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FF6:ROSE Dialog Script Notes

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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v2.00
800Cyan: Is this it?
Gau's "treasure"?
Cyan: Is this it? The shiny treasure?Cyan
"Is this it?
Sir Gau's treasure?"
Woolsey; "Gau's" -> "Sir Gau's". Note: FF6j & Slattery do not have Gau's name here, instead refer to the "shiny" treasure. Woolsey's novelty is preferred.
801Sabin: Let's go!Sabin: All right, let's go!Sabin
"Well then, let's go!"
802This is Nikeah, one of the world's few port towns.This is Nikeah, one of the few port towns in the world.This is Nikeah, one of the few notable port towns in the world.Slattery; "few" -> "few notable" for immersion.
803We used to be a trading town, but the Empire shut us down.We used to be a booming trade town, but then the Empire started enacting all kinds of strict new regulations... Business is all but dead here now.We used to be a booming trade town, but then the Empire began enacting all kinds of strict new regulations…

"Business is all but dead here now."
804The land to the east, Doma, fell to the Empire.So, the kingdom of Doma to the east has fallen into the hands of the Empire as well?So, the kingdom of Doma to the east has fallen into the Empire's hands as well?Slattery; "hands of the Empire" -> "Empire's hands" as well?
805Move along, now.
You're in the way!
Get out of my way! Hmph! Standing around in the street like that, all covered in filth...!Out of my way, now!
{Hmph… Standing around like that,
all covered in filth…!/Can't you see I'm busy!?}
First sentence Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery, or adaptive dialog for after party obtains airship, when it is unlikely the characters have just emerged from the ocean ("covered in filth").
806No one can reach Nikeah unless they have a ship!This island's isolated from the rest of the world, so you can't get anywhere without a ship! By the way... ...what does "isolated" mean?Nikeah is isolated from the rest of the world, so you can hardly get anywhere without a ship!

"By the way…
what does 'isolated' mean?"
Slattery; "This island's" -> "Nikeah's"; adaptive dialog for unblocked land route.
807A rock slide has blocked the path leading north.A rockslide has blocked the route that used to lead north along the coast.A rockslide has blocked the route that used to lead north along the coast.Slattery.
808The path leading north is now clear.The route north is finally clear again.The route north is finally clear again.Slattery.
809South Figaro-bound ferry.
<Choice> (Still need to shop.)
<Choice> (Hop aboard?)
This ferry's bound for South Figaro.
<Choice> (Still need to shop.)
<Choice> (Hop aboard.)
This ferry's bound for South Figaro.
<Choice> (Still need to shop.)
<Choice> (Hop aboard.)
810The Empire has overrun our destination.The Empire took over our destination port, so we're stuck here for the time being.The Empire took over our destination port, so we're stuck here for the time being.Slattery.
811Nikeah-bound ferry.
<Choice> (Still need to shop.)
<Choice> (Hop aboard?)
This ferry's bound for Nikeah.
<Choice> (Still need to shop.)
<Choice> (Hop aboard.)
This ferry's bound for Nikeah.
<Choice> (Still need to shop.)
<Choice> (Hop aboard.)
812There used to be ships sailing to the southern continent.
Tzen, Albrook, Maranda...
They've all been smashed.
Ships used to sail to the towns of the southern continent as well. Tzen, Albrook, Maranda... All of them have been lost to the Empire...There used to be ships sailing all the time to towns on the southern continent.

"Tzen, Albrook, Maranda… they've all been smashed by the Empire."
Page 1: Woolsey, "sailing" -> "sailing all the time" for flow. // Page 2: Woolsey, reformatted, "smashed" -> "smashed by the Empire" w/r/t Slattery "lost to the Empire".
813Ya met that odd man, lives near the Lete River? His wife bore 'im a son 13 years ago.
It was a problem birth, and the woman passed away. The man totally lost it.
He thought the newborn was a monster. Wonder what happened to the poor little baby?
Know that strange old man--lives in a little cabin near the Lethe? I 'elped deliver 'is son thirteen years ago. It was a problem birth. The mother didn't survive, and the man couldn't take it...went loony, 'e did! Thought 'is baby was some kind of monster and threw it out! Poor little thing never even 'ad a chance...{'Ey, trav'ler! E/You trav'lers e}ver met a strange old man, lives in a cabin near the mouth o' the Lethe River? I 'elped deliver 'is son, oh, thirteen years ago.

"A problem birth, it was. The mother didn't survive. Whole scene was so traumatic for the man, it turned 'im completely mad."

"He even mistook 'is bloodstained baby for some kind o' monster… Ended up throwin' it out! Poor little thing never stood a chance…"
Partial rewrite of Slattery with elements of Spooniest ("mouth of the" -> "mouth o' the"), Darkmage ("..., oh, thirteen years ago"), Lina Darkstar ("bloodstained", [FF6j lit. "red-stained"]), with additional checking against kWhazit for accuracy.
814DANCER: Yoo hoo!
You handsome thing.
How 'bout joining me?
Tee hee!
Dancer: Hey, you handsome young thing... Why don't you come have a drink with me? Tee-hee!Dancer
"Hellooo there! You {handsome thing…
How 'bout a drink with me/wouldn't happen to know a man who'd join me for a little drink, would you}? Tee-hee!"
First sentence "Hellooo there!" a semi-cross between Woolsey "Yoo hoo" and kWhazit "Heyyyyy" w/r/t FF6j ねぇ~; Second sentence Woolsey, repunctuated; Third sentence Rodimus Primal (Woolsey merged w/ Slattery); Fourth sentence Slattery.
815Cyan: dare you...
you licentious howler!
Cyan: H-how dare you!? Licentious howler! with thee!Cyan
"H…how darest thou…
thou licentious howler!
Off with thee!"
First sentence Woolsey, edited for archaic dialect; Second sentence Slattery.
816DANCER: Geez,
don't blow an artery, baby!
Dancer: Oh, don't be a stick in the mud! Let's just have some fun! Hey, do you like these? I call this one Humpty, and this one Dumpty!Dancer
"Whoa! Don't blow an artery, sugar!
Let's just have some fun! Here…
You like these?"
First two sentences Woolsey, lightly reworded for less negativity; Third sentence Slattery; Fourth sentence Darkmage (Slattery lightly reworded, removed the unnecessary humpty dumpty bit)
817Cyan:!Cyan: H-Humpty!? D-Dumpty!?Cyan
"Th- Th- THOSE!?"
New; follows pattern of Cyan (essentially) repeating back the dancer's own word.
818Sabin: Cyan...
Don't let it get to you.
Cyan: I'm not like that!
Sabin: Cyan, you're too easy!
Cyan: Th-thou art unaffected by these...charms!?
"Sir Cyan, you are too easy!"

"Th…thou art unaffected by such displays!?"
Page 1: Slattery; "Cyan" -> "Sir Cyan" formal address in jest w/r/t kWhazit "Cyan-san", "you're" -> "you are" to fit the slightly different tone. // Page 2: Slattery, "charms" -> "displays"; "Charms" has no explicit basis in FF6j and risks feeling like Cyan is farther gone than he really is; slightly reformatted for style.
819Sabin: No one thinks you are. Just let it go.Sabin: One of the benefits of all my years of ascetic training!Sabin
"Just one of the benefits of all my years of ascetic training!"
Slattery; "One of the" -> "Just one of the"
820DANCER: Stop whispering!
My ears are burnin', baby!
Dancer: Oh, don't leave me standing here all alone!Dancer
"{Oh, don't leave me standing here all alone/No more whispering over there!
Come on, baby…}!"
Woolsey, "Stop" -> "No more"; "My ears are burnin'" -> "Come on [kWhazit]"; Adaptive dialog uses Slattery if Sabin is not in the party.
821Cyan: Enough!
Have you no shame?
I'll have you know...etc...etc.
Cyan: Enough of that! A proper woman should have modesty, and...and decency! And... ...*rant*...*rant*...*rant*...Cyan
"Enough of that! A proper woman should have modesty, and…
and decency! And…(rant)…(rave)…"
Slattery; "And... ...*rant*...*rant*...*rant*..." -> "And...(rant)...(rave)..."
822Goodness!Oh, Cyan...!{<Actor>
/}"{Oh, brother/Too funny}…!"
New, split difference b/t Slattery and Woolsey, with a bit more of an eyeroll vibe. Adaptive Dialog assigns line to laughing party member closest to Cyan (adds speaker label); Adaptive Dialog alt line used if Gau/Umaro is the speaker.
823You took one look at me and thought I was a loser, right?
You're obligated to buy from me, now!
Pretty impressive that a kid like me can run a business, don't ya think? You should buy something to encourage me!Pretty impressive that a kid like me can run a business, don't ya think?
You should buy something to encourage me!
824Looks like junk, but...All this stuff looks like junk to me...It all looks like junk to me…Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey
825Have any imported goods?I'm shopping for imported goods.I'm shopping for imported goods.Slattery.
826Cyan: Narshe is just a stone's throw away!Cyan: Narshe is just a stone's throw away.Cyan
"Narshe is but a stone's throw away."
kWhazit (same as Woolsey w/ "just" -> "but").
827Sabin: I hope the others arrived safely!Sabin: I wonder if the others arrived safely...Sabin
"I wonder if the others arrived safely…"
828Cyan: I'm sure they did.Cyan: I am sure they did.Cyan
"I am sure they did, sire."
Slattery; added ", sire." for style & one last use before WOR
829Gau: Me hope so, too...Gau: Uwao...Gau
830AGED MAN: Go, unless you're a repair person!Aged Man: If you're not a repairman, you've got no business here! Git! Scram!Aged Man
"If you're not a repairman, you've got no business here!
Git! Scram!"
831Gau: W...what...?Gau: Uwao...o...Gau
832AGED MAN: Haven't seen any skilled repair people in ages...Aged Man: Come to think of it, I haven't seen that repairman for a while. Tough fella, looked like a big, lumberin' bear...Aged Man
"Come to think of it… I haven't seen that one bearish-looking repairman in a long time…"
kWhazit, reworded for style.
833AGED MAN: Oh, hello again!
Yep, you were tops!
Sabin: That's why we...
AGED MAN: Quick!
Fix that chair!
Then you can use it to reach the roof.
Aged Man: Oh, hello again! It's been a while. Let me tell you, those repairs of yours were top notch!
Sabin: I told you, I'm not--
Aged Man: Now, hurry up and fix that chair over there! You're gonna need to stand on it so you can fix the roof!
Aged Man
"Oh, it's you! Been a while.
I've got to say, those repairs of yours were top notch!"

"I told you, I'm not--"

Aged Man
"Quick! Fix that chair!
Then you can use it to reach the roof…"
Page 1: First sentence DarkMage, second sentence Slattery edited for brevity; These are one sentence in FF6j ("It's been so long [kWhazit]"), so if keeping as two, best to have both as brief as possible; Third sentence Slattery, "Let me tell you" -> "I've got to say" to avoid repetition of the word "you" and the verb "tell/told" in the caption. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey, repunctuated. Sentence now ends in elipsis to more clearly imply the detail given in FF6j ("You'll use it to repair the roof [kWhazit]"). It's more humorous to keep it implicit.
834Sabin: You don't suppose...
Can this be Gau's father?
Sabin: You don't suppose...? ...Could this guy be Gau's father?Sabin
"You don't suppose…
Could this guy be Gau's father?"
Slattery w/ Woolsey's punctuation. The first question mark is better left out for tone, and shouldn't be required because the first, partial thought is completed by the second.
835Gau: ...fffatherr...?Gau: ...Fa-ther?Gau
836ELDER: I understand all of it... Except...
How can WE be encouraging bloodshed?
ARVIS: I never said...that!
ELDER: Something like it.
Elder: I understand what you're saying.'re asking us to spill our blood for you.
Arvis: That's not what we asked!
Elder: What you ask is the same.
"I understand the general idea. Only…
you're telling us to shed blood?"

"Now, I never said that…"

"You might as well have."
Page 1: First sentence kWhazit. Second sentence kWhazit, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey, "But..." -> "Only..." // Page 2: Woolsey, toned down -- removed excalamation w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar, but slightly reworded to keep some of the jostled/protest feel. Keeps subject singular (Woolsey, Lina Darkstar) while kWhazit and Slattery have plural. // Page 3: New; compare meaning to kWhazit "It's the same thing", Lina Darkstar "Same thing", Woolsey "Something like it"; liberty to use second person granted from Slattery.
837BANON: Ha! He's right you know!Banon: Ha! You're absolutely right.Banon
You're absolutely right."
838ARVIS: Banon!
BANON: Our blood will spill because of you.
Arvis: Banon!
Banon: We're asking you to spill your blood.

"We are telling you to shed blood."
kWhazit; "Bannan" -> "Banon", "Jun" -> Arvis"
839BANON: Emperor Gestahl's racing to acquire Magitek power. He's set his sights on the Esper that was found here!
The increased use of magitek power'll surely lead to global destruction...
Banon: Emperor Gestahl is racing to acquire ever greater Magitek power. That's the reason he wants the esper that was discovered here. If we allow the Empire to continue amassing weapons of Magitek destruction... ...history's greatest mistake will be repeated.Banon
"Emperor Gestahl is racing to acquire ever greater Magitek power."

"It's for that very reason he set about obtaining the Esper you discovered here."

