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FF6:ROSE Dialog Script Notes

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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v2.00
400Celes: Why are you helping me?
Locke: You remind me of someone...
Celes: Why are you helping me?
Locke: You remind me a lot of someone...
"Why are you helping me?"

"You remind me a lot of someone…"
401Locke: But what's it matter, anyway?
I just want to, okay?!
Locke: What's it matter, anyway? I'm helping you because I want to!Locke
"What's it matter, anyway?
I'm helping you because I want to.
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey, lightly edited for tone w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar.
402Celes: This passage leads out.Celes: Wait! There's a secret way out through the back.Celes
There's a secret way out through the back."
403Locke: Huh?
Celes: Something's coming outta the wall!!
Locke: What is that?
Celes: Something's coming through the wall!
"What the--"

"Something's coming through the wall!!"
Page 1: kWhazit // Page 2: Slattery.
404Locke: Whew!!!
Looks like we're in the clear!
Locke: Whew! Looks like we're finally in the clear.Locke
Looks like we're finally in the clear."
405Locke: What IS that noise?Locke: What is that noise?Locke
"What IS that noise…?"
406I heard they grabbed a famous general who turned traitor!
She's locked up somewhere in this town.
It seems our famous lady general turned traitor. I heard they have her locked up somewhere in this town.It seems our famous lady general turned traitor. I hear they've got her locked up somewhere in town.Slattery, lightly edited for style.
407Never a dull moment...
Time to guard the passage under the big mansion...
Oh, well.
Life is tough...
Oh no! I'm late for my shift guarding the underground passage to the mansion! Oh well... Better never than late!…Crap! I'm late for my shift guarding the underground passage to the mansion!

"Oh well…
Better never than late!"
Slattery, lightly edited for style.
408I heard there are 2 secret tunnels under the rich man's house.
One leads out of town, the other to one of these houses...
I heard there are two tunnels beneath the northern mansion. One leads to another house, and the other leads out of town.I heard there are two secret tunnels beneath the northern mansion.
One leads out of town, the other to one of these houses.
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
409Thanks to our informer, this town fell instantly!Thanks to our inside informant, this town fell with almost no resistance.Thanks to our informant, this town fell with almost no resistance.Slattery, ommited "inside".
Knock it off!
Gah! These kids are driving me nuts! Can't they keep quiet for two minutes!?Agh! Rascals!
Would you settle down already!?
New edit in second person, keeps Woolsey "Rascals!"
411<Choice>(Change clothes?)
<Choice>(These are fine.)
<Choice> (Remove disguise.)
<Choice> (These clothes are fine.)
<Choice> (Remove disguise?)
<Choice> (These clothes are fine.)
Slattery, repunctuated.
412Lower ranking soldiers like to brawl. Try humiliating them by stealing their clothes!Those low-ranking soldiers in green love to start fights, even though they never win. They're so slow, you could steal the clothes right off their backs!Those low-ranking soldiers are always going around picking fights, even though they never win.

"They're so slow, you could steal the uniforms right off their backs!"
Slattery, edited for style.
413Uh huh!Hmph!Hmph!Slattery.
414Avoid the armored soldiers! They have no sense of humor!Stay away from those armored soldiers. They'll kill you just for talking to them.Stay away from those armored soldiers.
They've got no sense of humor!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. Keeps Woolsey "no sense of humor!".
415Hey, lady...didn't you just bust in here wearing Magitek armor?Guard: You... You're that Imperial officer from before!Guard
She's} that Imperial officer from before!"
Slattery, repuncutated; alt line added for party leader Edgar/Banon
416BANON: Wait a sec!Banon: Please, I can explain!Banon
"Please, I can explain!"
417Get out of here!
If you don't...
Guard: Get out of here now, or you'll regret it!Guard
"Get out of here!
Or else…!!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit
418Edgar: Hold on.
I'm King Edgar of Figaro...
GUARD: Liar!!!
Edgar: Let's not get hasty here! I'm King Edgar of Figaro...
Guard: Liar!
"Let's not be hasty here!
I'm King Edgar of Figaro--"

Page 1: DarkMage (Slattery lightly edited). // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
419BANON: Aye yai yai...
Edgar: That kind of attitude is deadly!
He won't even listen!
Terra: It's all my fault...
Banon: My goodness...
Edgar: And that, my friends, is why I can't stand men. It's like they don't even have ears!
Terra: I'm sorry, it's all my fault...
"Good grief…"

"And that, friends, is why I can't stand men. It seems the lot of us were born without ears!"

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault…"
Page 1: kWhazit, repunctuated. // Page 2: Slattery, edited for style. // Page 3: Slattery merged w/ DarkMage.
420ARVIS: Banon! King Edgar!
...and Terra!!!
Arvis: Banon! King Edgar! Oh, and Terra, too!Arvis
"Banon! King Edgar!
Oh, and Terra, too!"
421BANON: Arvis!
What's happening here in Narshe?
ARVIS: The town's neutral.
I've tried to get the people to side with the Returners, but...
Anyway, why on earth have you come here?
Banon: Arvis! How do things stand here in Narshe?
Arvis: Same as always. The town's neutral. I've tried to convince them to side with the Returners, but it's no use. Of course, maybe with you and the king of Figaro here...
How do things stand here in Narshe?"

"The town's still neutral. I've tried to convince the people to side with the Returners, but it's no use."

"Now, perhaps with you and the king of Figaro here…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, edited for brevity. // Page 3: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit.
422Edgar: First, how are your people doing?
ARVIS: They all went...slightly berserk when the Esper was discovered.
Edgar: How are the townspeople?
Arvis: Everyone's been a little on edge since the esper was discovered.
"First, how are the townspeople?"

"Everyone's been on edge ever since the Esper was found in the mines."
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; lightly edited to be more consistent with the fact that the Empire had just massacred 8 of the town's guards just a few days prior.
423BANON: We believe this young woman is our only hope of reaching out to that Esper.
ARVIS: My people are dying to know what the Esper looks like.
Maybe Terra can help restore some order to our town...?
Banon: We believe Terra may be able to help us get answers to our questions about the esper.
Arvis: Well, the townspeople are still quite curious about it as well. If we approach them in the right way, there's a good chance they'll agree to let her see it.
"We believe this young woman may be able to reach out to that Esper and help us get some answers."

"The townsfolk are curious as well.
If we approach them carefully, they may agree to let Terra see it…"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery edited for brevity.
424Edgar: That Esper is either going to save us...or dig us an early grave...Edgar: That esper is either going to save us...or dig us an early grave.Edgar
"That Esper is either going to save us… or dig us an early grave…"
Slattery, repunctuated.
425Terra: When Locke first helped me, he fiddled with somethihg right around here.Terra: When Locke first rescued me, we came out of the mines right around here. He fiddled with something...Terra
"When Locke first helped me,
we came out of the mines right around here."

"I remember him fiddling with something…"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
426Edgar: Knowing him there's probably some secret switch in this rock wall...Edgar: Yes, he told me. Twist this stone like so, and...Edgar
"Yes, he told me.
Twist this stone like so, and…"
427Edgar: Goodness...
Terra: What's that...?
Edgar: I think this's a security check point. If we follow the light exactly, we'll probably be okay.
If we make a mistake, the light'll surround us.
To proceed safely we must "tag" the glimmering light.
Edgar: This must be the place...
Terra: What place?
Edgar: There's a room in here they use to test applicants to the city guard. We should be fine as long as we follow the light. If we make a mistake, lights will surround us. Then we'll have to tag the glimmering orange light to proceed.
"This must be the place…"

"What is it?"

"I've heard about a facility used for testing applicants to the city guard."

"If I'm not mistaken…"

"We should be fine as long as we follow the light."

"If we make a mistake, a bunch of lights will surround us…
But we'll still be able to proceed safely if we tag the correct one."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Spooniest, repunctuated. // Page 3: kWhazit merged w/ Slattery. // Page 4: Slattery. // Page 5: Slattery, edited for brevity & style; Omitted "orange" (Slattery) as too specific of a detail for Edgar's apparent level of familiarity.
428AGED MAN: You the clock maker? I been waitin' for ages!Aged Man: You the clockmaker? I been waitin' for ages!Aged Man
"You the clockmaker?
I've been waitin' for ages!"
Slattery (Woolsey w/ compound word "clockmaker"), edited for style.
I'm not the clock maker.
Uh, no, I'm not the clockmaker...<Party Leader>
"Uh…no. I'm not the clockmaker."
Woolsey, "clock maker" -> "clockmaker"; Adaptive Dialog label: party leader.
430AGED MAN: There it is, on the wall. Ain't been tickin' for 1, 5, shucks, maybe even 10 years!Aged Man: There she is, hangin' up on that wall over there! Ain't been tickin' for a year now! Five years, was it? Shucks, maybe it's been ten, I don't remember!Aged Man
"There it is, right on that wall there.
Ain't been tickin' for…one…? five…?
…shucks, maybe ten years!"
Woolsey, reformated & lightly edited w/r/t Slattery for clarity & pacing.
431AGED MAN: Hey!!?Aged Man: Hmm?Aged Man
Woolsey's tone merged with Slattery's meaning
432What dire fate has befallen Sabin, who fell from the raft after the fight with Ultros?...What dire fate has befallen Sabin, who leapt from the raft after the fight with Ultros...?What dire fate has befallen Sabin, who leapt from the raft during the fight with Ultros…?Slattery.
433Come to think of it...
I saw some total geek when I last went south, to the Veldt.
Watch yourselves in those parts!
Come to think of it... I saw a real strange-lookin' kid last time I went down south to the Veldt. You gotta be careful traveling through them parts!~~~
"Come to think of it… I saw a real strange-lookin' kid last time I went down south to the Veldt. You'd better watch yourselves in those parts!"
(unused) Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. Would make sense as a line by the traveling merchant.
434AGED MAN: Lawnmower repairman, eh? Couldn't provide worse service! Grass's 25 feet high out back!Aged Man: Lawnmower repairman, eh? Couldn't provide worse service! Grass's fifty feet high out back!Aged Man
"Lawnmower repairman, eh?
Couldn't provide worse service!
Grass's fifty feet high out back!"
435AGED MAN: Got it!Aged Man: Oh, got it!Aged Man
"Oh, got it!"
436AGED MAN: You're here to fix my bed! It's squeakin' like all git-out!Aged Man: You're here to fix my bed! It's been creakin' like all git-out!Aged Man
"You're here to fix my bed!
It's been creakin' like all git-out!"
437AGED MAN: No more lip, repairman! Fix that stove, on the double!!!Aged Man: No more lip, repairman! Fix that stove, on the double! It'll be on your conscience when I freeze to death!Aged Man
"No more lip, repairman! Fix that stove, on the double! It'll be on your conscience when I freeze to death!"
438AGED MAN: Goodness!
Then you must be...
Aged Man: Hmm? Then you must be...Aged Man
Then you must be…"
439AGED MAN: You've come to fix the door!?Aged Man: You've come to fix the door!?Aged Man
"You've come to fix the door!?"
(W & S)
No child could be this mischievious!
Aged Man: Oh, for pity's sake...! And you call yourself a repairman! Causing trouble just like a kid...<Party Leader>
"Good{ grief/ness/ness, kupo}…
This is worse than a kid's pranks…"
kWhazit, lightly edited for clarity; Adaptive Dialog w/ label for party leader.
441Yaaaouch!!!!Yeeeouch!<Party Leader>
"{Yeeaaouch/Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow/Aaaugghh/KUPOOOOO/Uwaaaaaoo/Aaaooogh}!!!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Adaptive Dialog w/ label for party leader.
442Take a nap?
<Choice> (Snooze)
<Choice> (No thanks)
Take a nap?
<Choice> Sure.
<Choice> Not right now.
Take a nap?
<Choice> (Snooze.)
<Choice> (Not right now.)
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
443AGED MAN: Child...?
Ain't no child 'round here!
I'm ready for you to leave!
Go on, git! I'm tossin' ya out onta the Veldt!
I'd rather take a stick in the eye than deal with that guy again...
Aged Man: A kid? I don't have any kids! Ugh, why'd you have to bring up kids? Makes me sick just thinkin' about it! I think it's time for you to leave now! Go on, git! Or I'll toss you out onto the Veldt, too! "...? I think this old chocobo's missing a few feathers..."Aged Man
"A kid, you say…?
Balderdash! I ain't got no kids! Ugh,
makes me sick just thinkin' about it!"

"I'm ready for you to leave!
Go on, git! Or I'm tossin' YOU out onto the Veldt, too!"

<Party Leader>
I'd rather take a stick to the eye than deal with that {geezer/guy/lunatic} again…"
Page 1 & 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey, Adaptive Dialog w/ label for party leader.
444MERCHANT: Welcome!
Need anything?
<Choice> What have you?
<Choice> No thanks.
Merchant: Welcome. Need anything?
<Choice> What've you got?
<Choice> No thanks.
"Welcome! Need anything?"
<Choice> What {have you/you have}?
<Choice> {No thanks/Nuh-uh}.
Woolsey; Adaptive Dialog for party leader.
445MERCHANT: See you around.Merchant: See you around.Merchant
"{Come to think of it… I saw a real strange-lookin' kid last time/See} {I went down south to the Veldt."

"You'd/you} {better watch yoursel{f/ves} in those parts!"

"See you /}around."
W & S; Adaptive Dialog inserts text from unused caption #433 if Gau has not yet been recruited; Adaptive Dialog for party size.
446Who're you?Who're you!?<Party Leader>
"Who{'re/} you?"
W & S; Adaptive Dialog w/ label for party leader.
447MERCHANT: Howdy. I own the dry goods business out here!Merchant: Howdy there! I run a mobile item shop of sorts in these parts. Everyone around here knows me!Merchant
"Howdy! I run the mobile general store in these parts!
Everyone knows me!"
Slattery toned down w/r/t Woolsey.
448MERCHANT: You're...not from these parts, huh?Merchant: You're, uh...not from around here, are you?Merchant
"You're, uh…not from around here, are you?"
449MERCHANT: We'll, no matter!
<Choice> See the goods
<Choice> Not interested
Merchant: Well, no matter! Need anything?
<Choice> (Take a look.)
<Choice> (Maybe another time.)
"Well, no matter!"
<Choice> (See the goods.)
<Choice> (Not interested.)
Woolsey, reformatted.
450MERCHANT: Good day.
Need anything?
<Choice> See the goods
<Choice> Not interested
Merchant: Good day to ya! Need anything?
<Choice> (Take a look.)
<Choice> (Maybe another time.)
"Good day! Need anything?"
<Choice> (See the goods.)
<Choice> (Not interested.)
Woolsey, slightly edited w/r/t Slattery.
451Sabin: You...on a journey?
I got separated from my friends. Say, can you tell me how to get to Narshe?
Sabin: You...another traveler? You don't happen to know how I could get to Narshe, do you? I got separated from my friends.Sabin
"Are you…another traveler?"

"I got separated from my friends.
You wouldn't happen to know how to get to Narshe from here, would you?"
Page 1: W & S, reduced colloquiality. // Page 2: Slattery reordered w/r/t Woolsey, reduced colloquiality.
452MAN: The Empire has set up a base somewhere beyond the forest, and to the east.
Sabin: ...Empire!?
MAN: They seem to have their sights set on Doma Castle.
Sabin: Doma, huh?
I have to reach Narshe immediately!
MAN: Your only chance is through Doma.
I'll show you the way.
Just know that I may take off at any time, if I feel like it.
Man: The Empire has set up camp just beyond the forest to the east.
Sabin: The Empire!? What are they doing here?
Man: They seem to have their eyes on Doma Castle.
Sabin: So Doma's next, huh...? But I need to get to Narshe right away!
Man: Your only road passes through Doma. I can take you there if you'd like. Just know that I may leave you at any time...
"The Empire has set up camp just beyond the forest to the east."

