was gone...
I had given up all hope...
But... fortunately, I was wrong! Now I know they're all alive! We need to find everyone! Then...
Celes: I'd given up hope... I thought everyone else had died... But...I was wrong! I'm sure we're not the only ones! We need to find everyone! And then...Celes
"I thought everyone was dead…
I had given up all hope…"

"But…I was wrong!
I'm sure we're not the only ones!
We need to find everyone!
And then…"
Page 1: Woolsey, "gone" -> "dead". // Page 2: Slattery.
2223We thought everyone was gone...
We'd given up all hope...
But... fortunately, I was wrong! Now I know they're all alive! We need to find everyone! Then...
We'd almost given up hope... We didn't think anyone else was left. But...we were wrong! We're not the only ones! We need to gather everyone! And then...<Party Leader>
"{We'd almost given up hope{/, kupo}…/Everyone had almost given up hope./We almost give up hope…}
{We didn't think there was anyone else left./We didn't think there was anyone else left…/Everyone think no one else alive.}"

"But…we w{ere wrong{/, kupo}!/ere wrong./rong!}
We{'re not the only ones{/, kupo}!/'re not the only ones./ not only ones!}
We{ need to gather everyone/'ll gather the rest/ go get everyone}, and then…"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for M.C. Shadow, Gau, Gogo, Umaro.
2224Sabin: I know, I know...
We smash Kefka, and deliver peace unto the world...
Sabin: ...smash Kefka, and deliver peace unto the world! All right, count me in!Sabin
Smash Kefka, and deliver peace unto the world!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery & kWhazit ("Right.").
2225Come on!!
Please help!
Please help him! I'm begging you!Please help him!
I'm begging you!
2226All I can do now is restore your health.
Please...go back inside and save that child!!
I'll heal you, but please...! Save the child trapped inside that house!I'll heal you, but please…!
Save the child trapped inside that house!
2227I'm scared...!
"Don't worry, you're safe now."
I'm scared...! Don't worry, you're safe now!I'm scared…!

<Party Leader>
"{You're going to be okay!
Come on{/, kupo}/Thou'rt safe with {me/us}!
Come hither/You're going to be okay.
Come on/{Gau/We} take you safe place!
Come now/{M/W}e take you safe place!
Come now}!"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery. // Page 2: based on kWhazit; adaptive dialog for M.C. Cyan, Shadow, Gau, Gogo, Umaro.
2228Did you see that tower...?Did you see that tower...?Did you see that tower…? (W & S)
2229Kefka's up there, 'n he's using the power of the Statues...
He's like a god...
Kefka's practically a god now, sitting up in that tower of his with the power of the Warring Triad at his command...Kefka's up there, and he's controllin' all the power of that Warring Triad.
He's like a god now…
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2230Everything changed on that day...The world's ruined... There's nothing left...The whole world changed that day…
Nothing's been right since…
New. Based on Woolsey & Slattery.
2231Anyone who opposes Kefka gets his or her town fried by the "Light of Judgment."Oppose Kefka's will, and he'll fry your town with the Light of Judgment. There's no point in even trying...If anyone opposes the almighty Kefka, their entire town'll get fried by his 'Light of Judgment'.
There's no getting around it.
New, based on Lina Darkstar ("If anyone goes against Our Lord Kefka, the Light of Judgment visits destruction on his entire town. His power is absolute.") and Slattery.
2232On THAT day, debris from all over the world floated eerily to the center of this land mass, and formed that tower...On the day the world was shattered, debris gravitated to the center of this continent from all over the world. That's what formed Kefka's tower.The day the world was ruined, debris from all over gravitated to the center of this continent, forming that tower…Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; "shattered" -> "ruined".
2233How can ya make a GP in a world like this?With things the way they are now, business is the last thing on my mind.How's a guy supposed to make an honest gil in a world like this?Woolsey, edited for style, "GP" -> "gil".
2234When the world was ripped apart, many long-sealed monsters were released...
Phunbaba...Doom Gaze...
And the 8 Dragons...
Many ancient monsters that had long been sealed away were released when the world was ripped apart... Humbaba, Deathgaze...even the eight legendary dragons.Many ancient monsters that had long been sealed away were released when the world was ripped apart…

even the eight legendary dragons."
2235I saw Doom Gaze soaring through the sky!
I'd rather take an acid bath than fight that thing!
I saw Deathgaze soaring up among the clouds the other day! I'd hate to think what would happen if some poor sod in an airship ran across that thing...I saw Deathgaze soaring through the sky the other day! I'd hate to think what would happen if some poor sap in an airship ran across that thing…Slattery; "up among the clouds" -> "through the sky (Woolsey)" for simplicity, "sod" -> "sap" because reasons.
2236Uh? You again...?
Oh, sorry. You look just like a man who was here searching for his friends...
He said he was going north, to Tzen.
Hmm? You wouldn't be...? No, never mind. It's just...a man came through here looking for someone recently, and you match the description perfectly. The man already left, though. He said he was going to head north, to Tzen.Hmm? You wouldn't be…?

"Ah, excuse me. An athletic man came through here recently looking for some people, and you seem to match one of his descriptions."

"If you're interested, he said before leaving town that he would be heading north to Tzen."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("Excuse me. You look like someone a monkish person who passed through here earlier was looking for...") // Page 3: kWhazit, edited for style.
2237You...the sparkle in your eye...
You're the spittin' image of a man who came through here recently.
That sparkle in your eye reminds me of the young martial artist who visited here not long ago. He had that same determined look...That sparkle in your eye…
Reminds me of the martial artist fellow who visited town earlier.
Slattery edited w/r/t Woolsey for brevity, checked against kWhazit. Omits Slattery's novel extra sentence.
2238Oh...I think back on how nice the world used to be...Oh, those wondrous days of plenty...Oh, those wondrous days of plenty…Slattery.
2239...and realize it'll never be the same again...I wonder if we'll ever see days like those again?What I wouldn't give to see days like those again…New, splits difference between attitude of Slattery & Woolsey.
2240Relm: You!!
You old fool!!!
You're still standing?!
Relm: Come on now, you stubborn old bag of bones! Snap out of it!Relm
"Hey, you!
You old fart!!
Snap out of it!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; "old fool" -> "old fart".
2241Strago: Relm!
Is that you, my dear?
You're alive!!
Strago: Relm! Relm, is it really you, dear? You're alive!?Strago
Relm, is it really you, dear?
You're alive!!"
Slattery repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2242Relm: Idiot!
Of course I'm all right!
Strago: Oh...
I'm so happy...
Relm: Did you think I was gonna check out before you, old man?! Ah, ha, ha...
Relm: Grandpa, you idiot! What were you thinking?
Strago: Oh, Relm... I was sure you were...
Relm: Did you really think I was gonna check out before you, you old geezebag!? Ha-ha-ha...
"Grandpa, you idiot!
What were you thinking?"

