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FF6:ROSE Dialog Script Notes

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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v2.00
0VICKS: There's the town...
WEDGE: Hard to believe an Esper's been found intact there, 1000 years after the War of the Magi...
Wedge: There's the city...
Biggs: Hard to believe an esper's been found frozen there a thousand years after the War of the Magi...
"There's the city…"

"Hard to believe an Esper's been found frozen there a thousand years after the War of the Magi…"
1VICKS: Think it's still alive?
WEDGE: Probably...
...judging from the urgency of our orders.
Biggs: Bah! Probably just another wild goose chase...
Wedge: I don't know... They wouldn't have let us use her unless they were confident that the information was good.
"So you don't think this is all a wild goose chase?"

"Hrm… Well, I doubt they would've authorized us to use her if the information wasn't good."
Slattery's figure of speech "wild goose chase" superimposed on more literal sentence structure.
2VICKS: And this woman, this...sorcerer. Why's she here?
I heard she fried 50 of our Magitek Armored soldiers in under 3 minutes.
Biggs: Ah, yes...our witch. I hear she fried fifty of our Magitek armored soldiers in three minutes... Kinda makes your skin crawl, don't it?Biggs
"Ah, yes… our witch…"

"I heard she fried fifty of our Magitek armored soldiers in a span of three minutes. Makes my skin crawl just looking at her…"
See #1; "Witch" is the common N.A. replacement for "The girl said to have the power of madou[kWhazit: Sorcery]" in official translations.
3WEDGE: Not to worry. The Slave Crown on her head robs her of all conscious thought. She'll follow orders.Wedge: Relax. With that thing on her head, she's a mindless puppet. The girl won't even breathe unless we tell her to.Wedge
"Relax. With that thing on her head, she's a mindless puppet. She won't lift a finger unless we tell her to."
Slattery, replaced "even breathe" with "lift a finger". "Even breathe" considered too hyperbolic, considering Terra would literally be breathing freely as the line is being spoken.
4WEDGE: We'll approach from the east.
Move out!
Wedge: We'll approach from the east. Move out!Wedge
"We'll approach from the east.
Move out!"
5 Long ago, the War of the Magi
reduced the world to a
scorched wasteland, and magic
simply ceased to exist.
The ancient War of the Magi... When its flames at last receded, only the charred husk of a world remained. Even the power of magic was lost... The ancient War of the Magi…
When its flames at last receded, only
the charred husk ofa world remained.
Even the power of magic was lost…
Slattery, word for word. (Had to pull a few strings...)
61000 years have passed... Iron,
gunpowder, and steam engines
have been rediscovered, and
high technology reigns...
In the thousand years that followed, iron, gunpowder, and steam engines took the place of magic, and life slowly returned to the barren land... In the thousand years that followed,
iron, gunpowder, and steam engines
gave new birth to civilization, and life
slowly returned to the barren land…
Mostly Slattery. Slattery's novel "took the place of magic" replaced with "gave new birth to civilization". "took the place of magic" implies that pre-War society at large was built on magic, which is not implied by established lore. (See #2011, #2013 - while the power of Sorcery in principle may have been widespread, actual magic users must have been in the minority)
7 But there are some who
would enslave the world by
reviving the dread destructive
force known as "magic."
Yet there now stands one who would reawaken the magic of ages past, and use its dread power as a means by which to conquer all the world... But there now stand those who
would reawaken the legendary magic
of ages past, and use its dread power
to conquer all the world…
Slattery, simplified; The consensus among the sources is that the "who" of this sentence is plural.
8 Can it be that those
in power are on the verge of
repeating a senseless
and deadly mistake?
...Could anyone truly be foolish enough to repeat that mistake? Could mankind be on the verge of
repeating a catastrophic mistake…?
9An eerie glow surrounds you.
Want info about Save Points?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
A strange light fills the air. Do you want to learn about save points?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No

A strange light fills the air.

Want to learn about save points?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
10WEDGE: Let's put her on point.
No sense taking any risks.
Wedge: The girl takes point. And don't waste time on the riffraff! Remember what we're here for. Let's move!Wedge
"The girl takes point.
And don't waste time on the riffraff.
Let's move!"
Slattery; removed redundant "Remember what we're here for."
11WEDGE: The Esper's gotta be in here.
Move out!
Wedge: The esper's gotta be here. Let's keep looking!Wedge
"The Esper's gotta be here.
Let's keep looking!"
12GUARD: Imperial Magitek Armor?
Not even Narshe's safe anymore!
Guard: Imperial Magitek armor!? Not even Narshe is safe anymore!Guard
"Imperial Magitek Armor!?
Not even Narshe is safe anymore!"
(W & S)
13GUARD: Machine-riding,
self-important swine!
Take this!
Guard: The Empire's got no business here!Guard
"Imperial pigs!
You're not gonna have your way here!"
Spooniest merged w/ kWhazit.
14GUARD: Narshe's freedom depends on us!Guard: For Narshe!Guard
"Narshe's freedom depends on us!"
15WEDGE: According to our source, the frozen Esper was found in a new mine shaft.
...Maybe this one...
Wedge: According to our source, they unearthed the frozen esper in a new mine shaft they were digging... This must be it.Wedge
"According to our source, they uncovered the frozen Esper in a new mine shaft they were digging…"

"This must be it."
16VICKS: I'll handle this.
Stand back!
Biggs: I'll handle this. Stand back!Biggs
"I'll handle this.
Stand back!"
(W & S)
17GUARD: We've got 'em trapped, now!Guard: We've got 'em trapped now!Guard
"All right!
We've got 'em surrounded!"
kWhazit; them->'em. "We've got 'em trapped now" (W, S) considered too cocky of a tone for the very overwhelmed Narshe guards to take.
18GUARD: We must defend the mines!Guard: Defend the mines!Guard
"We must hold the mines!"
Woolsey; "defend" -> "hold [DarkMage]".
19Locked. It's locked.
20GIRL: Where am I...?Girl: I?Girl
"Where am I…?"
21OLD MAN: Whoa!
And I only just removed the crown!

GIRL: ...head...hurts...
Old Man: My, my! And I just removed the crown!
Girl: My head...hurts...
Older Man
And I only just removed the crown!"

"…Head… hurts…"
Woolsey; "Whoa!" -> "Oh...! [kWhazit]"
22OLD MAN: Easy! This is a Slave Crown. The others had complete control over you while you were wearing it.Old Man: Easy, there! This is a slave crown. The others were using it to control you. It was robbing you of your thoughts-- making it so you'd do whatever they told you.Older Man
"Easy, there!"

"This is a slave crown.
It robs whoever's wearing it of their thoughts. The others were using it to control you."
Slattery; Simplified/casualized the definition for slave crown. Slave crown now defined before its relationship to Terra is given.
23GIRL: I can't remember a thing...
OLD MAN: Don't worry.
It'll all come back to time, that is.
Girl: I can't remember a thing...
Old Man: Don't worry. It'll all come back to you... In time, that is.
Girl: ...
"I…can't remember anything…"

Older Man
"Don't worry.
It'll all come back to you…
In time, that is."

Woolsey/Slattery; "a thing" -> "anything". "a thing" considered too poetic/dramatic.
24My name...
OLD MAN: Impressive!
I've never heard of anyone recovering this fast...!
Girl: My name is...Terra...
Old Man: Impressive! I've never heard of anyone recovering so fast. You must be made of tougher stuff than most...
"My name…is…

Older Man
I've never heard of anyone recovering so fast."

"You must be made of tougher stuff than most…"
Slattery; "so fast" -> "this fast [Woolsey]". Includes Slattery's "You must be made of tougher stuff than most", which is analogous to "Strong will you have there. [kWhazit]". Woolsey's rendering omits Old Man's explicit acknowledgment that there must be something unique about Terra.
25SOLDIER: Open up!
Give us back the girl and the Empire's Magitek Armor!!
Guard: Open up! We're here for the Magitek armor pilot!Guards
"Open up!"
"We're here for the Magitek Armor
Slattery; split into 2 speakers as in FF6j.
26SOLDIER: Open this door!
We want that girl!
She's an officer of the Empire!
Guard: Open this door right now, and hand over that girl! She's an agent of the Empire!Guards
"Open this door right now!"
"Hand over that girl!
She's an agent of the Empire!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; split into multiple speakers. 2 speakers instead of FF6j's 3, since there are only two guards shown outside.
27Terra: Empire...?
Magitek Armor...?
Terra: Empire...? Magitek armor...?Terra
Magitek Armor…?"
(Unused) (W & S)
28OLD MAN: Look,
I have to get you out of here!
I don't have time to explain!
Old Man: There's no time to explain! You need to get out of here! These fools aren't going to listen to reason...Older Man
"There's no time to explain.
You have to get out of here!"

"These brutes aren't going to listen to reason…"
Slattery; Novel "fools" -> "brutes" (see Woolsey #32)
29OLD MAN: Over here!Old Man: This way! Quickly!Older Man
"This way, quickly!"
Slattery; Reformatted into a single sentence.
30A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of magic......A mysterious young woman, born with the gift of magic, and enslaved by the Gestahlian Empire... A mysterious young woman,
born with the gift of magic,
and enslaved by the Empire…
Woolsey; "controlled" -> "enslaved [Slattery]". Exchanged second and third lines (as in FF6j), making the intro read more chronologically. Iconic phrase "gift of magic" is NOT replaced by "power of sorcery [kWhazit]" -- impact on the overall magic/sorcery distinction is insignificant.
Please enter a name.
Please enter a name.
Please enter a name.
(Unused) (W & S)
32OLD MAN: Make your way out through the mines! I'll keep these brutes occupied!Old Man: Make your way out of town through the mines! I'll try to buy you some time.Older Man
"Make your way out of town through the mines!
I'll try to buy you some time."

"Now hurry…!"
Slattery + "Now hurry! [kWhazit]", line omitted by Woolsey & Slattery.
33Got her!Guard: There she is!Guard
"There she is!"
34She's up there!Guard: Up there!Guard
"Up there!"
35KEFKA: My sweet little magic
user...! Uweee, he, he! With this Slave Crown I'll practically OWN you!!
Kefka: My sweet little magic user... Uwee-hee-hee! With this slave crown, you'll be all mine! Kefka
"My sweet little magic user…

"Once this slave crown touches your
head, I'll practically OWN you!"
Woolsey, reformatted; "With this Slave Crown" -> "Once this slave crown touches your head (DarkMage)", w/r/t literal "If I put this manipulation band on you [kWhazit]"
36Terra: No! Get away from me!Terra: No! Get away from me!~~~
Get away from me!"
(Unused) (W & S)
37GESTAHL: We stand on the brink of a major breakthrough! In the days to come, we'll witness a total revival of magic!
GESTAHL: It is our destiny, and ours alone, to take this mystic force and claim what is rightfully ours!
Gestahl: Soldiers of the Empire! We stand at the dawn of a new age!
Gestahl: The lost power of magic has returned to us! We are the chosen ones!
"Gestahlian Empire!"

"We stand at the dawn of a new age.
At last, the lost power of sorcery has been restored unto us!"

"Destiny has charged us to take this mystic force and claim what is rightfully ours!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey & edited for style. Slattery's novel "Soldiers of the Empire!" -> "Gestahlian Empire!" ("Gestahlian Empire" appears in FF6j on the following page of the same caption.)
38CID: This is my finest work.
These Magitek converters combine the power of magic with machines...
Cid: This is my finest creation... Magic and technology joined as one... The ultimate machine!Cid
"It's my finest work--combining the powers of sorcery and technology into one ultimate machine…"
(Unused) Slattery merged into Woolsey's tone, updated to use Sorcery as the distinct term for "madou"
39GESTAHL: With our new-found power, nothing can stand in our way!
Long live Emperor Gestahl!!!
Gestahl: The time has come for us to claim our rightful dominion over the world!
Gestahl: Nothing shall stand in our way! "Hurrah!" "Long live Emperor Gestahl!"
"It is time…
The world beckons!"

"With such overwhelming power at our command, nothing shall stand in our way!"

"Long live Emperor Gestahl!!!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey & edited for style.
40OLD MAN: Took you long enough!
How goes the robbing and plundering trade?
Old Man: Took you long enough! Busy with all the robbing and plundering, I presume?Older Man
"About time you got here.
Busy with all the robbing and plundering, I presume?"
Slattery; "Took you long enough [Woolsey]" -> "About time you got here [DarkMage]".
41Locke: I PREFER the term treasure hunting!
Semantic nonsense!
Locke: There's a HUGE difference!
Locke: I prefer the term "treasure hunting"!
Old Man: Ha! Semantic nonsense!
Locke: There's a huge difference!
"Robbing and plundering!?
Call it 'treasure hunting', if anything!"

Older Man
Semantic nonsense!"

There's a huge difference!"
Page 1: kWhazit, adapted to wording set up by #40. // Page 2+: Slattery. "Tsk tsk [kWhazit]" -> "Pfft" (certainly an editorial decision).
42Locke: Anyway, were you the one who sent for me?
OLD MAN: Yeah.
There's a girl I'd like you to meet.
Locke: Anyway, is there something you need me to do?
Old Man: There is indeed. ...I met the girl.
"Anyway, why did you send for me?"