"If we continue to allow the Empire to expand its Magitek arsenal, history's greatest mistake will almost certainly be repeated."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; "That's the reason" -> "It's for that very reason" w/r/t kWhazit "It was for that purpose" -- in Slattery's wording, it's easy to get the impression that the link between Espers and Magitek would have been obvious to the Elder, when in reality, Banon is presumably revealing that link to the Elder here for the first time; "esper that was discovered" -> "Esper you discovered" to avoid redundant use of the word "that", drawn from DarkMage "esper you unearthed". // Page 3: Slattery, substantially reworded to remove the "weapons of mass destruction" reference and reformatted for a single page; "allow the Empire to continue" -> "continue to allow the Empire" w/r/t kWhazit "keep letting the Empire".
840ELDER: The War of the Magi...Elder: The War of the Magi...Elder
"The War of the Magi…"
(W & S)
841The mythical battle that set mankind back a thousand years...
Can this really be happening?
ELDER: People will never learn...
The legendary conflict that laid waste to the world... "You're saying it could happen again?"
Elder: I had thought humans to be wiser creatures...
"The legendary conflict that laid waste to the world…"

"You're saying it could happen again?"

"I had thought humans to be wiser creatures…"
Page 1 & 2: Slattery; added "Guard" labels. // Page 2: Slattery.
842Cyan: I'm Cyan,
retainer to the lord of Doma!
Cyan: I am Cyan, a warrior of the kingdom of Doma.Cyan
"I am Cyan, a warrior of the kingdom of Doma."
843Gau: Gau...GAU!Gau: Uwao...Gau!Gau
844Sabin: The people of Doma were wiped out by the Empire...Sabin: The Empire killed everyone in Doma, down to the last child...Sabin
"The people of Doma were massacred by the Empire…"
Woolsey; "wiped out" -> "massacred" w/r/t kWhazit; "wiped out" considered a bit too nonchalant of a term to use with Cyan in the room.
845Cyan: Kefka poisoned...everyone...Cyan: Kefka...poisoned them...Cyan
"Kefka poisoned them…
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. Kept "Everyone..." at the end w/r/t kWhazit, though order is different.
846ELDER: Barbaric!Elder: Barbaric!Elder
W & S; added elipsis before "!" w/r/t FF6j, also adds more shock to the expression.
847BANON: Elder!
ELDER: But...that was only because Doma was collaborating with the Returners!
If we make that mistake...
Banon: Elder!
Elder: But...that was because Doma was collaborating with the Returners. As long as we remain neutral, we have nothing to fear from the Empire.

"Yes, but…that happened because Doma was collaborating with the Returners."

"As long as we remain neutral, we will have no more to fear from the Empire."
Page 1: W & S; Page 2: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit; Page 3: Slattery; "we have nothing to fear" -> "we will have no more to fear" for more credibility & consistency, given that it would be lost on no one that neutral Narshe had just recently been violated by the Empire.
848Locke: That's nonsense!!Locke: Think again!Locke
"Think again!"
Slattery. Woolsey's "That's nonsense" compares to kWhazit's "Nonsense!"; however, "Nonsense!" sounds like Locke is going to follow up with a persuasive argument, rather than instantly prove the Elder wrong with news of the impending Imperial attack.
849Terra: Locke!
Locke: The Empire's poised to attack Narshe right now!
Edgar: What?!
Terra: Locke!
Locke: The Empire's poised to attack Narshe as we speak!
Edgar: What!?

"The Imperial army's moving to attack Narshe as we speak!"

Slattery; "poised" -> "moving". "Poised" (W & S), while a nice word, here is considered too passive/generic, describing the disposition of the Empire without necessarily announcing anything new or impending -- and so detracts from the impact of the line.
850BANON: Locke.
Where'd you hear that?
Locke: Celes, here, was one of the Empire's generals...
Banon: Locke, where did you manage to get your hands on information like that?
Locke: Celes here was one of the Empire's gener--
Where did you get that information?"

"Celes here…was one of the Empire's gen……"
Page 1: kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery, repunctuated for timing -- an explicit pause after "Celes here" w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit, also long trailoff w/r/t FF6j "gen...... [kWhazit]" rather than an abrupt cutoff. Locke seems to be catching himself saying too much.
851Cyan: Grrr!
I knew she seemed familiar.
Sir Gau, out of my way!
Cyan: So it is her! I thought she looked familiar. Sir Gau, step aside!Cyan
"So it IS she!
I knew her face looked familiar…!
Sir Gau, stand aside!"
First sentence Slattery, "her" -> "she" formal grammar fits with archaic style, "is" -> "IS" drawn from Spooniest, also nudges tone a little closer to literal "So that was it! [kWhazit]" / "So that's it! [Lina Darkstar]"; Second sentence DarkMage, "thy" -> "her", lightly repunctuated, compare to kWhazit "I thought it a face I had seen somewhere..."; Third sentence kWhazit/Darkmage.
852Cyan: This's General Celes! She torched Maranda! She's an Imperial spy! Now, stand aside!Cyan: The infamous General Celes... The woman single-handedly responsible for the decimation of Maranda... Stand and meet thy judgment, Imperial b--Cyan
"The notorious General Celes,
who torched the lands of Maranda!"

"Thou wretched dog of the Empire!
Stand and meet thy judgment!"
First sentence kWhazit, "destroyed the country" -> "torched (Woolsey) the lands", lightly repunctuated for rhythm; Second sentence kWhazit merged w/ Lina Darkstar, confirmed w/r/t Mato; Third sentence Slattery, minus the inventive repurposing of the "dog" comment at the end.
853Locke: WAIT!
Celes has joined the Returners! She's fighting with us, now!
Cyan: But...!
Locke: I promised I'd protect her. I WILL NOT back out on my word.
Locke: Wait! Celes has promised to join the Returners! She's fighting on our side now!
Cyan: Be that as it may...!
Locke: I promised I'd protect her, and I won't give up a woman I've sworn to protect!
"WAIT! Celes is no longer with the Empire! She's pledged to work with the Returners!"

"Be that as it may…!"

"I promised I'd protect her.
I'll never give up a woman I've sworn to protect!"
Page 1: kWhazit superimposed on Woolsey's tone & rhythm. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Slattery, broken into two sentences w/r/t FF6j & Woolsey; "I won't" -> "I'll never" to push Locke's overkilled sentiment a touch farther, adding fuel for Edgar's reaction.
854Edgar: Locke...
Are you still thinking about...
Edgar: Locke... You still haven't gotten over that, have you...?Edgar
Are you still carrying that weight around…?"
New; Converted to a figure of speech for subtlety.
855Terra: I was also an Imperial soldier.
Cyan: WHAT!!
Terra: I was also an Imperial soldier.
Cyan: WHAT!?
"I was also an Imperial soldier."

Slattery (Woolsey repunctuated).
856Edgar: The Empire's evil.
But not ALL of its citizens are!
Edgar: The Empire is evil, but that doesn't mean that all of its citizens are.Edgar
"The Empire is evil, but that doesn't mean all of its citizens are."
Slattery; "doesn't mean that all" -> "doesn't mean all"
The Empire cometh!!
The Empire is here! We're under attack!!!Emergency!
An Imperial force is approaching!
First sentence Woolsey minus an exclamation point; Second sentence New -- like Woolsey ("The Empire cometh!"), opts exchanges explicit "attack" for a reference to the approach; Lina Darkstar kept it literal "The Empire's attacking!" while Slattery & kWhazit make slight deviations in their own way to better match the following scene.
858KEFKA: I don't care what you do here, JUST GET ME THAT ESPER!!Kefka: I don't care what you have to do, just get me that esper!Kefka
"I don't care what you have to do,
Woolsey; "what you do here" -> "what you have to do [Slattery]"; compare to kWhazit "no matter what it takes".
859SOLDIER: Lord Kefka!
There're civilians here...!
KEFKA: Exterminate everyone!
SOLDIER: But Narshe is neutral...
KEFKA: Idiot!!
Soldier: Kefka, sir... What about the civilians?
Kefka: What about them? Kill them all!
Soldier: But, sir, Narshe is a neutral city...!
Kefka: Idiot!
"Lord Kefka!
What about the civilians…?"

"What about them?
Kill them all!"

"But, sir, Narshe is a neutral--"

Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: kWhazit, repunctuated for the speaker getting cut off -- kWhazit is the only source that renders the line as getting interrupted; "But" -> "But, sir, (Slattery, novel)". Page 4: Woolsey/kWhazit.
860KEFKA: Read my lips!!
Dispose of any who oppose us!
Kefka: Read my lips--mercy is for wimps! There's a reason "oppose" rhymes with "dispose"... If they get in your way, kill them! March!Kefka
"Read my lips: Mercy is for wimps!
When they oppose, you dispose!
Now, march!!"
First sentence Slattery repunctuated; Second sentence drawn in part from Spooniest -- a middle ground b/t Ted "The Poet Who Didn't Know It" Woolsey and Tom "Better Make A Huge Thing Out Of It" Slattery; Third sentence Woolsey/Slattery, edited to preserve the meaning w/r/t kWhazit ("Move!!"): "March!" on its own sounds like an formal order to begin marching, -> "Now, march!" within context appropriately feels like "Keep moving!", better matching the action on screen.
861ELDER: We really have no choice.
Let's make ready for war!
Elder: It seems the choice has been made for us. Let us make ready for war!Elder
"It seems the choice has been made for us.
Let us make ready for war!"
862BANON: They're after the Esper.
ELDER: We moved it into the hills.
Banon: They're here for the esper...
Elder: We moved it up into the cliffs above the valley.
"They're here for the Esper."

"We moved it into the cliffs above the valley."
Slattery, Page 1 repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey/kWhazit.
863Edgar: Then we're going up after it!Edgar: Then that's where we'll make our stand!Edgar
"Then that's where we'll make our stand!"
864Edgar: Locke has a complicated past. I wouldn't go thinking he's fallen for you or something!Edgar: Locke has a complicated past... Don't go falling for him now, thinking he was protecting you out of love back there.Edgar
"Locke has a complicated past…"

"Don't go falling for him now, thinking he was defending you out of affection back there."
Slattery; "protecting" -> "defending" w/r/t kWhazit "stuck up"; "love" -> "affection" -- a valid translation, and Lina Darkstar ("something like love") also senses that the L word might be a bit out of place; also makes Celes's response that much more piercing if she's the one to use the word first.
865Celes: I'm a soldier, not some love-starved twit!
Edgar: Cold as ice......
Celes: Thanks for your concern, but I'm a soldier, not some love-starved twit.
Edgar: So much for my next suggestion...
"Thanks for your concern…
but I'm a soldier, not some love-starved twit."

"Whew, that's cold!
So much for my next suggestion…"
Page 1: Slattery, slightly repuncuated. // Page 2: Darkmage, "that was" -> "that's" to nudge the tone a bit more torwards playful -- compare to kWhazit "What a chilling line!"; Darkmage appends Slattery's novel rewrite "So much for my next suggestion...", and that is kept here as well because it is great.
866Celes: So, you were born with the power of magic!?
Isn't it a lovely gift...
Terra: You...can use magic, too?

Celes: When I was a baby I was artificially infused with magic, and raised as a Magitek Knight.
Terra: Have you...loved anyone?
Celes: ???
What's that supposed to mean?!
Celes: Terra... Who'd have thought we'd meet this?
Terra: You can use magic, too...can't you?'s different from mine.
Celes: I was raised to be an Imperial Magitek knight. When I was still very young, I was artificially infused with magic.
Terra: ...Is it possible for you to love other people?
Celes: ...? Are you mocking me?
Who'd have thought we'd meet again…like this?"

"You can use magic, too, can't you?
But…it's different from mine…"

"I'm an Imperial Magitek Knight.
I was artificially infused with magic when I was a child."

"…Are you capable of love?"

Are you mocking me?"
Page 1: Slattery. Slattery changes Celes's address "The girl born with the power of sorcery/magic" to simply "Terra...", which is fine because 1) Woolsey couldn't figure out how to deal with it, either, and 2) the original is giving me "Star Player of the Zanarkand Abes..." flashbacks. // Page 2: Slattery repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. // Page 3: Slattery's terminology superimposed on kWhazit's structure. // Page 4: kWhazit, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery. // Page 5: kWhazit. (Slattery, "...?" -> "???")
867Cyan: Don't think for a moment I trust you!
Celes: Fine. Use your own eyes, then decide.
Cyan: Do not think even for a moment that I trust thee!
Celes: Fine. Use your own eyes, and see for yourself which side I'm on.
"Do not think for a moment that I trust thee!"

"Fine. Use your own eyes, and see for yourself which side I'm on."
Page 1: Slattery; "even for a moment" -> "for a moment" for brevity. // Page 2: Slattery.
868Sabin: Brother!Sabin: Edgar!Sabin
Slattery. Literally it's "Brother" / "Big brother", but Sabin appeals to his brother as such a few lines later, and we don't want to overkill it with an address that's uncommon in English to begin with.
869Edgar: Sabin!
You're all right!
Edgar: Sabin! You're all right!Edgar
You're all right!"
(W & S)
870Edgar: Who's with you?Edgar: Who have you brought along?Edgar
"Who have you brought along?"
New. Slightly friendlier than kWhazit "And these are?".
871Sabin: Oh, this is...Sabin: I'm going to have to defer to my brother on this one...Sabin
"I'm gonna have to defer to my brother on this one…"
Slattery; "going to" -> "gonna"
872BANON: They're coming!Banon: Here they come!Banon
"Here they come!"
873BANON: Prepared?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Banon: Are you ready?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
"Are you prepared?"
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Slattery; "ready" -> "prepared [Woolsey]"
874KEFKA: Oho!!
It's General Celes, the traitor!
How delightful! This'll be fun!
Kefka: Oh...! If it isn't General Celes, the traitor! Excellent! Now I won't have to hunt you down later!Kefka
If it isn't General Celes,
the traitor!"