What are they doing here?"

"They seem to have their eyes on Doma Castle."

"So Doma's next, huh…?
But I need to get to Narshe right away!"

"Your only road passes through Doma.
I wouldn't mind guiding you."

"Just know that I may take off at any time if I feel like it."
Page 1 - 4: Slattery. // Page 5: Slattery + kWhazit. // Page 6: Woolsey, edited for punctuation.
453Shadow: Imperial soldiers have built a base somewhere beyond the forest.
Sabin: ...Already!?
Shadow: They seem to have their sights set on Doma Castle.
Sabin: So Doma's next, huh?
I have to reach Narshe immediately!
Shadow: Your only hope is through Doma.
I'll show you the way.
Just know that I may take off at any time, if I feel like it.
Shadow: The Empire has set up camp just beyond the forest to the east.
Sabin: The Empire!? What are they doing here?
Shadow: They seem to have their eyes on Doma Castle.
Sabin: So Doma's next, huh...? But I need to get to Narshe right away!
Shadow: Your only road passes through Doma. I can take you there if you'd like. Just know that I may leave you at any time...
"The Empire has set up camp just beyond the forest to the east."

What are they doing here?"

"They seem to have their eyes on Doma Castle."

"So Doma's next, huh…?
But I need to get to Narshe right away!"

"Your only road passes through Doma.
I wouldn't mind guiding you."

"Just know that I may take off at any time if I feel like it."
Page 1 - 4: Slattery. // Page 5: Slattery + kWhazit. // Page 6: Woolsey, edited for punctuation.
The dog just can't stand strangers.
Don't get too close... He doesn't like strangers.Stay back.
He isn't fond of strangers.
New; reworded from Slattery.
455Sabin: The going is bound to be...pretty rough...Sabin: It's not gonna be easy taking on the Empire...even with two of us...~~~
"It's not gonna be easy taking on the Empire…
even with two of us…"
(unused) Slattery.
456Shadow: The Reaper is always just a step behind me...Shadow: Death is always just a step behind me...Shadow
"The Reaper is always just a step behind me…"
457Welcome a partner?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Take on a traveling companion?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Welcome a traveling companion?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
458BARAM: Clyde...I'm...
done for...
F...find me here...
Please, Clyde...
Baram: could you...? I was your partner... You should be here with me... Join me, Clyde... Baram
"Clyde… how could you…?
I was your partner…
You should be here with me…"

"Join me, Clyde…"
Slattery, reformatted.
459BARAM: Yahoooo!
We did it, Clyde!
CLYDE: A million GP!
What a blast! I love this!
Baram: Yahooo! We did it, Clyde!
Clyde: A million gil! What a blast! This is the life!
"Hell, yeah!
We did it, Clyde!"

"A million gil! What a blast!
This is the life!"
Page 1: W & S, "Yahooo" -> "Hell, yeah!". "Yahooo" considered too friendly/endearing. "Yee-haw" was a candidate here, but would come off as too much of a caricature to some readers. // Page 2: Slattery.
460BARAM: Guess it's time to change our name.
CLYDE: Our name?
BARAM: We need something more...appropriate.
BARAM: Such as...?
BARAM: ... Shadow!
Not bad, huh?
Baram: Guess it's time we start thinking of a name, huh?
Clyde: A name?
Baram: All good bandit duos need a name! I, uh... I sort of have one in mind...
Clyde: Well? Let's hear it!
Baram: ..."The Shadow Bandits"! What do you think? Not bad, eh?
"Guess it's about time we came up with a name."

"A name?"

"Something appropriate…
ya know, for the two of us.
I've been mulling one over…"

"Well? Let's hear it!"

The Shadow Bandits!
Not bad, huh?"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Merged Woolsey, Lina Darkstar, DarkMage; reworded for style. // Page 4: Slattery. // Page 5: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
461CLYDE: Great train robbers of the century...
Clyde: The Shadow Bandits, great train robbers of the century...Clyde
"Great train robbers of the century:
The…Shadow Bandits…?"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
462CLYDE: Open your eyes!
BARAM: I'm scared...hack, cough... this MY blood...?
CLYDE: You're gonna be okay!
Clyde: Open your eyes!
Baram: How bad is it? ...This isn't m-my it, Clyde?
Clyde: Don't worry, you're gonna be okay!
"Open your eyes!"

"Oh, damn…(cough)…
Is this… Is this MY blood…?"

"Don't worry, you're gonna be okay!"
Page 1: (W & S) // Page 2: Woolsey edited w/r/t Spooniest. // Page 3: Slattery.
463BARAM: I've let you down...
I'm sorry...
CLYDE: Save your strength.
We're almost to a town.
BARAM: You don't have to pretend. I know. I've lost...too much blood.
Baram: I'm sorry... I...I let my guard down...
Clyde: Don't talk! The town's just a bit farther...
Baram: You don't have to pretend. I know. This blood, isn't it? I'm done for...
"I let my guard down…
I messed it up…"

"Save your strength!
We're almost to a town…"

"You don't have to pretend.
I know. I've lost…too much blood."
Page 1: DarkMage merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey, repunctuated for tone. // Page 3: Woolsey.
464BARAM: Get going!
I'm gonna slow you down.
CLYDE: But...!
BARAM: You wanna get caught?
Baram: Get going! Leave me here. I'd only slow you down.
Clyde: But...!
Baram: You wanna get caught?
"Get going! Leave me here.
I'm just gonna slow you down."


"You wanna get caught?"
Page 1: Slattery, lightly edited for style. // Page 2 & 3: (W & S)
465BARAM: Before you go...
You have to use your knife...
Baram: But, before you go... Please, finish me off with your knife! Baram
"Before you go…
You've gotta finish me off…"
DarkMage, lightly edited for style. Omits FF6j/Woolsey "knife", considered too redundant (and thus cheesy) with caption #467.
466CLYDE: WHAT!!!!
BARAM: Think what they'll do to me if I get caught.
I don't want to go through that. Do me this favor.
Clyde: How could you ask me to do something like that...?
Baram: You know what they'll do to me if they catch me alive! I don't want to have to go through that... Touch my arm.

"You know what they'll do to me if they catch me alive, don't you?"

"I don't wanna have to go through that.
Touch my arm."
Page 1: Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Rodimus Primal // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 3: Slattery, lightly edited for style.
467BARAM: Are you...shaking?
I can't believe it!
You're acting like a coward!
Come on, you weakling!
Grab a knife and...
Baram: Feel it shaking? I've never been afraid in my life, and now I'm quivering like a little girl. Please, before I wet myself and have to die a coward... Just take your knife, and--
Clyde: I can't do it!
"Feel it shaking?"

"I've never been afraid in my life,
and now I'm quivering like a little girl."

"Please, before I piss myself and have to die a coward…
Just take your knife, and--"

"I CAN'T!"
Page 1 & 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Slattery, "wet" -> "piss" // Page 4: Woolsey.
468BARAM: Clyde!!!Baram: Clyde!!! Baram
(W & S)
469CLYDE: I'm sorry...Clyde: I'm sorry... Clyde
"I'm sorry…"
(W & S)
470BARAM: Clyde!
How dare you!?
Baram: Clyde! How could you!? Baram
Woolsey, reformatted partly w/r/t kWhazit
Stay with me now!
Woman: Hey... Hey, are you all right? Woman
Hey! Are you all right?"
A small village called Thama...
Hang in there!
Clyde: I?
Woman: In a small village called Come on now, pull yourself together!

"In a small village called Tha… ma… …
Come on now, pull yourself together!"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery.
Talk to the Impresario!
Oh, this is no good! No good at all! Please, go talk to the impresario!Aaaaahh!
Help… HELP!
Please, go talk to the Impresario!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
474Thank goodness!Thank goodness!Thank goodness! (W & S)
475A dragon is sitting smack in the middle of the stage!Oh, dear... There's a dragon sitting smack in the middle of my stage! What'll I do?Impresario
"There's a dragon sitting right smack in the middle of my stage!
What'll I do?"
Slattery; "smack" -> "right smack", added "Impresario" label, removed "Oh, dear..." w/r/t Woolsey.
477Looks like we're gonna have to save the day once again!Looks like you saved the day for us once again!Impresario
"Looks like you saved the day for us once again!"
478There's something odd about this stratum...
It's as if we've bumped into something...
<Choice> (Continue journey)
<Choice> (Stop and explore)
This stratum's unusually rough... We seem to be catching on something.
<Choice> (Restart the engines.)
<Choice> (Stop here.)
This stratum is unusually rough…

"We seem to be catching on something."
<Choice> (Restart the engines.)
<Choice> (Stop and explore.)
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
479SOLDIER: Who in blazes're YOU?Soldier: Who goes there!?Soldier
"Who in blazes're YOU?"
480SOLDIER A: Shhhh!
Do I always have to tell you to keep it down?!
You're hopeless...!
SOLDIER A: I hate that weirdo, Kefka. I don't even think he's human, not like General Leo...
SOLDIER B: Agreed.
Soldier A: Shhh! I just told you to keep it down! How many times are you gonna make me say it?
Soldier A: You've gotta be more careful! General Leo may be a decent man, but Kefka...that guy's twisted!
Soldier B: Tell me about it...
Soldier A
"Shhhh!! I just told you to keep it down! How many times are you gonna make me say it?"

Soldier A
"You've gotta be more careful!
General Leo may be a decent man,
but Kefka… that guy's twisted!"

Soldier B
"Tell me about it…"
Page 1: Slattery; lightly edited for tone. // Page 2 & 3: Slattery.
481Sabin: What the...?
Where'd these soldiers come from?
Sabin: What the...? Why are there so many troops here?Sabin
"What the…?
What are all these troops doing here…!?"
Reworked Slattery.
482COMMANDER: You two! We're about to storm Doma Castle...
You will join the assault team!
Captain: You there! We're about to storm the castle. The two of you will join the assault squad. Get moving!Captain
"You two! We're about to storm the castle, and you just volunteered for the assault team! Get moving!"
DarkMage (reworked Slattery, fantastic humor).

<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
OPTIONAL CONTINUE. (normally unused blank caption)
484SOLDIER: Rogue!!!Soldier: Swine!Soldier
New. "Rogue" (Woolsey) said by a soldier is considered ambiguous. "Swine" (Slattery) considered too archaic.
485This's an Imperial base.
Too many soldiers...
An Imperial camp... There are an awful lot of soldiers here...<Party Leader>
"{What the…?/This is the Imperial camp…}
{What are all these troops doing here…!?/And it's crawling with soldiers…}"
Mostly new; "an Imperial [Woolsey, Slattery]" -> "the Imperial", since this line is meant for the case where Sabin has met Shadow, and thus has already heard about the camp. Adaptive Dialog added for the case where the party has met Shadow, but Sabin has not, using caption #481 for alt text.
486SOLDIER A: Hey, have you heard?
SOLDIER B: Oh, you mean...
SOLDIER A: Shhh! Quiet down.
If Kefka catches us, we're toast.
Soldier A: Hey, did you hear?
Soldier B: Oh, you mean--
Soldier A: Shhh! Keep your voice down! If Kefka catches us, we're toast!
Soldier A
"Hey, have you heard?"

Soldier B
"Oh, you mean--"

Soldier A
Keep your voice down.
If Kefka catches us, we're toast!"
Slattery, lightly repunctuated for tone.
487SOLDIER A: If he drives General Leo out of our battalion,
he'll probably become the next general!
SOLDIER B: Don't make me laugh!
If someone like him becomes a general, I'll go home!
Soldier A: They say Kefka's plotting to drive away General Leo so he can take over his position as general...
Soldier B: Don't even joke about something like that. If that freak becomes our general, I'll quit!
Soldier A
"They say Kefka's plotting to drive out General Leo so he can take his place as general…"

Soldier B
"Don't even joke about something like that. If that freak becomes our general, I'll desert!"
Slattery, edited for simplicity.
488SOLDIER A: Shhhhh!
What if he hears you?
You'll be jailed!
SOLDIER B: Alright, alright!
Soldier A: Shhh! What if he hears you? You'll be locked up!
Soldier B: All right, all right!
Soldier A
What if he hears you?
You'll be locked up!"

Soldier B
"All right, all right!"
489SOLDIER B: Uh, oh...
Here he comes...
Back to the waiting zone!
Soldier B: Uh-oh... Here he comes! Quick, back to your post!Soldier B
"Uh, oh… Here he comes!
Quick, back to your post!"
490KEFKA: Hey, you!
You keeping a sharp lookout?
SOLDIER A: Yes, Sir.
You're Kefka, correct?
How are you, Sir?
KEFKA: Please!
Save your petty small talk!
Just do your job!
Kefka: Hey, you! You keeping a sharp lookout? Hmm?
Soldier A: Yes, sir! Kefka, sir! What a pleasant surprise! How are you today, sir?
Kefka: Please, spare me your petty small talk! Just do your job! And don't let me catch you slacking, or I'll make you regret being born!
"Hey, you there!
Keeping a sharp lookout?"

Soldier A
"Yes, sir! Lord Kefka, sir!
What a pleasant surprise!
How are you today, sir?"

"Please, save your petty small talk!
And don't let me catch you slacking,
or I'll make you regret being born!"
Page 1: Slattery, lightly edited for style. // Page 2: "Kefka, sir!" -> "Lord Kefka, sir!" (DarkMage) // Page 3: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
491SOLDIER B: Phew...!
Someone's gotta put that guy away!
SOLDIER B: I'd like to tell him to his face he's no General Leo!
Soldier B: Hmph! Like we're gonna listen to you, you pompous little...
Soldier B: What's wrong with that guy, anyway? It's like General Leo got all the good qualities a man could have, and Kefka got stuck with the rest...
Soldier B
Like hell we're gonna listen to you, you pompous little…"

Soldier B
"What's the matter with that guy, anyway? If it were up to me, he'd be licking General Leo's boots clean!"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 2: 1st sentence - Slattery lightly edited for style. 2nd sentence - New; attempt to localize FF6j insult / figure of speech lit. "feed him the grime off of General Leo's nails [kWhazit]"
492SOLDIER: General Leo.
The citizens of Doma seem to be playing a waiting game...
LEO: So, that's their strategy.
Soldier: General Leo, sir. The Domans appear to be playing a waiting game.
Leo: So, they're using their favorite strategy...
"General Leo, sir.
The Domans appear to be playing a waiting game."

"So, they're using their favorite strategy…"
493SOLDIER: General.
We're ready to take the castle. Just give the order...
LEO: Patience!
If we attack now, we'll have to sacrifice too many lives.
Soldier: General... We're ready to storm the castle as soon as you give the order...
Leo: Patience! If we attack now, there will be too many unnecessary casualties.
"General, we're ready to storm the castle.
Just give the order--"

If we attack now, there will be too many unnecessary casualties."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery.
494SOLDIER: But, General!
I'm ready to lay my life down at any time for the Empire!
Soldier: But...General! I'm prepared to lay down my life for the Empire at any time!Soldier
I'm prepared to lay down my life at any time for the Empire!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
495LEO: You're from Maranda, right?
SOLDIER: Y...yes Sir. Why?
Leo: You're from Maranda, are you not?
Soldier: Huh? I mean, yes, sir, I am, but...why do you ask, sir?
"…You're from Maranda, right?"