Older Man
As luck would have it, I met the girl."
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit, edited for style.
43Locke: ......!?
This better not have anything to do with that Magitek-riding, imperial...witch!!!
Locke: ...!? You don't mean...?Locke
You don't mean…the witch-girl??"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. The script needs more than one use of the term "witch" before #124
44OLD MAN: Imperial troops are pursuing her even as we speak.
This town is no match for the Empire.
Our independence can only be assured if we join forces with the Returners, an underground resistance movement.
That girl wasn't responsible for her actions. We must get her to understand our dilemma!
Old Man: The city guard is pursuing her as we speak. This city has the strength to stand up to the Empire, but it won't use it... The people are just too stubbornly independent to join an underground resistance group like the Returners. I tried to explain that the Empire was controlling the girl, but they wouldn't even listen...Older Man
"The city guard is pursuing Miss Terra through the mines as we speak."

"This city is capable of standing against the Empire, but it refuses to put its strength to good use."

"The people are just too stubbornly independent to join with an underground resistance group like the Returners…"

"I tried to explain that the Empire was controlling the girl, but they didn't want to hear it."
Slattery; lightly edited for style. "Miss Terra" inserted; It would seem unlikely that Locke would know Terra's name otherwise.
45Locke: All right...
I think we'd better help her...
Locke: All right... So, you want me to get her out of Narshe?Locke
"I see…
So, my job is to get her out of here?"
Mostly new; based on Woolsey & kWhazit.
46OLD MAN: Agreed.
Make your way first to Figaro, and talk to the king.
Old Man: That would be the idea. Make your way to Figaro for the time being...Older Man
"That would be the idea.
Take her to Figaro for now, and talk to the king."
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
47Treasure hunter and trail-worn traveler, searching the world over for relics of the past...A treasure hunter and trail-worn traveler, searching the world over for relics of the past... A treasure hunter and trail-worn
traveler, searching the world over
for relics of the past…
48GUARD: Now we gotcha!Guard: Now we've got her!Marshal
"Now we've got her!"
Slattery; "Guard" -> "Marshal" used to match the Marshal enemy name.
49Locke: Wonderful...
There's a whole bunch of 'em...
Locke: Wonderful... There's a whole bunch of 'em...Locke
There's a whole bunch of 'em…"
(W & S)
(W & S)
51Locke: Moogles...!
Are you saying you want to help me?
Locke: Moogles... Are you saying you want to help?Locke
Are you saying you want to help?"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
52Kupo!!!Kupo!!!Kupo!!! (W & S)
53MOOGLE: Use us to save Terra from the guards!
Need more information?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Moogle: Use us to protect Terra from the guards! Would you like an explanation?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
"Use us to protect Terra from the guards!"

"Need an explanation?"
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
54You'll fight using 3 different groups. Press the Y Button to switch between them.
Your job is to defeat the commander of the guards before his men reach Terra. Save her, or else...
You'll fight using 3 different groups. Press Select to switch between them. Defeat the leader of the guards before his men reach Terra, or the battle's lost!You'll fight using three different groups. Press the Y button to switch between them.

"Defeat the marshal before his men reach Terra, or the battle's lost!"
Slattery; "leader of the guards" -> "Marshal" (see #48).
55Terra: Unh...Terra: Uhhhn...Terra
56Locke: Thanks, Moogles!
We're in your debt!
Locke: Thanks, moogles! We're in your debt!Locke
"Thanks, moogles!
We're in your debt!"
(W & S)
57Locke: I think this switch'll...Locke: This switch oughta...Locke
"This switch oughta…"
58Locke: Eh?
You back with us now?!
Locke: Eh? You back with us now?Locke
You back with us now?"
(W & S)
59Terra: You...saved me?
Locke: Save your thanks for the Moogles!
Terra: You...saved me?
Locke: Save your thanks for the moogles!
"You…saved me?"

"Save your thanks for the moogles!"
(W & S)
60Terra: Uhh...I can't remember anything...past or present...Terra: Ugh... I can't remember a thing... It's like my mind's trapped in a fog...Terra
I can barely remember anything…
recent or otherwise…"
Woolsey; "Uhh" -> "Ugh [Slattery]"; "can't remember"->"can barely remember", since Terra will demonstrate a valid recollection in her very next line; "past or present" -> "recent or otherwise", since the present is not a subject of memory.
61Locke: You have amnesia?!Locke: You lost your memory!?Locke
"You have amnesia!?"
Woolsey, reformatted.
62Terra: A man said my memory would come back...
Locke: Give it time. You're safe with me! I give you my word!
Terra: ???
Locke: I won't leave you until your memory returns!!
By the way, this secret entrance might be useful some day.
Don't forget about it!
Terra: A man said it would come back...eventually...
Locke: So, you've got amnesia... Don't worry! I won't leave your side until your memory returns!
Terra: ...?
Locke: I'm not gonna up and abandon someone just because they lost their memory! I'll keep you safe! I promise!
"A man said my memory would come back…eventually…"

"Memory can be like that…
Don't worry. I'll protect you for sure.
No matter what!"


"I mean… I'm not gonna just up and abandon someone when they've lost their memory!"

"I'll keep you safe.
I promise!"
Slattery, adapted to #61; "So, you have amnesia..." -> "Memory can be like that...." - Locke's wistful comment (lit. "Memory...") modified from Slattery to sound more distracted, less deliberate.
63MAN: You mean, THIS young woman...?!King: You mean, this young woman is...?King
"You mean, THIS young woman…!?"
Woolsey, reformatted; Label "MAN" -> "King"
64Terra: Who do you think you are?Terra: Who are you?Terra
"Who are you…?"
Slattery; ellipsis added to emphasize Terra's disorientation.
65MAN: Oh...sorry!King: apologies!King
"Oh… my apologies!"
66MAN: How rude of me to turn my back to a lady!King: How rude of me to turn my back to a lady on our very first meeting!King
"How rude of me to turn my back to a lady on our very first meeting!"
67The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and a master designer of machinery...The young king of Figaro Castle, Imperial ally, and champion of the technological revolution... The young king of Figaro Castle,
bound in alliance with the Empire,
and a champion of high technology…
Woolsey w/ kWhazit & DarkMage
68Edgar: I am Edgar, King of Figaro.Edgar: I am Edgar, the king of Figaro.Edgar
"I am Edgar, King of Figaro."
69Locke: Surprised someone like me knows a king?Locke: Heh... Surprised that someone like me knows a king?Locke
"Not bad, huh? Someone like me, knowing a king?"
70Locke: Talk to you later!Locke: Well, I'll catch you two later!Locke
"Well, I'll see you two later!"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit
71Edgar:'re an Imperial soldier! No problem. Figaro and the Empire are allies!
Please, relax while you're here.
It's not in my blood to harm a lady.
Edgar: So, you're an Imperial soldier, right? Don't worry. Figaro and the Empire are allies. Feel free to rest here for as long as you'd like. It's not in my blood to harm a lady!Edgar
"So, you're an Imperial soldier!
Not to worry.
Figaro and the Empire are allies."

"Feel free to rest here for as long as you like.
It's not in my blood to harm a lady."
Slattery, lightly edited for style w/r/t kWhazit
72Terra: Look, why are you helping me?
Is it because of my...abilities?
Terra: Why are you being so kind to me? Is it because of my...abilities?Terra
"Why are you being so kind to me?
Is it because of my…abilities?"
73Edgar: I'll give you 3 reasons:
First of all, your beauty has captivated me!
Second...I'm dying to know if I'm your type...
Edgar: I'll give you three reasons. First of all, your beauty has captivated me! Second...I'm dying to know if I'm your type!Edgar
"I'll give you three reasons:
First of all, your beauty has captivated me!"

"Second… I'm dying to know if I'm your type…"
Woolsey, reformatted.
74I guess your...abilities...would be a distant 3rd.I guess your...abilities...would rank a distant third.Edgar
"I guess your…abilities…would be a distant third."
Woolsey, reformatted.
75Terra: ......?
What's with you, anyway?
Terra: ...? What's the matter?Terra
What's the matter?"
76Edgar: Guess my technique's getting a bit rusty...Edgar: Guess my technique's getting a bit rusty...Edgar
"…Looks like my technique's getting a bit rusty…"
W & S, lightly edited for style w/r/t DarkMage
77Edgar: Come find me when you feel rested.Edgar: Come find me again once you've had a chance to rest.Edgar
"Come find me again when you feel rested."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
78Terra: Hmm...I suppose a normal girl would have found him dashing.
But I'm hardly...normal...
Terra: Hmm... I suppose a normal girl would have felt something from those words. But...not me...Terra
"Hmm… I suppose a normal girl would have felt something in those words.
But…not me…"
79Feel free to wander about.Feel free to wander about the castle.Feel free to wander about the castle.Slattery.
80Go see the King!Go and speak to the king.Go see the King! (W)
81Weapons and items manufactured here are sent to South Figaro.The advanced weapons and other items we manufacture here are shipped to South Figaro.{The advanced weapons and other items we manufacture here/We continue to ship our manufactured weapons and goods} {are shipped /}to South Figaro.Slattery; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Edgar.
82Long ago, a force called "magic" existed.
People who used magic were called "Mage Knights."
The ancients once wielded a force known as "magic." Those who mastered the art were called "magi."The ancients once wielded a force known as 'magic'.
Those who mastered the art were called 'mages'.
Slattery; "Magi" -> "Mages" -- In FF6j there is no 1:1 association between the sorcerers mentioned here and the belligerents of the War of the Magi (lit. the Great Magic War). Woolsey uses "Mage Warriors", which is much more specific a term than intended. "Mage (pl. Mages)" is both general enough AND properly recalls the standard job/class name used by previous FF's for sorcerers--something FF6j's writers almost certainly intended to do. The implicit term "Magus (pl. Magi)" in this script would refer to ANY being with magical capabilities.
83Scholars the world over are doing research on magic.
Silly people, scholars...
Scholars all over the world are studying magic. But you can only learn so much about something without seeing it...Scholars the world over are doing research on magic. But you can only learn so much about something without actually seeing it…Slattery, lightly edited for a more frustrated tone.
84Ancient texts I'm studying speak of a "1000 year-old city beneath the sand."
I wonder what this means,
"...when the queen stands and takes 5 steps..."
To think that a thousand-year-old city would be lying buried beneath the sands of this very desert! I found a short passage about the city in an ancient text, but I haven't been able to make much sense of it. "When the queen stands and takes five steps..."To think that a thousand-year-old city would be lying buried beneath the desert!

"I was able to find a short passage about the city in an ancient text.
I wonder what this means:"

"'…When the queen stands and takes five steps…'"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; "this very desert" -> "the desert", since Figaro Castle may be in either of two distinct deserts at the time.
85I heard the Empire is using something called "magic"...I heard the Gestahlian Empire got its hands on something called "magic"...I heard the Gestahlian Empire managed to harness some force called 'magic'…Mostly new phrasing; "harnessed" taken from Woolsey #87; Restored commonly omitted "power called magic" (lit.) as "force called magic". "Force" better distinguishes the intangible principle/ability "Magic" from the more tangible substance "Sorcerous Power".
86The Empire has smashed the 3 cities on the southern continent. Just a matter of time 'til they come up here...The Gestahlian Empire has already overthrown all three of the other nations on the southern continent. It's only a matter of time before they make their way up here...The Empire has already smashed all three of the other nations on the southern continent. It's only a matter of time before they come up here…Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
87Gestahl has harnessed the power of magic.
Who can stop him now?!
Now that Gestahl has the power of Magitek at his command, he's set his sights on world domination.Now that Gestahl has Magitek power at his command, he's taken aim at world domination.Slattery; "set his sights" -> "taken aim at", as firearms are not common in the world of FF6; Power of Magitek" -> "Magitek Power" to emphasize its tangibility vs. that of the principle/ability "Magic". Magitek (lit. Sorcery/Sorcerous) is treated by this script as the Empire's own "brand" of Sorcerous Power. When the subject of Sorcerous Power comes up in reference to the Empire, the brand name frequently overtakes the general term. By the Returners' Hideout scene, this script makes it quite clear that the two terms are synonymous.
88Though Edgar showers his attentions on women, most are too smart to pay any attention to him.Our king showers his attention on women. Young, old, pretty, or plain... No one is safe!{/…}King Edgar {showers/keeps showering} his attention on women.
Young, old, pretty, plain…
No one is safe{/…}!
Slattery; Restores use of Edgar's name; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Edgar.
89His highness said he'd marry me when I get older!His Highness said he'd marry me when I got old enough!His Majesty said he'd marry me when I got old enough!Slattery; "Highness" -> "Majesty".
90I wanna marry the king!King Edgar, how long do you 'spect me to keep waiting for you to propose? Sheesh!King Edgar!
Will you just propose to me already?
Slattery, simplified & edited for style.
91He recently tried to hit on the high priestess...
Surely, he's...talked to you?
Not too long ago, the king tried to hit on the high priestess. Oh, did she ever let him have it! I'm sure he's made a pass or two at you already, hasn't he?{Not too long ago,/…To think} the king tried to flirt with the Matron{ of the castle./…}
Oh, did she ever let him have it{!