"How delightful.
Now I won't have to hunt you down later!"
Page 1: Slattery; "Oh...!" -> "Oho! [Woolsey]". // Page 2: First sentence Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit; Second sentence Slattery.
875KEFKA: Go!!
Get those vile insects!
Kefka: Go! Get those vile insects!Kefka
Get those vile insects!!"
Woolsey/Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
876Save the Esper from Kefka!
Need some info?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Protect the esper from Kefka! Would you like an explanation?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Protect the Esper from Kefka!

"Need an explanation?"
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Slattery; "Would you like" -> "Need [Woolsey]" for brevity.
877You'll fight in 3 groups.
Use the Y Button to switch between them.
Defeat Kefka before his men reach Banon. Otherwise, you lose!
You'll fight using 3 different groups. Press Select to switch between them. Defeat Kefka before his men reach Banon, or the battle is lost! After you've made 3 parties on the party formation screen, press Start to begin the battle.You'll fight in three groups.
Press the Y button to switch between them.

"Defeat Kefka before his men reach Banon, or the battle is lost!"
Page 1: Woolsey; "3" -> "three", "Use" -> "Press". // Page 2: Slattery. Omits GBA's additional info about the "party formation screen".
878Terra: Kefka...
He stuck that crown on me?
Terra: Kefka... Is he the one who put the slave crown on me...?Terra
Is he the one who put that crown on me…?"
Slattery; "the slave crown" -> "that crown [Woolsey]"
879Locke: Bloody Empire!!
We are your worst enemy!
Locke: Curse the Empire! I'm not gonna let them walk all over people!Locke
"Imperial bastards!
You're in for a rude awakening!"
First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence New, figure of speech has essentially the same meaning as literal "I won't let you have your way! [kWhazit]" in context; Literal falls rather flat, so Woolsey rewrites completely ("We are your worst enemy!"); Slattery tries a compromise ("I'm not gonna let them walk all over people!") which also lacks punch due to its length.
880Celes: I'm free...
The Empire can't control me!
Celes: My past is behind me... I have nothing to do with the Empire now!Celes
"My past is behind me now.
I have nothing more to do with the Empire!"
kWhazit merged w/ Slattery
881Edgar: Kefka...grr...
What's he up to...?
Edgar: Kefka...! What do you hope to gain from all this?Edgar
What are you plotting…?"
First sentence Woolsey, "grr..." -> "(grumble)..."; Second sentence kWhazit.
882Sabin: Master Duncan's techniques mustn't fail me.Sabin: It's time to put everything Master Duncan taught me to use...Sabin
"Time to put everything Master Duncan taught me to use!"
Slattery; "It's time to" -> "Time to"; repunctuated w/r/t FF6j/kWhazit.
883Cyan: I will avenge the people of Doma!!Cyan: I will avenge the people of Doma!Cyan
"I shall avenge the people of Doma!"
Darkmage (W & S, "will" -> "shall")
884Gau: Gau hit hard!!!Gau: Gau fight hard!Gau
Gau hit hard!"
Woolsey; restored "Uwao" to beginning w/r/t FF6j's initial "Gau!" exclamation which typically is converted to "Uwao" in localization.
885BANON: We're history if they reach me!
Good luck!
Banon: If they reach me, we've lost. It's all up to you!Banon
"If they reach this point, we've lost.
I'm counting on you!"
First sentence Slattery, "me" -> "this point (Spooniest)" for clarity; Second sentence kWhazit.
886KEFKA: Aack!!
I won't forget this!
Kefka: Grr! I won't forget this!Kefka
I won't forget this!"
Spooniest (Woolsey repunctuated; compare to kWhazit).
887Edgar: Where's the Esper?
Locke: Is it okay?
Edgar: Where's the esper?
Locke: Is it all right?
"Where's the Esper?"

"Is it all right?"
888Edgar: That was a close call!
Cyan: Can it still be alive?
Sabin: Impossible...right?!
Edgar: Whew... The esper's safe.
Cyan: It also appears to be...alive.
Sabin: Is that even possible...?
Our frozen Esper's safe and sound."

"More than that, wouldst thou not say it appeareth to be…alive?"

"That's impossible… right?"
Slattery; "The esper's safe" -> "Our frozen Esper's safe and sound": Instead of omitting "frozen" (kWhazit: "icebound"), the line is dramatized slightly to balance it out, and it works well with Edgar. A straight rendering "The frozen Esper is safe" is too awkward here. Early ROSE efforts did a bolder play off of the "frozen" ommission, appending "Perfectly frozen in ice..." to the end of the Slattery line -- a nice line, but far from necessary.
889Locke: Terra!!
What is it!?
Locke: Terra! What is it!?Locke
What is it!?"
890Terra: Nooo!!Terra: No!!!Terra
891Sabin: Terra 'n the Esper...
Edgar: There's...some kinda reaction!
Sabin: Terra and the esper...!
Edgar: They're reacting to each other!
"Terra and the Esper… they're…"

"Reacting to each other!?"
Slattery superimposed on FF6j/kWhazit's structure.
892Locke: Unhh...
Celes: You're awake?
Locke: Uhhhn...
Celes: Are you awake?

"You're awake?"
893Locke: ...
Where's Terra?!
Locke: ...Where's Terra!?Locke
"…Where's Terra!?"
894Celes: She changed into a...something, and...took off.
She looked like...
Celes: She turned into a...something...and flew off. She looked like...Celes
"She turned into a…something…and flew off.
She looked like…"
895Celes: She looked like...
an Esper...
Celes: She looked like an esper.Celes
"She looked a lot like…an Esper."
Woolsey; "looked like..." -> "looked a lot like..." to prevent awkwardness of a verbatim repetition before a second hesitation -- idea likely drawn from Spooniest ("looked just like..."), and Lina Darkstar also adjusts the tone of the repeated words via italics, which cannot be done here -- Slattery avoided the awkwarness by removing the hesitation while keeping the repetition verbatim; Ended line with period instead of ellipsis w/r/t Slattery.
896Edgar: Locke!
You okay?
Edgar: Locke! Are you okay?Edgar
Are you okay?"
897Edgar: Something happened to Terra... There seems to be some connection between Espers and her...
Anyway, we need to find her.
Witnesses saw her screaming across the sky to the west.
Edgar: Something happened to Terra... There must be some sort of connection between her and that esper... We need to find her! Witnesses said she went streaking westward across the sky, beyond Figaro.Edgar
"Something sparked inside of

"Perhaps we underestimated the ties between her and that Esper."

"Anyway, we need to find her.
Witnesses saw her streaking westward across the sky, beyond Figaro."
Page 1: Lina Darkstar; "awoke within" -> "sparked inside of"; according to Lina Darkstar, the action is best translated as acting "within" Terra rather than "to" Terra. Woolsey/Slattery/kWhazit agree on "Something happened to Terra". "Within" works just as well, if not better, in context. The word "sparked" has some basis, as "to blaze up (fire)" is one definition given for the verb when looked up. // Page 2: New. Based on Slattery; "There must be some sort of connection" -> "Perhaps we underestimated the ties". FF6j has Edgar wondering aloud whether there might be some connection between Terra and the Esper, as though that hadn't already been established previously. What's new is that the kind of relationship is not what the party expected. Warrants a rewrite for consistency. // Page 3: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
898Locke: Let's go!
I promised her I'd...
Locke: We've gotta hurry! I promised I'd protect her!Locke
"We've gotta hurry.
I promised I'd protect her!"
899Celes: Locke...
Edgar: Think, people!
The Empire still wants that Esper.
Sabin: Banon needs our help, too...
Celes: Locke...
Edgar: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The Empire will be back again for that esper.
Sabin: And someone needs to protect Banon...

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The Empire still wants that Esper."

"And someone needs to guard Banon…"
Page1: W & S. // Page 2: Woolsey. Slattery is more literal overall but is missing a "maybe" qualifier -- and adding one in bogs down the sentence. Woolsey is good here. Both Slattery & Woolsey omit explicit reference to Narshe which is OK. // Page 3: "Slattery; "protect" -> "guard" to avoid repetition w/ #898.
900Edgar: Let's split up.
Those who aren't searching for Terra will stay and guard Narshe.
Figaro Castle can shuttle us to the western province.
Then we'll make for Kohlingen or Jidoor.
Edgar: Let's split up. Those who aren't searching for Terra will stay here to guard against further attacks. Figaro Castle can shuttle the others to the western province. It shouldn't be hard to track down clues in Kohlingen or Jidoor as to Terra's whereabouts.Edgar
"Let's split up. Those who aren't searching for Terra will stay and help defend Narshe."

"Figaro Castle can shuttle the others to the western lands. It shouldn't be hard to track down clues in Kohlingen or Jidoor."
Page 1: Woolsey; "stay and guard" -> "stay and help defend (Darkmage)". // Page 2: Slattery; "province" -> "lands (Lina Darkstar, kWhazit)" -- Hard to let go of such a nice word, "province", but it's a misleading Woolsey invention.
901Change group members?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Change party members?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Change party members?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
902Cyan: A former Imperial soldier...
But we've no choice.
We must help her!
Cyan: A former Imperial soldier... But still... We must help her!Cyan
"A former Imperial soldier…
But still, we must help her!"
Slattery, slightly repunctuated.
903Locke: I promised Terra I'd...keep her safe...Locke: I told Terra I'd keep her safe...Locke
"I told Terra I'd keep her safe…"
904Celes: She ripped outta here!
Looked just Esper...
Celes: When she flew off, she almost looked esper.Celes
"When she tore off into the sky, she almost looked like…an Esper…"
Slattery; "flew off" -> "tore off into the sky" to keep some of the imagery of Woolsey ("She ripped outta here!"); capitalized Esper. Tough to make more-literal renderings sound natural without changing the meaning.
905Cyan: We have to help her!Cyan: Do thy best! We must save Terra!Cyan
"We mustn't fail to help that girl!"
New, based on kWhazit "Aid that girl without fail!"
906Edgar: Find Terra!Edgar: We're counting on you to find Terra!Edgar
"We're counting on you to find
907Sabin: I'll watch over Narshe!
Go quickly!
Sabin: Hurry and find Terra! I'll keep an eye on things here in Narshe.Sabin
"I'll keep an eye on things here in Narshe.
Just hurry and find Terra!"
Slattery; sentences reordered w/r/t kWhazit; "Hurry" -> "Just hurry".
908Gau: Gau...
Gau do his best!
Gau: Gau do his best!Gau
"Gau do his best!"
909Cyan: Can we just march right into the Empire?Cyan: So, we will infiltrate the Empire...Cyan
"So, we will infiltrate the Empire…"
910Edgar: The Empire's Magitek Research Facility...
Could the secret lie therein?
Edgar: The Imperial Magitek Research Facility... Could the secret lie within?Edgar
"The Empire's Magitek Research Facility…
Could the secret lie within?"
First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery.
911Sabin: Leave Narshe to me!Sabin: Leave Narshe to me!Sabin
"Leave Narshe to me!"
(W & S)
912Gau: Gau...
Gau do his best!
Gau: Gau... Gau do his best!Gau
Gau do his best!"
(W & S)
913BANON: Go find Terra!
She holds the future to our survival.
Banon: Please find Terra... The future of the world rests in her hands.Banon
"You must find Terra…!
The future of the world rests in her hands."
Darkmage (First sentence edited Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery), lightly repunctuated w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit.
914ARVIS: Heard Terra turned into light and streaked away toward the west.
Make your way to Figaro Castle.
Maybe they can help you, there.
Arvis: I heard Terra turned into a ball of light and shot away towards the west. Perhaps someone at Figaro Castle saw where she went.Arvis
"I heard Terra transformed into a ball of light and shot away toward the west."

"Perhaps someone at Figaro Castle saw where she went."
915ELDER: I'm troubled...
I want to avoid fighting...
Elder: To be honest, I'm still not sure what I should do... I want to avoid war. But, on the other hand...Elder
"I'm still torn by all this.
I want to avoid outright war.
But…on the other hand…"
First sentence new, based on kWhazit & Mato; Second sentence Darkmage (Slattery, "war" -> "outright war"); Third sentence Slattery, lightly repunctuated. All edits w/r/t style, not accuracy.
916Moogles live deep within the mines!There are moogles living in a cave deep within the mines.A group of moogles have settled in a cave deep within the mines.RPGOne via Mato, lightly edited for style.
917We follow our Elder's advice!We obey the elder's will.We stand by the Elder's decisions.Darkmage, lightly edited w/r/t Slattery verb tense.
918So...magic really DOES exist!?Magic's real, I tell ya!Magic's real, I tell ya!Slattery.
Pshaw! What nonsense!
Magic? I don't believe in that nonsense!Magic?
I'm not falling for that nonsense!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; lightly edited for style.
920Narshe is a neutral city.
We want no war here.
But that #'%! Empire won't
Narshe is a neutral city. We've taken no part in the war, yet still we are not spared from the Empire's aggression!Narshe is a neutral city.
We've taken no part in the war.
But that damned Empire still won't leave us alone!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; uncensored; "Empire won't listen" -> "Empire won't leave us alone" for slightly better accuracy w/r/t Slattery "still we are not spared from the Empire's agression".
921Figaro Castle can burrow under the desert, and take you to Kohlingen!Figaro Castle can burrow through the sand all the way west to Kohlingen? That's incredible!Figaro Castle can burrow through the sand all the way west to Kohlingen?
That's awesome!
Slattery; "incredible" -> "awesome (Mato)"
922The house to the far right contains the treasures I've collected! Take them, before the Empire does!
Only one of them is locked. Now what do ya suppose is inside...?!
The house on the far right holds all the treasures I've collected over the years. Take them, before the Empire does! One of the boxes is locked and won't open, though. It's too bad... I think that one had something good inside.That house up on the ledge {you're facing/to {my/your} right} holds all the treasures I've collected over the years.
Take them, before the Empire does!