"Oh… oh…
I was sure you were…"

"Did you really think I was gonna check out before you, old man??
What are you, senile!? …Hee-hee!"
Page 1: Slattery. Note: Slattery's "What were you thinking?" is novel, but fits far better than the original line ("Cheer up!") in context. // Page 2: Slattery; novel "Relm" -> "oh..." w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit ("Ohh..."). // Page 3: First sentence Woolsey, "Did you think" -> "Did you really think (Slattery)"; Second sentence based on kWhazit ("You senile old fool!! *giggle*!").
2243Strago: You're as foul-mouthed as ever, bless your heart!
Relm: Come along now...
We're all glad to see you!
Strago: Oh, you're as foul- mouthed as ever, bless your heart!
Relm: Come on, Grandpa. You're coming along with the rest of us!
"And you're as foul-mouthed as ever, bless your heart!"

"Let's get going.
We're all gonna be together again!"
Page 1: Woolsey, lightly edited for pacing. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar, "Let's go" -> "Let's get going".
2244Strago: Whoa!
Well I'll be...
All right, make room for me!
Strago: Whoa! Well, I'll be...! All right... Guess I can't be leaving everything up to you whippersnappers!Strago
Well, I'll be…!"

"All right…
Guess I can't be leaving everything up to you whippersnappers!"
Slattery; "Whoa" -> "Whoa-ho" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Ho ho!").
2245The members of the "Cult of Kefka" live in this tower.
There's something wondrous atop it!
You can only use magic attacks inside, so unless your magic's strong, you'll never make it to the top!
This tower's home to the Cult of Kefka. There's supposed to be a priceless treasure up on the highest level... But you can only use magic inside, so you'll never make it to the top without strong magic!This tower here's home to the Cult of Kefka.
There's supposed to be a priceless treasure up on the highest level…

"But you can only fight with magic inside. Unless you've got some strong spells handy, you'll never make it to the top!"
Page 1: Slattery, "This tower's" -> "This tower here's" for flavor. // Page 2: Slattery, reworded in part w/r/t DarkMage ("strong spells handy").
2246Treasure...treasure...Treasure... Treasure...Treasure… Treasure…Slattery.
2247For 100000 GP I'll tell ya 'bout a secret treasure!
<Choice> (Hand over 100000 GP!)
<Choice> (No way!)
For 100,000 gil, I'll tell ya where ya can find some hidden treasure!
<Choice> (Pay 100,000 gil.)
<Choice> (Decline.)
Give me 100,000 gil, and I'll tell ya about some secret treasure.
<Choice> (Hand over 100,000 gil.)
<Choice> (Forget it!)
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
Right, here's the scoop:
Beneath the Desert of Figaro lies an ancient castle...
...loaded with treasure.
By the way, an old man who lives in the Weapon Shop in Narshe is looking for you...
Oh, thanks! You're too generous! Right, the scoop... There's an ancient castle buried beneath the desert of Figaro...and no doubt loaded with treasure! By the way, I heard the old man who lives in the weapon shop in Narshe was looking for ya...That's awfully generous of ya!
Right, here's the scoop…

"There's an ancient castle buried beneath Figaro Desert. It's gotta be loaded with treasure!"

"And one more thing… You know the old man living in the weapon shop in Narshe? I hear he's been lookin' to get a visit from the likes of you…"
Page 1: kWhaizt ("How generous of you!") edited for style, merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery, "desert of Figaro" -> "Figaro Desert (kWhazit, Lina Darkstar)", edited for simplicity. // Page 3: New, based mostly on Lina Darkstar ("That, and one more thing--the old man livin' in the smithy in Narche is lookin' for you people. So I hear."), edited to add a little vagueness ("the likes of you") for believability.
2249No use talking to them. They've sold their hearts to Kefka.
All they do is mope around, thinking of him...
No use talking to them. They've given their souls over to Kefka. All they do now is shuffle about, praying to him day in and day out...No use talking to those stiffs.
Their souls belong to Kefka now.
All they do is shuffle about, praying to him day in and day out…
First sentence DarkMage; Second sentence New; Third sentence Slattery.
2250 Master Kefka's treasure...
Return it... Now...!
Lord Kefka's treasure... Return...the treasure... "Master Kefka's treasure…
Return it… now…!"
Woolsey, reformatted.
Someone's coming!!
Aaahhh! Someone's coming!Waaahh!
Someone's coming!
Similar to Woolsey & Slattery.
2252You're gonna have to fight your way in here, chumps!!You're gonna have to fight your way in here! We can fight, too, you know!You're gonna have to fight your way in here!
We can fight, too, you know!
Wait! "Wait!" (W & S)
2254Terra!!Terra!{<Party Leader>
/}"{Terra!{!/}/{Terra!{!/}/{Are you…Terra!?/You must be…Terra?/You…Terra!?}}}"
Slattery; adaptive dialog depending on Terra's relationship to the party.
Are these your friends?!
Mama! Are these people your friends?Mama!
{Is this your friend/Are they your friends}?
Woolsey, "these" -> "they"; adaptive dialog depending on Terra's relationship to the party.
2256Terra: Oh! I'm so glad to see that you're safe!
I've missed you!
Terra: I'm so glad to see you're safe! I wanted to see you again!Terra
"Oh{, I'm so glad to see you're safe!/…! My friends sent you?
I'm so glad they're safe!}
I've missed {you/them}!"
Woolsey repunctuated; adaptive dialog depending on Terra's relationship to the party.
2257Terra...come one, let's go! Unless we stop Kefka, all's lost...
Terra: I...
Terra, come with us! There's no saving this world unless we defeat Kefka once and for all...
Terra: I know... But...
"Terra, {let's go together!/join us!}/<Party Leader>
"Terra, {let's go together!/join us!}}
There{{'s no saving this world unless we beat Kefka once and for all/ no hope for world if we no beat Kefka}/{'s no saving this world unless we beat Kefka once and for all/ no hope for world if we no beat Kefka}}…"

Page 1: Slattery; "Come with us" -> "Let's go together" in case party is solo (?). // Page 2: Lina Darkstar.
2258Terra: That is I... um...
I can't fight any longer...
Terra: I... I can't fight anymore.Terra
"I… um…
I lost my ability to fight…"
First line Woolsey, removed novel "That is" since this caption does not take place immediately after #2257; Second line New, based on kWhazit ("My ability to fight is gone") -- kWhazit better shows that it's more than just lack of will alone that keeps Terra from fighting.
2259Terra: The very day the world fell, Kefka turned some kind of beam on this town.
Almost all of the adults perished trying to save their children...
Terra: The very day the world collapsed, Kefka turned his Light of Judgment on this village. The adults...these kids' parents... They all died trying to protect their children...Terra
"The very day the world fell, Kefka turned his Light of Judgment on this village."