"…}I'm sure he's already made a pass or two at {you, hasn't he?/your friend, hasn't he?/his new guest…}"
DarkMage, lightly edited for style. This script uses localized "Matron [Woolsey]" instead of the more-accurate "High Priestess". In the words of Lina Darkstar, "'s a Shinto thing."
92Terra: ......Terra: ...Terra
93Ah! King Edgar!Oh! King Edgar!Ah!
King Edgar!
94.........…… (W)
Contact a supervisor.
From: Development Team.
you must be one Lete son of a submariner to have found thisError.
Contact a supervisor.
From: Development Team.
(Unused) (W)
96These thieves have been
terrorizing the vicinity.
Stay away from 'em!
These good-for-nothing brigands have been locked up for thievery...and worse! You'd best keep a safe distance.These thieves have been menacing the region.
{Keep your/You'd best keep a safe} distance{!/.}
Woolsey merged with Slattery, edits for style w/r/t Mato; Adaptive dialog for M.C. Edgar or Sabin.
97I demand to see Edgar!
How dare they keep us in this stinking pit!
I demand to see Edgar! How dare they keep us in this stinking pit!{/Hey! You're not Edgar, are ya?
}I demand to see Edgar!
How dare they keep us in this stinking pit!
W & S; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Edgar.
98Hey! Let us outta here!Ugh, something smells terrible in here! ...Oh! I think it's me!Ugh!
Somethin' smells awful in here!
I think it's me…
Slattery, lightly edited for tone.
99Relax, they're just blowing off steam. But I'm telling you, there's no sense keeping us here!
We're just small potatos compared to the real threat lurking out there! And King Edgar knows it!
Relax, my boys are just blowing off some steam. I'm sure King Edgar will let us out of here in no time. We're just small potatoes compared to the real threat lurking out there. King Edgar knows that.Relax… My boys are just blowing off steam. I'm sure {we'll be/ you'll see us} out of here in no time.

"We're just small potatoes compared to the real threat lurking out there…
{and King Edgar knows i/Your Majesty knows tha}t!"
DarkMage ("I'm sure we'll be out of here in no time") w/r/t Lina Darkstar(?); Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Edgar.
100I'm Lone Wolf, the pickpocket!I'm Lone Wolf the pickpocket!I'm Lone Wolf the pickpocket!Slattery.
101MATRON: Edgar's at it again!? He hits on anything that moves!High Priestess: Edgar is simply unbelievable! First the nurse, now me! The man hits on anything that moves!Matron
First the nurse, and now me!"

"{Edgar/Your Majesty} will hit on anything with a pulse!"
DarkMage; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Edgar.
102MATRON: Edgar has a twin brother. He was such a nice boy...High Priestess: Edgar has a twin brother, you know. He was such a nice boy, always thinking of his family...Matron
"Edgar has a twin brother, you know.{
/ }He was such a sweet boy,
always thinking of his family…"
Slattery; "nice" -> "sweet (DarkMage)"
103YOUTH: Brother,
What's wrong with father?
What's all this talk of his successor?
Edgar: Are you blind?
Look how thin his face has become!
Youth: Edgar, what's wrong with Dad? Why's everyone talking about a successor?
Edgar: Are you blind? Haven't you seen how thin his face has become?
"Brother, is there something wrong with Dad?
What's all this talk of a successor?"

"Are you blind?
Look how thin his face has become!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
104YOUTH: ?......What is it?Youth: ...? ...What do you mean?Youth
…What do you mean?"
105YOUTH: Brother!Youth: Edgar!Youth
106YOUTH: Tears......?!Youth: Are you...crying?Youth
W & S, edited for style.
107Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom...Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom... {/ }{/ } Edgar's twin brother,
{/ }{/ } who traded the throne
{/ }{/ } for his own freedom…
(W & S)
108MATRON: Yes...
His name is Sabin. Oh, he looked so like his father!
When he ran away, he was a sweet little child.
I wonder what he's like now?
High Priestess: Ah, yes...Sabin. I'm sure he's a fine young man by now. He was just a boy when he left--even smaller than his brother. I often wonder where he is now, and what he's doing...Matron
"Ah, yes… Sabin.
I'm sure he's a fine young man by now."

"He was just a boy when he left--
even smaller than his brother.
I wonder what life has made of him…"
Slattery merged w/ DarkMage & reformatted.
109CHANCELLOR: The whole business of the succession was so repugnant to Sabin, the King's brother, that......
......he fled the castle forever. The succession was settled with a coin toss...
Chancellor: The king's brother was so disgusted by the succession that he fled the castle, never looking back. I've heard tell that the entire matter was settled by the flip of a coin...Chancellor
"Sir Sabin found the matter of succession so repugnant that he fled the castle, never looking back."

"I understand the whole ordeal was settled with the toss of a coin…"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey & edited for style.
110MERCHANT: I can't take money from the King!
Edgar: Look, don't you have a family?
Just shut up and take it.
Merchant: I can't take money from the king!
Edgar: You have a family, don't you? Just be quiet and take it.
"I can't take money from the king!"

"You've got family to feed, don't you?
Just hush up and take it."
Woolsey edited for style, in part w/r/t DarkMage
111MERCHANT: Sir Sabin, I can't take your money!
Sabin: Take it!
Haven't you heard? My brother says I'm a notorious spendthrift!
Merchant: Sir Sabin, I couldn't possibly accept your money!
Sabin: You can and you will! I'll never hear the end of it from Edgar if I run around here acting like I own the place!
"Sir Sabin, I couldn't possibly take your money!"

"You sure can! I'll never hear the end of it from Edgar if I run around acting like I own the place!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery & lightly edited for style.
112Edgar: You've been busy down south!
Looking for more cities to destroy?
TROOPER: That's for us to know!
Edgar: I hear you've been busy down south, taking over a country or three! Just what is the Empire up to?
Soldier: That's none of your concern.
"I hear you've been busy down south, toppling a country or three!
Just what is the Empire up to…?"

"That's none of your concern."
Slattery edited for style, in part w/r/t DarkMage ("toppling")
113Sir Kefka!?
What on earth do...
KEFKA: Outta my way!
Sir Kefka!? What in the world brings you--
Kefka: Out of my way!
"Sir Kefka!?
What on earth brings you--"

"Out of my way!"
Slattery merged with Woolsey
114Edgar: Well?
How do you like my castle?
Edgar: Well? How do you like my castle?Edgar
How do you like my castle?"
(W & S)
115King Edgar!
Someone from the Empire to see you!
King Edgar! There's someone from the Empire here to see you, sire!Soldier
"King Edgar!
There's…someone from the Empire approaching!"
Slattery; "There's someone" -> "There's...someone", since without any irregularity of tone, Edgar would have little reason to suspect Kefka in particular; "here to see you, sire!" -> "approaching! (DarkMage)", since Kefka has not yet arrived.
116Edgar: Probably Kefka!Edgar: Kefka, no doubt!Edgar
"That'll be Kefka!"
117KEFKA: Phooey!
Emperor Gestahl's stupid orders!
Kefka: Phooey! Emperor Gestahl's stupid orders!Kefka
Emperor Gestahl's stupid orders!"
(W & S)
118KEFKA: Edgar, you pinhead!
Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere?
These recon jobs are the pits!
Kefka: Edgar, you pinhead! Why do you have to live out in the middle of a stinking desert? These recon jobs are the pits!Kefka
"Edgar, you pinhead!
Why do you have to live out in the middle of a stinking desert?"

"These recon jobs are the pits!"
119KEFKA: Ahem...there's SAND on my boots!Kefka: Ahem! There's SAND on my boots!Kefka
There's SAND on my boots!"
W & S, reformatted.
120SOLDIERS: Yes, Sir!
All set, Sir!
Soldiers: All gone, sir!Trooper
All clean, sir!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit.
121KEFKA: Idiots!Kefka: How pathetic!Kefka
"{Idiots/How pathetic}!"
Dynamic: Woolsey for Figaro, Slattery for Thamasa.
122Edgar: I thought we were allies! What are you doing in my domain?Edgar: You wouldn't be thinking of invading my kingdom next, would you? We have an alliance...
Soldier: An alliance? With this miserable little sandpit? Don't make me laugh!
"You wouldn't be thinking of invading my kingdom next, would you?
We remain allies, after all…"

"Allies? Hah!
The Empire, and a puny little country like this…!"
Page 1: Based on Slattery: Edgar is not complaining about a few Imperials showing up, but rather that the Empire at large is poised to invade. "We have an alliance... [Slattery]" -> "We remain allies, after all..." in order to keep the word "allies [Woolsey]" rather than "alliance (FF6j)". // Page 2: Rodimus Primal merged with kWhazit
123Edgar: What brings Kefka, humble servant of Emperor Gestahl, into our lowly presence?
KEFKA: A girl of no importance recently escaped from us. We heard she found refuge here...
Edgar: What brings Emperor Gestahl's own court mage, Kefka, to my humble castle?
Kefka: A girl of no importance recently escaped from us. We heard she found refuge here.
"What brings Emperor Gestahl's own court mage, Kefka, to my humble abode?"

"A girl of no importance recently escaped from us.
We heard she found refuge here…"
Page 1: Slattery; "my humble castle" -> "my humble abode", as there is no specific use of "castle"; still keeping something of Woolsey's "lowly presence". // Page 2: (W)
124Edgar: Hmm...this wouldn't have anything to do with this "witch" everyone's been whispering about, would it?
KEFKA: Lies!
She...merely stole something of minor value.
Is she here?
Edgar: This wouldn't have to do with that "witch" everyone's been whispering about, would it?
Kefka: Lies! She merely stole something of minor value. Is she here?
"This wouldn't have to do with a certain 'witch' everyone's been whispering about, would it…?"

"Lies! She merely stole something of minor value.
…Is she here?"
Slattery, lightly edited for style.
125Edgar: That's a tough one!Edgar: That's a tough one...Edgar
"That's a tough one…"
126Edgar: You see, there're more girls here than grains of sand out there. I can't keep track of 'em all!
KEFKA: I'd hate to be you if we find out you're lying...
Mwa, ha!
Edgar: There are more girls in here than grains of sand in the desert. A man couldn't possibly keep track of them all!
Kefka: Oh, Edgar... You know you only stand to lose by trying to hide her from us! Hee-hee-hee...
"You see, there are more girls here than grains of sand out there. I can't possibly keep track of them all!"

"Oh, Edgar… You know you only stand to lose by trying to hide her from us! Mwa, ha!"
Page 1: Woolsey slightly expanded w/r/t Slattery. // Page 2 Slattery; "Hee-hee-hee..." -> "Mwa, ha! [Woolsey]"; Early ROSE efforts replaced "Oh, Edgar..." with "How pathetic..." because, while Slattery's addition of a transition is appropriate, Kefka does not use Edgar's name here in FF6j -- but in the long run, Slattery's line is far superior.
127KEFKA: I truly hope nothing happens to your precious Figaro...!Kefka: I truly hope nothing happens to your precious Figaro!Kefka
"I truly hope nothing happens to your precious Figaro…!"
(W & S)
128Locke: I'd say that guy's missing a few buttons...
Edgar: ...
Where's Terra?
Locke: I didn't like the sound of that...
Edgar: Where's Terra?
"I'd say that guy's missing a few buttons…"

"Where's Terra?"
Page 1: Woolsey. More interesting than faithful translations, for example "I didn't like the sound of that...[Slattery]" or "I can't stand those guys...[kWhazit]" -- Note: If Slattery is most faithful, then Woolsey skips out on some added ominous tone-setting. No regrets. // Page 2: Slattery.
129Edgar: Take her to her room...Edgar: Take her to her room...Edgar
"Show her to her room…"
W & S; "Take" -> "Show" (DarkMage)
130Edgar: I'd love to chat with you, but the Chancellor and I must plan our strategy.
Sometimes I hate being a king!
If you'll excuse me.
Edgar: I'd love to stay and chat, but the chancellor and I need to do some planning now. Being a king's not all tea and crumpets. If you'll excuse me...Edgar
"I'd love to stay and chat with you, but the chancellor and I need to do some planning now."

"Being a king isn't always fun, sadly.
If you'll excuse me…"
Page 1: Slattery. Note: "chancellor" is plural in FF6j. Page 2: DarkMage, lightly edited for style (", sadly").
131Locke: Follow me.Locke: Follow me.Locke
"Follow me."
(W & S)
132Locke: Don't you worry 'bout a thing! I'll...
Terra: You're Locke, right? Edgar told me about you.
Is it true you're a thief?
Locke: Sorry, I didn't mean to drag you around like this without giving you a chance to rest. I'm--
Terra: Locke, right? ...Edgar told me about you. Is it true you're a thief?
"Sorry for putting you through so much before we could even get acquainted. I'm--"

"Locke, right? Edgar just mentioned a bit about you.
Is it true you're a thief?"
{Note: This caption is almost certainly a holdover from an early draft of the script where Terra does not meet Locke until after Edgar. The result is a glaring continuity error on page 2.} Page 1: Mostly new, with Slattery's structure. "drag you around [Slattery]" -> "putting you through so much" to emphasize Locke directly affecting Terra's state of mind (kWhazit: "...make you feel uneasy"). "without giving you a chance to rest [Slattery]" considered an error, since Terra WAS given a chance to rest after first talking to Edgar; "before we could even get acquainted" used instead: to emphasize that, indeed, Locke has not yet introduced himself to Terra, and that this would be a good time for him to do so. // Page 2: Slattery; "...Edgar told me about you." -> "Edgar just mentioned a bit about you.": Slattery is more literal, but it screams "continuity error!", since we never see Edgar say anything to Terra about Locke. The new rendering instead points to a brief off-screen window of opportunity where Edgar could have said such a thing to Terra: The scene of Kefka's approach, during which Edgar would have been exiting the great hall, potentially accompanying Terra, before handing Terra off to Locke, after which we see Edgar walking outside to meet Kefka.
133Locke: That's TREASURE HUNTER!Locke: I'm a TREASURE HUNTER!Locke
Slattery; Exclamation point removed so that Locke isn't completely blowing up, but the caps are retained. Still getting a bit testy! Tone influenced by Lina Darkstar.
134Locke: On the surface, Edgar pretends to support the Empire.
The truth is, he's collaborating with the Returners, an organization opposed to the Empire.
I am his contact with that group...
Locke: On the surface, Edgar pretends to support the Empire. Truth is, he's collaborating with an underground resistance group called the Returners. I serve as their go-between.Locke
"Edgar officially sides with the Empire, but that's only to keep up appearances."