"Only problem is, one of the chests is locked and won't open.
I'm sure there was something good in it, too…"
Page 1: Slattery; incorporates Darkmage "up on the ledge"; Adaptive Dialog changes the indicated relative direction of the house depending on the position of the M.C. // Page 2: kWhazit, substantially reworded for tone & style (New.)
923A glowing form soared off toward Figaro Castle.
It seemed almost...human.
I saw a ball of light shoot off towards Figaro Castle. It almost looked like...a person.I saw a ball of light shoot off towards Figaro Castle.
It almost looked like…a person.
924Curse the day we dug up that Esper! That's what brought the Empire here!The only thing that esper's brought us is trouble with the Empire. Curse the day they dug up that freakish thing!To think the Empire would invade Narshe, of all places…
It's all because we dug up that freakish Esper!
Mato; "Narshe" -> "Narshe, of all places" for clarity; "stupid frozen Esper" -> "freakish [E]sper [Slattery]"
925Looks like war's a'comin'!It looks like war is finally upon us...Looks like war's finally upon us…Slattery; "It looks" -> "Looks", "war is" -> "war's" for brevity & style somewhat w/r/t Woolsey.
926There's a sasquatch that lives inside the mine...or so I heard.They say a yeti lives somewhere inside the mines, but who'd believe a tale like that?There's a yeti that lives somewhere inside the mines… or so I heard.Woolsey; "sasquatch" -> "yeti", "mine" -> "mines" w/r/t Slattery. Slattery may be closer to literal h
927Lone Wolf, the infamous thief, has been sighted here.
Are my treasures safe?
Lone Wolf, the infamous thief, was sighted in town recently. I hope my treasures are safe...The infamous thief Lone Wolf was sighted in town recently.
I hope my treasures are safe…
Slattery; "Lone Wolf, the infamous thief" -> "The infamous thief Lone Wolf" (Darkmage)
928Weapon and Armor shops are selling some new stuff for the coming war.The weapon and armor shops have started selling some new things in preparation for the coming war.The weapon and armor shops have stocked some new things in preparation for the coming war.Darkmage (Slattery; "started selling" -> "stocked")
929Can we harness the Esper's power? I think not...!Asking the espers to fight with us? I don't know if that's such a good idea...Asking the Espers to fight with us?
I don't know if that's such a good idea…
930I saw some Moogles walkin' with a sasquatch.I sawr me some moogleses playin' with one-a them big ol' yetis the other day! 'Course, no one believes me... Hic!I saw me some moogles walkin' around with a big ol' yeti the other day!
'Course, no one believes me…
Slattery, significantly toned down without going flat. The explicit drunkenness is a Slattery invention; Mato on FF6j: 'He just speaks like a regular old man.'
931Geothermal devices keep this town warm!This city is warmed by the heat of our steam engines.The heat from our steam engines helps keep this city warm.Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
932Wanna know how to ride a chocobo?Let me teach you how to ride a chocobo!Let me teach you how to ride a chocobo!Slattery.
933Press the A Button, or up on the Control Pad, to go forward.
Steer with the Control Pad.
Press the B Button to dismount. Careful! Once you get off, the bird'll return to its pen!
Press the A Button or <Up key> to go forward. Steer by pressing <Left key> or <Right key>. Press the B Button to dismount. Careful! The bird will return to its pen as soon as you leave the saddle.To go forward, press the {A/B} button or Up on the control pad. Steer left and right with the control pad.

"Press {B/A} to dismount.
Careful! The bird will return to its pen as soon as you leave the saddle."
Darkmage (Slattery, first sentence reworded for parallel construction), adaptive dialog for A/B button configuration.
934Chocobo ride, 100 GP!
How about it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
100 gil for a chocobo ride! How about it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Chocobo ride, 100 gil!
How about it?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey; "GP" -> "gil".
935King Edgar!
Welcome back!
King Edgar! Welcome home!King Edgar!
{Good to see you!/Welcome home!}
Slattery; adaptive dialog for rare case where Edgar has not left yet.
936We sighted Kefka in the area.If only you could have seen the look on Kefka's face as we sank into the sand!It sure was a sight to see Kefka throwing a temper tantrum {earlier/like that}!New; based on Slattery's tone, but closer to literal w/r/t Mato "Seeing Kefka filled with chagrin/frustration/annoyance was a wonderful sight to behold." FF6j does not reference the sinking into the sand explicitly. Adaptive dialog to use slightly different wording if the M.C. was present during that event.
937That girl...
wrapped in a fireball...
Headed off to the west...
I saw a girl blaze across the sky like a cat on fire! ...Well, more like a flying cat on fire, I suppose. Anyway, it looked like she was headed towards the mountains in the west.We saw a girl blaze across the sky like a shooting star!
It looked like she was heading toward the mountains in the west.
Darkmage; "I saw" -> "We saw", possibly to keep something of Woolsey in #936 -- and there is no explicit "I/We saw" in FF6j; "to the west" -> "in the west [Slattery]". The "like a shooting star" phrase is a good image for FF6j's "giving off light".
938Who'd have thought a person could fly over a mountain range?Who'd have thought we'd see the day when a human flew over a mountain range? Unbelievable, isn't it?Who'd have thought we'd see the day when a person flew over a mountain range?
Unbelievable, isn't it?
Slattery; "human" -> "person [Woolsey]", since Terra is not looking particularly "human" at that moment.
939Submerged, this castle could even travel under a mountain range!This castle can move freely through the sand. We can even go under mountains if there's a desert on the other side.{Once submerged, this castle can move freely/The castle's ready as ever to tunnel} through the sand.
We c{an even go under the mountains to the desert on the other side/ould pass under the mountains to the other desert if you'd like}!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Slattery "under the mountains if there's a desert" -> "under the mountains to the desert" -- no use talking hypothetically, since there is exactly one, known, use case here -- otherwise, it sounds like it's introducing a potentially fun exploration mechanic that never materialized; Adaptive dialog for M.C. Edgar.
940Wanna get past the mountains?
This castle can't fly, but it can submerge! Find the person in charge of the Engine Room!
You need to get beyond the mountains? Well, this castle can't fly over them, but it can dive under them. Talk to the man in charge of the engine room.{Need to get/Heading} beyond the mountains?
{Our castle can't fly over them, but it can burrow under them! Talk to/The castle can't fly over them yet, but it can always dive under them!

"Go visit} the man in charge of the engine room."
Slattery, reworded for style, "dive" -> "burrow"; Adaptive dialog for M.C. Edgar.
941The Empire is no longer our ally!We've broken off our alliance with the Empire.We've officially broken off our alliance with the Empire.Slattery; "broken off" -> "officially broken off", since the unofficial breakoff is not news to anyone.
942You must be tired!
How about a rest?
You've had a long and difficult journey. You must be tired... Why don't you rest for a while?You must be tired from all your journeying, not to mention this conflict…
Why not rest for a while?
First sentence New, w/r/t Mato "You must be tired from your long journey and war." -- edited to be more conversational; Second sentence Darkmage.
943Edgar: If only Sabin were here...Edgar: Sabin should come back here with me one time...Edgar
"Sabin should come back here with me sometime…"
Darkmage (Slattery; "one time" -> "sometime").
944Sabin: This's like old times!
I have to wander around for a while!
Sabin: Ah, this is just like old times! I'm gonna wander around for a bit!Sabin
"This is just like old times!
I'm gonna wander around for a bit."
Slattery; removed "Ah," & repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
945Sabin: Hey!
Wait. I'm going too!
Sabin: Hey, wait for me! I'm going, too!Sabin
"Hey, wait up! I'm going, too!"
Slattery, lightly reworded for brevity w/r/t Woolsey.
946MATRON: Sabin...
Every bit an adult, now...
I remember that time so vividly. I was so angry...
I learned something important on that day...
High Priestess: Oh, Sabin... You sure have grown up, haven't you? I still remember that time, you know. The time you really let me have it... I think you taught me something very important that day.Matron
"Sabin! My goodness…
You certainly have grown up,
haven't you?"

"I still remember that time,
you know… the time you really let me have it. I think you taught me something very important that day."
Page 1: Slattery; "High Priestess" -> "Matron" (see #91); "Oh, Sabin..." -> "Sabin! My goodness..." w/r/t Darkmage "Sabin! Oh my goodness..."; "sure have" -> "certainly have", slightly more obvious callback to #108. // Page 2: Slattery.
947CHANCELLOR: Welcome back, King Edgar!Chancellor: Welcome home, King Edgar!Chancellor
"Welcome back, King Edgar!"
What a splendid young man you've become!
Chancellor: Sabin? My, my...! What a splendid young man you've become!Chancellor
"L-Lord Sabin? My, my…!
What a splendid young man you've become!"
Slattery; "Sabin?" -> "L-Lord Sabin?" w/r/t Darkmage "Lord Sabin", likely invented.
949CHANCELLOR: Make yourselves at home here.Chancellor: Please, take your time and relax within the castle!Chancellor
"Please, take your time and relax within the castle!"
950Sabin: Hmm...
Castle hasn't changed much...
Sabin: Hmm... Castle hasn't changed much...Sabin
Castle hasn't changed much…"
(W & S)
951Sabin: And yet it's all different... Mom and Dad are gone... Everyone's gone...
Since that day...
Sabin: And yet it's different... Mom and Dad are gone... Nothing can ever really be the same... Not after what happened...Sabin
"And yet it's all different…
Mom and Dad are gone…"

"Nothing can ever really be the same…
Not after what happened…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery.
...took a turn for the worse...
...there's a chance he might...
...tonight... ...worst he's been... he should...…tonight…
"…took a turn for the worse…"
"…so, if he should…"
First two sentences Woolsey; Third sentence Slattery, lightly repunctuated; Divided the 10-unit delay among the three lines.
953Nooo...!'re wrong...!
This can't be...
No...! Y-you're wrong! ...It's not true!No…!
Y-you're wrong!…
…It's not true!
Slattery; Divided the 10-unit delay among the three lines.
...The King...he's...
Priestess... ...The king, he's...Matron…
The King, he's…
Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery; Divided the 10-unit delay among the two lines.
Sabin... Sabin...!…Sabin…
Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit; Divided the 10-unit delay among the two lines.
956...My father...
...I don't believe this...
...Dad...couldn't have...…Dad…
I'm positive, he was…
kWhazit merged w/ Slattery -- mostly kWhazit. Early ROSE effort attempts to superimpose the poison implication (kWhazit/Lina Darkstar) onto a denial expression (Woolsey/Slattery), but this falls short because it creates an expression of initial acceptance rather than the proper reaffirmation of a prior idea.
Waa, ahhh, ahhh...
Edgar: So...
They went and told you...
Sabin: Edgar... ...*sob*...*sniffle*...
Edgar: So... Dad...didn't make it...

"So…they went and told you…
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: kWhazit merged w/ Woolsey; "Father" -> "Dad [Slattery]".
958MATRON: Edgar!
Here you are...
High Priestess: Edgar! There you are!Matron
There you are!"
959MATRON: Your father...
He just uttered his last wish that Figaro be divided between you...
High Priestess: Your father just said he would entrust Figaro to the two of you. Those were words.Matron
"Your father, just now…
In his last words, he said he would
entrust Figaro to the two of you--"
First sentence Lina Darkstar (compare to kWhazit "Just now, your father..."); Second sentence elements of kWhazit and Slattery.
960Sabin: This is NONSENSE!!
Everyone's saying that the Empire poisoned Dad...
And the only thing on your minds is "Who's going to be the next king?!"
You're all pathetic!
Sabin: You all make me sick! Everyone's saying that the Empire had Dad poisoned... ...and the only thing any of you can think about is who'll be the next king! No one's even sad!Sabin
"This is PATHETIC!
Everyone… they're all saying the Empire had Dad poisoned…"

"…And the only thing any of YOU can think about is who'll be the next king!?
No one is even sad…"
Page 1: First sentence Woolsey, "NONSENSE" -> "PATHETIC", from Woolsey "You're all pathetic!" removed from page 2 -- it's a fantastic word here; Second sentence Slattery, "Everyone's" -> "Everyone... they're all [kWhazit]". // Page 2: First sentence Slattery, "you" -> "YOU" for intensity, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery, "No one's" -> "No one is", repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
961Sabin: No one cared when Mom passed away, either...
MATRON: That's not...
Sabin: None of you probably cared when Mom died after we were born, either...
High Priestess: That's not--
"I bet it was the same when we were born, and Mom died…"

"That's not--"
Lina Darkstar, lightly repunctuated.
962Sabin: You were as bad as any of 'em!
Edgar: Sabin...
Sabin: Empire of murderers...
They won't get away with this!
Sabin: You're just as bad as the rest of them!
Edgar: Sabin...
Sabin: Empire of murderers...! They won't get away with this!
"You're just as bad as the rest of them!"