"The adults… these kids' parents…
they all died trying to protect their children…"
Slattery; "collapsed" -> "fell".
2260Terra: There were only children here...
The moment I arrived, I felt needed...
Terra: This is a village of children now... They clung to me from the moment I arrived... They needed me...Terra
"This is a village of children now.
They clung to me from the moment I arrived. They needed me…"
Slattery, repunctuated.
2261DUANE: You can't take Terra away!Duane: You can't take Terra from us!Duane
"You can't take Terra from us!"
2262KATARIN: Duane...
Please excuse him. It's just that if Terra goes, she takes with her the very spirit of our survival...
Katarin: Duane... Please, forgive him. It's just...if we lose Terra, we lose the only thing that's holding this village together.Katarin

"Please, forgive him.
It's just… if Terra left us, we would lose the only thing holding us together…"
Slattery, lightly edited for brevity.
2263Terra: I don't know why these kids need me...
But they've made me feel things I've never felt before.
The moment I sensed this, I lost my will to fight.
Terra: I don't know why these kids need me... And it's not like there's anything forcing me to protect them. It's the strangest feeling... But once that feeling took root inside of me, I lost the strength to keep on fighting.Terra
"I don't know why these kids need me… and it's not like there's anything forcing me to protect them…"

"But lately, I've been feeling strange.
And ever since this feeling started,
I haven't had the strength to keep fighting…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged with simpler Lina Darkstar ("But, I feel strange. And... ever since this feeling started").
2264Terra: I can honestly say I don't know what's going on inside of me...
And the more I try to understand it, the less inclined I am to fight.
Terra: I feel like I'm on the verge of understanding something important. It's hard to describe... But the harder I look for the answer, the more I lose my strength to fight.Terra
"I feel like I'm on the verge of understanding something important."

"It's difficult to describe…
But the harder I look for the answer, the more my power fades…"
Slattery; "the more I lose my strength to fight" -> "the more my power fades" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("the more that power drains away...").
2265Help!!! Run!!!
Phunbaba's coming!!
Help!!! Humbaba's coming!Help!!!
Humbaba's coming this way!
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit.
2266Terra: Phunbaba's an ancient demon who was released when the world was undone.Terra: Humbaba...the ancient monster released from the depths of the earth by the cataclysm... ...I have to protect the village!Terra
"Humbaba's an ancient beast that emerged when the earth split apart.
I won't let it harm this village!"
First sentence Woolsey, "demon" -> "beast"; "was undone" -> "split apart"; Second sentence adapted from Lina Darkstar ("I won't let you harm this village!").
Wake up!
Uh, it comes!!
Terra! Wake up! Uh-oh... Here it comes!{<Party Leader>
Come on, get up!
Oh, no… Here it comes/!
Please, wake up!
Oh, no… Here it comes/!
Pull yourself together!
Damn, here it comes…/!
Come on, kupo! Get up!
Oh, no… Here it comes/!
Get up, get up!
Uh, oh… It coming this way}!"
Slattery, "Wake up" -> "Come on, get up" w/r/t DarkMage "Come on...get up"; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan, Shadow, Mog, Gau, Umaro.
2268Terra: I've really lost it...
My fighting edge...
Terra: I guess I really don't have the strength to fight anymore...Terra
"I knew it…
I just don't have the strength to fight anymore…"
First sentence Lina Darkstar; second sentence based on Slattery.
Are you okay?!
Mama! Are you okay!?Mama!
"Are you okay!?"
2270Terra: I'm staying here.
As you can see, I can't be of any help to you.
And besides, the children really need me.
"But Terra...!"
Terra: I'm staying here. I wouldn't be any help to you now. And...the children need me. But, Terra...Terra
"I'm staying here. I wouldn't be any help to you now. And besides, the children still need me…"

<Party Leader>
"But, Terra…"
Page 1: Slattery; sentence 3 merged w/ kWhazit & Woolsey ("besides"). // Page 2: Slattery.
2271Terra: Maybe after a little more time passes...
I need to understand what's happening to me...
Terra: Maybe after a little more time has passed... I need to understand what's happening to me.Terra
"Maybe after a little more time has passed. I need to understand what's happening to me…"
Slattery; repunctuated in part w/r/t Woolsey/FF6j to place ellipsis at the end.
2272Thanks for scaring Phunbaba away! In his haste, he dropped this. Here!

Received the Magicite
Thanks for scaring Humbaba away! This fell off the chain around his neck. Here, you can have it! Obtained Fenrir magicite!Thanks for scaring Humbaba away!
This fell off the chain around his neck.
Here, you can have it!

Obtained the Magicite
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2273Mama...are you all right?Mama, are you all right?Mama… are you all right?Woolsey, reformatted.
2274You can't take Mama away!You can't take Mama away!You can't take Mama away! (W & S)
2275I'll have you if something happens to Mama!!I can't lose Mama, too... Not after everyone else...I can't lose Mama, too…
Not after everyone else…
2276Terra: I'm sorry...
I'm staying!
The children need me.
Terra: I'm sorry... I'm staying here. The children need me...Terra
"I'm sorry…
I'm staying here.
The children need me."
Slattery, repunctuated in part w/r/t Woolsey.
2277Katarin's gone...Katarin's gone...Katarin's gone… (W & S)
2278Duane was being mean to her, so Katarin took off!Katarin ran away 'cause Duane's not nice to her!Duane was being mean to Katarin, so Katarin ran away!Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; doubled-up "Katarin" to avoid pronoun ambiguity (or at least the feeling of it).
2279Katarin's belly's growing bigger!Katarin's belly keeps getting bigger!Katarin's tummy keeps getting bigger!Slattery, "belly" -> softer "tummy (kWhazit & Lina Darkstar)".
2280I know! Katarin's gonna have a baby! My Mom looked like that before my brother appeared!Katarin's gonna have a baby. I know, 'cause my mom looked like that before she had my little brother!I know! Katarin's gonna have a baby!
My mom looked like that before my brother was born!
Woolsey, "appeared" -> "was born (Lina Darkstar)"
2281DUANE: I...don't know what to do. Katarin's pregnant...Duane: I...don't know what to do. Katarin's pregnant...Duane
"I…don't know what to do.
Katarin's pregnant…"
(W & S)
2282Terra: Hey you guys!Terra: You're back!Terra
"{My friends sent you?/You're here!}"
New, based on Slattery, Lina Darkstar (Hey, everyone!) & kWhazit ("Everyone!"); adaptive dialog for whether or not the party member(s) have met Terra.
2283Terra: Katarin's having a baby.Terra: Katarin's going to be having a baby.Terra
"Katarin's going to be having a baby."
2284KATARIN: I'm so happy to have had a child...
But Duane seems miserable...
Katarin: I'm so happy that I'm going to have a child... But when I told that to Duane, he turned cold all of a sudden...Katarin
"I'm so happy that I'm going to have a child…"