"Truth is, he's collaborating with an underground resistance group called the Returners.
I serve as their go-between."
Slattery, edited for style. "On the surface"/"pretends" considered a bit too casual for referring to a high-profile binding agreement between two heads of state -> "Officially" used instead, which, like "On the surface", implies that there is more going on than what's on paper.
135Locke: The old man you met in Narshe is one of us.
Terra: Empire...but I'm a soldier of the Empire...!
Locke: The old man you met in Narshe is one of us, too.
Terra: The Empire... But, I'm an Imperial soldier...!
"The old man you met in Narshe is one of us as well."

I'm an Imperial soldier…"
Page 1: Slattery, lightly edited for style. // Page 2: kWhazit.
136Locke: That's not true!
They were using you!
Things are different now.
Locke: Not anymore. They were using you. That's all! Things are different now.Locke
"Not anymore.
They were using you. That's all!
Things are different now."
137Terra: I don't understand...
What should I do?
Terra: It's just... I don't know what I should do. Whenever I try to think, it just makes my head hurt even worse...Terra
"I just…don't understand. What am I supposed to do? The more I think about it, the more my head hurts…"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit & Slattery.
138Locke: I can't tell you what to do.
You don't have to decide right now.
You'll soon find your way...
Locke: All that matters is that you make your own decisions from now on. You don't have to think too hard right now. You'll know what you want to do when the time comes.Locke
"The important thing is that you're free to make your own decisions from now on."

"You don't have to think too hard right now.
You'll find your way soon enough."
Slattery, edited. "All that matters is that you" -> "The important thing is that you're free to": Locke is not giving direction to Terra, or turning her focus away from her discomfort, but rather putting a positive spin on her predicament in order to offer reassurance. In FF6j Locke is saying something like "It [your discomfort] just goes to show that you have your own free will from now on." // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit
139Terra: But how will I know which way is right...Terra: But how will I know which choice is right...?Terra
"My own decisions…"
New; Based on Slattery #138 ("your own decisions"). In FF6j Terra contemplates Locke's words, repeating them in the first person ("My own free will...")
140Edgar: ...?
What the...?!
Edgar: ...? What in the--Edgar

"What in the…"
Slattery, reformatted.
141Edgar: What's happening?
SOLDIER: It's the Empire!
It's Kefka!
Edgar: What's going on?
Soldier: It's the Empire! Kefka, he--
"What's going on!?"

"It's the Empire!
Kefka, he…!"
142Edgar: What are you doing?Edgar: What do you think you're doing!?Edgar
"What do you think you're doing!?"
143KEFKA: Bring me the girl. Now!
Edgar: I don't know what you're talking about!
KEFKA: Then...
welcome to my barbecue!!
Uwa ha ha ha!
Kefka: Bring me the girl. Now!
Edgar: I have no idea what you're talking about!
Kefka: Oh? Then...enjoy the barbecue! Hee-hee-hee!
"Bring me the girl. Now!"

"I told you, I have no idea who you're talking about!"

"Oh? Then…
welcome to my barbecue!!
Uwa, ha, ha!"
Page 1: (W & S) // Page 2: W & S merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
144FIRE!!!The castle's on fire!Soldier
145Fire! Fire! Heh, heh heh...Fire! Fire! Heh-heh-heh...Trooper
"'Fire! Fire!'
Heh, heh, heh…"
Woolsey, reformatted.
146Edgar: Get ready...!
SOLDIER: Yes, Sir!
Edgar: Get her ready...
Soldier: Yes, sire!
"Get everything ready…"

"Yes, sir!"
Spooniest; Woolsey's exclamation point removed to match FF6j's tone.
147KEFKA: Changed your mind...?Kefka: Had a change of heart?Kefka
"Had a change of heart…?"
Slattery; lightly edited to match Woolsey's tone.
148Edgar: I guess I have no choice...Edgar: It seems I have no choice...Edgar
"It seems I have no choice…"
149Edgar: Or maybe I do!Edgar: ...Or perhaps I do!Edgar
"…Or perhaps I do!"
150KEFKA: Ackk!
Shameful that a king should flee, leaving his people behind!
How utterly delightful!
Kefka: Oh, my! The brave and noble king abandons his people to save his own skin! How utterly delightful! Hee-hee-hee!Kefka
"Oh, my!
The brave and noble king abandons his people to save his own skin!"

"How utterly disgraceful!
Slattery; "delightful" -> "disgraceful" w/r/t Woolsey "shameful".
151Edgar: Jump!Edgar: Jump!Edgar
(W & S)
152Locke: Yahoooo!Locke: Yahoo!Locke
153Edgar: OK! Dive now!!!Edgar: All right! Sink her into the sand!Edgar
"All right!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
154SOLDIER: Figaro Submerge Mode engaged!Soldier: Figaro Dive Mode engaged!Soldier
"Figaro Submerge Mode engaged!"
(W). Note: Speculation: Slattery avoids "Submerge" here, and uses "Dive" instead, as though the word "Submerge" ought only be used with reference to liquid.
155CHANCELLOR: No one can touch the people of Figaro!Chancellor: Witness the glory of Figaro!Chancellor
"Now! Behold Figaro as she dives into the great golden ocean!
Enjoy your front-row seats!!"
156Edgar: Bravo, Figaro!!!Edgar: Bravo, Figaro!Edgar
"Bravo, Figaro!"
157KEFKA: Go!! GET THEM!Kefka: Go! KILL THEM!!!Kefka
158KEFKA: Son of a submariner!
They'll pay for this...
Kefka: Son of a sandworm! You'll pay for this!Kefka
"Son of a submariner!
You'll pay for this!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
159Locke: This is great!Locke: That was great!Locke
"This is great!"
(W). Note: Riding on a chocobo, wind blowing in everyone's hair, still in the process of ditching the empire -- Locke is definitely speaking in the present tense.
160Terra: Was that a bad person?
I... I'm scared...
Terra: Were those bad people? I...I'm scared...Terra
"Were those the bad guys?
I'm getting scared…"
Page 1: kWhazit, edited for continuity. In FF6j, "Where those bad people [Slattery]" implies Terra has not already learned about THE "bad people", the Empire, from Locke. One may speculate this is Terra having a memory lapse, but it is more likely a continuity error (See #162). "Were those the bad guys?" is used instead. FF6j's "I'm scared" -> "I'm getting scared": This feeling must be actively developing, because Terra was just kicking the bad guys' butts in good spirits during the previous battle scene.
161Edgar: Terra,
there's someone I'd like you to meet...!
Edgar: Terra, there's someone we'd like you to meet...Edgar
"Terra, there's someone we'd like you to meet…"
162Locke: We're members of the Returners.
Edgar: Our mentor, Banon, would certainly like to meet you.
"Magic" is going to be the key to winning this war.
Locke: Like I told you before, we're members of the Returners...
Edgar: Would you be willing to meet our leader? Magic is going to be the key to winning this war.
"Like I told you before, we're members of this underground organization--the Returners."

"Would you be willing to meet Banon, our leader? Sorcery is going to be the key to winning this war."
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit. For continuity, uses Slattery's "Like I told you before," where no such phrase exists in FF6j. In FF6j, this line forgets that Locke has already told Terra about the Returners (#134). In fact, this whole scene seems to be unaware of Locke's previous conversation with Terra (see #160).
163Terra: "Magic"...Terra: Magic...Terra
164Edgar: Terra has magical powers. That Esper seemed to...react to her. Can there be some connection?
Terra: I haven't the foggiest! It just seems natural to me that I have the use of this power...
Edgar: That esper reacted to your magical powers. There's got to be a relationship...
Terra: I don't know any more than you do. These powers just come naturally to me.
"You have sorcerous powers, Terra. And as we've gathered, that Esper reacted to them."

"Can there be some connection…?"

"I haven't the slightest idea!
These powers just come naturally to me…"
Woolsey, updated to use the second person (Slattery & kWhazit); "magical" -> "sorcerous" (kWhazit); Added "As we've gathered", since Edgar is speaking on, at best, third-hand information.
165Edgar: But no HUMAN is born with the powers you seem to have, and...Edgar: But no human is born with the powers you have!Edgar
"But no human is born with the powers you have!"
166Edgar: I apologize.
Terra: What should I do...?
Edgar: I'm sure the Empire is going to come after you...
If they get their hands on you again, the world's finished...
Terra, you want to understand your own powers, right?
Edgar: Forgive me.
Terra: ...What should I do?
Edgar: The Empire will be coming after us. They want your powers for their own. And if they get them, the world is done for... Terra, you want to understand your own powers, don't you?
"Forgive me."

"…What should I do?"

"The Empire will be coming after us.
They want control over your power and its secrets."

"If they get their hands on you again, then…the world's finished."

"Terra, you want to know the truth about your own powers, don't you?"
Page 1 & 2: Slattery. // Page 3: +"and its secrets" (kWhazit). // Page 4: Woolsey, edited for tone. Note: Woolsey changed the line from Terra's power falling into the Empire's hands to Terra herself falling back into the Empire's hands. // Page 5: Slattery; "understand" -> "know the truth about" (kWhazit) in order to fit with edits to #167.
167Edgar: Then I think we need to consult with Banon.
Terra: ......
Edgar: Then I think you should meet with Banon. He may be able to help you find out more about why you have them.
Terra: ...
"Then I think you should consult with Banon and find out."

Woolsey, updated to use the second person (Slattery & kWhazit); +"and find out" as alternative to kWhazit's "and look for the truth". Note: Slattery rendered this as the added sentence, "He may be able to help you find out more about why you have them." -- considered to slow down the pace too much to be worth what amounts to only modest clarification.
168Locke: Please...Locke: Please... Edgar's right.Locke
"I think so, too.
Woolsey w/ +"I think so, too." added at the beginning, based on Slattery & kWhazit. Avoids Slattery's added use of Edgar's name.
169Edgar: OK!
To the south there's a cave that leads to South Figaro.
Edgar: There's a cave just south of here that leads to South Figaro... Let's head in that direction.Edgar
"Okay! There's a cave south of here that leads to South Figaro.
Let's head in that direction."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; "Okay!" retained based on kWhazit.
170This cave leads to South Figaro. It's closed now due to construction.This cave leads to South Figaro. I'm afraid I can't let you through, though.{This cave leads to South Figaro.
I'm afraid it'/King Edgar!
I'm afraid the passage to South Figaro i}s closed for maintenance at this time.
Slattery merged with Woolsey; Woolsey's "construction" -> "maintenance".
171SOLDIER: King Edgar!
Where are you headed?
Edgar: Through the cave, and eastward to South Figaro.
Edgar: Return to the castle, and tell the others we're safe.
SOLDIER: Yes, Sir!
Take care!
Soldier: King Edgar! Where are you headed, sire?
Edgar: Through the cave, and eastward to South Figaro. We'll then make for the Returner headquarters in the north. Return to the castle and pass the word along.
Soldier: Understood, sire! Take care!
"King Edgar!
Where are you headed?"

"Through the cave, and eastward to South Figaro. We'll then make for the Returner headquarters in the north."

"Return to the castle and pass the word along."

"Understood, Majesty!
Take care!"
Slattery; "sire" -> "Majesty", since "sire" will be set aside for Cyan as his archaic address instead of "sir".
172Zzz...zzz...Zzz...zzz...Zzz…zzz… (W & S)
173There's a clock key in his pocket...
<Choice>(Take it.)
<Choice>(Stealing is wrong.)
There's a clock key in his pocket...
<Choice> (Take it.)
<Choice> (Stealing is wrong.)
There's a clock key in his pocket…
<Choice> (Take it.)
<Choice> (Stealing is wrong.)
(W & S)
174<Choice>(Wind the clock?)
<Choice>(Leave it.)
<Choice> (Wind the clock.)
<Choice> (Leave it.)
<Choice> (Wind the clock?)
<Choice> (Leave it.)
175An old clock...
It's not ticking...
An old clock... It's not ticking.
An old clock…
It's not ticking…
176An old clock...
It's ticking...
An old clock... It's ticking.
An old clock…
It's ticking…
177Took the Clock Key! Obtained Old Clock Key!
Swiped Old Clock Key!
Woolsey; "Took" -> "Swiped" (DarkMage)
178Welcome to South Figaro!Welcome to South Figaro!Welcome to South Figaro! (W & S)
179You'll find lots of excellent weapons, armor and relics in our shops.Our shops carry weapons, armor, and relics of the utmost quality!You'll find lots of excellent weapons, armor, and relics in our shops. (W)
180Did you hear?
Figaro Castle sank into the sand!
You couldn't find it even if you knew where to look!
Did you see how cool Figaro Castle looked as it moved along through the sand? ...No? Well, I suppose that would have been kind of hard, what with it being underground and all...Have you heard? Figaro Castle can sink into the sand! When it's down there, you couldn't find it even if you knew where to look!Woolsey; +"When it's down there," qualifier (DarkMage)
181Mt. Kolts is to the east.Head east and you'll see Mt. Kolts.Head east and you'll see Mount Kolts.Slattery.
182Beyond Mt. Kolts you'll find the Sabil mountain range.Beyond Mt. Kolts lie the Sabre Mountains.Beyond Mount Kolts lie the Sabre Mountains.Slattery.
183Equip relics to gain a variety of abilities!
These double my walking speed!
You can gain all kinds of abilities by equipping relics. These shoes double my walking speed!You can gain all sorts of abilities by equipping relics.
These shoes double my walking speed!
184My husband, Duncan, is a
world-famous martial artist!
He's taking his disciples to
Mt. Kolts for meditation and training.
My husband, Duncan, is a martial artist. He's famous even in Figaro, to the north. He took his students to Mt. Kolts for some meditation and training, so he probably won't be back for a while.Duncan's Wife
"My husband, Duncan, is a master of martial arts. He's famous even in Figaro, to the north."