"Huh…? I mean, yes, sir!
Why do you ask…sir?"
DarkMage (based on Slattery) merged w/ Woolsey.
496LEO: And your family lives there? Fall in battle, and I'll have to deliver the bad news...
What shall I say to them?
You have a life to go back to someday. Don't throw it all away for nothing. Emperor Gestahl wouldn't want that.
Leo: You would have me go there and deliver the news of your passing to your family? What would I say when I handed them your sword? How could I even look at them? You're a human being before you're a soldier. Don't be so eager to throw away your life. Emperor Gestahl wouldn't want you to die for nothing.Leo
"And you have family living there, do you not?"

"What would you have me say to them, as I handed them your sword?
How could I even look at them?"

"You're a human being before you're a soldier. Don't be so eager to throw away your life. I'm sure Emperor Gestahl wouldn't want that."
Slattery, somewhat simplified and restructured w/r/t kWhazit.
497SOLDIER: Yes, Sir!Soldier: Yes, sir!Soldier
"Yes, sir!"
(W & S)
498SOLDIER: General Leo!Soldier: General Leo, sir!Soldier
"General Leo, sir!"
499SOLDIER: Hey!
What are you doing?
Soldier: Hey! What do you think you're doing!?Soldier
What do you think you're doing!?"
500SOLDIER: A carrier pigeon from Emperor Gestahl.Soldier: A carrier pigeon arrived from Emperor Gestahl!Soldier
"A carrier pigeon from Emperor Gestahl."
501LEO: What...?Leo: What...?Leo
(W & S)
502LEO: The Emperor summons me.
I must return immediately.
Leo: The emperor summons me. I must return at once.Leo
"The Emperor summons me.
I must return to the capital at once."
Slattery; added kWhazit "to the homeland" -> "to the capital"
503SOLDIER: I understand, Sir.Soldier: Understood, sir.Soldier
"Understood, sir."
504LEO: Right.
I'll leave Doma in your hands.
SOLDIER: Yes, Sir.
LEO: Okay...
Just don't jump the gun.
Leo: I'll leave the rest in your hands.
Soldier: Yes, sir.
Leo: Listen to me... Don't rush things. That's all I ask.
"I'm leaving the rest in your hands."

"Yes, sir."

"Listen to me…
Don't rush things.
That's all I ask."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit (verb tense) // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Slattery.
505SOLDIER: Sir!
Leave it to us, Sir!
Soldier: Sir! Leave it to us, sir!Soldier
Leave it to us, sir!"
Slattery. (Woolsey + capitalization corrected)
506LEO: Right.Leo: I'm counting on you.Leo
"I'm counting on you."
507So that's General Leo...
He could be my friend, if he weren't my enemy...
So that's General Leo... He may be an enemy, but he seems like a decent man.<Party Leader>
"So that's General Leo…"

}"He could be my friend,
if he weren't my enemy…"
Woolsey; Adaptive Dialog converts into conversation w/ Sabin if Shadow is party leader
508That was too close...!Whew... That was close!<Party Leader>
That was too close{!/…}"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
509Urrgh! The top won't open.
<Choice> (Kick it)
<Choice> (Hit it)
<Choice> (Leave it)
Urgh! It won't open.
<Choice> (Kick it.)
<Choice> (Hit it.)
<Choice> (Leave it.)
<Party Leader>
It won't open."

<Choice> (Kick it.)
<Choice> (Hit it.)
<Choice> (Leave it.)
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. Adaptive Dialog adds speaker label & slightly adjusts tone if Shadow is party leader
510Yeeeouch!Ow!<Party Leader>
Slattery; Adaptive Dialog adds speaker label & slightly adjusts tone if Shadow is party leader
511No! A sentry!Uh-oh! Must've heard that!<Party Leader>
Must've heard that…!"
Slattery; Adaptive Dialog adds speaker label & slightly adjusts tone if Shadow is party leader
512SOLDIER: Who goes there?Soldier: Who's there!?Soldier
"Who's there!?"
513SOLDIER: ...???
I knew I heard something...
SOLDIER: Just a lousy cat...
Soldier: ...? I know I heard something... "Meooow!"
Soldier: Oh. Just a stupid cat...
I know I heard something…"

<Party Leader>
meooow… …"

Damned cat…"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery (verb tense) // Page 2: Woolsey/Slattery, reformatted for comedic effect; Adaptive Dialog added for speaker label. Page 3: Spooniest merged w/ DarkMage.
514KEFKA: Now that Leo's gone, I'll turn this water into a flowing river of poison!Kefka: Once Leo's gone, I can turn this water into a flowing river of poison! Anyone who touches it'll be pushing up daisies! Hee-hee...Kefka
"Once Leo's gone, I can turn this boring creek into a flowing river of poison!"

"Anyone who touches it will be pushing up daisies! Hee-hee…!"
Slattery; "water" -> "boring creek"
515LEO: The Emperor has ordered me to return home. I don't want any trouble here!
KEFKA: You loser!
I'll take care of this situation in no time!
Leo: I'm afraid the emperor has called me back home. Try not to cause any trouble in my absence.
Kefka: Hmph! I'll take care of things faster than you ever would!
"I'm afraid the Emperor has called me back home. Try not to cause any trouble in my absence."

"You loser!
I'll take care of this situation faster than you ever would!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
516LEO: Don't be pompous!
And DON'T forget that they are PEOPLE, just like you and me.
KEFKA: We need not spare those lands that gave rise to the Returners!
Leo: Nothing dirty, Kefka! They may be our enemies, but they're still human beings. Try not to forget that.
Kefka: We needn't show mercy to those who side with the Returners. ...Which is good, because I never seem to have any of the stuff.
"Nothing dirty, Kefka! They may be our enemies, but they're still human beings. Don't forget that."

"We needn't show mercy to lands that side with the Returners!"

"…Which is good, because I never seem to have any of the stuff…"
Page 1: Slattery; "Try not to" -> "Don't" to avoid phrase duplication w/r/t #515. Slattery's use of Kefka's name is novel, and well worth it. // Page 2: Slattery; "those" -> "lands [Woolsey]".
517KEFKA: You just go and be a good little boy...!Kefka: Yes, you just go off and be a good little boy...Kefka
"Yes, you just go off and be a good little boy…!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey
518KEFKA: Is the poison ready?
SOLDIER: But, General Leo said...
KEFKA: He's no longer here!
I'm in charge now. Pour it!
SOLDIER: Some of our people are prisoners inside the castle!
If we poison the river...
KEFKA: Do it!
Take 'em all out!
Kefka: Is the poison ready?
Soldier: But, General Leo said--
Kefka: Leo's not here anymore. I'm in charge now. Fork it over!
Soldier: Some of our people are being held prisoner inside the castle! If any of them were to drink the water...
Kefka: Who cares? They're the ones who were stupid enough to get caught by the enemy!
"Is the poison ready?"

"But…General Leo said--"

"He's not here anymore!
I'm in charge now.
Fork it over!"

"Some of our people are being held prisoner inside the castle!
If they drink the water…"

"It'll serve the fools right for getting caught!
Take 'em all out!"
Page 1: (W & S) // Page 2: Woolsey/Slattery repunctuated. // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 4: First sentence Slattery, second sentence kWhazit. // Page 5: First sentence Spooniest "serve(s) them right" merged with Lina Darkstar "fools", second sentence Woolsey.
519That's inhuman!You're inhuman!<Party Leader>
"You're inhuman!"
Slattery. (Woolsey, "That's" -> "You're")
520KEFKA: Unh? Silence!
You're history, bub...
Kefka: Gah...! Pests at every turn! Guess I'll have to take care of you, too!Kefka
"Unh? Silence!
You're in for it, bub!"
Woolsey; "You're history" -> "You're in for it" w/r/t kWhazit "I'll make you suffer"
521KEFKA: What an oaf!
When I get my hands on him...
Kefka: Pestering little...! Really want me to let you have it, do you!?Kefka
"Stubborn dolt!
Are you that desperate to suffer!?"
(unused) kWhazit; "twit" -> "dolt". "Are you that desparate to suffer!?" very literal rendering actually works here.
522KEFKA: Ha, ha, ha!
...What a toad!
Kefka: *gasp*... *pant*... You just don't give up, do you?Kefka
You just don't give up, do you!?
What a toad!"
Slattery, appended Woolsey "What a toad!" off-the-wall insult
523KEFKA: Huh!?
How long do you expect me to put up with you? Next time, you're a goner.
Kefka: Gah! How long do you expect me to put up with this? Next time I won't hold back!Kefka
How long do you expect me to put up with this?"

"Next time, you're a goner!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
"Stubborn dolt!
Are you that desperate to suffer!?"/"Stop!!"}
New. "Wait (Woolsey et al.)" -> "Stop" to avoid over-repetition with the battle dialog. Adaptive Dialog switches to alternate line, unused #521, for this caption when player catches up with Kefka.
525KEFKA: Oh, gripe!
Hey! If you know what's good for you...
Kefka: Oh, gripe! This is getting tiresome. Hey, you! Handle the rest!Kefka
"Oh, gripe!
Hey! You handle the rest!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery & referencing kWhazit.
Unless we act now, Kefka'll use the poison to...
No! Gotta hurry, or Kefka will dump the poison into the river!No!
Gotta hurry, or Kefka will dump the poison into the river!
527KEFKA: Hee, hee!
Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!
Uwa, ha, ha!
Kefka: Hee-hee... Nothing beats the sweet music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison! Uwee-hee-hee!Kefka
"Hee-hee… Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!"

"Uwa, ha, ha!"
Woolsey; "Hee, hee!" -> "Hee-hee... [Slattery]"
528COMMANDER: Attack!Captain: Charge!Captain
Woolsey; "COMMANDER" -> "Captain [Slattery]"
529DOMA SENTRY: It's hopeless.
We can't keep them out.
Doman Sentry: It's hopeless! We can't keep them all out.Doman Sentry
"It's hopeless!
We can't keep them all out."
Slattery (Woolsey lightly edited).
530DOMA SENTRY: So, it's finally happening...Doman Sentry: So, this is it...Doman Sentry
"So, this is it…"
531A moment, Sir!Wait!Wait!Slattery.
532Allow me the honor!The battle is not yet lost!The battle is not yet lost!Slattery.
533Cyan: If we can fell their commander, they'll surely give up.Cyan: If we can but fell their commander, they should break rank and withdraw.Cyan
"If we can but fell their commander,
they shall surely break rank and withdraw."
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey, lightly edited for style.
534Cyan: Let us give it a try.Cyan: I shall meet him on the field of battle.Cyan
"Let us go forth!"
535Cyan: Thou musn't give up the fight!Cyan: I must not turn my back to the battle at hand!Cyan
"I must not turn my back to the battle at hand!"
536DOMA SENTRY: Sir Cyan!
Let their commander have it!
Doman Sentry: Sir Cyan! Please, defeat their commander!Doman Sentry
"Sir Cyan!
Please, defeat their commander!"
537DOMA SENTRY: Sir Cyan!Doman Sentry: Sir Cyan!Doman Sentry
"Sir Cyan!"
538Cyan: I am Cyan,
retainer to the King of Doma.
I am your worst nightmare...
Cyan: I am Cyan, retainer to the king of Doma. Ready thy axe!Cyan
"I am Cyan,
retainer to the King of Doma.
Ready thy axe!"
539Cyan: Huh?
The water looks odd...
Cyan: Hmm...? Does the water not look a bit...odd?Cyan
Doth not the water appear somewhat…odd?"
Slattery, edited for style.
540TROOPER: The general's been defeated! Run!!!Soldier: The captain's been defeated! Retreat!Soldier
"The captain's been defeated!
541Cyan: This is... POISON!Cyan: It must be...poison!Cyan
"This is… POISON!"
542Cyan: Your Highness!
Fear not!
KING DOMA: Who's there?
Cyan: Your Highness!
King: Who's there...?
"Your Majesty!
Hold on!"

King of Doma
"Who's there…?"
Page 1: Lina Darkstar // Page 2: Slattery; label "King" -> "King of Doma" (lit. King Doma [W])
543Cyan: Cyan, Excellency.
KING DOMA: Indeed!
My sight is going fast...
Can't see a thing...
Cyan: Excellency!
Hang on!
KING DOMA: Cyan...
You have defended the realm since my father's days...hack, cough...
Thank you...
It's over...
Our kingdom is through.
Cyan: Cyan, Your Excellency!
King: Oh, Cyan... My sight is failing... I cannot see your face...
Cyan: Excellency! Please, you must be strong!
King: Cyan... You have defended this realm since the days of my father before me... I thank you...for your service. Urgh... Forgive me... I failed to protect our kingdom...
"Cyan, my liege."

King of Doma
"Ah, it is you…
My sight is failing…
I cannot see your face…"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
Please, be strong!"

King of Doma

"You have defended this realm since the days of my father…
(hack)…(cough)… I thank you…"

Forgive me…
I have failed to protect our kingdom…"
Page 1: Woolsey; "Excellency" (atypical for monarchs) -> "my liege" (more generic for subject addressing his lord) // Page 2: Slattery; "King" -> "King of Doma" (see #542), First sentence "Oh, Cyan..." -> "Ah, it is you..." since FF6j & Woolsey do not use Cyan's name (& King uses Cyan's name shortly after). // Page 3: kWhazit. // Page 4: W & S; "King" -> "King of Doma" (see #542) // Page 5: Slattery, shortened w/r/t Woolsey. // Page 6: Slattery, repunctuated for tone w/r/t kWhazit/FF6j
544Cyan: Not yet, Highness!
KING DOMA: I fear for your family. Uhh...chest is on
Cyan: Save your strength!
Don't talk!
KING DOMA: to your family...hack... gasp... ......
Cyan: Highness!!
Cyan: No, Excellency, the fault lies not with thee!
King: I fear for your family... chest burns...with every breath...
Cyan: Speak not, my lord! Save thy strength!
King: your family... *cough*... *gasp*......
Cyan: Excellency!
"No, the fault lieth not with thee!"

King of Doma
"I fear for your family. Uhn…
Chest is on f…fire…"

"Speak not!
Save thy strength!"