"Empire of murderers…!
They won't get away with this!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Repunctuated w/r/t FF6j -- The distinguishing feature is the hard stop moreso than the ellipsis. // Page 3: Slattery.
963Sabin: I'm outta here!
I'm forsaking this war-sick realm for my dignity and freedom.
Sabin: You said you were sick of it too, right?!
Edgar: ...freedom...
Sabin: Let's leave this place! Let's forget this crazy kingdom, and live our lives how we want to!
Sabin: You said you didn't want to be a king, right?
Edgar: A life of freedom, huh...?
"Let's get out of here! Let's forget this crazy, bickering kingdom, and live out our lives in freedom!"

"You said yourself you didn't want to be a king, right?"

Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery; "You said" -> "You said yourself" w/r/t kWhazit "didn't you say yourself". // Page 3: Woolsey, repunctuated.
964Edgar: Matron...
Please leave us...
Edgar: Priestess... Leave us.Edgar
Please leave us."
Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery.
965Edgar: What'll happen to this realm if we both leave?
And what would Dad say...?
Edgar: ...What do you think would happen to Figaro if both of us left? There'd be no one to take the throne. Dad was counting on us to take care of the kingdom...Edgar
"But…what would happen to the kingdom if we both abandoned the throne?"

"Dad said he was counting on us…"
Page1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit, new wording "abandonded the throne" stands in for kWhazit "loses both heirs at once" when superimposing on Slattery's structure. // Page 2: Slattery simplified w/r/t kWhazit.
966Edgar: Sabin, let's settle this with a toss of a coin.Edgar: Sabin... Let's settle this with the toss of a coin. Dad gave me this one.Edgar
Let's settle this with the toss of a coin. Dad gave me this one."
967Edgar: If it's heads, you win.
We'll choose whichever path we want, without any regrets. Okay?
Edgar: If it's heads, you win. Tails, I win. The winner chooses whichever path he regrets, no hard feelings. Okay?Edgar
"If it's heads, you win. Tails, I win.
Winner chooses his own path.
No regrets, no hard feelings. Okay?"
First & second sentences Slattery; Third sentence Slattery, edited for brevity in part w/r/t kWhazit/Lina Darkstar; Third & fourth sentences Slattery lightly reformatted.
968Edgar: This is for Dad!Edgar: Here we go...!Edgar
"…Here goes!"
New; compare to Slattery & kWhazit.
969Edgar: And then, you opted for your freedom.Edgar: chose your freedom.Edgar
"And then… you chose your freedom."
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit.
970Edgar: It's been...10 years.
The little shrimp's grown into a whopping lobster!
Sabin: And you're a king crab!
Edgar: It's already been ten years... That little shrimp has grown into a whopping lobster!
Sabin: And you're a king crab!
"It's already been ten years…
The little shrimp's grown into a whopping lobster!"

"And you're a king crab!"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey. // Page 2: W & S.
971Edgar: Sabin...
I often wonder if he'd be proud of me...
Edgar: Sabin... Do you think Dad would be proud of me?Edgar
Do you think Dad would be proud of me?"
972Sabin: Don't you ever doubt that!Sabin: Don't you ever doubt that! I'm sure he's beaming with pride, wherever he is.Sabin
"Don't you ever doubt that!
I'm sure he's beaming with pride,
wherever he is."
973Edgar: 10 years...
Sabin: Where has the time gone...?
Edgar: Ten years...
Sabin: Where has the time gone...?
"Ten whole years…"

"Where has the time gone…?"
Slattery (Woolsey reformatted); "Ten years" -> "Ten whole years" to avoid wording duplication w/ #970.
974Edgar: Here's to a couple of confused grownups!Edgar: Here's to a couple of confused grownups! Drink!Edgar
"Here's to a couple of confused grownups! Drink!"
975Edgar: Here's to Dad...Edgar: Here's to Dad!Edgar
"Here's to Dad."
Darkmage (Slattery/Woolsey repunctuated w/r/t Lina Darkstar -- compare to kWhazit).
976Sabin: Mom...
...and to Figaro.
Sabin: To Mom! Figaro!Sabin
"…to Mom.
And… to Figaro."
kWhazit, recapitalized.
977Lots of requests this month!
If it's your wish, I'll take you beyond the mountains.
Lots of requests this month! I can take you to the desert beyond the mountains if you'd like.Lots of requests this month!
I{ can/'ll} take you to the desert beyond the mountains if you'd like.
Slattery; Adaptive dialog for M.C. Edgar.
978<Choice> (Go to Figaro?)
<Choice> (Stop?)
<Choice> (Go to Figaro.)
<Choice> (Stay put.)
<Choice> (Go to Figaro?)
<Choice> (Stay put.)
Slattery, partially repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
979<Choice> (Go to Kohlingen?)
<Choice> (Stop?)
<Choice> (Go to Kohlingen.)
<Choice> (Stay put.)
<Choice> (Go to Kohlingen?)
<Choice> (Stay put.)
Slattery, partially repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
980Beyond is the Figaro Castle Engine Room.
We're ready to leave at a moment's notice!
The Figaro Castle engine room is down those stairs. The engines are currently undergoing maintenance so we can be ready to move at a moment's notice if the need arises.{Beyond here is Figaro Castle's engine room. /Your Majesty!
}The engines are continuously being serviced so we can be ready to move at a moment's notice.
First sentence kWhazit, Adaptive dialog for M.C. Edgar; Second sentence Darkmage (Slattery; "undergoing maintenance" -> "being serviced", omits wordy "if the need arises" at the end), "currently" -> "continuously" w/r/t kWhazit "constant maintenance".
981That's dangerous!I'm sorry, I can't let you go down there. It's too dangerous.{You mustn't/Surely, you don't mean to} go down there{/ now}!
It's too dangerous!
Slattery; First (novel) sentence simplified & adaptive dialog for M.C. Edgar. Repunctuated for tone w/r/t Woolsey.
982Urgggh!Urghhh!Urgggh! (W)
983Next stop, Kohlingen!
Watch your step!
Welcome to Kohlingen! Enjoy your visit.Welcome to Kohlingen!
Enjoy your visit.
984Next stop, South Figaro.
Watch your step!
Welcome to Figaro! Enjoy your visit.Welcome to Figaro!
Enjoy your visit.
985Oh...! It came to my house!
A monster of light...
Looked somehow human!
That...thing! I don't know what it was, but it tore up my house! Some kind of glowing monster...Gah…! My house…!
That monster of light came and tore right through it!
New; Combines some wording of Slattery and Woolsey, more literal w/r/t FF6j, keeps Woolsey's tone.
986Everyone was scared when the glowing creature stopped here.
It left to the south, toward Jidoor.
A strange, glowing creature flew through here. Scared the living daylights out of me! It took off southward, towards Jidoor...Some glowing creature plunged into our village earlier. Scared the living daylights out of me! It flew off southward, towards Jidoor…Slattery merged w/ kWhazit; Removed novel "strange" in Slattery: "A strange, glowing creature" -> "Some glowing (Darkmage)"; lightly reworded for style.
987That shining creature!
So frightening to us all!
But I found it... beautiful!
I saw a pretty light! It came here, and everyone else was afraid of it, but... I liked it!I saw a pretty light! It came here,
and everyone was afraid of it,
but… I liked it!
988My dream is to see an opera at the opera house south of Jidoor. I'd wear a sequined dress...
And bring a handsome escort...!
It's my dream to see an opera at the opera house south of Jidoor. With a handsome date, of course! I'd get all dolled up, put on a sequined dress...It's my dream to see an opera at the opera house south of Jidoor.
I'd wear a sequined dress…
and have a handsome escort…!
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey, "bring a handsome escort" -> "have a handsome escort" w/r/t Darkmage
989Hey, 'zat you, Locke?
Have you stopped to see Rachel?
Oh, Locke, is that you? Have you stopped by Rachel's house?Oh, {is that Locke there with/Locke, is that} you?
Have you stopped by Rachel's house yet?
Slattery; reworded slightly to emphasize that it is Locke's routine to stop by Rachel's house when he is in town; adaptive dialog for M.C. not Locke.
990You a friend of Locke's?
He always stops by Rachel's house when he comes here!
Are you a friend of Locke's? He always visits Rachel's house when he's in town...You wouldn't happen to be a friend of Locke's, would you?
He always stops by Rachel's house whenever he's in town.
First sentence New -- essentially same meaning as Woolsey/Slattery but slightly more fitting for the shot in the dark that the speaker is taking; Second sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
991Best stay away from the house on the eastern edge of town.
The old coot there spends his days mixing curious herbs.
I heard he keeps ghosts under his house!
Best stay away from that house on the eastern edge of town. Crazy old coot sits in there mashing up smelly old herbs all day... I even heard he's got a ghost in his basement!Best stay away from that house on the eastern edge of town.
Crazy old coot sits in there mashing up strange herbs all day…

"I even heard he keeps ghosts in his basement!"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Slattery; "smelly old" -> "strange" -- "smelly old" is fairly novel and sounds redunant in the same sentence as "Crazy old". // Page 2: Slattery; "he's got a ghost" -> "he keeps ghosts [Woolsey]" -- plural is better for keeping the rumor inaccurate.
992My brother's a bit...touched.
Lives alone to the north, and dreams of building a colosseum!
My younger brother's a bit...eccentric. Lives alone up north--says he's going to build a coliseum, or some such nonsense.My younger brother's a bit…
eccentric. Lives alone up north,
and he's always going on about this coliseum he wants to build…
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Darkmage (Slattery reworded), reworded further for simplicity & tone.
993Was it really a ghost?
It stopped right in front of me. I could see it had gentle eyes...
Was that thing really a monster? It stopped right in front of my little girl, and I could see it had gentle eyes...Was that thing really a monster?
It stopped right in front of my little girl, and I could see it had gentle eyes…
994Shadow: We meet again...Shadow: We meet again...Shadow
"{I'm a man who has left his name behind.
People call me…Shadow./We meet again…}"
W & S; adaptive dialog if a character in the party has met Shadow -- uses text from caption #995.
995I've forsaken the world.
Some people call me...
I'm a man who has left his name behind... People call me...I'm a man who has left his name behind.
People call me…
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
996Shadow: Leave me alone...Shadow: Leave me alone...Shadow
"Leave me alone…"
(W & S)
997People call me...
People call me...Shadow.People call me…Shadow.Slattery.
998Shadow: Just need 'nough to feed my dog.
Say, oh...3000 GP.
Buy Shadow's help?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Shadow: I could lend you a hand. Just need enough to feed my dog. Say...3000 gil? Hire Shadow?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
"I could lend you a hand.
Just need enough to feed my dog.
Say… 3000 gil."

Hire Shadow?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
999Locke: ...wasn't able to...
save her when she needed me...
Locke: I... I couldn't protect her...Locke
"I wasn't there to protect her…
when she needed me most…"
Woolsey, "wasn't able" -> "wasn't there"; "to save her" -> "to protect her"; reworded as a complete sentence w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit; retains Woolsey's novel-ish "when she needed me"; "needed me" -> "needed me most"
1000RACHEL: Locke!
What are we off to find today?
Rachel: Locke! What are we off to find today?Rachel
What are we off to look for today?"
Woolsey/Slattery; "to find" -> "to look for" to avoid redundancy w/ #1002.
1001Locke: Soon, you'll...Locke: It's almost your...Locke
"It's gonna be your…"
Lina Darkstar. This is the line that probably inspired Woolsey's "She said 'Yes'!" in #1007, but Woolsey ("Soon, you'll...") does not capture the implication here. There is likely some ambiguity in FF6j, though, because Slattery ("It's almost your..."), likely closer to literal, misses the implication altogether.
1002Locke: You're not going to believe what awaits us up here!
Come on, it's worth a fortune!
Locke: There's supposed to be an amazing treasure hidden somewhere in this mountain. We're gonna find it!Locke
"There's supposed to be an amazing treasure somewhere in this mountain. And we're gonna find it!"
Slattery; "We're gonna" -> "And we're gonna (Darkmage)".
1003RACHEL: Locke!
Look out!
Rachel: Locke! Look out!Rachel
"Locke! Look out!!"
W & S, reformatted.
1004Locke: RACHEL!!Locke: RACHEL!!!Locke
1005Locke: Rachel!
Are you awake?
Locke: Rachel! Are you awake?Locke
Are you awake?"
(W & S)
1006RACHEL: ...
I can't remember anything...
Rachel: ... ...? I... I can't remember anything...Rachel
"… ……?
I can't remember anything…"
1007RACHEL'S DAD: Get outta here!
It's your fault she's lost her memory!
Locke: Wait a minute!
She said "Yes!" We were gonna...
Rachel's Father: Get out of my house! It's your fault Rachel lost her memory!
Locke: Wait! Just let me talk to her...!
Rachel's Father
"Get the hell out!!
It's your fault my daughter's lost her memory!!"