"He took his students to Mount Kolts for meditation and training, so he probably won't be back for a while."
185Sabin, where's Vargas?
Where's my husband?
Duncan's Wife: Sabin, where are Vargas and Duncan...?Duncan's Wife
"Sabin, where's Vargas?
Where's Duncan?"
Woolsey; "my husband" -> "Duncan" (Slattery), since "my husband" is used in #187.
186Sabin: Master was...
Sabin: Vargas...turned on our master... Vargas, he...Sabin
"The master was…
Vargas, he…"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
187DUNCAN'S WIFE: I'll never understand Vargas...
Fortunately, my husband taught his most secret techniques to you.
Duncan's Wife: Oh, Vargas... Why would you do such a thing? But my husband was able to pass his techniques along to you, Sabin... I'm sure he'd have no regrets.Duncan's Wife
"Oh, Vargas…
How could you do such a thing…?"

"But…my husband was able to pass his techniques along to you, Sabin…
I'm sure he would have no regrets."
Slattery; edited for tone.
188Sabin: For 10 years you've treated me like a son. I am eternally grateful!Sabin: For the past ten years you've treated me like a son. I'll never forget all the things you've done for me!Sabin
"For the past ten years you've treated me like a son. I'll never forget all that you've done for me!"
DarkMage (Slattery, edited for style).
189.......……Woolsey, reformatted.
190Locke: At the very least you could give me a response...Locke: Right, ignore us and maybe we'll just disappear...Locke
"Think you could at least respond?"
kWhazit, edited for style.
191Edgar: Stand back!
He seems vaguely familiar...
Wait a minute...!
Edgar: Back off, Locke. That guy looks familiar... Yeah, that's him, all right...Edgar
"Stand back!
I've seen him somewhere before.
If I'm not mistaken…"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit.
192He owes allegiance to no one,
and will do anything for money.
He comes and goes like the wind...
He comes and goes like the wind, swearing allegiance to no one. Hidden behind his wintry gaze lies a face known to none who live... He comes and goes like the wind,
swearing allegiance to no one.
Hidden behind his wintry gaze lies
a face known to none who live…
193Edgar: That's Shadow...!
He'd slit his mama's throat for a nickel!
Edgar: That's Shadow... He's an assassin. He'd kill his own best friend for the right price...Edgar
"That's Shadow…!
He's an assassin… one who'd kill even his best friend for a price."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery, edited for style.
194Locke: Better steer clear of him, I guess.Locke: Guess we'd better steer clear of him.Locke
"Guess we'd better steer clear of him."
195Shadow: Leave us.
The dog eats strangers...
Shadow: Leave us. The dog eats strangers...Shadow
"Leave us.
The dog eats strangers…"
(W & S)
196The guy at the counter...
He's kinda creepy...
That man at the counter's got a nasty look about him...That guy at the counter's got a nasty look about him…Slattery; "man" -> "guy" (Woolsey)
197That guy at the counter...HEY! Where'd he go?That man at the counter... ...Hey! Where'd he go!?That guy at the counter's got a…
…Hey! Where'd he go?
Slattery; "man" -> "guy" (Woolsey), edited for style.
198Duncan's students have no peers!You look just like that student of Duncan's.{That man with you looks/You look} just like that student of Duncan's.Slattery; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Edgar.
199I'm so sorry to hear about Duncan.I heard about Duncan... It's unfortunate.I heard about Duncan…
It's a real shame.
Slattery; Edited for style.
200Duncan made his son, Vargas, practice a strict martial arts lifestyle. Vargas resented it.Duncan's been training his boy, Vargas, along with his other students. He's always grumbling about how the kid never seems to be making any progress.Duncan's been training his son, Vargas, along with his other students.

"He's always grumbling about how the kid never seems to be making any progress…"
201The house in the northern part of town belongs to our wealthiest citizen.The big house at the north end of town belongs to the richest family here.That big house at the north end of town belongs to the wealthiest family here.Slattery, lightly edited for style.
202The Empire's been invading one town after the next.
We're not safe here!
I hear the Empire's been invading one town after another. I wonder how safe we are in South Figaro...The Empire's been invading one city after another.
I wonder how safe we are here in South Figaro…
Slattery; omitted "I hear" (Woolsey)
203The Empire attacked Figaro Castle?!
Now we'll all be drawn into the battle!
Figaro Castle stood up to the Empire? Great, now we'll all be drawn into this!Figaro Castle stood up to the Empire?
Now we'll all be drawn into this!
Slattery; lightly edited for style.
204I can't believe it!
The Empire'll smash us!
What kind of dummies would go and make the Empire mad?I can't believe it!
What kind of dummies would go and make the Empire mad?
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
205This town'll go down fighting! Even with their Magitek Armor, we'll make it tough on 'em!This town's defenses are tight. Even with their Magitek armor, the Imperials won't find it easy to get inside.This town won't go down so easily!
Even with their Magitek Armor,
those Imperials'll have a hard time breaking through our defenses!
Slattery; edited to match Woolsey's tone
206Attack from the east.
That way, ......?!
Hey! Whaddaya think you're doin'? Barging in here while I'm trying to write a letter! Harumph!
The city's eastern attacking from there would... ...!? H-hey! Wh-what do you think you're doing!? Barging in here when I'm trying to write a letter! Hmph!(…weakest on the eastern side…
so invading the city from there would…) …!?

"H-hey! What the hell do you think you're doing, barging in here while I'm trying to write a letter!?
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
207Oh, uh, sorry...
Even a millionaire can be...
Oh, uh, sorry... I may be the richest man in town, but even that doesn't keep me from being startled!Oh, uh, sorry…
I suppose even the richest man in town can be…startled.
Woolsey; "a millionaire" -> "the richest man in town" (Slattery).
208Oh, what have I done?!
I betrayed the town, and I didn't even need the money!
Oh, what have I done? I betrayed my town to the Empire! All I could think of was the money...Oh, what have I done?
I betrayed my town to the Empire!
All I could think of was the money…
209Chung chung...
Chung chung...
Magitek Armor!!!!
Clang, clang... Clang, clang... I'm Magitek armor!Chung, chung…
Chung, chung…
Magitek Armor!!
Woolsey, reformatted.
210My Dad's VERY important! Why, not so long ago he even dined with General Leo... ...
Uh, I, uh, just made that up!
My dad's super-important, so important people come here for dinner all the time! Even General Le-- I mean, um...general-ly... Uh, I forgot what I was going to say!My daddy's VERY important!
Why, not too long ago he even had dinner here with General Leo… …

"Oh! I mean, uh… but that's just make-believe!"
Woolsey, edited for style; "had dinner here" based on Slattery
211Wind the clock!
Wind the clock!
Uh, that was just a jump-rope rhyme!
Wind the clock... Wind the clock... Uh, that was just a jump-rope rhyme!Wind the clock…
Wind the clock…

That was just a jump-rope rhyme!"
Slattery, re-punctuated.
212Has war really begun?
I'd better return home...
I wonder if it'll really come to war? Maybe I should return home now, before it's too late...Is it really coming to war…?
I'd better get back to my hometown before it's too late…
Slattery, edited for style.
213The Imperial Troops have turned this house into their headquarters.The Imperial troops have turned this house into their headquarters.The Imperial troops have turned this house into their headquarters.Slattery.
214There's always a nasty draft in this room. Where's it coming from?There's always a nasty draft in this room. Oh, where is it coming from? I'm afraid I'll catch a cold!There's always a nasty draft in this room.
Where could it be coming from…?
Woolsey, edited for style; + "Brrr..." influenced by Mato's stream "It's cold."
215I don't like strangers.
Bring me some cider, and maybe I'll talk to you.
I don't like strangers. Bring me some cider and maybe I'll talk to you.I don't like strangers.
Bring me some cider, and maybe I'll talk to you.
Rodimus Primal
No cider?!
No cider? Then what are you doing here?No cider?
Then what're you doing in here!?
Slattery, lightly edited for tone
217Hurumph...DOG!Hmph... Cur!Hmph…
218Ah! Cider!
Glug, glug, ...
Huh? Secret passage?
Well, there is one that leads to the rich man's house.
Ah, cider! *glug, glug*... Hmm? Secret passage? Well, yes, there is a tunnel from here to the mansion on the north end of town...Ah! My cider!

"Huh? Secret passage?
Well, there is a tunnel from here to the mansion on the north end of town…"
Slattery, edited for style
219Go downstairs and give my grandson the password. It's...uh, umm...
I forget!
Go downstairs and tell my grandson the password. It's, uh...ummm... I forget!Go downstairs and tell my grandson the password.
It's… uh, umm…

"I forget!"
220My grandfather was a servant for the richest man in town.My grandpa used to be a servant for the richest family in town.My grandpa used to be a servant for the richest family in town.Slattery. Note: Slattery changed "man" to "family" for clarity.
221Only people dressed as merchants may pass through.But he said I'm only supposed to let merchants through here now.But he said I'm only supposed to let merchants through here now.Slattery.
222Merchant, right?
You may proceed.
You're a merchant, right? Okay, go ahead.You're a merchant, right?
Okay, go ahead.
223The password is...
<Choice>"Rose bud"
The password is...
<Choice> "Rosebud"
<Choice> "Courage"
<Choice> "Failure"
The password is…
<Choice> 'Wild Rose'
<Choice> 'Courage'
<Choice> 'Failure'
Slattery, "Rosebud" -> "Wild Rose" (kWhazit), likely intended as a callback to FF2
224You're an Imperial spy!
Can't fool me!
Can't fool me! I know you're an Imperial spy!Aha!
You can't fool me, Imperial spy!
Woolsey edited liberally for style.
225Secret entrance.I'll show you the secret entrance.Secret entrance. (W)
226Good luck!Cool, huh?Good luck! (W)
227Outta the way!
I gotta get this cider over to the old man!
That's my job!
Now scram!
Outta my way! I've gotta get this cider over to the old-timer! 'Cause, see, some of us have jobs! Now scram!Outta the way! I gotta get this cider over to the old man! That's my job!

"Now, scram!"
Woolsey, re-punctuated.
228I'm off work.
Get lost!
My work here is done! You're in my way. Move it!My work here is done!
You're in my way. Move it!
229Are kids allowed in here?
......What do you think?
Oh, all right...
Huh? Kids aren't allowed in here? Okay, okay, fine...What do you mean,
'Kids aren't allowed in here?'
…What do you take me for??

"Okay, okay, FINE…"
Woolsey, "......What do you think?" -> "...What do you take me for??" for clarity.
230Hey you!
Come to steal my cider?
Hey, you! Came to steal my cider, did you?Hey, you!
Came to steal my cider, did ya!?
Slattery; edited for style.
231You thief!You dirty little thief!You damned dirty thief!Slattery merged w/ kWhazit
232Took the old man's cider! Obtained Cider!
Snatched Cider!
Slattery, edited for style.
233The ship isn't going anywhere.This ship isn't going anywhere.This ship {isn't going anywhere/won't be leaving anytime soon}.Slattery/Woolsey; Paraphrased alternate line "This ship won't be leaving any time soon." assigned to second sailor
234Imperial troops are milling about.
Gotta jam without being seen!
The town's crawling with Imperial troops. Gotta slip through without being seen!The town's crawling with Imperial troopers. Gotta slip through without being seen!Slattery.
235Use caution.Use caution.Be careful.Spooniest/DarkMage, re-punctuated to match tone of Woolsey/Slattery.
236Edgar: Hm...
What's that smell...?
Edgar: Hmm...? What's that smell...?Edgar
What's that smell…?"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
237Edgar: Flowers...
His favorite...
Edgar: These flowers... He always liked these...Edgar
"{He always liked these flowers…/So, Sabin became a student of Duncan's…"

"All this time, he's been under the wing of such a great teacher…}"
DarkMage (from Slattery) // Alternate line taken from unused #244
238Edgar: And this...
His favorite tea...
Edgar: This tea... It was his favorite.Edgar
"{This tea…
It was his favorite…/So, Sabin became a student of Duncan's…"

"All this time, he's been under the wing of such a great teacher…}"
Slattery, re-punctuated for style // Alternate line taken from unused #244
239Edgar: These dishes!
They were his favorite!
Edgar: These dishes... They're just like the ones he always used!Edgar
"{These look like the dishes from…/So, Sabin became a student of Duncan's…"

"All this time, he's been under the wing of such a great teacher…}"
DarkMage (from Slattery) // Alternate line taken from unused #244
240Edgar: Sabin...he!Edgar: Could Sabin be living here...? Edgar
"Could this be where Sabin lives…?"
DarkMage merged w/ Slattery
241Edgar: What the...Edgar: Hey...Edgar
242Edgar: You know this guy?Edgar: Do you happen to know where I could find the man who lives here?Edgar
"Do you know the guy here?"
Woolsey, edited for clarity.
243MAN: Of course. He left a couple of days ago after he heard Master Duncan was slain.
He headed into the mountains.
I heard Duncan's son, Vargas, is missing as well.
I have a bad feeling about this...
Man: Sure do! Left a couple of days ago, soon as he heard Master Duncan had been killed. Headed up into the mountains! They say Duncan's son Vargas is missing, too... I don't like it one bit!Yup, yup, sure do!
Left a couple o' days ago, right after hearin' Master Duncan got killed.
Headed up into the mountains!