"But when I said that to Duane, he turned cold all of a sudden…"
Slattery, "told" -> "said" to avoid potential interpretation that what turned Duane cold was the news of the pregnancy itself, which does not seem to be the case w/r/t kWhazit ("but when I said so") & Lina Darkstar ("when I told Dean so").
2285DUANE: Katarin... ...
I'm sorry.
I didn't know how to handle this.
I've been an awful husband...
But I'm learning.
Please, come back with me.
Duane: Katarin...... I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to handle all of this... I acted like an idiot. But everything's okay now! So, please...come back home with me.Duane
"Katarin… …
I'm sorry. I didn't know how to handle all of this."

"I've been acting like an idiot…
But I promise to be stronger from now on.
Please, come back with me!"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery's content with Woolsey's structure; Second sentence New, based on Woolsey & kWhazit ("I'll try to be more reliable."); Third sentence Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit/FF6j.
Phunbaba's back again!
Aaahhh! Humbaba's headed this way!Waaaaah!
Humbaba's back again!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2287Terra: Please!
Save this village!
I simply can't fight...
Terra: Please! Protect the village! I...don't have the strength to fight...Terra
"Please! Protect the village!
I don't have the strength to fight…"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey for pacing.
2288DUANE: I'll keep Katarin safe.Duane: I'll keep Katarin safe.Duane
"I'll keep Katarin safe."
(W & S)
2289KATARIN: I feel safe when Duane's around.Katarin: I'll be fine with Duane by my side.Katarin
"I'll be fine as long as Duane's here with me."
Slattery; "by my side" -> "here with me" in part w/r/t kWhazit ("here for me").
Rid us of Phunbaba once and for all!
Please, beat Humbaba! You have to!Please, beat Humbaba!
You have to!
2291Monster again...
I'm afraid...
I'm always afraid...
It's another monster! "It's scary..." "I'm afraid..."Another monster…!
"It's scary…"
"I'm afraid…"
Slattery, lightly edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey.
It is you, isn't it!
I can tell...
Mama... It's you, isn't it? I can tell...Mama…
It's you, isn't it?
I can tell…
2293Huh? Mama?
Huh? Mama? "Terra?"Huh? Mama?
Mama! "Terra!"Mama!!
First line Woolsey, second line Slattery.
2295Terra: I...I can fight!Terra: I...I'll fight!Terra
I can fight!"
Woolsey, reformatted.
2296Terra: Finally...
I understand that feeling...
Even though I kept it buried for so long.
I'm sure it's called...
...... ......
I now realize that we must fight for the future of our children.
Terra: I think...I finally understand. The feeling that's been growing inside me... It must be... ..."Love"! I have to protect the people I love, and to make the world a safe place for new lives!Terra
"I think…I finally understand.
The feeling that's been growing inside me…"

"It must be… … 'Love'!"

"I have to fight…for the people I love, and for all the lives that have yet to come into the world!"
Page 1: Slattery, reformatted. // Page 2: Slattery, edited closer to literal w/r/t kWhazit ("there are many lives still to be born").
2297Terra: Duane...
Katarin needs your help...
so does your new baby.
Listen children, your "Mama" has to go away for a while.
I'll return when I feel your future's guaranteed!
Terra: Duane... Keep Katarin and your baby safe! Children, Mama has to go away for a while to make the world a safer place for you to live! But I promise I'll be back as soon as I can!Terra
Keep Katarin and your baby safe!"

"Children, Mama has to go away for a while to protect our future. But I promise I'll be back as soon as I can!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("protect our future").
I'm not gonna cry!
"Me either!"
Terra: I'll be back.
I promise!
Till behave!
Mama... I'm not gonna cry! "Me either!" "I'll be good, so come back soon!" "Don't forget, you promised!"Mama… I'm not gonna cry!
"Me either!"

"We'll be good, so come back soon!"
"Don't forget, you promised!"
Slattery; "I'll be good" -> "We'll be good" w/r/t kWhazit ("we'll do what we can").
2299Terra: Thank you...
You helped me to understand a part of myself.
Now I must go to war. We must all believe we have a future. We must fight for those who aren't even born yet!
Terra: Thank you... You all helped me understand what it love. I'll fight! I'll make this world a place where life can flourish, and children can grow up in peace!Terra
"Thank you.
You all helped me understand what it means…to love."