King of Doma
"Go…to them…
(hack)… (gasp)… ……"

"Your Majesty!!"
Page 1: Slattery; lies->lieth (basis "the difficulty lieth not here" found in 17th century publication) // Page 2: Woolsey; "Uhh..."->"Uhn...", reformatted for pacing, "KING DOMA" -> "King of Doma" (see #542) // Page 3: Slattery; removed novel ", my lord". // Page 4: Slattery; "King" -> "King of Doma" (see #542), "your family" -> "them [novel]" for style, "cough" -> "hack [Woolsey]". // kWhazit, recapitalized.
545Cyan: Elayne!
Elayne! Wake up!
Cyan: Elayne! Do not leave me, Elayne!Cyan
Elayne, come back to me!"
New; close to literal "Be strong [kWhazit]"/"Pull yourself together", but rendered to better fit the scene. Other translations don't seem to capture very well the fact that Elayne is found already gravely unconscious from the poisoning, almost certainly dead, and Cyan is calling for her to come to. Woolsey's rendering isn't wrong per se, but it does give an impression of having missed something of the obvious gravity of Elayne's condition.
546Cyan: This...
This...can't be happening!
Cyan: This... This is unpardonable...Cyan
This is too evil…"
New. kWhazit ("Can such... Can such a thing be allowed...?") keeps FF6j's structure, but Slattery's word choice ("This is...unpardonable") is closer to literal; neither "allowed" nor "(un)pardonable" feel credible here on a raw emotional level. "(Un)forgivable" would be closer; What's important is Cyan expressing that this evil is great enough to make even the possibility of atonement unimaginable. The new edit forgoes mentioning forgiveness explicitly in order to focus in on the extremity of the evil -- which is really what kWhazit/FF6j "...such a thing..." is capturing as well. Note: line similar to Woolsey's "can't be happening" used via Slattery in #560. "Unforgivable" comes back explicitly in #561.
547Cyan: ! Owain...
NOT YOU TOO! can't BOTH leave me!
Cyan: ...! Owain!!!Cyan
Slattery; removed extra exclamation point w/r/t FF6j
548Faithful retainer to his family's liege, with the courage and strength of a hundred men...A noble warrior of a foreign land. A faithful retainer to his lord and master, he fears not even death... A noble warrior of a foreign land.
A faithful retainer to his lord and
liege, he fears not even death…
Slattery; "master" -> "liege [Woolsey]"
549The Empire's base is bustling with activity. Something must be up!There's a great deal of activity in the Imperial camp. I think they may be preparing another assault!There's a great deal of activity in the Imperial camp.
Could they be preparing another assault?
Slattery; second sentence converted to a question w/r/t kWhazit/FF6j
550DOMA SENTRY: What lowdown, contemptible...!Doman Sentry: What low-down, contemptible...!Doman Sentry
"What depraved, contemptible…!"
Rodimus Primal (Woolsey, "lowdown"->"vicious [Lina Darkstar]", "contemptible"->"evil"); "Doma Sentry" -> "Doman Sentry [Slattery]"
551Cyan: Guard our liege!Cyan: We must warn the king!Cyan
"We must warn the King!"
552Cyan: Walled up in there, we can wait out our enemy!Cyan: Withdraw into the castle. We shall wait within its walls, while our enemies grow tired without.Cyan
"Withdraw into the castle.
We shall wait within its walls, while our foes grow weary without."
DarkMage (Slattery; "enemies" -> "foes", "tired" -> "weary").
553Cyan: D... Dear me...Cyan: No... No...!Cyan
"N… no…"
Slattery, edited for reduced coherence w/r/t kWhazit & Woolsey. "D... Dear me [Woolsey]", while currently considered still too coherent for the extreme shock that Cyan is experiencing, warrants reconsideration. It's an absolutely nauseating rendering, in a good way.
554DOMA SENTRY: We're through.Doman Sentry: We were...too late...Doman Sentry
"We were…too late…"
555DOMA SENTRY: To the King, on the double!Doman Sentry: To the king, with all haste!Doman Sentry
"{Quickly, to His Majesty/To the king, with all haste}!"
Slattery; w/ alt. line via Adaptive Dialog to avoid repetition: kWhazit
556Cyan: Right!
The King's room is near!
Cyan: Yes! The throne room is just ahead!Cyan
The throne room is just ahead!"
557Cyan: Highness...Cyan: Excellency...Cyan
New. "Highness [Woolsey]"/"Excellency [Slattery]" considered less appropriate for a monarch -> "Majesty"
558Cyan: There have to be some survivors in the castle!
DOMA SENTRY: Let's split up...
Cyan: There may still be survivors in the castle!
Doman Sentry: Let's split up and search...
"There may still be survivors in the castle!"

Doman Sentry
"Let's split up and search…"
559Cyan: Here, too...Cyan: Here, too...Cyan
"Here, too…"
(W & S)
560Cyan: I...impossible!
Cyan: This is not possible... This cannot be happening!Cyan
"This can't be happening…
This was not a possibility!"
First sentence adapted from Slattery, or Woolsey in #546; Second sentence New; similar to Slattery "This is not possible...", edited to better match the meaning and intensity of Woolsey ("Idiotic!") and FF6j (lit. "This is stupid!", a difficult-to-translate expression for disbelief towards an outrageous situation).
561We can't forgive this!
The Empire must pay!
Cyan: I will not forgive them...! The Empire must pay for this!Cyan
"I'll never forgive them…
Never! Ye unforgivable bastards!
New. Elements of Slattery/Woolsey, both considered to miss the mark in terms of passion; rhythm informed by kWhazit/FF6j; intensity informed by Lina Darkstar; all-caps sentence influenced by Spooniest. Wording of final sentence matches Rodimus Primal.
562TROOPER: This is off limits.Soldier: This area's off-limits.Soldier
"This area is off-limits."
Slattery; "area's" -> "area is" for decreased friendliness
563WARRIOR: I am Cyan,
retainer to King Doma!
Cyan: I am Cyan, retainer to the king of Doma!Cyan
"I am Cyan,
retainer to the king of Doma!"
564Cyan: Ohhh!
This is too much!
Cyan: Grrr! There will be no mercy for thee!Cyan
There'll be no mercy for thee!"
Slattery; "Grrr!" -> "Rrraagh!" influenced by Lina Darkstar/kWhazit/Spooniest; "There will" -> "There'll" to reduce formality & increase passion
565Cyan: Urgh!!!
Who released this poison?
Cyan: Gaaah! Who poisoned the river!?Cyan
Which of you spilt the poison!?"
First sentence "Rrraagh!" see #564; Second sentence kWhazit repunctuated w/r/t Slattery; "ye" -> "you" since "Which of___...?" should take the oblique case (i.e. Which of them...?), and the archaic second person plural oblique personal pronoun is apparently "you" exclusively. Confirmed basis found in 17th century publications (Which of you doth...)
566SOLDIER: The enemy!
Get ready, everyone!
Soldier: Enemy!!! All men, to your positions!Soldier
All men, to your positions!"
Slattery; one of the two extra exclamation points removed w/r/t Woolsey/kWhazit/FF6j
567Sabin: That guy's a sitting duck! Gotta help him, fast!Sabin: That guy's a goner on his own! Gotta help him...and fast!Sabin
"That guy's a goner on his own!
{G/We've g}otta help him, fast!"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey. Alt text "Gotta" -> "We've gotta" via Adaptive Dialog if M.C. Shadow (Sabin still speaker).
568Sabin: Uwaaa!
It's that poison!
This isn't gonna be easy...
Sabin: Whoa! There's still poison all over the place! Going through here would be suicide!Sabin

"There's still poison all over the place!
Going through here would be suicide!"
569Sabin: May I give you a hand?!Sabin: Let me give you a hand!Sabin
"Let {me/us} give you a hand!"
Slattery; "me" -> "us" via Adaptive Dialog if M.C. Shadow (Sabin still speaker).
570Cyan: Thank you...
whomever you are.
Cyan: I know not thy name or allegiance, but I welcome thy aid!Cyan
"I know not {thy/your} name{/s} or allegiance{/s}, but I welcome {thy/your} aid!
Slattery; Adaptive Dialog makes second person plural if M.C. Shadow.
571Sabin: Let me have at it!Sabin: These ones next!?Sabin
"{Who's next!?
Let me at 'em!/These ones next!?}"
Spooniest (reworded from Woolsey); "Lemme" -> "Let me [Woolsey]"; added question "Who's next!?" to the beginning, influenced by more accurate Slattery/kWhazit/FF6j; Adaptive Dialog if M.C. Shadow- changes line to Slattery
572Cyan: What a mess!!
Be careful, Sir!!
Cyan: Grrr! They are tougher than they would appear!Cyan
They are tougher than they would appear{/, sire}!"
Slattery; "Grrr!" -> "Rrraagh!" (see #564); added "Sir [Woolsey]" -> "sire".
573Look...we're gonna have to do this together!Sabin: Look, I think we're gonna have to do this together!Sabin
I think we're gonna have to finish this together!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; "do" -> "finish [Woolsey unused #575]", since Cyan & Sabin have already been 'doing this together' for two battles so far. The line may have intended "this" to refer to the pending battle only, but the ambiguity makes it easily come across as though Cyan has been obstinately refusing Sabin's help to that point.
574Cyan: The thought had occurred to me as well!Cyan: The thought had occurred to me as well!Cyan
"The thought had occurred to me as well!"
575Sabin: I'm Sabin, from Figaro. I'll explain more later. First, let's finish this!Sabin: I'm Sabin, from the kingdom of Figaro. We can talk more later. Let's get out of here!~~~
"I'm Sabin, from the kingdom of Figaro. We can talk more later. Let's get out of here!"
(unused) Slattery.
576Cyan: Thank you, kind sir!Cyan: I am in thy debt!Cyan
"I am truly in thy debt, sire!"
Slattery; inserted "truly" w/r/t kWhazit "verily"; added "sire" w/r/t Woolsey "kind sir". Using "sire" early as much as possible in order to adequately prep for #597.
577Cyan: Eeoooa!
Be you friend or enemy?!
Cyan: Grrr! Art thou an enemy as well!?Cyan
Art thou friend or foe!?"
Woolsey; "Eeoooa" -> "Rrraagh" (see #564); "Be you" -> "Art thou [Slattery]"; "enemy" -> "foe [Spooniest]"; reformatted.
578Sabin: Ouuuch!
...didn't MEAN to step in there...
Sabin: Ouch! Probably shouldn't have gotten in the middle of that...<Party Leader>
…Didn't MEAN to step in there/Argh!
…Probably shouldn't get in the middle of that}…"
Woolsey; Dynamic Dialog alt line for M.C. Shadow: Slattery, lightly edited for style.
579Sabin: !Sabin: !!!Sabin
Slattery; removed one extra exclamation point w/r/t Woolsey
580Sabin: Allow me to thank you! I am Sabin, from Figaro.
Now, let's scram!
Sabin: No need for thanks! I'm Sabin, from the kingdom of Figaro. We should get out of here!Sabin
"No need to thank me.
I'm Sabin, of Figaro.
Now, let's get out of here!"
First & second sentence Darkmage; Third sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
581Cyan: But what of my home, my friends?
Sabin: Look...
If we stick around any longer we'll have a regiment of troops down our throats.
Cyan: But I must avenge my family and my countrymen...!
Sabin: If we stick around any longer, we'll have an entire regiment down our throats!
"But I must avenge my family…
my countrymen…!"

"Look… If we stick around any longer, we'll have an entire regiment down our throats!"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
582Cyan: Sir Sabin!!
It is I who is in your debt!
Cyan: Sir Sabin! It appears to be in reverse!Cyan
"Sir Sabin!!
It's g-going the wro-ong w-way!!"
Spooniest; reworded to be closer to literal (kWhazit, Slattery).
583Sabin: Forget it.
Now, come on!
Sabin: Yeah, yeah... Come on!Sabin
"Yeah, yeah…
Come on!"
584Cyan: Aaahhh!
We can't stop now!
Cyan: Aaahhh! I cannot stop this monstrosity!!!Cyan
Now it won't stop!"
Woolsey, reworded for more literal meaning w/r/t kWhazit. Wordy retranslations (Slattery "...this monstrosity!") seem to detract from the humor of Cyan plowing through a bunch of soldiers.
585Sabin: Then let's just bust through!Sabin: Okay, let's bust our way out of here!Sabin
"Okay, we're gonna bust our way out of here!"
Slattery, "let's" -> "we're gonna" for style.
586End of the line!Hold it right there!End of the line! (W)
587There's nowhere to run!Here they come! Stop them!Here they come!
Stop them!!
588Who said anything about running?!Did you really think you'd get away?Did you really think you'd get away?Slattery.
589Sabin: Can't believe we've made it this far...
Say, how do we get to Narshe from here?
Cyan: Narshe, eh?
Only one route, through the forest to the south.
Sabin: Okay, I think we should be safe now! So, how do I get to Narshe from here?
Cyan: Narshe? I believe the only route passes through the forest to the south, but--
I think we're finally out of the woods now."

"So, how do we get to Narshe from here?"

"Narshe? I believe the only route passeth through the forest to the south, but--"
Page 1: New; common figure of speech which, when interpreted, has a meaning slightly closer to literal (w/r/t Mato & kWhazit) than Slattery. (When the ironic pun was realized, it instantly blew away about four other candidates for the line.) Slattery's opening "Okay" -> "Whew" to avoid repetition w/ #585. There is a slight chance this line was actually meant to explain why Cyan joined Sabin permanently, and if so, Lina Darkstar was the only one to partially pick up on that. The next page uses the first person plural (same as Woolsey) to help make up for it if that meaning was erroneously missed. // Page 2: Woolsey; "Say," -> "So, [Slattery]". // Page 3: Slattery; "passes" -> "passeth".
590Sabin: All right!
It's decided.
Let's get going!
Sabin: All right! If we're going into the woods, I guess we won't be needing these hunks of scrap metal anymore. Let's get going!Sabin
"All right, it's decided!
No more need for this junk, then.
Let's go!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit; "garbage" -> "junk [DarkMage]"
591Sabin: Nothing but poison this way!Sabin: There's nothing but poison that way!Sabin
"Nothing but poison this way!"
592SOLDIER: Got 'em!
Over here!
Soldier: There they are! This way!Soldier
"There they are!
This way!"
593Sabin: Hoo, boy...
Sabin: I have a great idea...
Come over here.
Sabin: Hoo, boy...
Sabin: I have an idea... Follow me.
"Hoo, boy…"

"I have an idea.
Follow me!"
Slattery repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
594Cyan: Sir Sabin!
What on earth are these?
Cyan: Sir Sabin! What manner of armored beasts might these be?Cyan
"Sir Sabin!
What manner of armored beasts are these, sire?"
Slattery; "might these be" -> "are these [Woolsey]"; added ", sire" to help prep for #597.
595Sabin: I'll explain later!
Relax. Just climb in!
Sabin: I'll explain later! Just climb in!Sabin
"I'll explain later!
Just climb in!"
596Cyan: Sir Sabin!
How might these abominations be manipulated?
Cyan: Sir Sabin! How does one manipulate these abominations?Cyan
"Sir Sabin!
How does one manipulate these abominations, sire?"
Slattery; added ", sire" to help prep for #597.
597Sabin: I'm getting sick of this! Thou art such a pain in the...! Confound it all! I'm starting to talk like you!
Sabin: Now listen!
Just use those levers located by your hands.
Sabin: Oh, for...! Thou art getting to be quite a pain in the-- Great, now I'm even starting to talk like you!
Sabin: Listen! See that lever? The one right by your hand? Push it down.
"Oh, for…!
Sire, you are such a pain in the--"

"Great, I'm already starting to talk like thee…
…I mean YOU! Dammit!"

"Now listen! See that lever?
The one right by your hand?
Push it down."
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey, edited to use "Sire" as Sabin's initial slip-up rather than "Thou art". Neither is particularly believeable; however, the more syllables are involved, and the further one has to slip from modern English to get there, the harder it is to suspend one's disbelief for the sake of the joke. // Page 2: Slattery; "you!" -> "thee... No, YOU! Dammit! [novel]" Sometimes the best fruit is hanging so low, it would be a crime not to pick it. Now that the baseline gag is established, it can be repeated in exaggerated fashion for the real comedic payoff. Partial justification for the extension is also found in the fact that Slattery's exasperation is subdued ("Great, ...") while the original FF6j demands an exclamation ("Confound it all! [Woolsey]" / "Oh crap! [kWhazit]").
598This is a classroom for the beginner. Here we answer your questions about the world.
Think of us as your advisors...
This is a school for the beginning adventurer. Despite all of our recent advances in technology, the outside world remains full of monsters we know little about. Here, we provide advice to travelers brave enough to face its many dangers.This is a school for the budding adventurer.