"They say Duncan's son Vargas is missin', too.
I don't like it one bit!"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit
244Edgar: He must have gone to pay his respects to his mentor, Duncan...Edgar: So, Sabin became a student of Duncan's... All this time, he's been under the wing of such a great teacher...~~~
"So, Sabin became a student of Duncan's…"

"All this time, he's been under the wing of such a great teacher…"
(unused) Slattery.
You're Returners!
You! You're Returners!You!
You're Returners!
246What about Sabin?Sabin...?~~~
"What about Sabin?"
(unused) (W)
247VARGAS: Sabin sent you, right?Vargas: Sabin sent you, didn't he?Vargas
"Sabin sent you, didn't he?"
248Locke: Who're YOU?Locke: Who're you?Locke
"Who're YOU?"
(W & S). Note: ROSE v1.00 changes "Who're" to "Who are" due to Mato-induced paranoia
249Locke: You were shadowing us earlier, right?
VARGAS: Brilliant!
Locke: You were the one sneaking around us the whole way up here, weren't you?
Vargas: And if I was?
"You were the one shadowing us all the way up here, right?"

"And if I was…?"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery.
250Terra: YOU! You're the coward who murdered Master Duncan!Terra: It was you, wasn't it? The disciple who murdered Master Duncan.~~~
"It's you, isn't it?
You're the student who must've killed Master Duncan!"
(unused) Slattery, edited for clarity w/r/t kWhazit.
251VARGAS: And how unlucky it is that you have run into me...!Vargas: Hmph. Well, it doesn't really matter who you are. I've got no plans to surrender. Woe is the day you met'll be the last day of your lives!{/{/Terra
"It's you, isn't it?
You're the student who must've killed Master Duncan!"

"Hmph{. /{. /…"

"}}Well, whoever you are,
I'm not about to get caught.
You won't be leaving here alive."

"How unlucky it is for you to have run into me…!"
kWhazit; "You'll die now" (kWhazit) -> "You won't be leaving here alive" (new); Last clause edited to match closer to Woolsey's line. Alternate taken from unused #250; appears if all possible information about Duncan & Vargas has been gathered from earlier NPCs.
252Edgar: Sabin?
Is he here?
Edgar: Sabin? Is he here?Edgar
Is he here?"
(W & S)
253Edgar: Sabin!!!Edgar: Sabin!Edgar
254Sabin: Big brother?Sabin: Brother?Sabin
"Big brother?"
255Locke: The brothers are reunited!Locke: ...Brother? You're his twin brother!?Locke
"Th…THIS is your brother?
The twin!?"
kWhazit, edited for style.
256Terra: Younger...
At first glance I thought he was some bodybuilder who had strayed from his gym...
Terra: At first, I thought you were another one of Vargas's bears...Terra
"His…little brother?
At first, I thought you were another one of Vargas's bears…"
Slattery; Novel "Vargas's" removed & reworked, in part to prevent the line from sounding too extroverted. Terra is supposed to be on the "scared" side of things lately...
257Sabin: Bodybuilder?!Sabin: You thought I was a...bear?Sabin
"A bear!?"
Woolsey, adapted for #256. Matches kWhazit.
258Sabin: I'll...take that as a compliment...Sabin: I guess I'll, uh...take that as a compliment!Sabin
"I guess I'll, uh…take that as a compliment!"
259Sabin: Anyway, brother, what are you doing here?
Edgar: We're on the way to the Sabil mountains.
Sabin: To the Returner hideout, no doubt?
Sabin: Anyway... Edgar, what are you doing here?
Edgar: We're on our way to the Sabre Mountains.
Sabin: To the Returner hideout, no doubt?
Brother! What are you doing here?"

"We're on our way to the Sabre Mountains."

"To the Returners' hideout, no doubt?"
Page 1: Woolsey, re-punctuated for tone. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Slattery/Woolsey; "Returner hideout" -> "Returners' hideout".
260Sabin: I've been watching from afar, hoping that the world might regain some sanity...
At this rate, Figaro will be reduced to a puppet state.
Sabin: So, the wheels are finally turning... I've been watching from a distance, hoping the world would come to its senses. The way things were going, I was afraid Figaro would end up as a puppet state.Sabin
"So, the wheels are finally turning!"

"I've been watching from a distance, hoping the world might regain some sanity…"

"The way things were going, I was afraid Figaro would end up as a puppet state."
Page 1: Slattery, re-punctuated w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 3: Slattery.
261Edgar: Our time to strike back has arrived.
The Empire's going to pay for what it has done...
Edgar: A means of striking back has presented itself. There will be no more playing lapdog to the Empire... I'm through with that act.Edgar
"Our time to strike back has arrived.
You won't see me playing lapdog to the Empire any longer."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
262Sabin: Think a "bear" like me could help you in your fight?Sabin: Think a "bear" like me could be of any help?Sabin
"Think a 'bear' like me could be of any help?"
263Edgar: You'd...join us?
Edgar: You'd join us? Sabin...!Edgar
You'd join us, Sabin?"
DarkMage merged w/ Woolsey/Slattery
264Sabin: I think Duncan would rest easier if he knew his disciple played a part in bringing peace to the world.Sabin: I think Duncan would rest easier knowing his training helped bring peace to the world.Sabin
"I think Master Duncan would rest easier knowing his training helped bring peace to the world."
265Locke: Let's get going!Locke: Well then, let's get going!Locke
"Well then, we'd better get going!"
DarkMage (Slattery edited for style)
266King Edgar!
This way, please!
King Edgar! This way, please!King Edgar!
This way, please!
(W & S)
267Did you speak with Banon?Have you spoken with Banon?Have you spoken with Banon?Slattery.
268Not even the Empire'd think of looking here for us!The Empire wouldn't even think of looking for our headquarters here.The Empire wouldn't even think of looking for our base all the way out here!DarkMage (based on Slattery), edited for clarity
269Aha!Aha!Aha! (W & S)
270Welcome!Welcome!Welcome! (W & S)
271Thank you!Thank you!Thank you! (W & S)
272Take a nap?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rest for a while?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Take a nap?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
273250 GP per night.
Lights out?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 250 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
250 gil per night.
Lights out?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey; "GP" -> "gil"; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Cyan & Gau
274250 GP for a Chocobo ride!
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Chocobo rides, 250 gil a pop! Whaddaya say?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
250 gil for a Chocobo ride!
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey; "GP" -> "gil"; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Cyan & Gau
275BANON: Is she the girl who can talk to Espers...?!
Terra: Espers...?
Edgar: Seemed the Empire had complete control over her.
Banon: So, this is the girl... The one to whom the esper responded.
Terra: Esper...?
Edgar: It seems the Empire had complete control over her.
"So, this is the girl…
the one to whom the Esper responded."


"It seems the Empire had complete control over her."
Slattery, reformatted.
276BANON: Carrier pigeons brought word that she wiped out 50 of the Empire's best soldiers in a few minutes.Banon: Carrier pigeons have kept me informed. I also heard that she wiped out fifty Imperial soldiers in mere minutes...Banon
"So say the carrier pigeons…"

"I also heard that she slaughtered some fifty Imperial soldiers, in mere minutes…"
Slattery, edited liberally for style.
277Terra: That's a lie!!!Terra: No, that's not...!Terra
kWhazit, reformatted for tone.
278Locke: Terra!
Edgar: Banon! She doesn't remember ANYTHING!
Locke: Terra!
Edgar: For heaven's sake, Banon! The girl doesn't remember anything!

"For heaven's sake, Banon!
The girl doesn't remember anything!"
279BANON: Stay where you are!Banon: Hiding from the truth won't change it!Banon
"There'll be no running from it!"
New; Somewhat maintains the ambiguity of FF6j lit. "No fleeing!" -- (Is Banon speaking literally, or figuratively? [Issue raised by Lina Darkstar]). Woolsey makes it explicitly literal, Slattery makes it explicitly figurative.
280Edgar: Banon!
We brought the girl with us.
Edgar: Banon! We brought her with us.Edgar
We brought her with us."
281BANON: Perhaps you've heard this story? Once, when people were pure and innocent,
there was a box they were told never to open. But one man went and opened it anyway.
He unleashed all the evils of the world: envy... greed... pride... violence... control...
All that was left in the box was a single ray of light: Hope.
Banon: Perhaps you've heard this story before? Once, when people were still pure and innocent, there was a box they were told never to open... But someone went and opened it anyway, unleashing all the evils of the world... Pride...envy...greed...wrath... gluttony... The only thing that remained in the box was a single ray of light: hope.Banon
"Perhaps you've heard a story like this before…?"

"Once, when mankind was still pure and innocent, there was a box that everyone was forbidden to open."

"But one person went and opened it anyway, unleashing all the evils we see in the world: Envy… Greed… Pride… Wrath… Coercion…"

"The only thing that remained in the box was a single ray of light: Hope."
Slattery, edited for style; Uses Woolsey as starting point for the 5 vices, rather than Slattery's novel use of the 7 deadly sins; "violence" -> "wrath", "control" -> "coercion".
282Terra: ......
BANON: We now confront those evils...
And you are that last ray of light, our only hope...
Terra: ...
Banon: Your power is a gift, not a curse. No matter what happens, you must remember that. You are this world's last ray of light...our final hope.

"We now confront those evils…"

"But whatever the outcome, do not mistake your power for something cursed. In truth, you are this world's last ray of light--our final hope."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery, edited for style. Woolsey's novel "We now confront those evils..." segue is retained.
283Edgar: Banon!Edgar: Banon!Edgar
(W & S)
284BANON: I'm so tired...
Let me rest a while.
Banon: I've grown weary with the hour... Allow me to rest for a while.Banon
"I am wearied…
Allow me to rest for a while."
kWhazit merged w/ Slattery.
2000 GP inside!
Obtained 293 gil!
Obtained 2000 gil!
Slattery w/ Woolsey gil amount. Note: This is one of the falling chests in Owzer's house.
Found Potion!
Obtained Potion!
Obtained Hi-Potion!
Slattery w/ Woolsey item. Note: This is one of the falling chests in Owzer's house.
Found Ether!
Obtained Ether!
Obtained Hi-Ether!
Slattery w/ Woolsey item. Note: This is one of the falling chests in Owzer's house.
Found Remedy!
Obtained Gold Needle!
Obtained Remedy!
Slattery w/ Woolsey item. Note: This is one of the falling chests in Owzer's house.
289We're a small organization now, but our membership is starting to soar.We're a small organization, but we've been gaining more and more sympathizers around the world. Freedom is almost within our grasp...We're a small organization, but we've been gaining more and more sympathizers around the world.
Freedom isn't far off, now…
Slattery; second sentence edited for style.
290BANON: Terra...
Talk to everyone here, heed their advice.
Banon: Terra... You should talk to everyone here. It will give you a clearer view of things.~~~
"Terra… You should talk to everyone here. It may give you a clearer view of things."
(unused) Slattery; lightly edited for style.
He went outside a moment ago.
Banon? He went outside just a moment ago.Banon?
He went outside just a moment ago.
292Welcome back!
Glad you're okay.
Welcome back! Glad to see you're okay.Welcome{ back/{ back/{ back/{ back/}}}}!
{Glad to see you're okay/We've heard all about you}.
Slattery; Alt line "Welcome! We've heard all about you." used when Terra/Locke/Sabin/Edgar not present
293Welcome back!Welcome back!Welcome{ back/{ back/{ back/{ back/}}}}! (W & S)
294Is Banon well?Is Banon all right?Is Banon well? (W)
295My wounds are healing.My wounds are healing.My wounds are healing. (W & S)
296The Empire is arresting Returners everywhere.
We have to discover some means of fighting back, or...
The Empire is snuffing out Returners wherever it finds them. We must find a way to strike back before it's too late...The Empire has been snuffing out Returners everywhere lately.
We've got to find some means of striking back before it's too late…
Slattery; lightly edited for style.
297Locke: Someone important to me was jailed by the Empire. I've hated the Empire ever since...
I joined the Returners when I realized the Empire was rotten to the core. I wanted to make a difference.
Locke: The Empire stole someone important from me. I've hated it ever since... If no one stands up to the Empire, more people will be left like me. That's why I joined the Returners.Locke
"The Empire stole someone important from me.
I've hated it ever since…"

"If no one stands up to the Empire, more people will be left like me.
That's why I joined the Returners."
298Someone dropped a scrap of paper...
<Choice> Toss it in the trash.
<Choice> Leave it there.
There's a scrap of paper lying here...
<Choice> (Toss it in the trash.)
<Choice> (Leave it.)
Someone dropped a scrap of paper…
<Choice> (Toss it in the trash.)
<Choice> (Leave it.)
Woolsey, reformatted.
299BANON: Who did this?
Who left this piece of paper here?
Banon: Who threw this here? Don't you people know what a wastebasket looks like?Banon
"Who left this scrap of paper here!?
Don't you people know what a dustbin looks like!?"
Slattery; "wastebasket" -> "dustbin"
300Terra: But...I have no significant "other" in my life...
Locke: That's not entirely true.
Besides, I'm sure there are people who feel YOU'RE important to them! They are counting on you...
Terra: But, there's no one important in my life. I have no friends...
Locke: That's not true! And besides, I'm sure there are people who feel you're important to them. Those people are counting on you, too...
"But…there isn't anyone I could consider important in my life…"

"Come on, that's not true."