"And now, I am going to fight.
I'll make this world a place where life can flourish, and children can grow up in peace!"
Page 1: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery's content superimposed on Woolsey's structure; Second sentence Slattery.
2300Our papas and mamas are gone...Mom and Dad covered us when the light hit and then they didn't move any more after that...Our papas and mamas covered us when the light came, and now they're all gone…Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2301But we'll be happy,
if Terra'll come back to us!
We're okay 'cause we've got Terra here!We're okay 'cause we've got Terra here!Slattery.
2302A badly wounded soldier passed away here in Mobliz.The soldier in our village who was hurt went to sleep and didn't wake up.The hurt soldier who was in this village… he died, too.New, based on Woolsey & Slattery, meant to cut out Slattery's aparent novelty.
2303Everyone here calls Terra, "Mama."We all call Terra "Mama."Everybody calls Terra 'Mama'.Woolsey; "Everyone here" -> "Everybody" in part w/r/t Slattery "We all"
2304Duane and Katarin are the oldest ones here.Duane and Katarin are the oldest ones here. Terra's our mama and they're our big brother and sister!Duane and Katarin are the oldest kids here.
Terra's our mama, and they're our big brother and sister!
Slattery, lightly repunctuated, "ones" -> "kids" so as not to exclude Terra, and also believable as a word choice by one of the younger kids.
2305I saw Duane kissing Katarin!I saw Duane kissing Katarin!I saw Duane and Katarin kissing!New, based on Lina Darkstar ("I saw Dean and Catalina kissiiing!").
2306You're not gonna take Terra away, are you?You're not gonna take Mama away, are you?You're not gonna take Mama Terra away, are you?Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2307The light took everyone...
...everyone... ...
The light took everyone... Everyone... Mom... Dad...The light took everyone…
Dad… Mom…
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2308DUANE: This is our village.
You can't just waltz in here and start barking out orders!
Duane: This is our village. You can't just waltz in here and do whatever you want!Duane
"This is our village.
You can't just waltz in here and do whatever you want!"
2309KATARIN: Terra's helped us all to survive. Ever since she's been here, we've felt hopeful for the future.Katarin: Terra is the glue that holds this village together. With her here, we're somehow able to keep going.Katarin
"Terra is our moral support.
With her here, we've somehow been able to keep going."
First sentence New, based on Mato ("emotional support") & Lina Darkstar ("support"); Second sentence Slattery.
2310I wanna see Katarin's baby!I hope Katarin has her baby soon! I wanna see it!I can't wait to meet Katarin's baby!Woolsey; "wanna see" -> "can't wait to meet" to avoid implication that the baby is born already.
2311We'll be okay 'till mama comes back!We'll be all right!{We'll be all right, Mama!/We'll be good 'til Mama Terra comes back!}Woolsey, "okay" -> "good"; adaptive dialog for party leader Terra.
Don't feel sad.
We'll be okay.
Mama...we'll be okay. We're tough!{Tell mama…w/Don't be sad, Mama…
W}e'll be okay.
We're tough!
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; adaptive dialog for Terra not present.
2313Duane and Katarin'll take good care of us.Duane and Katarin'll take good care of us.Duane and Katarin'll take good care of us. (W & S)
2314I'm not gonna cry.
If I do, Terra'll feel sad...
I'm not gonna cry. I don't wanna make Mama sad...I'm not gonna cry.
I {wanna be strong for Mama/don't wanna make Mama sad}…
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Terra not present.
2315The baby in Katarin's belly is kicking!The baby in Katarin's belly is kicking!The baby in Katarin's belly is kicking! (W & S)
It just did it again!
There! It just kicked again!There!
It just did it again!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2317Say, Katarin.
What're you gonna name the baby?
Katarin, what're you gonna name the baby?Katarin, what're you gonna name the baby?Slattery.
2318DUANE: A new life...
I've got to do my best to help make the world a safer place...
Duane: A new life... I've got to do my best to help make the world a safer place for it.Duane
"A new life…
I've got to do my part to make this world a safer place for it."
Slattery; "my best to help make" -> "my part to make" for brevity.
2319KATARIN: We'll be okay.
Just make sure these kids'll have a world to grow up in!
Katarin: We'll be okay. So please...go make sure these kids have a future to look forward to!Katarin
"We'll be okay.
So please… go make sure these kids have a future to look forward to!"
Slattery, slightly reformatted.
2320It's heading this way!
Protect the kids!!!
It's aimed right at us! "Protect the kids!"It's heading straight for us!!
"Protect the kids!!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2321 Papa!!
Mom!!! "Dad!!!"Papa!!!
Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery.
2322I'm hiding away from Kefka.We try to keep a low profile here so we won't draw Kefka's ire.We're doing our best here not to draw Kefka's ire.Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey & Lina Darkstar ("We live in fear of Kefka finding us.")
2323The ship to South Figaro's about to leave.The South Figaro ferry has somehow managed to stay in business.The South Figaro ferry has somehow managed to stay in business.Slattery.
2324This ship belongs to the Crimson Robbers.This ship's been chartered by the Crimson Robbers.This ship's been chartered by the Crimson Robbers.Slattery.
2325The thieves are hanging out at the coffee shop. They all escaped from Figaro Castle.There's a bunch of thieves hanging out in the pub. They say they all escaped from Figaro Castle.{There's/We had} a gang of thieves hanging out in the pub{/ a while ago}. Said they all escaped from Figaro Castle.Slattery; "bunch" -> "gang", edited for brevity; adaptive dialog for story progression.
2326The road you followed here used to be under water.The road you took to get here used to be at the bottom of the ocean!The road leading up here used to be at the bottom of the ocean!Slattery; "you took to get here" -> "leading up here" for immersion & in case player most recently traveled by airship
2327After the end of the world,
I awoke all alone in Doma Castle.
When I would try to sleep there, demons would come for me... Oh! I don't want to remember that!
After the cataclysm, I awoke to find myself all alone in Doma Castle. When I tried to sleep there, monsters came for me in my dreams... Oh, it still frightens me just to think of it!After the {world ended/{world ended/{world ended/cataclysm}}}, I awoke to find myself all alone in Doma Castle.
{And w/{And w/{And w/W}}}hen I tried to sleep there, demons came for me in my dreams.

Gives me shivers just thinkin' about it!"/{"Brr…
Gives me shivers just thinkin' about it!"/{"Brr…
Gives me shivers just thinkin' about it!"/"Oh, it still frightens me just to think of it!"}}}
Woolsey lightly edited; adaptive dialog conditionally incorporates Slattery for NPC variety.
2328While traveling under the desert, Figaro Castle hit an obstacle and came to a halt.I heard Figaro Castle ran into some kind of trouble and got stuck beneath the desert.I heard Figaro Castle ran into some kind of trouble and got stuck beneath the desert.Slattery.
Received the Magicite
Obtained Quetzalli magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery, reformatted.
2330There's an eerie tower at the end of the Serpents Trench.That tower in the middle of the Serpent Trench belongs to the Cult of Kefka.That eerie tower in the middle of the Serpent Trench belongs to the Cult of Kefka.Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2331What're ya doin'?
Get away!
What do you think you're doing? Get outta here! Scram!{Scram!/{Whaddaya think you're doin'?/Get outta here!}}Slattery, lightly edited for tone & brevity w/r/t Woolsey; adaptive dialog conditionally incorporates Woolsey for NPC variety.
2332GERAD: Oh, yeah, you know how to get into Figaro Castle, don't you?!
HENCHMAN: G'ho ho, do we ever!
Gerad: You know the way into Figaro Castle quite well then, correct?
Henchman: Ho-ho-ho, do we ever!
"So, you boys know how to get into Figaro Castle, do you…?"