"Despite all of our recent advances in technology, the outside world remains full of monsters we know little about."

"Here, we provide advice to travelers brave enough to face its many dangers."
599Welcome to this classroom.
We'll be here for you even if the world should crumble.
Welcome to our school for budding adventurers. We're always here to help you find your way in the world...or at least what's left of it.Welcome to our school for budding adventurers. We're always here to help you find your way in the world… or at least what's left of it.Slattery.
600This is water from a recovery spring. It'll restore your HP and MP. Such springs are located throughout the world.This is water from a recovery spring. It will restore your HP and MP. Such springs are located all throughout the world, so always be on the lookout!This is water from a recovery spring. It will restore your HP and MP. Such springs are located all throughout the world.Woolsey; "It'll" -> "It will [Slattery]"; "throughout" -> "all throughout [Slattery]"
601This is a Save Point.This is a save point.This is a save point.Slattery (Woolsey recapitalized).
602Valuables are often hidden in pots such as this one.Valuables are sometimes hidden in pots such as this one.Valuables are sometimes hidden in pots such as this one.Slattery.
603Use curative items to restore your HP. Staying at an Inn will revive your party in full.Potions may taste funny, but they also heal injury. If you are hurt, drink one to restore some HP. Staying at an inn will completely heal your entire party.When hurt, use curative items such as Potions to restore HP.
Staying at an inn will fully recover your party.
kWhazit merged w/ Woolsey.
Sometimes monsters lurk inside of treasure chests!
Be careful! Sometimes monsters lurk inside of treasure chests!Ha!
Sometimes monsters lurk inside of treasure chests!
605Heard about Relics?Have you heard about relics?Are you familiar with Relics?Slattery, "Have you heard about" -> "Are you familiar with" to more closely match meaning of kWhazit
606Choose with the A Button. Cancel a choice with the B Button. View the Main Menu with the X Button.Make selections using the A Button. Cancel them with the B Button. Press Start to open the main menu.Make selections using the {A/B} button.
Cancel them with the {B/A} button.
Open the field menu with the X button.
First and second sentence Slattery, w/ Adaptive Dialog for Confirm/Cancel button config; Third sentence Woolsey, "View" -> "Open", "Main Menu" -> "field menu", recapitalized.
607When buying armor and weapons you'll see some symbols next to your characters:
Triangles pointing up indicate increasing battle power.
Triangles pointing down indicate decreasing battle power.
"=" indicates no change in battle power.
"E" means the item is already equipped on that character.
A symbol under a character means that person is now in your party.
When selecting armor or weapons in a shop, symbols will appear next to characters that can equip them. An upward-pointing triangle indicates an increase in attack or defense power. A downward-pointing triangle indicates a decrease in attack or defense power. "=" indicates no change. "E" means that the item is already equipped on that character. A symbol beneath a character means that person is currently in your party.When selecting armor and weapons in a shop, you'll see some symbols next to your characters…

"Triangles pointing up indicate an upgrade in battle power.
Triangles pointing down indicate a downgrade in battle power."

"An equals sign '=' indicates no change in battle power.
The letter 'E' means the item is already equipped on that character."

"A symbol beneath a character means that person is currently in your party."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Woolsey; "increasing" -> "an upgrade in", "decreasing" -> "a downgrade in". // Page 3: Woolsey; inserted "An equals sign" before '=' at the beginning. // Page 4: Woolsey; inserted "The letter" before 'E' at the beginning. // Page 5: Slattery.
608If you select the "Wait" Battle Mode from the Config Menu...
You can take all the time you need to select spells or items without being attacked.
If you set the battle mode to "Wait" in the Config menu... can take all the time you want to select spells or items in battle without having to worry about being attacked!If you set the Battle Mode to 'Wait' in the Config menu, you can take all the time you need to select spells or items without being attacked.DarkMage (reworded & shortened Slattery); "without fear of being attacked" -> "without being attacked".
609Run from some battles by pressing (and holding) both the L and R Buttons.You can run from most battles by holding down both the L and R Buttons.You can run from most battles by holding down the L and R buttons simultaneously.Slattery; "both the L and R buttons" -> "the L and R buttons simultaneously".
610A full meter in the lower right means that character will be next to accept battle commands.
Press the X or Y button to pass that character's battle opportunity to the next character.
Turn meters are located in the lower right-hand corner of the battle screen. When a character's turn meter becomes full, you will be able to enter battle commands for that character. Press Select to skip to the next character without entering a command.Turn meters are located in the lower right-hand corner of the battle screen.

"When a character's turn meter becomes full, you will be able to enter a battle command for that character."

"Press the X or Y button to skip to the next character without entering a command."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: "battle commands" -> "a battle command" // Page 3: Slattery; updated for SNES button map
611When selecting a spell, press the L or R Button to select multiple targets.When selecting the target for a spell, press the L or R Button to target all enemies or allies.When selecting the target for a spell, press the L or R button to target all enemies or allies.Slattery.
612During a battle, press left or right on the control pad to select "Row" or "Defense."
"Defense" cuts received damage in half, and works until your next command input.
When the battle menu appears, press <Left key> or <Right key> to select "Row" or "Defend." "Row" moves the character from the front row to the back, or vice versa. "Defend" cuts received damage in half, and lasts until the character's next turn.When the battle menu appears, press Left or Right on the control pad to select the Row or Defend.

"The Row command moves the character between the front and back rows."

"The Defend command halves physical damage received until the character's next command."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Darkmage, lightly edited for consistency with following page. // Page 3: Slattery, lightly edited for clarity.
613Damage is more severe when caught in a pincer attack!
Use care when running!
Damage is more severe when enemies have you surrounded--especially if your back is to the one attacking!Damage is more severe when enemies have you surrounded--
especially if your back is to the one currently attacking!
Slattery, "attacking" -> "currently attacking" for clarity.
614White numerals appearing during battle are damage points. Green numerals are recovery points.The white numbers that appear during battle are damage points. Green numbers are recovery points.The white numerals that appear during battle are damage points.
Green numerals are recovery points.

"Red numerals are MP damage points, and blue numerals are MP recovery points."
Page 1: Slattery, "numbers" -> "numerals". // Page 2: New explanation for colored MP numerals.
615In the back row, damage and attack power are halved.
Change rows using the Main Menu: press left on the Control Pad, then press the A Button.
Damage received by characters in the back row is halved, but so is the attack power of those characters. To change rows from the main menu, press <Left key>, then select a character and press the A Button twice.Physical damage received by characters in the back row is halved,
but so is the attack power of those characters.

"To change a character's default row from the field menu,
press Left on the control pad,
and then press the {A/B} button."
Slattery, lightly edited for clarity.
616Need status info?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Shall I teach you about status effects?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Care to learn about status effects?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
New, semi-informed by Slattery & kWhazit; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Cyan & Gau.
Enemy can't strike you, but you're an easy target for spells.
You'll revert to normal if a spell hits you.
Lose use of spells and commands.
HP drops to 0, and you attack party members. Use "Revivify" to reverse.
For "Muddled" and "Psyche"
You'll revert to normal when struck by a weapon.
-Invisibility- Physical attacks will miss you, but spells will always strike true. You'll revert to normal if hit by magic. -Imp- Prevents you from using special skills and magic. -Zombie- Zombies attack friend and foe alike. Only holy water can reverse the status. If your skin is ashen, your HP is 0, and you're still moving, there's a good chance you're a zombie. -Sleep and Confusion- These status ailments are cancelled when the character is attacked.Invisible: Physical attacks won't hit you, but you'll be an easy target for spells. You'll revert to normal if hit by magic.

"Imp: Prevents you from using special abilities and magic."

"Zombie: If your skin is ashen, your HP is zero, and you're still moving, there's a good chance you're a zombie."

"Zombies attack friend and foe alike. Only Holy Water can reverse the status."

"Sleep/Confuse: You'll revert to normal when struck by a physical attack."
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "skills" -> "abilities". // Page 3 & 4: Slattery; "0" -> "zero", sentences reordered w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 5: Woolsey; "weapon" -> "physical attack".
618Use a curative spell or item on an undead creature for maximum damage.Undead creatures such as ghosts are damaged by curative spells and items.Undead creatures such as ghosts are damaged by curative spells and items.Slattery. (confirmed w/r/t kWhazit)
619Life 3
Automatically brought back even if status is affected.
HP gradually come back.
Reraise automatically revives a character if KO'd. Regen gradually restores a character's HP.Reraise automatically revives you one time if you fall in battle.
Regen gradually restores your HP.
Slattery; reworded for second-person to be similar to #617. Slattery uses combined sentences here instead of headers with explanations (Woolsey/FF6j) (see #617).
6203-way attack indicates a fire, ice and lightning attack.Fire, ice, and lightning are the three principle elements. They are represented by the spells Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder, respectively.Fire, ice, and lightning are the three prime elements. They are represented by the spells Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder, respectively.First sentence DarkMage, "core" -> "prime" w/r/t kWhazit "prime traits"; Second sentence Slattery.
621Rflect spells will fade over time, and can't block certain magic attacks.The Reflect spell remains active for only a short time and will not reflect lore magic.The Reflect spell remains active for only a short time, and it will not reflect lore magic.Slattery, lightly edited for clarity.
Turns many magic attacks into MP! Can be used repeatedly.
Increases Attack and Magic power. Duration increases with battles fought.
"Dance" and "Rage"
Once selected, will continue until the battle is over.
Allow me to explain a few of the specialized battle commands. -Runic- Absorbs magic and turns it into MP. Runic remains active until a spell is absorbed or another battle command is given. -Trance- Boosts attack and magic. The duration increases as more battles are fought. -Dance and Rage- Once selected, these commands are used continuously until the end of battle.Allow me to explain a few of the specialized battle commands.

Absorbs magic and turns it into MP.
Stays active until a spell is absorbed or another command is given."

Boosts attack and magic power.
The duration increases as more battles are fought."

"Dance, Rage:
Once selected, these are used continuously until the end of battle."
DarkMage (Slattery lightly edited); "unique battle skills" -> "specialized battle commands".
623When multiple images of your characters flash on the screen, weapons won't touch you.Image status creates illusionary images of a character, making it difficult for enemies to hit the character.Blink status creates illusionary projections of your likeness,
making it difficult for enemies to strike you.
Slattery, reworded for style (simpler second person)
624Might want to go out and get some experience in the world before coming in here!You might find this room more useful after you've gained some experience out in the world. A lot of the things you'll hear in here might not make much sense until you've gotten your feet wet.You might find this room more useful after you've gained some experience out in the world.

"For one thing, much of it is irrelevant at first."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: kWhazit.
625Near-fatal status can result in special hidden skills. See what happens if you select command "Fight"...Desperate times can bring out strength you never knew you had! Critically wounded characters may occasionally perform powerful, hidden techniques when you select "Attack."Desperate times can bring out strength you never knew you had!

"Critically wounded characters may occasionally perform powerful, hidden techniques when you select 'Attack'."
626Seems you have a piece of Magicite.
Want to learn more about Espers?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
It seems you have some magicite... Want to learn more about espers?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
It seems you've obtained some Magicite…

"Want to learn more about Espers?"
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Page 1: Slattery; "you have" -> "you've obtained". // Page 2: Woolsey, Adaptive Dialog on Yes/No choice for M.C. Cyan & Gau.
627To use an Esper it must be equipped. Choose "Skills" from the menu, then select "Espers."
During battle, select Magic, and press up on the Control Pad. Press the A Button to use the Esper.
Remember, an Esper can only be used once per battle.

Learning Magic
Learn new spells by equipping Espers. Switch Espers to learn different sets of spells.
The higher the "Learning Speed" the faster a spell is learned.
When equipped, some Espers will raise qualities (Strength, HP, MP etc.) to their maximum limits at the next "level up."
To use an esper, you must first equip its magicite. Select "Abilities" from the main menu, then select "Espers." To summon the esper in battle, select "Magic," press <Up key>, then select the esper with the A Button. You can only call upon a particular esper once per battle. -Learning Magic- A character learns spells over time when an esper is equipped. The set of spells each esper teaches is different. The higher a spell's acquisition rate, the faster it will be memorized. Some espers also permanently increase an attribute of the character equipping them when the character gains a level.To use an Esper, you must first equip its Magicite. Select 'Ability' from the menu, then select 'Espers.'

"To summon an Esper in battle,
select 'Magic', press Up on the control pad, and select the Esper with the {A/B} button."

"Note that an Esper can only be summoned once per battle."

Learning Magic

"You will learn magic spells over time when you have an Esper equipped."

"Each Esper teaches a different set of spells. The higher a spell's acquisition rate, the faster it will be memorized."

"Also, some Espers will permanently raise one of your attributes such as Strength, Magic, or maximum HP or MP when you gain a level."
Page 1: Slattery; "Abilities" -> "Ability"; "main menu" -> "menu [Woolsey]". // Page 2: Slattery lightly reworded, Adaptive Dialog for configured confirm button. // Page 3: DarkMage; Added "Note that" to the beginning w/r/t Woolsey "Remember" / kWhazit "The catch is that". // Page 4: (W) // Page 5: Slattery reworded into second person. // Page 6: Slattery, reworded for style. // Page 7: kWhazit, reworded into second person.
628Each SwdTech sword has its own unique name.
You'll gain more SwdTech skills over time.
Bushido techniques take time to master. New ones will be learned over time.It takes time to build up to each successive Bushido technique.
New Bushido techniques will be learned as you gain experience.
DarkMage; "gain in experience" -> "gain experience"
629About Rflect
"Rflect" doesn't block spells that have been "Rflected" off others.
Enemy protected by Rflect?
Try bouncing an attack off a Rflect-protected individual in your party!
Something to note about the Reflect spell... Reflect doesn't block spells that have already been reflected once. You can use this to your advantage. Cast Reflect on an ally, then cast attack spells on that same person to bounce them at an enemy! ...Get it?Something to note about Reflect…
The Reflect barrier cannot block spells that have already been reflected once.

"You can use this to your advantage.
Cast Reflect on an ally, and then cast attack spells on that same person to bounce them at an enemy!"