"Besides, I know for sure there are people who feel you're important to them! For their sake, too…"
Page 1: New rendering - same concept as Woolsey, but less awkward. // Page 2: Slattery, edited to sound less desperate. // Page 3: Slattery, edited to sound more certain and less speculative. Literal rendering may seem speculative (kWhazit: "you might have people..."), but it is more likely a rhetorical technique, rather than an attempt to be optimistic (Woolsey/Slattery: "I'm sure there are people...").
301Edgar: It's gonna be tough to talk you into helping us...
If we push you too hard, we're no different than the Empire...
So we want you to make up your own mind.
Edgar: It's not easy asking so much of you... And if we force our ideas on you, we're no different from the Empire. So...we want you to decide for yourself.Edgar
"It's a tough thing for us to ask so much of you, Terra."

"If we push you too hard, it'll be no different from what the Empire has done…"

Terra, we want you to decide for yourself."
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey, partially w/r/t DarkMage
302Sabin: The only thing I can add is that you can trust my brother implicitly.
He's always been fair with me. You can trust him, Terra...
Sabin: I don't know what to tell you... But I do know that I trust my brother completely. He's always thought of my needs before his own, ever since we were little. I think you should trust him, too.Sabin
"I can't say I exactly get what's going on, but I do know that I trust my brother completely."

"He's always put me before himself, ever since we were kids.
I think you can trust him,{
/ }Terra."
Slattery, edited for style, partially w/r/t Rodimus Primal
303But don't you DARE tell him I said that!But don't tell him I said that! He'll turn red as a tomato!Sabin
"But don't you dare tell him I said that! He'll turn red as a tomato!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey
304BANON: Have you made a decision?
Will you become our last ray of hope?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Banon: Have you made your decision? Will you become our last ray of hope?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
"Have you come to a decision?"

"Will you be our last ray of hope?"
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Woolsey/Slattery edited for style; "become" -> "be" (kWhazit)
305BANON: You will? Really!!Banon: Really? You will?Banon
"Really? You will?"
306Terra: But...
I'm scared...
Terra: But... I'm scared...Terra
I'm scared…"
(W & S)
307BANON: I see...Banon: I see...Banon
"I see…"

You should talk to everyone here.
It may give you a clearer view of things."
Page 1: (W & S) // Page 2: Taken from unused #290.
308BANON: I thought as much...Banon: I thought as much...Banon
"I thought as much…"

You should talk to everyone here.
It may give you a clearer view of things."
Page 1: (W & S) // Page 2: Taken from unused #290.
309BANON: You're sure about this?Banon: So, there's really no convincing you?Banon
"So, there's really no convincing you…?"
310I understand your unease.
But even as we speak, innocent lives are being lost...
Please. We need your abilities.
This relic will keep you safe.

Received "Genji Glove"!
I understand your apprehension. But too many innocent lives are being lost to the Empire while we stand here and do nothing... Please, lend us your strength! This relic will help keep you safe. Obtained Genji Glove!I understand your reluctance.

"But too many innocent lives are being lost to the Empire while we stand here and do nothing."

"Please, lend us your strength!
This relic will help keep you safe."

Received Genji Glove!
Page 1: DarkMage. // Page 2 & 3: Slattery. // Page 4: Woolsey, reformatted.
311We truly need your help!We need your help.We truly need your help.Woolsey, re-punctuated for tone w/r/t Slattery.
312Please join us in our battle!Please, have the courage to join us in our battle!Please, have the courage to join us in our battle!Slattery.
313BANON: The person who possesses this relic need not fear harm.Banon: The uncertainty you're feeling is only natural.Banon
"The uncertainty you're feeling is only natural."
314BANON: Please, Terra...
I'd like you to take it with you.
Banon: Terra... I want you to have this.Banon
I want you to have this."
315Terra: What is this???Terra: What is it?Terra
"What is it?"
316BANON: If everyone works together we'll be successful.
Never give up hope!
Banon: We'll succeed if we all work together. Never give up hope!Banon
"We'll succeed if we all work together. Never give up hope!"
317BANON: A lucky charm. Take it!

Received "Gauntlet"!
Banon: A charm to help keep you safe. Take it! Obtained Gauntlet!Banon
"A relic to help you in your fight.
Please take it."

Received Gauntlet!
DarkMage (Novel rendering to match better with the item received), edited for tone & structure w/r/t kWhazit
318BANON: I have a plan!
Please get everyone together!
Banon: I have a plan. Would you please gather everyone together?Banon
"I have a plan.
Would you please gather everyone together?"
319Terra: Hope...
How can anyone put their hope in me?
Terra: Hope... How could anyone put their hope in me?Terra
How could anyone put their hope in me…?"
320S...South Figaro...S-South...Figaro...S…South Figaro… (W)
321What? WHAT IS IT?Hey, what've we got here?Whoa!
What've we got here?
Slattery; "Hey," -> "Whoa!" (DarkMage)
322BANON: What's going on?
What happened?
Banon: What's wrong? What's happened!?Banon
"What's going on?
What's happened!?"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
323Terra: He's badly wounded!Terra: Those wounds... They're awful...~~~
"Those wounds…
They're awful…!"
(unused) Slattery, re-punctuated for tone.
324BANON: Someone did a number on him...Banon: Those wounds look awful...Banon
"His wounds… They're awful…"
DarkMage, "Those" -> "His" w/r/t Woolsey's "him"
325E...Empire...took Figaro...
Coming...this way...unnnh...
Th-the Empire's...t-taken South Figaro... They're headed...this way...E…Empire…took South Figaro…
Coming…this way…unnnh……
Woolsey; "Figaro" -> "South Figaro" (Slattery/FF6j)
326BANON: They've found us...
We haven't a moment to lose!
Banon: So they've found us... We haven't a moment to lose!Banon
"They've found us…
We haven't a moment to lose!"
Woolsey; Pause added for pacing.
327Edgar: Locke!
Locke: I know...
"Someone" has to sneak into South Figaro and slow the Empire down, right?
Edgar: This's right up your alley! Good luck!
Edgar: Locke!
Locke: I know... "Someone" has to sneak into South Figaro to slow down the enemy, right?
Edgar: This is right up your alley. We're counting on you.

"I know… 'Someone' has to sneak into South Figaro and slow down the enemy, right?"

"This is right up your alley.
We're counting on you!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
328Locke: Terra...
Please wait for me...
...don't let a lecherous young king, who shall remain nameless, near you!
Edgar: Locke!!!
Locke: Terra... Wait for me... I won't be gone long. ...And watch out for a certain lecherous young king who shall remain nameless. The guy moves in like a hawk!
Edgar: Locke!
Stay safe for me while I'm gone.
And whatever you do…"

"…Do NOT let your guard down around a certain lecherous young king, who shall remain nameless."

Page 1: kWhazit merged w/ DarkMage, some rephrasing for style. // Page 2: Slattery, rephrased to open with "Do NOT let..." a la Woolsey's "Don't let..."
329Sabin: Big brother...
Aren't you EVER going to grow up?
Sabin: Edgar... Old habits die hard, eh?Sabin
Old habits die hard, eh?"
330BANON: What're we going to do?
Edgar: We'll escape down the Lete River, and make our way to Narshe. I want to see that Esper for myself...
BANON: Right. There's a raft by the back entrance.
It's a gamble, but we're fresh out of options...
Banon: What about us?
Edgar: We can escape down the Lethe River and make our way to Narshe. I'm curious about that esper they found in the mines...
Banon: Very well. I'll ready the raft by the back entrance. It's risky, but we don't have much of a choice at this point.
"What about us?"

"We can escape down the Lethe River and make our way to Narshe. I want to see that Esper for myself…"

"Right. Let's ready the raft by the back entrance. It's a gamble, but we've little choice at this point."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey, first sentence merged w/ Slattery for clarity. // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
331Edgar: You're in danger here. Come with us to Narshe.
You'll probably even gain some understanding of your own abilities...
Edgar: It's not safe here. Come with us to Narshe... It could be a chance for you to gain a better understanding of your abilities.Edgar
"It's not safe here.
Come with us to Narshe."

"It could be a chance for you to gain a better understanding of your abilities…"
Slattery, + "good chance" (kWhazit) -> "good opportunity".
332BANON: We've no time to dilly-dally. Let's make for Narshe!Banon: We've no time to dilly-dally. Let's make for Narshe!Banon
"We've no time for dilly-dally.
Let's make for Narshe!"
333We'll handle things here...
Please leave for Narshe!
We'll handle things here. Please head on to Narshe!We'll handle things here.
Please head on to Narshe!
334Give our regards to Banon.We're counting on you to protect Banon!{We're counting on you to protect/Make sure they keep you safe,} Banon!Slattery; alt line "Make sure they keep you safe, Banon!" added for M.C. Banon.
335The Lete River runs through some underground caverns.The Lethe River runs through a series of huge, underground caverns.The Lethe River runs through a series of underground caverns.Slattery; removed "huge, " which is a bit of a stretch and does not appear in Woolsey.
336BANON: We all know that the Empire is using Magitek power in battle. The point is, how has the Emperor created it?Banon: We all know that the Gestahlian Empire is using its Magitek power to wage war. The question is, where did they get that power?Banon
"As we all know, the Empire has been using its Magitek power to wage war."

"The question is, how did Gestahl obtain this power?"
kWhazit merged w/ Slattery. Using "Magitek" for "sorcerous / of sorcery".
337Edgar: I had Locke look into the rumor that the Empire is forcing the world's finest scholars to study Espers.Edgar: I had Locke dig around for information. It seems the Empire has been gathering scholars from around the world to study espers.Edgar
"I had Locke dig around for information."

"It seems the Empire has been gathering scholars from around the world to study Espers."
Slattery, reformatted.
338Locke: All the trouble in Narshe is over an Esper, too...Locke: Narshe's esper was also the reason for the Imperial assault there.Locke
"The trouble in Narshe was over an Esper, too…"
Woolsey, "is" -> "was" for clarity.
339BANON: Right...Banon: Well then...Banon
340Terra: You mean there's some connection between Espers and Magitek?
BANON: I can only recall one thing linking Espers with Magitek power...
Terra: Are you saying there's some kind of connection between espers and Magitek?
Banon: Espers and Magitek... Only one possible link comes to mind.
"Are you saying there's a connection between Espers and Magitek?"

"Espers, and a sorcerous power like Magitek…
Only one possible link comes to mind."
Page 1: Slattery, edited for brevity. // Page 2: Slattery; Added clarification "Magitek" -> "a sorcerous power like Magitek". This is where the revised script makes explicit the pseudo-equivalence between "Magitek" and "sorcerous power" (See #87); a necessary addition somewhere early in the script, also needed here in particular since this is the point at which the conversation topic turns from the Empire to the War of the Magi.
341Edgar: You don't mean...
BANON: Indeed!
The ancient War of the Magi...
Edgar: You don't mean...
Banon: The War of the Magi.
"You don't mean…"

The War of the Magi."
Woolsey; removed "ancient" w/r/t Slattery, kWhazit.
"It can't be!"
No! "That's impossible...!"Returners
"That's impossible!"
343Locke: My Grandma used to tell me stories about magical machines...
Could they have been true?
Locke: My grandma used to tell me bedtime stories about magical machines... ...Those stories were true?Locke
"So, those bedtime stories my grandma would tell me… they had some truth to them after all…?"
kWhazit, edited for style. Note: Woolsey and Slattery's treatment here considered to make Locke sound too childlike.
344Edgar: Could that ancient tragedy be playing out once again...
BANON: It's just speculation...
But historical studies have provided a number of conflicting and frightening theories...
According to one theory, humans and machines were imbued with powers drained from Espers...
Edgar: You're saying we're on the verge of a second War of the Magi?
Banon: It's only a guess. The war took place a thousand years ago, and every historian has a different theory. But one theory says that energy drained from espers was used to power machines... ...and that ordinary humans were also infused with that same energy.
"You're saying the tragedy of that war is going to play out again?"

"It's only a guess.
This is something that took place a thousand years ago, after all."

"Every historian seems to have a different theory on the matter…"

"But one theory suggests that human combatants were imbued with supernatural energy drained from Espers…"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: kWhazit, rephrased partially w/r/t Slattery; "you realize" (kWhazit) -> "after all". // Page 3: Part of a Slattery sentence, padded out for pacing. // Page 4: DarkMage, significantly rephrased. Novel reference to machinery (from Woolsey/Slattery) removed -- The clarfication added in #340 intends to solve the problem that motivated Woolsey's innovation; "energy" -> "supernatural energy" for clarity and style.
345Terra: That could explain Magitek power...Terra: So that's what Magitek power is...Terra
"And that's what sorcerous power is…"
kWhazit merged with Slattery; uses the general term "sorcerous power" rather than "Magitek power", in order not to diminish Terra's apparent self-association with the means described in #344 (as noted by Lina Darkstar). [Note: So far in the script, "Magitek" may be reasonably assumed only to refer to mechanical applications; "Magitek Knight" has not yet appeared.] So, this scene establishes the following: Magitek is the Empire's name for its application of sorcerous power; Sorcerous power, a tangible form of energy, may occur naturally in Espers; The Empire may be obtaining its sorcerous power by draining it from Espers, and this is how Terra believes she gained her own abilities.
346Edgar: We can only fight Magitek enemies with Magitek weapons...Edgar: If we're going to fight Magitek enemies, we need Magitek weapons of our own.
Banon: No! That would bring about another War of the Magi!
Edgar: Then what do you propose?
Banon: I was wondering if we might not be able to have a chat with an esper...
Edgar: ...With an esper!?
"If we're going to fight Magitek enemies, we need to obtain sorcerous weapons of our own…"

"No! That's precisely the kind of mistake which brought about the War of the Magi in the first place!"