"G'ho ho, do we ever!"
Page 1: DarkMage. // Page 2: Woolsey.
2333GERAD: Yeah, You lead the way since it's buried.Gerad: Then lead the way. I'll take charge once we're in.Gerad
"Then lead the way.
I'll take charge once we're in."
2334I understand they escaped from Figaro Castle's prison.They say they all escaped from Figaro Castle's dungeons.{I understand they/Seems the group of guys who were here before} escaped from Figaro Castle's dungeons.Woolsey; "prison" -> "dungeons (Slattery)"; adaptive dialog for case where thieves are gone.
2335From out of nowhere a bunch of huge sandworms burrowed into the prison!
We followed their tunnels back to the surface and escaped.
By some freak chance, the dungeon ended up right next to a sandworm nest when the castle stopped. A crack opened up in the wall, so we crawled through and followed the worm tunnels back to the surface!By some fluke, a crack opened up in the dungeon wall leading to a nest of giant sandworms.

"We followed their tunnels back to the surface and escaped!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey & edited for brevity. "crack opened up (Slattery)" is novel.
2336Our last boss perished that day. We met up with Gerad in this town.We lost our old boss that day...he's feeding the sandworms now. We met Gerad here in town. He's our new boss!We lost our old boss that day…
He's feeding the sandworms now.
We met Gerad here in town.
He's our new boss!
Slattery. Note: "he's feeding the sandworms now" is novel.
2337The boss wants to sneak into Figaro Castle. He wants to get our booty back from the storage room there.The boss wants to sneak into Figaro Castle to take back our booty. They've got it all in a storeroom there.The boss wants to sneak into Figaro Castle to take back our booty.
They've got it all shut up in a storeroom there.
Slattery; "in a storeroom" -> "shut up in a storeroom" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Our treasure's shut up in the vault") & kWhazit ("locked up in a Figaro storeroom").
2338We'll enter da castle through a secret cave dat only we knows about!We're gonna go into the castle through a secret cave that nobody else knows about!We'll be gettin' into the castle through the secret cave that only we knows about!Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("We're getting into Figaro Castle through a secret cave only we know about").
2339I've been chatting with the boss of this gang, Gerad.
He's kinda handsome!
The head of that gang of thieves, Gerad, was flirting with me! He's kinda handsome... Tee-hee-hee!The leader of those thieves, Gerad,
was flirting with me {earlier/before}!
He's kinda handsome…
Slattery, "gang of thieves" -> "those thieves" for brevity and to avoid more repetition w/ #2371, #2372, #2325; adaptive dialog for story progression.
2340All right, let's go!All right, let's go!All right, boys, let's go!Woolsey/Slattery; "All right" -> "All right, boys" w/r/t DarkMage ("Time ta go, boys!"), novel, for flavor.
2341GERAD: What's your problem?
Celes: Y...
you're Edgar, aren't you?!
Gerad: What's your problem?
Celes: Aren't you... Edgar?
"…What's your problem?"

<Party Leader>
"{Aren't you/Huh?
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Sabin.
2342Celes: Edgar?
GERAD: Enough of this nonsense! I have things to do.
Celes: Edgar?
Gerad: I have no idea what you're talking about... I'll take this, too, kid!
<Party Leader>

"No idea what you're talking about."

"Here, kid, I'll take this."
Slattery, edited for brevity.
2343GERAD: I'll be busy getting ready for our departure to Figaro.
Celes: Don't play possum with me! Edgar?
Or have you somehow lost your memory?
Gerad: Look, I'm kind of busy here. I have to get ready. We're leaving for Figaro on the ferry soon.
Celes: Don't play dumb with me! Edgar? ...You didn't lose your memory, did you?
"Look, I'm kind of busy here.
I have to get ready. We're leaving for Figaro on the ferry soon."

"Don't play dumb with {us/me}!
Or…have you lost your memory?"
Slattery, edited for brevity in part w/r/t Woolsey.
2344GERAD: Listen, my lady,
I've been "Gerad" all my life!
Gerad: Listen... It grieves me to have to disappoint such a beautiful lady, but I've been Gerad since the day I was born!Gerad
"Milady, I've been 'Gutter Gerad' since the day I was born."
Lina Darkstar, "Geoff" -> "Gerad"; "Gutter Gerad" legitimacy verified w/r/t kWhazit ("Jeff the hoodlum").
2345Sabin: What's going on, here? Brother!!Sabin: Is this some kind of joke, Edgar?~~~
"Is this some kind of joke?
(unused) Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
2346Celes: Only Edgar would say, "my lady."Celes: I've never met anyone else who'd flirt with a "lady" he was trying to shake off his tail...{/Sabin
"Is this some kind of joke?
"Only King Edgar would say something like 'milady' there…"
Woolsey, edited for style; adaptive dialog restores unused #2345 if Sabin is present.
2347GERAD: What's all the bloomin' fuss about?
The words, "my lady" are used the world over!
Gerad: Being polite to ladies is common courtesy the whole world over!Gerad
"Being polite to ladies is common courtesy the world over!"
Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey.
2348Figaro Castle disappeared the day the world became...
Figaro Castle disappeared the day the world was torn asunder...Figaro Castle's been gone since the day the world was torn asunder…Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("Figaro Castle's been gone...")
2349Figaro Castle had an accident under the desert.
Don't know what happened to its people...
Figaro Castle is stuck below the desert. With no air to breathe, the people are probably all...Figaro Castle is stuck below the desert. Without any fresh air to breathe, the people probably all…Slattery, edited for clarity.
2350That sweet little girl stopped coming around right after the world ended...That little girl stopped coming here. Haven't seen her since that fateful day...That little girl stopped coming here.
Haven't seen her since the world ended…
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey to avoid redundant "that"
2351I'm so relieved the Empire's finally outta here!I'm so glad the Imperials are finally gone.I'm so glad the Imperials are finally gone.Slattery.
2352Now all these thieves are demanding all our time.
Phew...I'm exhausted.
This time it's thieves! Phew... A girl just doesn't get any rest!This time it's thieves!
A girl just doesn't get any rest!
2353There's nothing left of my home town.Now there's nothing left of my hometown, even if I wanted to go back...Now there's nothing left of my hometown, even if I wanted to go back…Slattery.
2354Jump on the turtle.
Oh, jump on the turtle...
Oops...never mind.
Jump on the turtle! Oh, jump on the turtle! ...Oh, uh, that's just a song. ♬ Jump on the turtle!
Jump on the turtle… ♬