"…Get it?"
Page 1: DarkMage merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2 & 3: Slattery.
630Color changes indicate changes in status.Status effects are represented by different colors.Certain status effects are indicated by glowing colors.New. Rewritten to reduce ambiguity & match what happens onscreen. It's a tutorial.
631Blue = Rflect

Spells are reflected.
Blue = Reflect Spells are reflected back at enemies. Blue = "Reflect"

Spells are reflected back at
Slattery, reformatted.
632Yellow = "Safe"

Defense up!
Yellow = Protect Defense is increased. Yellow = "Protect"

Defense is increased.
Slattery, reformatted.
633Green = "Shell"

Magic defense up!
Green = Shell Magic defense is increased. Green = "Shell"

Magic defense is increased.
Slattery, reformatted.
634Red = "Haste"

Speed up!
Red = Haste Speed is increased. Red = "Haste"

Speed is increased.
Slattery, reformatted.
635White = "Slow"

Speed way down!
White = Slow Speed is decreased. White = "Slow"

Speed is decreased.
Slattery, reformatted.
636Pink = "Stop"

Time stops!
Pink = Stop Time is frozen. Pink = "Stop"

Time is frozen.
Slattery, reformatted.
637Locke: I think I'm gonna...Locke: Bleeeuuuugh!!!Locke
Slattery, removed one of three exclamation points. (FF6j has none.)
638Locke: Ooh... Ohhhhhh...Locke: Oooh... Ohhhhhh...Locke
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
639Stay clear of the engine room. It's dangerous.Keep away from the engine room. It's dangerous.Keep away from the engine room.
It's dangerous.
640We're almost to Crescent Island.We're almost to Crescent Island.We're almost to Greater Delta Island.Woolsey/Slattery; "Crescent Island" -> "Greater Delta Island" (lit. "Greater Triangle Island [kWhazit]"). "Delta" is more literal as a shape than "Crescent". "Greater" implies the existence of a "Lesser", a hint pointing to the small triangular island accessible later on (as noted by Lina Darkstar).
641The Magitek Armor's being refurbished.This Magitek armor's undergoing maintenance.This Magitek Armor's undergoing maintenance.Slattery.
642Celes: Hey...Locke...Celes: Um, Locke...Celes
"Hey… Locke…"
Woolsey, reformatted.
643Rumor has it that the power of magic still exists on Crescent Island.Rumor has it that the lost power of magic can still be found on Crescent Island, weak though it may be.Rumor has it that the lost power of magic still exists in traces on Greater Delta Island.Woolsey; "power" -> "lost power"; "exists" -> "exists in traces" w/r/t "weak though it may be [Slattery]" / "though only faintly [kWhazit]"; "Crescent" -> "Greater Delta" (see #640).
644Once we find an Esper, we'll be able to restore peace!We need to find the espers quickly so we can make peace with them!We need to find the Espers quickly so we can make peace with them!Slattery.
645Terra: ...
Where's Gau...?
Locke: He hates ships.
We must...leave him behind!
Terra: Where's Gau?
Locke: He must not like boats. Oh well...guess it's just the two of us!
"…Where's Gau…?"

"He must not like boats.
Oh well…
Guess it's just the two of us!"
(unused) Slattery.
646SOLDIER: All systems A-O-K.Soldier: The engines are all running smoothly, sir.Soldier
"The engines are all running smoothly, sir."
647Locke: Urgh... Uooh... Argh...Locke: Urgh... Ohhh... Uhhhn...Locke
"Urgh… uooh… uhnn…"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey
648WAITER: Please order at the table...Waiter: Please be seated if you wish to order.Waiter
"Please be seated if you wish to order."
649Sabin: Food! Chop!
Let's go slop the hogs!
Sabin: All right! Dinner time! I'm gonna eat till I burst!Sabin
"Food! Chop chop!
Time to slop the hogs!!"
Woolsey; "Chop" -> "Chop chop"; "Let's go" -> "Time to"
650Can't leave the train now!We need to get off the train!We need to get off the train!Slattery.
651WAITER: Care for something?
<Choice>(Yes, please!)
<Choice>(No, thanks)
Waiter: Will you be dining with us?
<Choice> Yes, please!
<Choice> No thanks.
"Will you be dining with us?"
<Choice> {Yes, please!/Indeed./Yes./Yes}
<Choice> N{o, thank you./ay, sire./o thanks./o}
Slattery/Woolsey; Adaptive Dialog adjusts tone according to the current M.C. (Sabin/Cyan/Shadow/Ghost)
652Sabin: Food! Food!
Bring me everything ya got!
Sabin: Food! Food! Bring me everything you've got!Sabin
"Food! Food!
Bring me everything ya got!"
653Sabin: Worried?
Can't wage war on an empty stomach!
Sabin: What are you worried about? Can't wage war on an empty stomach!Sabin
"What are you worried about?
Can't wage war on an empty stomach!"
654Cyan: Hummm...
Sir! I won't hear any more of this kind of talk!
Cyan: *sigh*... Do what thou wilt, sir. I'm sure there is no stopping thee...Cyan
I was clearly made not for this sort of banter. Confound it all…"
kWhazit; "Such talk as this is no strong point of mine." -> new "I was clearly made not for this sort of banter" partly w/r/t Woolsey "this kind of talk"
655Sabin: Well!
I've stuffed down all I can...
Let's go!
Sabin: Whew! I'm stuffed! Shall we get moving?Sabin
I've stuffed down all I can…
Let's go!"
656WAITER: One moment, please.Waiter: One moment, please.Waiter
"One moment, please."
(W & S)
657Cyan: A...are you going to be okay if you eat THIS?Cyan: Is this train's food tr-truly safe to eat?Cyan
"A-art thou sure it's safe to eat this…?"
New; meaning close to kWhazit, uses second person w/r/t Woolsey; "A...are you [Woolsey]" -> "A-art thou"
658Shadow: ......
Interceptor...are you hungry?
Shadow: ... Interceptor... Are you hungry, too, boy?Shadow
Interceptor… You hungry?"
Woolsey, reformatted; "are you" -> "You" for brevity
659Gobble... snarf... snap...*gobble*... *snarf*... *slurp*...(gobble)… (snarf)… (snap)…Woolsey, reformatted.
660IMPRESARIO: Wanna stop the train? Just use the controls in the engineer's compartment!Conductor: You want to stop the train? Search every corner of the engineer's compartment... I'm sure there's a way.Conductor
"You want to stop the train?
Look around the engineer's cabin and you'll figure it out."
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit, "engine room" -> "engineer's cabin [DarkMage]"
661IMPRESARIO: I manage this train! What business have you here?
<Choice>(Tell us about the train.)
<Choice>(How do we stop it?)
<Choice>(Leave us in peace.)
Conductor: I'm this train's conductor. What business brings you here?
<Choice> Tell us about the train.
<Choice> How do we stop this thing?
<Choice> Nothing, sorry to bother you.
"I'm in charge of this train!
What business have you here?"

<Choice> Tell us about the train.
<Choice> How {do we stop this thing/can we stop this iron horse}?
<Choice> Nothing{, sorry to bother {you/thee}/}.
Page 1: Woolsey; memorable aggressive tone preferred over literal "I'm this train's conductor [Slattery]"; "I manage" -> "I'm in charge of". // Page 2: Slattery; restored "Hmmm..." at the top of the page, which was impossible on the GBA version's 3-line captions; Adaptive Dialog added for M.C. Cyan.
662IMPRESARIO: This train ferries
the dear departed to the
"other side." There they can take their eternal rest.
Conductor: The Phantom Train ferries the souls of the departed to the other side. Once the souls arrive, they are granted their eternal rest.Conductor
"The Phantom Train ferries the souls of the dead to the other side. There they may take their eternal rest."
First sentence Slattery merged w/ Woolsey, "departed [Slattery]" -> "dead [kWhazit]"; Second sentence Woolsey, "can" -> "may [DarkMage]" w/r/t Slattry "are granted" / kWhazit "gain" -- the eternal rest acquired is given as somewhat distinct from the place of rest itself.
663Can't follow us now.That should be the end of that...That should be the end of that…Slattery. Woolsey ("Can't follow us now") is much more literal here, but Slattery feels more natural. Early ROSE effort to split the difference ("Should be the last we see of 'em...") was too awkward to retain in the long run.)
664Cyan: Be these time schedules?
Sabin: Hmmm...
They're all blank!
Cyan: Might these be timetables?
Sabin: These? ...Huh? They're all blank!
"Might these be timetables?"

"Let's see…
Huh? They're all blank!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit, second sentence Slattery reformatted.
665IMPRESARIO: The Phantom Train
guides "the departed ones" to
the spirit world. They have no need of schedules!
Conductor: This train carries the dead to the afterlife. It's a little tough to be making timetables with as much conflict in the world as there is right now.Conductor
"The Phantom Train carries the dead to the afterlife."

"With so much conflict in the world these days, it's impossible to draw up any sort of timetable!"
Page 1: Slattery; "This train" -> "The Phantom Train [Woolsey]" w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 2: kWhazit, edited for style & tone w/r/t Woolsey; "war" -> "conflict [Slattery]", pseudo-intensifier "possibly [kWhazit] -> pseudo-intensifier "any sort of"
666Sabin: What's this?
Let me just give it a...
Sabin: Wonder what this is for...? Why don't we see what happens if we pull it?Sabin
"What's this?
Let me just give it a…"
(W) (Early ROSE effort used kWhazit)
667Cyan: Sir Sabin!
Maybe we shouldn't fumble with that!
Cyan: Sir Sabin! I think it would be best not to touch that!Cyan
"Sir Sabin!
Perhaps it would be best not to tamper with that!"
Slattery; "I think" -> "Perhaps [Spooniest]"; "touch" -> "tamper with [Rodimus Primal]"
668Sabin: Cyan...
You're not...scared, are you!?
Sabin: Cyan... You're not...scared, are you!?Sabin
You're not…scared, are you?"
Woolsey & Slattery; removed exclamation point w/r/t kWhazit
669Sabin: Gave it my best shot.Sabin: Oops! My hand must've slipped!Sabin
My hand must've slipped!"
670Cyan: How could you...Cyan: Oh, thou art truly insufferable...Cyan
"Oh, thou art truly insufferable…"
Slattery. (Early ROSE effort used Woolsey.)
671Cyan: How can you...!?Cyan: Wh-what!?Cyan
672Cyan: How dare you?!
Just because I respect other beings' property doesn't mean I'm not mechanically minded!
Cyan: Wh-what dost thou mean? It's not as though I have an aversion to machines... ...or try to stay away from them as much as humanly possible...or anything like that!Cyan
"Wh-what speakest thou!?"

"Just because I respect the property of other beings doesn't mean I'm not mechanically minded…"

"…Or that I try to avoid machinery whenever possible…
…or anything of the sort!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery and slightly reworded for style. Slattery's extension to the dialog verified w/r/t kWhazit
673Sabin: Cyan...
You're a total klutz when it comes to machines.
Sabin: Cyan... So, you're afraid of machines! Sabin
You're totally helpless when it comes to machines, huh?"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit. Woolseyism "a total klutz" -> toned down "totally helpless", still more interesting rhetoric than Slattery's "afraid", and more accurate than Slattery as well (kWhazit: "no good", Lina Darkstar: "bad")
674Cyan: SILENCE...! could you tell?
Cyan: Argh! Wh-what gave it away?Cyan
H-how couldst thou tell?"
First sentence: Slattery. Second sentence: kWhazit, removed exclamation point (present in FF6j) w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery. Would get the same result by simply rewording Woolsey to the archaic Cyan style.
675Cyan: A train's there!?
But I thought Doma's railway had been destroyed...?
Sabin: May be survivors inside. Let's take a look.
Cyan: A train!? I thought all of Doma's railways had been destroyed in the fighting...
Sabin: There could be survivors. Let's take a look inside.
"A train!?
But I thought Doma's railways were all destroyed in the fighting…"

"There might be survivors.
Let's take a look inside."
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery, lightly reworded for brevity & style. // Page 2: Slattery; "could" -> "might [kWhazit]"
676Cyan: Sir Sabin!Cyan: Sir Sabin!Cyan
"Sir Sabin!"
(W & S)
677Sabin: We can't just wander around out here!
We have to go on board!
Sabin: We can't just wander around out here all day. We have to check inside!Sabin
"We can't just wander around out here all day.
We have to check inside!"
678Sabin: What on earth...?Sabin: What in the world...?Sabin
"What in the world…?"
679Cyan: Let me off!
This train's haunted!
Cyan: We must leave at once! This is the Phantom Train!Cyan
"We must leave at once!
This is the Phantom Train!"
680Cyan: Gulp...where are we?Cyan: It seems we have arrived.Cyan
"We seem to have arrived."
681Sabin: Hoo, boy!
Finally got off...
Sabin: Whew! Glad to be off that thing!Sabin
Glad to be off that thing!"
682Sabin: Hey!
We can get in right here!
Sabin: Hey! Looks like we can get in through here.Sabin
Looks like we can get in through here."
683Ha, ha ha...
What ever did you think you were doing?
Whew... What do you suppose that was all about?Phew…
What was that {all /}about…?
Slattery; "Whew" -> "Phew" w/r/t kWhazit "*pant* *pant*" -- "Whew" considered to indicate less exhaustion; Adaptive Dialog removes "all" for M.C. Cyan
684Huh!?Huh!?<Party Leader>
Woolsey/Slattery; Adaptive Dialog adds speaker label for M.C.
. . . N o . . . e s c a p e . . .
"No… es…cape…!"
Woolsey/Slattery; words divided by syllable rather than by letter
686Who's there!?Who's there!?Who's there!? (W & S)
687It came from this direction.It came from over here.It came from this direction…Woolsey, repunctuated for suspense.
688Whoa! They're coming...!Gah! They're coming after us...!Whoa!
They're coming after us!
First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery.
689This way too!There are more of them this way!This way, too!Woolsey, fixed punctuation.
690 You can't escape...
Nowhere to run...
Nowhere to hide...
Nowhere to run... Nowhere to hide... No escape for you... "You can't escape…"
"Nowhere to run…"
"Nowhere to hide…"
691Bloody persistent...!They just don't let up!{{They just don't let up/Bloody persistent…}/{They just don't let up/Bloody persistent…}}!Woolsey or Slattery depending on M.C. via Adaptive Dialog
692Cyan: I believe we're stuck!Cyan: I believe we have reached a dead end, Sir Sabin!Cyan
"I'm afraid we've reached a dead end!"
Slattery reworded for brevity & tone w/r/t Woolsey; "I believe" -> "I'm afraid"; ", Sir Sabin" removed w/r/t FF6j/kWhazit
693Sabin: I know!
Cyan: You have an idea?
Sabin: All right!
Cyan: Hast thou an idea?
"I've got it!"

"Hast thou an idea?"
Page 1: New, very common exclamation upon having an idea. // Page 2: Slattery.
694Sabin: Okay...
The time has come to see if all my training has paid off. Come, Cyan!
Sabin: Yes... The time has come to put my training to use! Come, Cyan!Sabin
The time has finally come for all my training to pay off."

"Come, Cyan!"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey, edited for simpler literal meaning w/r/t kWhazit & Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey; The sudden hyper-Zen tone of Sabin in Woolsey's rendering here is great humor.
695Sabin: Yahoooo!!Sabin: Yahoooo!Sabin
Uh, oh...?
Hey... They couldn't still be...?<Actor>

"They couldn't still be…?"
Slattery, broken up into one speakers per sentence w/r/t FF6j/kWhazit; Adaptive Dialog adds speaker labels based on sprite position.
697VOICE: Stop where you are!Voice: Hold it right there!Voice
"Hold it right there!"
698MAN: I am Ziegfried, the world's greatest swordsman! That treasure chest is mine.
If I were you, Ox, I'd grab grandpa, here, and run!
Man: I am Siegfried, the greatest swordsman in all the world! And that treasure belongs to me! If I were you, you overmuscled moose, I'd grab Grandpa there and run away while you still can!Man
"I am Ziegfried, the world's greatest swordsman!
That treasure belongs to me!"