"Then what do you propose?"

"We could try opening a dialogue with the Espers."

"The Espers!?"
Page 1: Slattery, edited w/r/t/ kWhazit. Another opportunity taken to demonstrate "Magitek" as a speical name for "sorcerous" power. (See #87) // Page 2: New edit paraphrased from kWhazit, a bit more literal than Slattery. // Page 3: Slattery. // Page 4: DarkMage, likely based on Lina Darkstar. Lina Darkstar makes Espers plural, W & S is singular. Plural is nice because it lends a little more fuel for Locke's shocked reaction. I see no problem with Banon viewing the frozen Esper as a potential representative of the lost Espers as a collective. // Page 5: DarkMage, sans novelty. Slattery gives this line to Edgar, should be Locke.
347BANON: It's risky, but if we have Terra...speak with that Esper, it might just wake up...
Edgar: I wonder if that's wise...?
Banon: It's risky, but that esper reacted to Terra before... If we could get it to react to her again, we just might be able to wake it up.
Edgar: Do you really think that would work...?
"It's risky, but if we have Terra{…
/ …}'speak' with that Esper again,{
/ }it might just wake up."

"Do you really think that would work…?"
Page 1: Woolsey, lightly edited to bring the meaning more in line with kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery.
348BANON: Who can say?
we need Terra's help.
Banon: I can't say for sure, but I believe it's our best shot... Of course, we can't do anything without Terra's help.Banon
"I can't tell you anything for sure.
Regardless, we need Terra's cooperation…"
New edit, mostly literal, with elements taken from Woolsey, kWhazit, and Slattery
349Locke: Terra...Locke: Terra...Locke
Woosely; question mark added after ellipsis to make clear that Locke is nudging Terra for a response, and not just being a sap. (See FF6j, which does not use an ellipsis.)
350Terra: I'll do it!
Sabin: What nonsense!
You sound as if you're enjoying this!
Terra: I'll do it.
Sabin: I'm not entirely sure I understand the plan...but what the hey! This sounds like it'll be fun!
"Let's try it."

"This is all a bit over my head, but…
sounds like we're in for some fun!"
Page 1: kWhazit. // Page 2: Lina Darkstar, edited for style; kWhazit used as reference. Slattery's "What the hey" considered too modern.
Sir Banon...
Banon, sir...!E…emergency!
Banon, sir…!
Woolsey with stutter in "E...emergency" restored w/r/t kWhazit, merged with Slattery.
352BANON: What?
What's that noise?
Banon: What was that? That noise just now...?Banon
"What was that?
That noise just now…?"
The Empire's invading!
The Empire! The Empire's invading!Uwaaah!!
The Empire's attacking us!
kWhazit merged w/ Woolsey
354Urgh...uhnn...Uhnnn... Urgh...Urgh…uhnn… (W)
355!!! (W & S)
356What the...?
Sleep talking?
What the...? ...Sleeptalking?What the…?
Woolsey, repunctuated.
357Here we go!
This raft'll take us to Narshe!
Here we go! This raft will carry us to Narshe!Here we go!
This raft will carry us to Narshe!
358Hop aboard the raft?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Hop aboard the raft?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Hop aboard the raft?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
(W & S)
359Fleeing the Empire's troops,
Banon, Edgar and Terra ride the rapids toward Narshe.
But the going won't be easy...
Fleeing the Empire's troops, Banon, Edgar, and Terra ride the rapids toward Narshe. But the going won't be easy...Eluding the clutches of the Empire,
Banon, Edgar and Terra
ride the rapids toward Narshe.
But the going won't be easy…
New edit based on Mato "clutches"
360Head toward Narshe, but protect Banon at all costs.
If Banon is put out of commission, your journey's over.
Head towards Narshe while protecting Banon at all costs. If Banon falls in battle, the journey's over!
Head toward Narshe while
protecting Banon at all costs.

If Banon falls in battle,
your journey is over.
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery, lightly edited for style.
361Which way?
<Choice> (Straight)

<Choice> (Left) <Choice> (Right)
Which way should we go!?
<Choice> (Straight)
<Choice> (Left)
<Choice> (Right)
Which way should we go!?
<Choice> (Straight)

<Choice> (Left) <Choice> (Right)
362Now which way???

<Choice> (Left) <Choice> (Right)
Now which way!?
<Choice> (Left)
<Choice> (Right)
Now which way!?

<Choice> (Left) <Choice> (Right)
363 (unused) (W & S)
364 (unused) (W & S)
365Hey, which way?
<Choice> (Up)

<Choice> (Left)
Hey, which way now?
<Choice> (Up)
<Choice> (Left)
Hey, which way now?
<Choice> (Up)

<Choice> (Left)
366Edgar and Terra race toward Narshe while protecting Banon...
...but what about Sabin, who was swallowed by the raging waters...?
And... is Locke faring, after having penetrated the Empire's defenses in South Figaro...
Is all going according to plan...?
Edgar and Terra race toward Narshe while protecting Banon... But what of Sabin, who was swept away by the raging waters? And how is Locke faring after having penetrated the Empire's defenses in South Figaro? Is all going according to plan...?Edgar and Terra race toward Narshe while protecting Banon…

…But what about Sabin, who was swept away by the raging waters…?

…And how is Locke faring, after having penetrated the Empire's defenses in South Figaro…?

Is all going according to plan…?
Woolsey, repunctuated.
(Please choose a scenario.)
<Choice> Banon and Co.
<Choice> Sabin
<Choice> Locke
Please choose a scenario.
<Choice> Banon's Group
<Choice> Sabin
<Choice> Locke
(Please choose a scenario!)
<Choice> Banon's Group
<Choice> Sabin
<Choice> Locke
(unused) Slattery, repunctuated.
369Locke: Nuts!
Gotta get to Narshe on the fly...
Locke: Dammit! Gotta get to Narshe on the fly...Locke
Gotta get to Narshe, pronto…"
Slattery; "on the fly" Woolseyism -> ", pronto". Too bold of me?
370Locke has worked hard to stymie the efforts of the Imperial troops. But now he desperately needs to escape...Locke has worked hard to stymie the efforts of the Imperial troops in South Figaro. But now he desperately needs to escape...Locke has worked hard to stymie the efforts of the Imperial troops in South Figaro. But now he desperately needs to escape…Slattery.
371Halt!Halt! What do you think you're doing?{Halt!
What do you think you're doing!?/Get back to your post!}
Slattery, repunctuated for tone; alternate line taken from #373 for Locke in soldier costume
372Locke: Ouch!!
I gotta steal me some new clothes, fast!!
Locke: Ouch! Back to square one...Locke
Back to square one…"
373Back inside!Get back to your post!Get back to your post!Slattery.
374Gotta get moving!
The attack on Narshe is imminent. Who knows what's going to happen next?
What are you standing around for!? It's almost time to launch the attack on Narshe. Marching orders could come down at any moment!What are you standing around for!?
It's almost time to launch the attack on Narshe. Marching orders could come down at any moment!
375Imperial soldiers are pigs!
Green Suits live to brawl...
Soldiers in the Imperial army have different ranks. The ones in green are the low-ranking grunts.Imperial soldiers have different ranks.
You can pick out the low-ranking grunts by their green uniforms.
Slattery, rephrased.
376Locke: I've seen her before...
Of course! She's one of the Empire's generals!
Locke: I know I've seen her before... Wait a second... She's one of the Empire's generals!Locke
"I know I've seen her before…"

"Oh, yeah…!
She's one of the Empire's generals!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; Woolsey "Of course!" -> "Oh, yeah...!"
377Product of genetic engineering,
battle-hardened Magitek Knight, with a spirit as pure as snow...
A Magitek knight forged by the Empire and tempered in battle. None have ever truly known the woman beneath the general's guise... A Magitek Knight forged by the
Empire and tempered in battle.
None have ever truly known the
woman beneath the general's guise…
378GUARD: This's what happens to traitors!Guard: This is what happens to traitors!Guard
"This is what happens to traitors!"
(W & S).
379GUARD: So, the mighty Celes has fallen!Guard: So, the mighty Celes has fallen!Guard
"Oh, how the mighty Celes has fallen!"
W & S, edited for style.
380Celes: How can you serve those cowards...
GUARD: Hold your tongue!
Celes: Not as far as those who'd use their strength to oppress the weak...
Guard: Quiet!
"Not as far as you cowards…
trampling the weak by force…"

Page 1: kWhazit merged with Slattery, incorporating Woolsey "cowards" // Page 2: Slattery.
381Celes: Isn't it true Kefka's going to poison the people of Doma, to the east?
GUARD: Shuddap!
Celes: Kefka's planning to poison every last man, woman, and child in the kingdom of Doma.
Guard: Shaddup!
"Kefka's planning to poison the whole kingdom of Doma in the east, isn't he?"

"I told you to shut UP!"
Page 1: New edit, Woolsey & kWhazit used as reference. // Page 2: DarkMage.
382GUARD: I'd hate to be in your shoes tomorrow!Guard: Hmph! Run that mouth of yours while you still can... Your execution's tomorrow.Guard
"Hmph! Run that mouth of yours while you still can.
Your execution's tomorrow!"
Slattery, repunctuated.
383Keep a close eye on her!Keep a close eye on her!Keep a close eye on her! (W & S).
384Yes, Sir!
I can go for days without sleep!
Yes, sir! I can stand guard for days without sleep!Yes, sir!
I can stand guard for days without sleep!
385<Choice> (Remove her chains?)
<Choice> (Wait a few minutes.)
Her hands are bound...
<Choice> (Remove her bindings.)
<Choice> (Just keep looking.)
<Choice> (Remove her chains?)
<Choice> (Just keep looking.)
Slattery, repunctuated.
386Celes: You're awfully short for a soldier.
Locke: Oh, I forgot I was wearing a uniform!
Celes: Aren't you a little short to be an Imperial trooper?
Locke: What? Oh...the uniform.
"Aren't you a little short for an Imperial trooper?"

…Oh, the uniform."
Slattery, reworded to match Star Wars 1:1.
387Celes: What do you hope to peddle down here?
Locke: Oops! Forgot I was wearing these clothes.
Celes: What could you possibly hope to peddle in a place like this?
Locke: Oops! Forgot I was still wearing these clothes.
"What could you possibly hope to peddle down here?"

Forgot I was wearing these clothes."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
388Celes: And you are...Celes: And you are...?Celes
"And you are…?"
389Locke: I'm with the Returners. Name's Locke.
Celes: Returners!!! I used to be General Celes...
Now I'm just a common traitor...
Locke: Name's Locke. I'm with the Returners.
Celes: You're a Returner!? I'm...or at least I was...General Celes. Now I'm nothing but a traitor...
"Name's Locke.
I'm with the Returners."

"The Returners are here!?
I see…"

"I'm… or at least, I was…
General Celes.
Now I'm just a common traitor…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit; Novel phrasing added: "The Returners are here!?"
390Locke: Let's go!
Celes: !? You'd take me along?
Locke: Well, let's get going!
Celes: ...!? You'd take me with you?
"Well, let's get going!"

You'd take me with you?"
391Celes: Thanks, but no thanks. I can barely walk...Celes: ...No. I can barely walk. I'd never make it out of here.Celes
"…No, it's impossible.
I can barely walk…"
Woolsey merged w/ Lina Darkstar
392Celes: I'm grateful, but...
Even if you got me out, you'd never be able to protect me. No, I think I'm better off here.
Celes: I appreciate it, but... Even if you got me out, you wouldn't be able to protect me. I'm better off waiting here for the executioner. At least that way I'll keep my pride...Celes
"I'm grateful, but…"

"Even if you got me out, you'd never be able to protect me the whole way."

"No, I think I'm better off waiting here. At least I'll be able to face death with some dignity…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery & kWhazit
393Locke: I'll protect you!Locke: I'll protect you!Locke
"I'll protect you!"
(W & S)
394Locke: Trust me! You'll be fine!Locke: Trust me! You'll be fine!Locke
"Trust me!
You'll be fine."
W & S, repunctuated.
395Locke: Let's go!Locke: Let's go!Locke
"Let's go!"
(W & S)
396SOLDIER: ...more soup...'n...Soldier: ...'n some bread, too...Soldier
"…'n some bread, too…"
Slattery. (#396 & #397 are reversed in Woolsey)
397SOLDIER: ...'n some bread, too...
Mumble Mumble...
Soldier: ...more soup...'n... *mumble*... *mumble*...Soldier
"…more soup…'n…
(mumble)… (mumble)…"
Slattery, reformatted. (#396 & #397 are reversed in Woolsey)
398Celes: Wait.Celes: Wait.Celes
(W & S)
399Celes: This soldier has something important on him...Celes: This soldier might have something on him that could help us get out of here.Celes
"This soldier might have something on him that could help us get out of here."

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2024 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.