Just let me talk to her…"
Page 1: Darkmage (Woolsey; "Get outta here" -> "Get the hell out"); "she's" -> "my daughter's [kWhazit]" // Page 2: Slattery; repunctuated w/r/t FF6j/kWhazit
1008RACHEL: Go!
I don't know who you are, but ever since you came here my parents have been upset!
Rachel: Please, just go away! I don't know who you are, but my parents get upset whenever you come here!Rachel
"Please, go away! I don't know who you are, but my whole family gets upset whenever you come here!"
Slattery; "Please, just go away" -> "Please, go away" to avoid redundacy w/ #1007; "my parents" -> "my whole family [kWhazit]". This scene must take place a period of time after Rachel first awoke -- something Woolsey seems to have missed.
1009You'd best leave Rachel alone.
She's going to have to make a new start of it.
Your being here doesn't help.
Rachel would be better off without you hanging around, Locke. She's going to have to make a new start of it. With you here, she can't even do that...You know, Rachel would be better off without you hanging around.
That girl's going to have to make a new start of it.

As long as you're here,
she can't even do that."
Page 1: First sentence Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar -- avoid's Slattery's use of Locke's name here instead of second page; Second sentence Woolsey/Slattery, "She's" -> "That girl's [kWhazit]". // Page 2: kWhazit merged w/ Slattery; "With you here" -> "As long as you're here" to avoid slightly redundant phrasing w/ previous page.
1010A year passed...
When I returned here, I learned that Rachel had perished in an Imperial attack.
Her memory returned just before she passed away.
The last thing she uttered was... my name...
I should never have left her side.
I failed her...
Locke: A year went by... When I finally returned, I found out that Rachel had been killed in an Imperial attack. Her memory had returned just before she died. The last thing she said name. I never should have left her side. I... I failed her...Locke
"It was a year later…"

"When I returned here, I found out Rachel was…no longer with us,
thanks to an Imperial attack."

"Her memory had returned just before she died. They said she…
she called my name…"

"I never should have left her side."

I failed her…"
Page 1: kWhazit. // Page 2: kWhazit; "was gone from this world" -> " longer with us", a more localized euphamistic phrase for death; added "I found out [Slattery]". // Page 3: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit, wording broken up slightly differently for pacing. // Page 4: Slattery. // Page 5: (W & S) -- in FF6j, this simply repeats #999 (lit. "I couldn't/didn't protect her") with different pacing, but official translations use slightly novel "I failed her" pharaphrase instead, to memorable effect.
1011A girl named Rachel used to live in that house.
Now it's deserted.
A girl named Rachel used to live in that house up there. No one lives there anymore, though...That house used to belong to a girl named Rachel and her family.
No one lives there anymore, though…
Darkmage (Slattery w/ first sentence rewritten).
...memory returned just before she passed away.
She said, "If a man named Locke returns, please tell him I love him..."
Rachel... Her memory returned just before she passed away. She said, "If a man named Locke returns, please tell him that I love him..."Rachel…
Her memory returned just before she passed away.

"She said, 'If a man named Locke returns, please tell him that I love him…'"
1013Stay away from that guy.
He's an assasin!
I wouldn't talk to that guy if I were you. He's an assassin.I wouldn't talk to that guy if I were you. He's an assassin.Slattery.
1014I never want to return to Zozo! Phew!I'm never goin' back to Zozo! ...Hic!I ain't EVER goin' back to Zozo!
Slattery, "I'm never" -> "I ain't EVER" for style.
1015Some pretty bad sorts come in here. That guy's an assasin!We get some rather unsavory sorts in here. That guy over there's an assassin!We get some pretty rough sorts in here.
Take that guy…
They say he's an assassin!
First sentence Slattery, "rather unsavory" -> "pretty rough"; Second & Third sentences New -- retains "They say..." as likely in FF6j (see Mato stream), and uses different phrasing to avoid redundancy w/ #1013.
1016'Till a moment ago, an assasin sat over there!There was an assassin sitting at that table just a short while ago!There was an assassin sitting at that table just a short while ago!Slattery.
1017Oh! Is that you, Locke?
It's been a while!
Uh? Oh, that?! Worry not!
Your treasure's quite safe!
Uwa, ha, ha!
Oh, Locke! It's been a while! Ages even! Oh, that? Worry not, worry not! Your treasure's quite safe! Hee-hee-hee...Oh! Is that {Locke I see?/you, Locke?}
It's been a while!

"Huh? Oh, that!?
Worry not!
Your 'treasure' is quite safe!
Uwa, ha, ha…!"
Page 1: Woolsey, adaptive dialog for M.C. not Locke. // Page 2: Woolsey; "Your treasure's" -> "Your 'treasure' is" w/r/t Rodimus Primal, possibly via RPGOne (See Mato stream).
1018Are we through here?
All done? Finished?
Mwa, ha, ha!
Are we through here? Finished? All done? Hee-hee-hee...Are we through here?
All done? Finished?
Mwa, ha, ha!
1019Locke: Rachel...Locke: Rachel...Locke
(W & S)
1020I used some herbs to put her into suspended animation.
She won't age a day! Uwaa, ha!
That's what you wanted, right?
Had to use my herbs, I did!
It's a good thing I'd just happened to have finished this herbal concoction back then! Now she'll never age a day! Hee-hee-hee... Had to use my herbs, I did! Couldn't very well refuse with you begging me like that...It's a good thing I happened to have this herbal concoction on hand right then! Now she'll never age a day!
Uwaa, ha!

"Just as {one Locke so urgently requested…/you so urgently requested, right?}
Had to use my herbs, I did!"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery, edited for brevity, "have finished this herbal concoction" -> "have this herbal concoction on hand" w/r/t kWhazit "handy", "back then" -> "right then" to emphasize the timeliness of the whole situation; Second sentence Slattery; Third sentence Woolsey. // Page 2: First sentence New, based primarily on kWhazit, "most earnest of requests [kWhazit]" -> "so urgently requested" partly w/r/t Slattery "begging me like that...", adaptive dialog uses Locke's name w/r/t FF6j if M.C. not Locke -- formats as a question w/r/t Woolsey if M.C. is Locke; Second sentence Woolsey.
1021Locke: You mean those herbs have actually saved her?Locke: You're sure the stuff will work?Locke
"You're sure the stuff will work?"
1022Of course!
The love of your life will sleep here like this forever.
Kwa, ha, ha!
Of course, of course! The love of your life will sleep here just like this forever... ...and ever...and ever! Hee-hee-hee...Of course, of course!
The love of your life will sleep here
just like this, for ever and ever.
Kwa, ha, ha!
Split difference b/t Woolsey & Slattery; (kWhazit: "for ever and ever.")
1023Locke: What if there were some way her back?Locke: If there were a way her spirit back...Locke
"So, if there were some way to…call her back…"
Woolsey's content superimposed on the structure of Slattery/kWhazit; "What if" -> "And if", since Locke likely had already come up with the general idea; keeps Woolsey's ommission of references to Rachel's "wandering spirit [Slattery]" -- considered too explicitly metaphysical for Locke here.
1024If you could call her back...
...she'd come back!
Wah, ha, ha!
I'm sure you'll find something that'll bring her around!
Kuha, ha, ha!!
A way to call her back, eh? ...You mean like that legendary treasure? Hee-hee-hee... Oh yes, I suppose if you had might be able to bring her around! Gwee-hee-hee-hee!If you could call her back…
…she'd come back!
Wah, ha, ha!

"I'm sure you'll find something out there that'll bring her around!
Kuha…ha, ha!!"
Woolsey; slight edit "Kuha, ha" -> "Kuha...ha". Woolsey omits explicit reference to "that" particular "legendary treasure" in favor of "something out there that'll bring her around" to memorable effect. Slattery tries to merge the two, but the effect is somewhat lost in his rendering.
failed her...
Locke: I...failed her...Locke
"I… failed her…"
Woolsey, slightly reformatted.
1026Celes: Locke...Celes: Locke...Celes
(W & S)
Oh, that's Locke's...
Dear, me! Almost spilled the beans! Kwa, ha!
That? Oh, that's Locke's... ...Dear me, I almost spilled the beans! Hee-hee-hee...That?
Oh, that's Locke's…
Dear me, I almost spilled the beans!
Kya, ha!
Woolsey; "Dear me! Almost" -> "Dear me, I almost [Slattery]"
1028This is Jidoor, the western most town on the world map!This is Jidoor, the westernmost town on the world map!This is Jidoor, the westernmost town on the world map! Slattery.
1029This region is very class-conscious.
In the south part of town live the middle classes. The rich folks live to the north.
The class divide is quite visible here. All of the middle-class families live in the southern part of town. The richer folks live up in the north. You can see one of their enormous mansions from here!This region is very class-conscious.
All of the middle-class families live in the southern part of town.

"The richer folks live to the north.
You can see one of their enormous mansions from here!"
Page 1: First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; "up in the north" -> "to the north [Woolsey]".
1030The poor people have all left here for the mountains to the north. There they've built a town.All the poor people were forced out of town. I hear they built a new town in the valley between the mountains up north.All the poor people were forced out of town a while back. They've built themselves a new town in the mountains up north. Darkmage (Slattery; "in the valley between the mountains" -> "in the mountains"); added "a while back" to first sentence; Slattery's novel "I hear they" -> "They've" since Zozo is well-known enough by now not to be considered unconfirmed news.
1031Maria, the opera singer, is gorgeous!Maria, the famous opera diva, is absolutely gorgeous!Maria, the famous opera singer, is absolutely gorgeous! Slattery; "opera diva" -> "opera singer [Woolsey]".
1032I wanna be an opera singer when I grow up!
Opera house?
It's far to the south.
I'm gonna be an opera singer when I grow up! Huh? You don't know where the opera house is? It's waaay south of here!I'm gonna be an opera singer when I grow up!

You don't know where the opera house is?
It's waaay south of here!"
1033A girl wrapped in fire sped off to the north, into the mountains.I saw a girl bathed in light speed off toward the northern mountains...I saw a girl wrapped in fire rocketing toward the northern mountains… Slattery; "bathed in light" -> "wrapped in fire [Woolsey]"; "speed off" -> "rocketing" w/r/t kWhazit "with incredible vigor"
1034To the north is the town of Zozo. Watch out for the people there.The town of Zozo is nestled between the mountains to the north. It's a den of thieves and ne'er-do-wells.There's {a town called Zozo nestled between the mountains to the north/only one working airship in the world, and it's owned by the Gambler}.
{It's a stomping ground for rogues and criminals./They say he uses it as a flying pirate ship…}
First sentence kWhazit merged with Slattery; Second sentence Slattery with significant changes to wording for style: "den" -> "stomping ground", "thieves and ne'er do wells" -> "rogues and criminals"; adaptive dialog shows text from unused caption #1153 after the first Zozo episode is finished.
1035Bunch o' liars up in Zozo!
Never can trust 'em.
Those folks in Zozo don't have an ounce of honesty among the lot of them... Don't trust a word they say!The town of Zozo's full of liars.
Don't trust a word they say!
First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Slattery.
1036Oops! Sorry.Oops! Sorry.Oops!
(W & S). Unused in Vanilla FF3us.
1037Once in a while one of the idiots from Zozo'll wander down here, lookin' for an easy mark. Watch your wallet!Every once in a while one of those shady kids from Zozo wanders down here, looking for an easy mark. Be careful.Every now and then one of those rascals from Zozo will wander down here, looking for an easy mark.
Watch your wallet!
First sentence Slattery, "Every once in a while" -> "Every now and then (Darkmage)", "shady guys" -> "rascals", "wanders" -> "will wander" w/r/t Woolsey; Second sentence Woolsey.'re not from around here!
You look...ah...dorky!
You're obviously not from around here... Straighten your back! Don't slump so much!{You're obviously not from around here./Say…
You aren't…Maria!?

"No…} {That attire of yours is so…
ah… dorky!/
My eyes are playing tricks on me, surely…}"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence retains "ah...dorky!" Woolseyism, but adds explicit reference to the player character's "attire" for flow/context, inspired in part by Darkmage ("no fashion sense") -- likely far from literal/FF6j (Slattery: "Straighten your back! Don't slump so much!"), but gives the entertaining impression of an aristocrat experimenting with low-brow slang for fun; adaptive dialog for M.C. Celes uses text from unused caption #2623.
1039You like art?
No?! Philistines!
Oh, are you an admirer of art as well? ...No? How utterly uncivilized!Oh, are you an admirer of art as well?
How utterly uncivilized!/…A painter, you say?
How cute./…What? Bone carvings?
How utterly uncivilized!}
Slattery; adaptive dialog added for M.C. Relm & M.C. Umaro (art admirers).
1040You can get some priceless things at this auction. Whether you can appreciate them or not, who knows!Some truly valuable works of art can be had at this auction house. Probably not by the likes of you, though!Some truly valuable works of art can be had at this auction house.
{Probably not by the likes of you, though/Whether YOU would appreciate them,
though… that remains to be seen}!
Slattery; adaptive dialog based on Woolsey added for M.C. Edgar & M.C. Setzer (very wealthy characters).
1041I need something that will bring back wayward spirits.
I heard only in the Imperial capital of Vector does such a thing exist.
I want one of those legendary treasures that bring back departed souls! None of the other rich folks have one yet... I've heard you can get one in the Imperial capital of Vector...I'm looking for a legendary treasure with the power to call back departed souls, but not even the gentry here have been able to procure it.