"If I were you, Ox, I'd grab Grandpa there and lumber away!"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; uses "Ziegfried [Woolsey]" here rather than "Siegfried [Slattery]". // Page 2: Woolsey; "grandpa, here," -> "Grandpa there [Slattery]"; "run" -> "lumber away [DarkMage]". Note: This script reframes Woolsey's likely unintended misnomer "Ziegfried" as an alternate spelling used only for the fake Siegfried.
699Sabin: You look more like a manicurist. Now SCRAM!!!
The ox bellows!
Allow me to introduce my blade!
Sabin: "Greatest windbag" is more like it... You're the one who had best beat a brave retreat.
Siegfried: What!? Brazen words for a man about to be spitted upon my blade like a plump and juicy pig! En garde!
"Greatest swordsman? You look more like my grandma's manicurist.
Now scram, before you get hurt."

"Aha! The ox can bellow!
Allow me, then, to introduce you to my blade. En garde!"
Page 1: Woolsey; "manicurist" -> "grandma's manicurist" modifier supplied in order to parallel "greatest swordsman". (Note for the unseasoned: 'Grandma' here is a fixed trash-talking device, not a literal reference to a person.) // Page 2: DarkMage (Woolsey lightly reworded, adds "En garde! [Slattery]" to the end); "Allow me" -> "Allow me, then," for cohesion.
700What a bag of wind...All bark, no bite...What a windbag…Woolsey; "bag of wind" -> "windbag" (Gives alliteration to the phrase; also no reason to reinvent the original metaphor from the compound word). Note: Slattery uses "windbag" in #699.
701SIGFRIED: Impossible!
I...I'm the greatest...
But I'll still laugh last!
Siegfried: N-no! It cannot be! But...the last laugh belongs to me!Ziegfried
"No… Impossible…!
But still…
the last laugh belongs to me!"
First sentence Slatter merged w/ Woolsey, uses "Ziegfried" (see #698); Second sentence Slattery, "But..." -> "But still..." in order to ham it up slightly w/r/t the very drama-queenish renderings of Woolsey ("I...I'm the greatest...") & Lina Darkstar ("Howeeeever!"). Note: Woolsey's rendering is novel.
702SIGFRIED: Uwa, ha, ha!
This treasure is mine!
Ta ta, cretins!
Siegfried: Uwa-ha-ha! The treasure is mine! Au revoir, my friends!Ziegfried
"Uwa, ha, ha!
The treasure is mine!
Ta ta, cretins!"
Woolsey; "SIGFRIED" -> "Ziegfried" (See #698)
703We have to detach the rear train cars!We'll have to detach the rear cars!Sabin
"We have to detach the rear cars!"
Woolsey; "train cars" -> "cars" w/r/t Slattery
704This is the engineer's room.
Gotta stop this thing...!
This is the engineer's compartment. We've gotta find a way to stop this thing, fast!This is the engineer's cabin.
{Gotta/We must} find a way to stop this thing, {fast/quickly}!
Slattery; "compartment" -> "cabin [DarkMage]"; "We've gotta" -> "Gotta [Woolsey]"; Adaptive Dialog adjusts wording/tone for M.C. Cyan/Shadow.
705Something's written here!
What? What?
To stop the train, shut the first and third pressure valves, and operate the switch outside, near the smoke stack.
Something's written here! Hmm... "To stop the train, shut the first and third pressure valves, then throw the switch located by the smokestack."Something's written here!

"To stop the engine, shut the first and third pressure valves, then throw the switch located by the smokestack."
Page 1: Slattery. (Woolsey splits into two pages, which could potentially indicate a second speaker for the second line, but FF6j gives no such indication.) // Page 2: Slattery; "train" -> "engine [kWhazit]".
706Press this switch and the train'll stop.The train should stop if we throw this switch.The train should stop if we throw this switch.Slattery.
707Just throw this switch, and...
Huh? Nothing's happening!
Just push this switch, and... Huh? Nothing happened!Just push this switch, and…
Nothing happened!
708Sabin: Won't open!Sabin: The door won't open!Sabin
"It won't open!"
709Cyan: We're too late.Cyan: I fear we are too late.Cyan
"We're too late."
710Sabin: What's with this train?Sabin: What did you say this train was?Sabin
"What did you say this train was?"
711Cyan: This is the Phantom Train...
It carries the departed to...the other side.
Cyan: This is the Phantom Train... It carries the souls of the departed to destination.Cyan
"This is the Phantom Train, sire, which carrieth the deceased to their…
final destination."
Slattery, lightly edited for style.
712Sabin: Wait a sec...
I don't want to go THERE!
Cyan: We all have to go sometime...
Sabin: ...Wait a second. You're saying this train's giving us a one-way ride to...the afterlife!?
Cyan: Unless we find a way off, I am afraid that is exactly where we will end up...
"Wait a sec…
I don't want to go THERE!"

"There cometh a time for us all…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Woolsey, reworded for style. Deviates from FF6j (kWhazit: "An we continue on riding, such will come to pass" / Slattery: "Unless we find a way off, I am afraid that is exactly where we will end up..."), but Woolsey's version is a well-taken opportunity to remind the player of Cyan's grief -- and is kind of humorous at the same time.
713Sabin: I have things to do HERE.
We have to stop this thing. Let's make for the engine.
Sabin: Well, I'm afraid that's a trip I'm going to have to pass on! If it won't let us off, then we'll stop it ourselves. Let's make for the engine.Sabin
"I've still got stuff to do HERE.
If this thing won't let us off, then we'll just have to stop it ourselves!"

"Let's make for the engine."
First sentence Woolsey, lightly edited for style & cohesion. Second sentence Slattery, "If it" -> "If this thing" w/r/t Woolsey, adds exclamation point w/r/t kWhazit sentences 1 & 3. // Page 2: (W & S)
714Look out!Look out!Look out! (W & S)
715Sabin: What is it?
Cyan: Seems to want to come with us.
Bring it along?
<Choice>(No way)
Sabin: What's with this guy?
Cyan: He seems to want to accompany us. Bring the ghost along?
<Choice> Sure.
<Choice> No way!
"What's with this guy?"

"This one seemeth to want to accompany us."

Bring the ghost along?
<Choice> (Sure.)
<Choice> (Forget it!)
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; "He seems" -> "This one seemeth". // Page 3: Slattery, reformatted; "No way!" -> "Forget it!" w/r/t Woolsey #716.
716Sabin: But...
The greater our number,
the slower we can move.
Forget it!
Sabin: But... The greater our numbers, the slower we'll move. ...Maybe another time!Sabin
"But…the greater our numbers,
the slower we'll move.
…Maybe another time!"
717Shall we be off?You're leaving?<Party Leader>
"{You're/Thou'rt} leaving?"
Slattery; Adaptive Dialog adds speaker label & adjusts wording for M.C. Cyan.
718Guess we're on our own now...Guess we're on our own again...<Party Leader>
"{Guess we're on our own again/'Twould seem we are unaccompanied once more}…"
Slattery; Adaptive Dialog adds speaker label & rewords for M.C. Cyan
719Howdy, folks. I have some
great, value-priced items!
<Choice>(Don't shop)
Howdy, folks! I've got top-quality items at rock-bottom prices! No reason to be overcharging they say, you can't take it with you!
<Choice> (Shop.)
<Choice> (Don't shop.)
Howdy, folks! I've got top-quality items at rock-bottom prices!
<Choice> (Shop.)
<Choice> (Don't shop.)
Slattery; removed novel second line.
720Sabin:'s moving!
Cyan: If we don't get off now...
Sabin: It's moving!
Cyan: We must get off this train at once!
"It's moving!"

"We must get off at once!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; removed "this train" w/r/t kWhazit "Needs we must leave quickly!"
721Sabin: Don't worry!Sabin: Don't worry, it'll only take a second!Sabin
"Don't worry about it!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit.
722PHANTOM TRAIN: So! You've been slowing my progress!Phantom Train: So! You're the ones who have been slowing me down!Phantom Train
"So! You're the ones who have been slowing my progress!"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
723PHANTOM TRAIN: I will let you go...
...but first there is something I must do...
Phantom Train: I will let you go... But first there is something I must do...Phantom Train
"I will let you go…
But first,
there is something I must do…"
Slattery/Woolsey repunctuated.
724Cyan: Elayne!Cyan: Elayne!Cyan
(W & S)
725Departing?!...The train's leaving!?Departing!? (W)
726Sabin: Cyan!
Is that your wife and child?
Sabin: Cyan! Was that your wife and son!?Sabin
Was that your wife and son?"
Slattery; removed exclamation point from second sentence w/r/t Woolsey.
727Cyan: No!!!
Elayne! Owain!!
Cyan: Is that...!? Elayne! Owain!Cyan
"Could it be…!?
Elayne! Owain!!"
Slattery; "Is that" -> "Could it be" to avoid repetition w/ #726 "Was that".
728Cyan: Please, wait!Cyan: Please, wait!Cyan
"Please, wait!"
(W & S)
729Sabin: We shouldn't be here. Let's go NOW!Sabin: The faster we leave that train behind, the better!Sabin
"The sooner we leave that train behind, the better!"
Slattery; "faster" -> "sooner" w/r/t meaning of kWhazit & Woolsey
730Cyan: Owain...Cyan: Owain...Cyan
(W & S)
731My love...
You made me so happy.
Don't forget me...
My love... You made me so happy. Thank you...My love…
You made me so very happy…
Thank you…
Slattery; "so happy" -> "so very happy" for added elegance w/r/t kWhazit "I had every happiness with you."
I'll make sure Mom's all right!
Dad! I'll keep practicing with my sword so I can keep Mom safe!Papa!
I'll keep practicing with my sword so I can keep Mama safe!
Slattery; "Dad" -> "Papa", "Mom" -> "Mama" (DarkMage).
733Shadow: Leave 'em alone.Shadow: Best leave him be.Shadow
"Best leave him alone."
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
734Cyan: ......Cyan: ...Cyan
735Sabin: This must be Baren Falls.Sabin: This must be Baren Falls...Sabin
"This must be Baren Falls…"
Slattery (Woolsey repunctuated)
736Cyan: To the south is the Veldt. Dangerous creatures there.
Sabin: And the Empire's right on our tails.
Cyan: If we can slip through the Veldt, we can reach the town of Mobliz, to the east...
Cyan: To the south of here lies the Veldt. 'Tis a wild and dangerous land, inhabited by all manner of ferocious beasts...
Sabin: But if we turn around and go back, the Empire will be waiting for us.
Cyan: Hmm... The village of Mobliz lies on the eastern coast. If we can make it through the Veldt, we could head there...
"To the south lieth the Veldt. 'Tis a wild and dangerous land, inhabited by all manner of vicious beasts…"

"But if we turn around and go back,
the Empire will be waiting for us."


"If we can but slip through the Veldt, sire, we should be able to reach the village of Mobliz on the eastern coast…"
Page 1: Slattery; "south of here" -> "south" for brevity w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit, "lies" -> "lieth", "ferocious" -> "vicious [kWhazit]". // Page 2 & 3: Slattery. // Page 4: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery, inserted novel "sire" w/r/t Spooniest "sir" for style; "we can reach [Woolsey]" -> less-certain "we should be able to reach" w/r/t kWhazit "ought to be".
737Sabin: Shadow!Sabin: Shadow!Sabin
(W & S)
738Sabin: Thanks for your help!
Let's join ranks again some time!
Sabin: Thanks for your help! Let's team up again sometime!Sabin
"Thanks for all the help.
Let's team up again sometime!"
First sentence Slattery/Woolsey, replaced exclamation point (w/r/t FF6j & kWhazit) with intensifying edit "your help" -> "all the help"; Second sentence Slattery.
739Shadow: I have served my purpose...Shadow: I have served my purpose...Shadow
"I have served my purpose…"
(W & S)
<Choice>(Why not?)
<Choice>(You crazy?)
Dive into the falls?
<Choice> (Jump.)
<Choice> (Stay put.)
<Choice> (Why not?)
<Choice> (You crazy!?)
Woolsey; "You crazy?" -> "You crazy!?" w/r/t DarkMage
741Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence. A youth surviving against all odds...A youth draped in monster hides, his eyes shining with a warm and gentle light...Draped in monster hides,
his eyes shining with gentle brilliance,
a youth who has survived against all
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery
742And you are?Who...are...?<Party Leader>
Slattery; Adaptive Dialog adds speaker label & adjusts for M.C. Cyan
743You came via Baren Falls?
Unbelievable! It's flowing like there's no tomorrow...!
You came down Baren Falls? Unbelievable! It's flowing even stronger than usual this year. No one's been able to get here lately!You{{/{/ folks}}/{{{r friends/}/}/}} came down Baren Falls{?
/ earlier?

"}Unbelievable! It's been flowin' like there's no tomorrow! No one's been able to get here all year!"
Woolsey, extended based on Slattery; "You" -> "You folks" & "flowing" -> "flowin'" for tone w/r/t Lina Darkstar '...everyone bears a thick country accent, further emphasizing the backwater nature of the place'; Adaptive Dialog adjusts for party size and makeup
744Only carrier pigeons link our village to the outside.Carrier pigeons are our only link to the outside world.Carrier pigeons are our only link to the outside world.Slattery.
745Letters tell us that war has broken out!Is it true that war has broken out? I got a letter saying that it had!Are all 'em letters true?
Has a war really broken out?
New; based on Slattery, but rewritten for style w/r/t Lina Darkstar (see #743)
746Duane and Katrin are both 16 and in love!Duane and Katarin are both sixteen. Ah, what a magical age! The springtime of love...Duane and Katarin are both sixteen.
Ah, what a magical age!
The springtime of love…
747KATARIN: ......Katarin: ...Katarin
748DUANE: ......Duane: ...Duane
749You stop by the house up in the far north? The guy there's a tad psycho.
Threw his own kid out, thinking it was a monster!
Did you see the house on the far northern plains? That old man has lost his marbles. They say he threw out his own kid, thinking he was some kind of monster!Did you see the house on the far northern plains?

"That old man has lost his marbles.
They say he threw out his own kid, thinkin' it was a monster!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; edited for brevity; "thinking" -> "thinkin'" for style w/r/t Lina Darkstar (see #743)
750This region's called the Veldt. Monsters from all over the world migrate here.This region's known as the Veldt. Monsters migrate here from all over the world, so it can be quite dangerous outside of town. You never know what you might run into.This region's known as the Veldt.
Monsters migrate here from all over the world. You'd better watch yoursel{f/ves} out there!
First two sentences Slattery; removed novel/paraphrased extended content; Third sentence New, based on Mato/FF6j middle sentence missing from Woolsey ("You should be careful [Mato]") & tone informed by Lina Darkstar (see #743).
751Out hunting, I noticed a kid running with a herd of beasts!
His parents know where he is?
Out hunting yesterday, I could've sworn I saw a kid running along with a pack of monsters! Wonder if it was just my overactive imagination...{Out hunting {yesterday/one time}, I coulda swore I saw a kid runnin' with a pack of beasts!/You look just like the kid I saw when I was out hunting the other} {Or were my eyes just playin' tricks on me…/day!

"Was that you runnin' with a pack of beasts, or were my eyes just playin' tricks on me}?"
Slattery; edited for style w/r/t Lina Darkstar (See #743); Adaptive Dialog for M.C. Gau & timing.
752Strong currents run through the Serpent Trench.
Heard about it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Powerful ocean currents run through the Serpent Trench. Have you ever heard about them?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Powerful ocean currents run through the Serpent Trench.