Uhm… never mind."
Based on Woolsey, Slattery, & Lina Darkstar ("Jump on the turtle! Jump on the tuuurtle~").
2355Just when we thought the Empire was gone...heeeeeres Kefka!Just when we thought we'd be able to rest easier with the Empire we have Kefka to worry about!Just when we thought we'd seen the last of the Empire…
heeeeere's Kefka!
Woolsey; "the Empire was gone" -> "we'd seen the last of the Empire" to fix the logical error, a bit more efficient than Slattery's solution.
2356I'm so relieved to know my grandchild's alive!In these dark times, I take solace in the fact that my grandson survived. So many others didn't...I can at least take solace in the fact that my grandson is still alive here with me.Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey; "with me" is novel.
2357DUNCAN'S WIFE: No, dear! Duncan's still alive and well! He's meditating just north of Narshe.Duncan's Wife: No, dear! My husband's still alive and well! He's off training now, to the north of Narshe.Duncan's Wife
"{No, dear! /}My husband's alive and well!{ /
}He's off training now, to the north of Narshe."
Slattery, "still alive" -> "alive" for clarity, since Duncan's Wife too thought at one time that Duncan was dead; adaptive dialog for case where party has already seen Duncan.
2358Gerad's a boss we can trust! But he looks awfully familiar...Gerad's a boss we can trust! Does look awfully familiar, though...Gerad's a boss we can count on!
Does look awfully familiar, though…
Slattery; "trust" -> "count on (kWhazit)"
2359Souvenir of the Empire, anyone?!Is this some kind of parting gift from the Empire?Parting gift from the Empire, anyone!?Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2360GERAD: You still here?!Gerad: You're still here!?Gerad
"You're still here!?"
2361We're storming Figaro Castle! That treasure's rightfully ours!We're breaking into Figaro Castle! That treasure belongs to us!We're breaking into Figaro Castle!
That treasure belongs to us!
2362We won't stop 'till we get our treasure back!We won't stop till we get our treasure back!We won't stop 'til we get our treasure back!Slattery/Woolsey, "till"/"'till" -> "'til".
2363We mustn't rest now!
We have to start rebuilding!
We can't mope around hanging our heads forever. We have to start rebuilding!We can't mope around hanging our heads forever.
We have to start rebuilding!
2364We may be thieves, but at least we have goals in life!Those men may be thieves, but at least they're working towards a goal. We could learn a thing or two from that.Those guys may {be/have been} thieves, but at least they{'/ we}re all working towards a goal. We could learn a thing or two from 'em!Slattery, lightly edited for tone w/r/t Woolsey; adaptive dialog for story progression.
2365For each life lost, a new one arrives to fill the void!
Nothing's gonna stop us!
Lives may be lost, but new lives can be born as well! I'm just doing my part!For every life lost, a new one is just waiting to take its place!

"All right!
Let's get this ball rolling!"
Page 1: Woolsey, edited for style. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit, second sentence New, based on kWhazit ("Let's get to it!") & Darkmage ("get this going").
That person!
Oh...! I can't believe him!Oh… that MAN…!kWhazit, repunctuated & reformatted.
Am I dizzy!
Whoa! I'm getting dizzy!Whoa!
Am I dizzy!
Woolsey; delay before second line added for comedic effect.
2368If the "Light of Judgment" should burn our town down 100 times, we'll rebuild it 100 times!If the Light of Judgment burns down our town a hundred times, we'll rebuild it two hundred times! ...Wait, does that even make sense?If the Light of Judgment burns down our town a hundred times, we'll rebuild it a hundred and ONE times!Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Even if the town's destroyed by the Light of Judgment a hundred times, we'll rebuild it a hundred and one times"); Slattery "two hundred" is novel comedic amplification of the logical error of the original FF6j text; Darkmage also amplifies with less novelty by putting the "one" in all caps.
2369Did you hear that Duncan's alive? His wife said so!Did you hear? Duncan's alive! I heard it from his wife!Did you hear?
Duncan's alive!
I heard it from his wife!
2370Some guy came through here a little while ago looking for some secret treasure.A young guy just came through town searching for a legendary treasure with the power to bring back the dead.A young guy came through town a little while back… lookin' for a secret treasure with the power to bring back the dead.Slattery, "legendary" -> "secret (Woolsey)", edited for style.
2371The boss of these thieves is on the second floor.The boss of that gang of thieves is in the inn on the second floor.The boss of that gang of thieves is in the inn on the second floor.Slattery.
2372The thieves have all left town!That gang of thieves left town.That gang of thieves left town.Slattery.
2373GERAD: Let's go help 'em...
Hang on a sec... ......?
Are you people STILL here?
Celes: Be polite now...
Gerad: ...Just wait. I'm on my way to help... ...You followed me here?
Celes: You are Edgar, aren't you?
"(…I'm on my way to help…
Hold on…)

"You're still following me around?"

"Come on, now…
You ARE Edgar, aren't you?"
Page 1: Based on Woolsey & Slattery. // Page 2: Based on DarkMage ("Still following me around, are you?"); New, based on Woolsey for the first line & Slattery for the second line, with emphasis added ("ARE") to reflect the still-ongoing nagging.
2374Boss, everything's ready.
Let's go!
GERAD: Case of mistaken identity, my dear.
Give it up!
Boss, everything's ready. Let's go!
Gerad: Case of mistaken identity, my dear. Give it up!
Boss, everything's ready.
Let's go!

"Case of mistaken identity, my dear.
Give it up!"
(W & S)
2375GERAD: Now, where were we...?Gerad: All right, what now?Gerad
"All right, what now?"
2376Here, boy...
Here's some nice food for you!
Henchman: Here, boy...! Here's some yummy food for a good little turtle!Henchman
"Here, boy…!
Here's some nice food for a good little turtle!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
GERAD: Good Job!
I used to have a turtle...!
How 'bout that, eh?
Gerad: Nice.
Henchman: Used to have me a pet turtle...

"Nicely done."