"I've heard that only in the Imperial capital of Vector might such a thing be found."
First sentence Darkmage (expansion of Woolsey similar in meaning & tone to kWhazit), "artifact" -> "legendary treasure [Slattery]" to match reference in #1150; "wayward spirits" -> "departed souls [Slattery]"; Second sentence Woolsey with minor rephrasing.
Never heard of it.
Zozo? Never heard of it!Zozo?
Never heard of it!
1043Great people, here!Great people here! You can trust everything they say!Great people, here!

"…And honest, too!"
Page 1: Woolsey. This line is great when taken in isolation. Page break. // Page 2: Slattery, simplified to carry forward the same tone & gag as the previous page.
1044Beautiful weather!Lovely weather we're having!Lovely weather we're having!Slattery.
1045It's now 2:00.It's 2:00.It's two o'clock now.Woolsey, adjusted word order & reformatted.
It's 4:00.
Time, you say? It's 4:00.The time?
Just turned four o'clock.
Woolsey, lightly expanded & reformatted.
1047You can trust me!
It's 8:00.
Don't listen to the others! Trust me, it's 8:00!Don't listen to those guys!
I'll give it to you straight.
It's eight o'clock.
Slattery, "Trust me" -> "I'll give it to you straight", reformatted.
Time to go home!
Oh, it's 10:00! I'd better be getting home.Ten o'clock!
Time to head home!
Darkmage (Woolsey; "go home" -> "head home"), reformatted.
1049It's already 12:00.It's already 12:00.It's already twelve o'clock.Woolsey/Slattery, reformatted.
Haven't seen any girls here. Might wanna check the top of this building.
A girl? Nope, haven't seen any girls lately. And there's definitely not one on the top floor of this building, so don't bother checking.A girl? Nope, haven't seen any girls lately. And there's definitely not one on the top floor of this building, so don't bother checking.Slattery.
1051It's safe here!You won't find a safer town anywhere!You won't find a safer town anywhere!Slattery.
1052Clock's hands have stopped.
Please reset the hour.
<Choice> (2:00) <Choice> (4:00)
<Choice> (6:00) <Choice> (8:00)
<Choice> (10:00) <Choice> (12:00)
The clock's hands have stopped. Set the hour hand.
<Choice> (2:00)
<Choice> (4:00)
<Choice> (6:00)
<Choice> (8:00)
<Choice> (10:00)
<Choice> (12:00)

The clock's hands have stopped.

Set the hour hand.
<Choice> (2:00) <Choice>(4:00)
<Choice> (6:00) <Choice>(8:00)
<Choice> (10:00) <Choice>(12:00)
How long we gonna have ta do this!?
Phew...! How long do we hafta keep this up?Phew…!
How long do we hafta keep this up?
1054Clock's hands have stopped.
Please reset the minute.
<Choice> (0:10) <Choice> (0:20)
<Choice> (0:30) <Choice> (0:40)
<Choice> (0:50)
Set the minute hand.
<Choice> (0:10)
<Choice> (0:20)
<Choice> (0:30)
<Choice> (0:40)
<Choice> (0:50)
Set the minute hand.
<Choice> (0:10) <Choice>(0:20)
<Choice> (0:30) <Choice>(0:40)
<Choice> (0:50)
1055Clock's hands have stopped.
Please reset the second.
<Choice> (0:00:10) <Choice> (0:00:20)
<Choice> (0:00:30) <Choice> (0:00:40)
<Choice> (0:00:50)
Set the second hand.
<Choice> (0:00:10)
<Choice> (0:00:20)
<Choice> (0:00:30)
<Choice> (0:00:40)
<Choice> (0:00:50)
Set the second hand.
<Choice> (0:00:10) <Choice>(0:00:20)
<Choice> (0:00:30) <Choice>(0:00:40)
<Choice> (0:00:50)
1056Clock's second hand's pointin' at 30.The second hand on my watch is pointin' at 30.The second hand on my watch is pointin' at 30.Slattery.
1057That clock has no minute hand. It's never pointing to the right time anyway!That clock doesn't have a minute hand. Of course, it never points to the right time, anyway!That clock over on the wall is missing its minute hand.
Of course, it hasn't been pointing to the right minute, anyway!
Darkmage (Slattery w/ some rework); further edits "on the wall over there" -> "over on the wall" for brevity, "lost its minute hand" -> "is missing its minute hand", "never showed the right time" -> "hasn't been pointing to the right minute" for more definitive clarity with the riddle.
1058The seconds? They're divisible by 20!The seconds? They're divisible by 20!The seconds?
They're divisible by 20!
1059Some woman flew up to the top floor!
"Did you say..."flew..."?
That must be Terra!!!!"
Creepy monster's live up there. Look out fer 'em!
A girl flew up to the top floor, right in front of my eyes! "Did you say...flew? That must've been Terra!" Well, I'd stay away from the top floor if I were you. ...Not that there's a monster living up there or anything.~~~
"A girl flew up to the top floor,
right in front of my eyes!"

It must be Terra!"

"Well, I'd still keep my distance if I were you.
…Not that it's a monster who's living up there…"
(Unused) Slattery, edited to unambiguously maintain the speaker's honesty.
1060The second hand of my watch is pointing at four.My watch's second hand is pointing at the 4.The second hand of my watch is pointing at the 2.Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; "at the 4" -> "at the 2". Four in this case, corresponding to 20 seconds, appears to be a mistake. While it does not contradict the riddle solution, it overlaps with #1058, thus failing to yield an unambigous answer for the seconds when combined with #1056 and #1058. The other two hints narrow it down to 10 and 50 seconds; "at the 2" properly eliminates "10 seconds" and leaves us with the correct answer, "50 seconds".
1061Climb the stairs of the building with the CAFE sign on it, and you can find a path leading to Mt. Zozo.If you climb to the top of the building with the pub sign, you'll find a path leading to Mt. Zozo. The monsters up there are quick! If you go, you'd better have a way of making sure you'll be able to hit 'em. Like one of those, you know...sniper whatchamacallits!If you climb to the top of the building with the Pub sign, you'll find a path leading to Mount Zozo.

"The monsters up there are nimble!
If you go, you'd better have a way of making sure you can hit them.
…Like one of those sniper things!"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery, "quick" -> "nimble [kWhazit]"; Second sentence Slattery, "'em" -> "them"; Third sentence Slattery, edited for brevity.
1062With this Rust-Rid you can open that door.
Yours for 1000 GP!
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
This Rust-Rid will let you open that door up there. Yours for 1000 gil! How about it?
<Choice> Sure!
<Choice> No thanks.
This Rust-Rid will help you open that door up there.

"Yours for 1000 gil!"
<Choice> {Sure!/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> {No thanks./Don't want.}
Page 1: Slattery; "let" -> "help" // Page 2: Slattery; adaptive dialog for M.C. Gau
1063Purchased Rust-Rid! Obtained Rust-Rid!
Purchased Rust-Rid!
1064This place is dangerous!
And don't you dare think about jumping between buildings!
This place is dangerous! Be careful! And don't go doing anything stupid like trying to jump between the buildings!{"This place is dangerous! Be careful!/Man
"A girl flew up to the top floor, right in front of my eyes!"

<Party Leader>
{It m/M}ust be Terra!"

{And don't go doing anything stupid like trying to jump between the buildings!" /"Well, I'd still keep my distance if I were you. …Not that it's a monster who's living up there…" }
Slattery; adaptive dialog replaces normal text with text from unused caption #1059 once if the player speaks to this NPC a second time.
1065Hand's pointin' at the two.The clock's hand is pointing at the 2...
The clock's hand
is pointing at the 2…
Didn't reset clock...
The clock just keeps ticking away...
The clock keeps ticking away…
Slattery, edited for brevity.
1067Get in line!Hey, no cutting! Get in line!Get in line! (W)
1068Good day, gentle folks.
Can I be of service?
I hate fighting, so I'd better let you pass!
What brings you up here on this fine day? Do you need to get through here? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be in the way! I'm not very strong in a fight and I'd hate for there to be any trouble, so why don't I just let you pass?Good day, {{sir/madam/friend}/gentle folks}!
How can I be of service?

"Do you need to get through here?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be in the way!"

"I'm not much for fighting, and I'd hate for there to be any trouble.
So I think I'll just let you pass!"
Page 1: Woolsey, lightly edited for style, adaptive dialog replaces "gentle folks" for singular M.C. -- not as literal as Slattery ("What brings you up here on this fine day?") or kWhazit ("What did you want on such a sunny day?"). // Page 2: Slattery. -- Slattery expands on the original some here, and it works. // Page 3: Slattery; "I'm not very strong in a fight" -> "I'm not much for fighting", closer in meaning to Woolsey ("I hate fighting"), since some players may agree with him that he's not very strong; further minor edits for more definitive lying.
1069Rusted shut. The door is rusted shut.
Rusted shut.
1070Rust dissolved. The rust dissolves.
Rust dissolved.
1071Oooooh...gurururu...Uhrrr... Grrr...Ooohrrr…gururu… Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
Woolsey/Slattery, repunctuated for style; speaker label added via adaptive dialog.
1073RAMUH: She's scared, you know.Ramuh: She's frightened. Old Man
"She's frightened, you know."
Woolsey; "scared" -> "frightened [Slattery]".
1074Who're you?Who are you?<Actor>
"Who {are y/art th?/y}ou?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for speaker label and dialect.
1075RAMUH: This girl is your friend?Ramuh: This girl is your friend, I presume?Old Man
"You are {a companion/companions} of this girl?"
kWhazit, adaptive dialog for party size.
1076Is Terra all right?Terra... Is she all right?<Actor>
"Is Terra all right?"
Woolsey; speaker label added via adaptive dialog.
1077Cyan: Is Lady Terra sound?Cyan: Is Lady Terra all right?Cyan
"Is Lady Terra all right?"
Slattery; "all right" -> "sound" for archaic style.
1078Celes: Is Terra okay?Celes: Is Terra okay?Celes
"Is Terra okay?"
(W & S)
1079Gau: Terra...she ok?Gau: Terra...she okay?Gau
"Terra… she okay?"
Slattery, reformatted.
1080RAMUH: You call her Terra...
...Terra?? How odd...
Ramuh: So, her name is Terra... ...Terra, you say? Interesting...!Old Man
"So, her name is Terra.
…Terra, you say?
How peculiar…!"
Slattery; "Interesting" -> "How peculiar".
1081RAMUH: She is undamaged. But I fear she can't understand you. As for me, I am Ramuh. The Esper, Ramuh.Ramuh: Her life is in no danger. She simply used a power she didn't know she had, and it overwhelmed her. Now her body won't listen to what she's telling it to do. As for myself, I am Ramuh--the esper, Ramuh.Old Man
"Her life is in no danger. She simply used a power she didn't know she had, and it overwhelmed her."

"Now her body won't listen to what she's telling it to do.
As for me, I am Ramuh.
…The Esper, Ramuh."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, reformatted and lightly edited for less formal tone.
1082ESPER!?You're an esper!?{<Party Leader>
"{You're/Thou'rt/You}/"You're} an Esper!?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label if speaker is solo.
1083But don't Espers live in another world?Don't espers live in another world?<Actor>
"Don't Espers live in another world?"
Slattery; speaker label added via adaptive dialog.
1084Celes: But don't Espers live in another world?Celes: But don't espers live in another world?Celes
"But…don't Espers live in another world?"
1085Gau: Espers...from other world?Gau: other world...right?Gau
"Espers…live in other world!
That wrong?"
Slattery; "right?" -> "That wrong? (Darkmage)"; additional minor edits for style.
1086RAMUH: That doesn't mean we don't live here, too.
Espers take a variety of forms.
Sometimes we live here, taking the shape of humans.
You have nothing to fear from us.
Ramuh: That doesn't mean there's anything stopping us from living in this one. Espers come in a variety of forms. My appearance is similar to your own, so I can live here as one of you... ...without fear of anyone discovering the truth.Ramuh
"That doesn't mean we can't live here, too.
Espers come in a variety of forms."

"My appearance is similar to your own, so I can live here as one of you without fear of anyone discovering the truth."
Page 1: Woolsey, reformatted; "don't live here" -> "can't live here" w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery.
1087Why do you hide the fact that you're Espers?Why hide the fact that you're an esper?<Actor>
"Why hide{ the fact that you're/st thy identity as} an Esper?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for speaker Cyan & to add speaker label.
1088Gau: Why hide fact you Esper?Gau: Why you not tell people you esper?Gau
"Why hide you being Esper?"
Woolsey; "fact you" -> "you being".
1089RAMUH: Humans and Espers can't survive together.Ramuh: Humans and espers are incompatible creatures.Ramuh
"Humans and Espers are not exactly known for peaceful coexistence."
New. Based on Lina Darkstar ("Humans and Espers are not creatures that can mutually coexist.") & kWhazit ("Humans and [Espers] cannot coexist."), converted into a more rhetorically-geared statement rather than an absolute which would be partly contradicted only a few captions later in #1094.
1090Locke: But my grandma told me that Espers and people once lived side by side!
Was that just a fairy tale?
Locke: But my grandma told me that humans and espers once lived side by side... Of course, that was only a bedtime story...Locke
"But…my Grandma once told me about a time when humans and Espers both lived in this world, side by side."

"…Just a fairy tale, though."
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit. // Page 2: Darkmage, repunctuated w/r/t FF6j/kWhazit.
1091But grandmother once told me that Espers and people once lived side by side.
Was that just a fairy tale?
My grandmother told me that humans and espers used to live here together, side by side... Of course, that was only a bedtime story...<Actor>
"But…my grandmother once spoke of a time when humans and Espers both lived in this world, side by side."