"Ever heard about them?"
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; edited for brevity & tone w/r/t Woolsey; Adaptive Dialog for M.C. Gau.
753If you had a helmet you could make it to Nikeah.If you had a diving helmet, you could make it all the way to Nikeah.If you had a diving helmet, you could ride those currents all the way to Nikeah.DarkMage (Slattery edited for clarity); "that current" -> "those currents" for consistency w/ #752.
754Hop into the current, and you'll be swept to Nikeah!
Too bad our under water breathing device was stolen!
Hop into the current, and you'd be swept straight to Nikeah! Too bad our only diving helmet was stolen...Hop into the current, and you'd be swept straight to Nikeah!
Too bad our diving helmets were all stolen…
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; "our only diving helmet was" -> "our diving helmets were all" for believability.
755Some soldier wandered here. Busted up pretty bad, too.
It doesn't look good...
Only the letters coming from the town of Maranda are keeping him going...
A grievously injured soldier wandered into the village not too long ago. I dressed his wounds, but his condition doesn't seem to be improving... Those letters coming from the town of Maranda are the only things keeping him going...A soldier was found limping into the village. Busted up pretty bad, too.
I dressed his wounds, but things aren't looking good…

"Those letters coming from the town of Maranda are the only things keeping him going…"
First sentence Slattery heavily edited: removed "greviously injured" (replaced by Woolsey in sentence 2), "wandered" -> "was found limping"; removed "not too long ago" for brevity w/r/t Woolsey; Second sentence Woolsey; Third sentence Slattery, "his condition doesn't seem to be improving..." -> "things aren't looking good" for brevity & style w/r/t Woolsey "It doesn't look good". // Page 2: Slattery.
756The soldier in here is hurt pretty bad.The soldier inside this house is hurt real bad, so Mom says we have to keep our voices down.The soldier inside this house is hurt real bad, so Mama says we have to keep our voices down.Slattery; "Mom" -> "Mama"
757Keep your voices down!Shhh! You have to be quiet!Shhh!
You have to be quiet!
758I threw some "Dried Meat" into a herd of hungry animals, and some kid emerged and grabbed it!I threw some dried meat to a herd of hungry animals last time I was out on the Veldt, and--would you believe it? Some kid scrambled out of the herd and ran off with it!{I threw some dried meat to a herd of hungry animals the other day,/You're that kid who made off with the dried meat I threw out that one time!} {and some kid emerged and ran off with it!/Y'know, it was that herd of hungry animals I was tryin' to give it to…}Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Slattery's novel clarification -> "the other day [kWhazit]"; Adaptive Dialog for M.C. Gau. Note: Woolsey & Slattery use "animals" instead of "monsters [kWhazit]", likely for believability's sake.
759I am at your service.
I send things all over the world.
Let me know if you need anything. I can send letters and packages to any corner of the world for you!Let me know if you need anything.
My service can send your letters and packages all over the world!
First sentence Slattery (Woolsey considered a little awkard/unclear in spite of good style); Second sentence Slattery; "I can" -> "My service can", "service" used to retain something of Woolsey's "I am at your service", also somewhat justified by Mato's interpretation, that the line is said 'in a polite would talk to a customer' as a representative of a 'business'.
760The entrance to the Serpent Trench is south of Crescent Mountain.The entrance to the Serpent Trench lies within Crescent Mountain, near the southern tip of the continent.The entrance to the Serpent Trench lies within Crescent Mountain, near the southern tip of the continent.Slattery.
761INJURED LAD: I'm from Maranda. The Empire invaded, and made me join their army.
I fled when I heard we were making for Doma.
They caught me...and did this...
Now I can't even move.
I'll never see Lola again...
On the desk is a letter.
Will you please read it?
Injured Lad: I'm a soldier from Maranda. When our town fell to the Empire, I was forced to join the Imperial army. I tried to flee, rather than help them attack Doma, but they came after me... I barely escaped alive. Now I can't even move. I'll never see Lola again... There's a letter on the desk. Would you be kind enough to bring it to me?Wounded Soldier
"I'm a soldier from Maranda. When our town fell to the Empire, I was forced to join the Imperial army."

"I tried to flee, rather than help them attack Doma, but they eventually caught up to me…and did this…"

"Now I can't even move.
I'll never see my Lola again…"

"There's a letter on the desk.
Would you be kind enough to bring it to me?"
Page 1: Slattery; "Injured Lad" -> "Wounded Soldier [kWhazit/Mato]". // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; Woolsey's "caught me...and did this..." parallels kWhazit "found and maimed"; Slattery beats around the bush even more than Woolsey. // Page 3: W & S, "see Lola" -> "see my Lola" for coherence, influenced by DarkMage's novel "see my dearest Lola". // Page 4: Slattery.
762I can't get used to Imperial troopers walking the streets of Maranda, but otherwise things are okay.
Flowers are blooming in the garden, telling me spring is here.
How are you doing?
I'm so worried. I wish I could fly to your side!
Rest, and know that I think about you constantly.
Come back to me.
There are even more Imperial soldiers walking the streets of Maranda these days, but things are peaceful otherwise. The flowers in the garden will soon bloom, and announce the arrival of spring. How are you doing? I'm worried. I so wish that I could fly to your side and be with you! Please think only about getting better, and try not to push yourself too hard. Rest knowing that I spend every day thinking only of you, and wishing I could see you... Lola There are even more Imperial
soldiers walking the streets of
Maranda these days, but things are
peaceful otherwise.

The flowers in the garden will soon
bloom, and announce the arrival of

How is your condition?
I'm so worried I can hardly stand it.
I wish I could fly right to your side!

Please think only about getting
better, and try not to push yourself
too hard.

Rest, and know that I think only of
you each day. Come back to me…

Page 1: Slattery. (Early ROSE effort based more on Woolsey; Slattery's accuracy confirmed by Mato.) // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: First sentence New, based on meaning of kWhazit "How is your health doing?" -- kWhazit already suggests that Lola knows of the soldier's injuries, Woolsey never makes it explicit, Slattery does not indicate it until later; Second sentence Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit; Third sentence Woolsey. // Page 4: Slattery. // Page 5: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit; "every day [kWhazit]" -> "each day".
763I'd like to write her back, but I can't even pick up a pen.I'd like to write her back, but I don't even have the strength to pick up a pen.Wounded Soldier
"I'd like to write her back, but I don't even have the strength to pick up a pen…"
Slattery; added "Wounded Soldier" speaker label from #761; repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit -- ellipsis hints at the sidequest.
764Postage to Maranda is 500 GP.
Gonna send a letter for that soldier, right?
<Choice> (Send it)
<Choice> (Forget it)
So, you want to send a letter to Lola for that injured soldier... Postage to Maranda is 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
So, you want to send a letter to Lola for that injured soldier…

"Postage to Maranda is 500 gil."
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
765I want to get better!
I want to see Lola...
I want to get better so I can return to Maranda... I want to see Lola...Wounded Soldier
"I want to get better and return to Maranda…
I want to see Lola…"
Slattery; "so I can" -> "and" for brevity; added speaker label "Wounded Soldier" from #761.
766Another letter has arrived. Could you read it?Another letter arrived. Could you bring it to me?Wounded Soldier
"Another letter arrived.
Could you bring it to me?"
767I can't find your favorite record...
I thought I'd play it and you'd be with me, but...
...I can't find your favorite record. I thought if I played it, it might feel like you were here with me again... …I can't find your favorite record.
I thought if I played it, it might feel
like you were with me again…
768For 500 GP you can send a record.
<Choice> (Send it)
<Choice> (Forget it)
You can send a record for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
You can send a record for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
769Mother's taken ill. We can't afford medicine.
If only we had some Tonic...
...Mother has taken ill, and we can't afford to buy medicine. If only we had some more potion... …Mother has taken ill, and we can't
afford to buy medicine. If only we
had a potion left…
Slattery; "some potion" -> "a potion left" w/r/t kWhazit "a few more Potions"
770For 500 GP you can send Tonic.
<Choice> (Send it)
<Choice> (Forget it)
You can send a potion for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
You can send a potion for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
771I haven't heard from you.
I'm so worried...
...I haven't heard from you for some time now, and I'm beginning to worry... …I haven't heard from you for
some time now, and I'm beginning
to worry…
Slattery. (Note: Early ROSE effort made edit "heard from you" -> "gotten a reply from you [kWhazit]" because of concerns about the phrase being potentially technically wrong in the context of a written letter, but there is actually plenty of basis in both pre- and post-20th century (telephone) literature for exactly that.)
772For 500 GP you can send a letter.
<Choice> (Send it)
<Choice> (Forget it)
You can send a letter for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
You can send a letter for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
773You said you were reading a book. If only I could read it, too......You mentioned a book in your last letter. Someday you'll have to let me read it, too... …You mentioned a book in your last
letter. Someday you'll have to let me
read it, too…
774For 500 GP you can send a book.
<Choice> (Send it)
<Choice> (Forget it)
You can send a book for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it.)
<Choice> (Forget it.)
You can send a book for 500 gil.
<Choice> (Send it).
<Choice> (Forget it.)
775A letter came from him!
He's all right!
He wrote me back! He's all right... Oh, thank goodness...Lola
"He wrote me back! He's all right…
Oh, thank goodness…"
Slattery; added "Lola" speaker label
776He sent me a record!
I'm so happy!
He sent me a record! I'm so happy!Lola
"He sent me this record!
I'm so happy!"
Slattery; added "Lola" speaker label; "a record" -> "this record", since the point about the record is that it was a particular special one, though "the record [DarkMage]" would go a little too far and imply Lola somehow expects the characters already to know all about it.
777He sent some Tonic for Mom!
He's so kind!
He sent a potion for Mother... He's so kind...Lola
"He sent a potion for Mother!
He's so kind…"
Slattery; added "Lola" speaker label; first sentence repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey
778He sent that book!
I'll read it every evening, before bed!
He sent me the book he'd been reading! I've been reading a little bit every night before bed. I'll treasure it forever!Lola
"He sent me his book! I've been reading a little bit every night before bed. I'll treasure it forever!"
First sentence Woolsey, "that" -> "his" for similar reason to the note for #776 takes the place of Slattery's novel clarification "he'd been reading"; Second & third sentences Slattery; added "Lola" speaker label.
779My love hasn't sent me back any letters since he's been gone. I'm sick with worry...My beloved hasn't replied to my letter... I'm sick with worry...My beloved hasn't replied to any of my letters since he's been gone.
I'm sick with worry…
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
780I'd give Lola everything...
If only I could move...
I'd do anything for Lola... If only I could move...I'd do anything for Lola…
If only I could move…
781I heard...
In my name you send Lola many things...
I wish to thank you.
Please accept this as a token of my appreciation.

Received "Tintinabar."
I heard. You've been sending Lola all kinds of things in my name... I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please, accept this as a token of my appreciation. Obtained Tintinnabulum!Wounded Soldier
"I heard…
You've been sending Lola all kinds of things in my name."

"I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please, accept this as a token of my appreciation."

Received Tintinnabulum.
Page 1: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t FF6j/kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey; "Tintinabar" -> "Tintinnabulum [Slattery]", reformatted.
782Gau: Treasure...yesss...
Cyan: Looks like glass...
Sabin: Looks like it just might fit...
Gau: Treasure, treasure!
Cyan: 'Tis nothing but a dirty glass bowl...
Sabin: Kind of looks like it would fit over your head...
"Treasure, treasure!"

"'Tis nothing but a plated glass bowl…"

"Looks like it just might fit over your head…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; Slattery's novel "dirty" -> "plated" for consistency w/ the diving helmet graphic
783Sabin: Hummm...
Is this of any use?
Sabin: Hmm...! I wonder if we could use this?Sabin
Think we could use this?"
Slattery; repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey; "I wonder if" -> "Think" for grammar pet peeve & brevity w/r/t Woolsey.
784Sabin: Will this really let us breathe underwater?Sabin: It might let us breathe underwater.Sabin
"If each of us wears one, we'll be able to breathe underwater… right?"
New, based on kWhazit, third person ("each of us") rather than second person, edited to suggest the existence of more than one helmet.
785Sabin: Cyan!
The shiny thing Gau spoke of is in here.
Sabin: Cyan! That "shiny, shiny" thing of Gau's is in here.Sabin
This must be where Gau has his 'shiny, shiny' thing."
First sentence Woolsey & Slattery; Second sentence DarkMage; novel "This cave" -> "This". DarkMage edit gives Sabin a little more credit than all primary translations.
786Cyan: Uh, Sir Gau,
where exactly is it?
Cyan: And where exactly might it be found, Sir Gau?Cyan
"And where exactly might it be found, Sir Gau?"
787Gau: Gau...forget!!Gau: Gau...forget!Gau
788Sabin: Shall we look around?
Cyan: Indeed!
Sabin: Shall we look around?
Cyan: It seems we have no choice!
"Shall we look around?"

"'Twould seem we have no choice!"
Page 1: W & S // Page 2: Slattery; "It seems" -> "'Twould seem"
789Sabin: Not over here...Sabin: Doesn't seem to be over here...Sabin
"Not over here…"
790Sabin: Tonic...Sabin: A potion...Sabin
"A potion…"
791Cyan: T...this is Sir Gau's treasure?!Cyan: C-could this be Sir Gau's treasure!?Cyan
"C-could this be Sir Gau's treasure!?"
792Sabin: Hey, Gau.
What's wrong?
Sabin: What is it, Gau...? Did you see something?Sabin
"What's wrong, Gau?
Did you see something?"
Slattery; "What is it" -> "What's wrong"
793Gau: GAU!!Gau: WAOU!!!Gau
794Sabin: G'uh! My pouch! There was 500 GP in it...!Sabin: Gah! My money pouch! There was five hundred gil in there!Sabin
"G'uh! My pouch!
There was 500 gil in there!"
Woolsey; "in there" ->"in it [kWhazit]"
795Cyan: Current'
Sabin: No kidding.
Sabin: But unless we hop in, we won't see our friends again...
Cyan: These rapids look quite...rapid.
Sabin: No kidding.
Sabin: But it's the only way to make it in time to meet up with the others...
"These rapids doth appear to be quite…rapid."

"You're not kidding…"

"But if we back out now, we'll miss our chance to meet up with my brother and the others…"
Page 1: Slattery, edited for archaic style. // Page 2: New; based on kWhazit but uses Woolsey-like wording; The difference is between agreeing earnestly with Cyan (kWhazit/Lina Darkstar) and agreeing potentially snarkily (Woolsey/Slattery).
796Sabin: Gau...YOU!Sabin: Gau, you little...!Sabin
"Gau, you little…!"
797Cyan: Oh, dear.
Sir Sabin, let me handle this.
Cyan: Oh, dear... Sir Sabin, please let it go... For all of our sakes.Cyan
"Oh, dear.
Sir Sabin, please let it go…
for all of our sakes."
Slattery; first sentence repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
798Cyan: Sir Sabin...
Recall that you had me hold onto your pouch. Here.
Cyan: Sir Sabin... Recall that thou entrusted me with thy coin. Your gil is right here, safe and sound.Cyan
"Sir Sabin…
Dost thou not recall entrusting me with thy coin?"

Page 1: Slattery; second sentence reformed as a question w/r/t kWhazit (& FF6j?). // Page 2: Woolsey; delay replaced with leading ellipsis, since this line went on a new page.
799Sabin: Urggggh!Sabin: Grrrrr!Sabin

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599

    1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2024 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.