"Used to have a pet turtle of my own…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: New, based on Slattery & Lina Darkstar ("Well done."). // Page 3: Slattery/Woolsey, edited for style.
2378SIGFRIED: Pretty dangerous from here on. I'll go in first and clear out all the monsters. Wait here.Siegfried: It's dangerous beyond here. I'll go ahead and clear out all the nasty, vile monsters. You just wait here, okay?Ziegfried
"It's rather dangerous beyond here.
I shall go in first and clear out all the monsters. Wait here."
Based on Slattery & Woolsey; edited for pomp based on kWhazit ("take care of every last monster") & Lina Darkstar ("destroy every last monster with my superior skill"); "Siegfried"/"Sigfried" -> Ziegfried, since this is the imposter.
On the hum, let's go!!!!
Come on, let's hurry it up! "On the double, let's go!!" New, based on kWhazit ("I'm outta here, on the double!!")
2380GERAD: You all right?
You were almost a goner.
Gerad: Are you still with us? Just hold on a bit longer, okay?Gerad
"Are you still with us?
Just hold on a bit longer, okay?"
Slattery. was awful...C-can't...b-breathe...C-can't…breathe…Slattery.
2382GERAD: Here's the problem...
What a mess...
Boss! What're we gonna do? Our treasure's stored in the room back there!
Gerad: So, this is the problem... Got its tentacles all tangled up in the engine...
Henchman: Boss! What should we do? Our treasure's in the storeroom back there!
"So, this is the problem…
Got its tentacles all tangled up in the engine…"

"Boss! What're we gonna do?
Our treasure's in the storeroom back there!"
2383GERAD: You guys get in there while I keep this thing busy!
"But boss! That's dangerous!"
GERAD: Get going!
Gerad: I'll keep this thing busy! You guys go get the treasure!
Henchman: But...boss! That's awfully dangerous!
Gerad: Just get moving!
"You guys get in there while I keep this thing busy!"

"But…boss! That's dangerous!"

"Just get going!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
2384Celes: Edgar!Celes: Edgar!Celes
2385Edgar: What're ya waiting for, Celes?
Give me a hand!!
Celes: Edgar!
It IS you!
Edgar: What are you standing around for, Celes!? Give me a hand!
Celes: Edgar! It is you!
"What are you standing around for,
Give me a hand!"

I KNEW it was you!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("I KNEW you were Edgar.").
2386Celes: Why the stupid farce?
Edgar: Well, I heard that Figaro had had an accident.
I wanted to help, but didn't know where to look.
Then I heard that those idiots had escaped from the prison.
Celes: You needed to use them...
Edgar: Bingo.
I had to wait until they led me to their secret cave.
Celes: Amazing, considering that you threw most of 'em in jail to begin with!
Celes: Acting like you didn't know me...
Edgar: I'd heard Figaro had run into some kind of trouble. I wanted to help, but how was I supposed to get here with the castle stuck beneath the sand? Then I caught wind of the rumor that those guys had escaped from the dungeon...
Celes: So you used them...
Edgar: Bingo. And obviously, I couldn't let them find out I was the king of Figaro...
Celes: ...Because they'd just escaped from your own jail.
"Why the stupid farce?
Acting like you didn't know me…"

"I'd heard Figaro had broken down."

"I wanted to help, but how was I supposed to get here with the castle stuck beneath the sand?"

"Then I caught wind that those idiots had escaped from the dungeons."

"So you used them…"

"Exactly. And I couldn't let them find out I was king of Figaro before they'd led me to their secret cave…"

"…Since it was you who'd thrown them in jail to begin with. I see."
Page 1: Slattery appended to Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("I heard that Figaro had broken down."). // Page 3: Slattery. // Page 4: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 5: Slattery. // Page 6: Based on Slattery & Woolsey. // Page 7: Lina Darkstar ("Given you’d thrown them in jail in the first place. I see."), slightly edited.
2387Sabin: Don't treat us like strangers anymore!Sabin: You could've told us.Sabin
"Don't ever give us the cold shoulder like that again!"
New, based on kWhazit ("Quit acting like we're strangers.") and Woolsey's punctuation; inspired in part by Lina Darkstar ("That was still pretty cold, bro.").
2388Edgar: Uh, oh...!
Let's hide!
Edgar: Uh-oh... We'd better hide!Edgar
We'd better hide!"
2389Boss! ......?
Boss! ...? Boss?Boss!
2390Must have been eaten by that thing...That monster must've gotten him...Think that monster got him?Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("D'ya think it got 'im?").
2391It wasn't even much of a monster...
Well, let's go...
Poor boss...didn't even last as long as the last boss... Oh well... Let's go.Poor boss…
And we was only just gettin' started with him…

"Well, let's go…"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence New, based on Lina Darkstar ("We barely even got to know 'im..."). // Page 2: Woolsey.
2392You don't want that treasure back...?
Edgar: It's completely worthless.
Besides, Kefka's the one we need to worry about.
Those guys haven't committed any serious crimes...
Celes: Come on, let's go...
You don't care if they take that treasure...?
Edgar: I couldn't care less about treasure. What we need to worry about is Kefka. Those guys haven't done anything wrong...not really.
Celes:'ll come along?
"You don't care if they take that treasure…?"

"Treasure's not worth anything."

"Besides, Kefka's the one we need to worry about. Those guys haven't done anything truly evil…"

"So…you'll come along?"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar; similar to kWhazit ("Treasure's worthless."). // Page 3: First sentence Woolsey; second sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit/Lina Darkstar ("evil") from first sentence. // Page 4: Slattery.
2393Sabin: There's only one little problem, eh, brother!Sabin: Let's go shake things up again!Sabin
"It's time for us to shake things up again, Brother!"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("It's time to shake things up again, big bro!!")
It's been fixed!
Next stop, the surface!
Oh...the engine's working again! Next stop, the surface!Oh, the engine's working again!
Next stop, the surface!!
Slattery, lightly repunctuated.
2395Who'd have thought air could be so precious!Who'd have thought air could ever be so precious?Who'd have thought air could be so precious?Woolsey, repunctuated per Slattery.
2396Several of the castle's citizens left to join the Cult of Kefka.
If a loved one should call out a cult member's name, however...
Several residents of our castle left to join the Cult of Kefka. Maybe they'd return if a loved one went and pleaded with them...Several residents of our castle have been drawn into the Cult of Kefka.
Maybe they'd return if a loved one went and pleaded with them…
Slattery; "left to join" -> "have been drawn into" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("drawn into").
2397Magicite gives humans magical powers?
Magicite can impart magical powers to humans... Amazing!So, Magicite can impart magical powers to humans…?
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
2398Has magic really made a comeback...I still can't believe that the power of magic has returned...I still can't believe that the power of magic has returned…Slattery.
2399Kefka's "one shy of a six pack!"I hear that some fanatical members of the Cult of Kefka insist on spelling Kefka's name with Cs instead of Ks. That just seems silly to me. Kefka's Kefka. He's still the same villain, no matter how you spell his name!Kefka's 'one egg shy of a dozen!'New, based on Woolsey, using a less-modern sounding variant of the same general phrase.

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2024 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.