"…Of course, I suspected it was just a fairy tale…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit; speaker label added via adaptive dialog. // Page 2: kWhazit, with minor rephrasing for clarity.
1092I heard that Espers and people once lived side by side.
Was that just a fairy tale...?
I've heard that long ago, humans and espers lived side by side in this world. I'd always thought it was just a fairy tale, but...<Actor>
"I once heard that long ago, humans and Espers lived side by side in this world."

"I had a feeling it was just a fairy tale, though…"
Page 1: Slattery; "I've heard" -> "I once heard"; speaker label added via adaptive dialog. // Page 2: kWhazit, with minor rephrasing for clarity.
1093Gau: Gau hear fairy tale. People...Esper once live together peacefully...Gau: Gau hear fairy tale... People...espers...before, live same place!Gau
"Gau know fairy tale.
Before, people… Espers…
all live same place."
Slattery; lightly edited for style.
1094RAMUH: No, that was no fairy tale. That was true.
We started out as friends.
Then along came the War of the Magi...
Ramuh: No, that was no fairy tale. That was the truth. Humans and espers used to live together in harmony. At least...until the War of the Magi.Ramuh
"No, that was no fairy tale.
That was the truth. Our kinds used to live together in harmony."

"At least…until the War of the Magi."
Page 1: Slattery; "Humans and espers" -> "Our kinds" for brevity w/r/t Woolsey ("We"). // Page 2: Slattery.
1095War of the Magi...Until the War of the Magi...?<Actor>
"War of the Magi…"
Woolsey; speaker label added via adaptive dialog.
1096RAMUH: It took place...long ago. Espers fought humans who were infused with magical power extracted from Espers...Ramuh: It took place long ago... Espers fought humans who had been infused with magical powers extracted from other espers.Ramuh
"It took place long ago…"

"Espers fought humans who had been infused with magical powers extracted from other Espers."
Slattery. Woolsey & Slattery rephrase the second sentene a bit vs. literal (kWhazit: "A war involving the Genjuu, and sorcerers created with power extracted from Genjuu.")
1097Fearing our magical powers would once again become a target, we fashioned a new realm, and moved there.After the meaningless war had ended, the espers fashioned a new realm to which they exiled themselves. They feared that if they remained, it would only be a matter of time before their powers were targeted again.After that fruitless war, the Espers feared that their powers would come to be targeted again.

"So they conjured a barrier around a secluded region and moved to live within it. …That is the Esper realm."
Page 1: Lina Darkstar, edited somewhat based on Slattery -- "be used once again" -> "be targeted again [Slattery]". // Page 2: Lina Darkstar, edited for lore clarity: "They created a magical barrier" -> "So they conjured a barrier around a secluded region" in part w/r/t kWhazit "made ourselves a separate realm"; "Esper world" -> "Esper realm".
1098About 20 years ago, humans stumbled upon it...humans who knew about Espers, and the secret to Magitek power.But then one day about twenty years ago, humans stumbled upon the entrance to that hidden realm... Humans who knew of espers and the secrets of our powers.One day, about twenty years ago, humans stumbled across it…
humans who knew of Espers and the secrets of our powers.
kWhazit merged w/ Slattery -- result is somewhat similar to Woolsey.
1099Thus began a hunt for Espers. Only in this way could Emperor Gestahl create his invincible army.And thus began the hunt. For Gestahl, the leader of the men, knew that he could use the powers extracted from us to create an invincible army.Thus began the hunt. It was led by Gestahl, who knew he could rip the sorcerous energy out of us and use it to create an invincible army. Slattery, wording rearranged for simplicity of sentence structure; added imagery with "rip the sorcerous energy out of us" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Ghastra ripped the power of magic from Espers").
1100In response to this, we erected a doorway, and threw the humans out.As soon as we realized what was happening, we erected a massive gate and forced the humans out.When we realized what was happening, we erected a massive door over the gateway to our realm and forced the humans out.Slattery; "As soon as" -> "When [Darkmage]"; "massive gate" -> "massive door over the gateway to our realm" w/r/t kWhazit/Woolsey ("Door") & Darkmage ("on the gateway to our realm") for accuracy and added clarity.
1101RAMUH: Even as we speak, many of my kind are trapped in the Empire's Magitek Research Facility, being...
...drained of their powers...
I fled here to avoid a similar fate.
Ramuh: Those who were captured are now in the Empire's Magitek Research Facility, being drained of their powers. I narrowly escaped that same fate, and now I am here with you.Ramuh
"As for those Espers who were captured then…"

"They remain to this day in the Imperial Magitek Research Facility, being drained of their powers."

"I narrowly escaped the same fate, and now I am here with you."
Page 1: Slattery; "are now" -> "remain to this day" w/r/t kWhazit ("are even now"); other slight edits based on kWhazit; broken into two captions & reworded to satisfy limited page size. // Page 2: Slattery.
1102RAMUH: That's right, relax.Ramuh: She seems to have calmed down a bit...Ramuh
"She seems to have calmed down a bit."
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
1103RAMUH: I sensed that Terra was in trouble.
My magic...summoned her here.
Ramuh: I called Terra here to me when I sensed that she had lost control. She responded to that call.Ramuh
"When I sensed Terra in her frenzy,{
/ }I used my power to call her here.{
/ }She responded to that call."
First sentence New, "in her frenzy" influenced by Lina Darkstar ("raving"), included explicit reference to Ramuh's power (lit. "sorcery") in this sentence rather than the second sentence (kWhazit: "the call of my sorcery" / Woolsey: "My magic..."; Second sentence Slattery.
1104Terra' Esper?So Terra' esper?<Actor>
"So Terra{'s/ is/}…an Esper, too?"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit; adaptive dialog adds speaker label for character standing immediately in front of Ramuh, adaptive dialog for speaker Cyan & Gau dialects.
1105RAMUH: No, she's actually quite different.Ramuh: No, she's a bit different from us...Ramuh
"No, she's a bit different from us…"
1106Terra looks like she's in pain.
RAMUH: Her very existence strikes fear into her own heart.
She looks like she's in pain...
Ramuh: She is afraid of what she is, and that is a painful thing.
"{She looks like she's in pain/She appeareth to be in pain/Terra look like she hurting}…"

"{Terra/She} is afraid of what she is,
and that is a painful thing."
Page 1: Slattery, which replaces "Terra" with "She"; adaptive dialog adds speaker label for character standing immediately in front of Ramuh; adaptive dialog for Cyan & Gau dialects, Gau refers to Terra by name w/r/t Woolsey & FF6j. // Page 2: Slattery; Ramuh uses Terra's name if it was skipped on Page 1.
1107How can we help her?What can we do to help her?<Actor>
"How {can /}we help her?"
Woolsey; adaptive dialog adds speaker label - same speaker as #1105 & 1106; adaptive dialog for Gau dialect
1108RAMUH: When she accepts this aspect of herself, I think she'll be all right.Ramuh: Once she understands her true nature, the fear and doubt should subside.Ramuh
"Once she makes sense of her true nature, her fear and discomfort should subside."
Slattery; "understands" -> "makes sense", "the fear" -> "her fear" for style.
1109We have to do something!
RAMUH: Then free those of my kind imprisoned in Gestahl's Magitek Research Facility. One of them can surely help her.
Is there nothing we can do?
Ramuh: The others of my kind who are trapped in Gestahl's Magitek Research Facility may be able to help her.
"Is {there /}nothing we can do…?"

"One of my kindred trapped in Gestahl's Magitek Research Facility may be able to help her."
Page 1: Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label; adaptive dialog for Gau dialect. // Page 2: Slattery; "The others of my kind who are trapped" -> "One of my kindred trapped" w/r/t kWhazit ("One of my colleagues") & Woolsey ("One of them"). It seems Ramuh may be referring to a certain one of his kind in particular (Maduin).
1110If we find the Magitek Research Facility, you're sure we'll find your people?And if we can get inside that facility, you're sure we'll find them?<Actor>
"And if {I/we} can get inside th{e Magitek Research F/{e Magitek Research F/at f}}acility, {you're sure {I/we}'ll find your/thou art certain {I/we}'ll find thy} people?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label; adaptive dialog for party size and Cyan dialect; adaptive dialog replaces "the Magitek Research Facility" with "that facility" if the full name will be used in the next caption to avoid redundancy
1111Celes: The Magitek Research Facility...?
Your people are still there?!
Celes: ...Huh? The Magitek Research Facility? Your people are in there!?Celes
"Huh? The Magitek Research Facility?
That's really where your people are?"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit; "Your people are in there [Slattery]" -> "That's really where your people are" for believability since Ramuh already mentioned the research facility earlier in #1101.
1112Gau: Magitek Research Facility...?
There...your people?
Gau: Ma-gi-tek Re-search ...Your friends there?Gau
Friend is there?"
First sentence New -- Gau sounds out the name as in Slattery, but a little less struggling since Slattery's take is novel. Second sentence New, based on Slattery ("friends") with kWhazit's use of singular ("colleague").
1113Celes: Magitek Research Facility...
Your people are...
Celes: ...The Magitek Research Facility? Your people are in there?Celes
"Magitek Research Facility…
That's really where they are…?"
New; adds "really" for believability (see #1111), introspection fleshed out based on kWhazit ("There...") and Woolsey ("Your people are...")
1114RAMUH: Like a coward, I escaped leaving the others there.
It'll be the end of them...
Ramuh: I escaped alone, abandoning my friends and hiding here like a coward. But I fear I can remain here no longer.Ramuh
"I escaped alone, abandoning my friends and hiding here as a coward.
But that, too, has reached its end."
First sentence Slattery, "like a coward" -> "as a coward"; Second sentence Lina Darkstar, "is at an end" -> "has reached its end" -- compare to kWhazit ("But that, too, ends now").
1115What do you mean?What do you mean?<Actor>
"What {do you/dost thou/you} mean?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label; adaptive dialog for Cyan & Gau dialect.
1116RAMUH: Gestahl's methods are incorrect. You can't drain a live Esper of all its power.
It is only when we are reduced to Magicite that our abilities can be transferred in total...
Ramuh: Gestahl's methods are mistaken. You can't drain an esper's powers by force--that weakens them. Only when we become magicite can our powers be transferred in full.Ramuh
"Gestahl's methods are mistaken.
You cannot forcibly extract all of a living Esper's powers."

"It is only when we have become Magicite that our powers can be transferred in full."
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Darkmage (rephrase of Woolsey; compare "forcibly" to Slattery et al., compare "extract" to kWhazit). // Page 2: Darkmage (Slattery, "Only" -> "It is only", "can our powers" -> "that our powers are"), + a couple more edits for style.
RAMUH: When we transform into Magicite, our power can be relocated.
RAMUH: That's what's left of us when we...pass away.
What are you saying?
Ramuh: I am going to turn myself into magicite so that I may lend you my strength. Magicite...?
Ramuh: Magicite is an esper's power in its purest form. When an esper dies, magicite is all that is left behind... But...!
<Party Leader>
"{What are you saying/Pardon!/Uwao}?"

"I shall turn myself into Magicite so that I may lend you my strength."

<Party Leader>

"It is the purest form of an Esper's power. When an Esper dies, Magicite is all that's left behind…"

<Party Leader>
Page 1: Slattery; adaptive dialog adds M.C. speaker label, adaptive dialog for Cyan & Gau dialect (Cyan use's Woolsey's rendering). // Page 2: Darkmage (Slattery; "am going to" -> "shall"). // Page 3: kWhazit, adaptive dialog adds M.C. speaker label. // Page 4: Slattery, edited for brevity. // Page 5: kWhazit; adaptive dialog adds M.C. speaker label.
1118RAMUH: These are my comrades who fell while escaping the Empire. And I will give you my power, as well...Ramuh: These are my companions who fell as we fled the Empire... And I will give you my power as well...Ramuh
"These are my companions who fell as we fled the Empire. And I will give you my power as well…"
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
1119Why are you doing this...?Why would you do such a thing...?Why {would you/wouldst thou/you} go so far…?kWhazit; adaptive dialog for Cyan & Gau dialect. Both Slattery and Woolsey give the impression that the character does not know even the surface-level reason for Ramuh's act, even though a reason was given in #1116.
1120RAMUH: We few can help save many. The War of the Magi must not be repeated...Ramuh: If our power is used for destruction, the skies will darken and life will fade from the earth... You must stop them. There must not be a second War of the Magi...Ramuh
"If our power is abused any further,
this world will plunge into darkness,
and all life will be extinguished."

"You must stop them.
The War of the Magi must not be repeated…!"
New. Reworks Slattery with content informed by kWhazit; tones down Slattery's specific and somewhat novel imagery of skies darkening and whatnot, since it is difficult to tell to what extent Ramuh is speaking figuratively. (FF6j is less figurative, something like "The planet and life will come to an end".); "If our power is abused any further" is novel, a reworking of Slattery's own novel "If our power used for destruction" (compare to kWhazit "If they make use of us as power" & Lina Darkstar "If we are used as power"), adding awareness that 1) there does exist a licit method for using the Espers "as power", i.e. using Magicite, and 2) the Empire has already been abusing Esper power -- heroes are trying to prevent the Empire from taking it to the next level.
1121Old man...
Are you really gone...?
Old man... You're really gone, aren't you...?<Actor>
"Old man…
Are you really gone…?"
Woolsey (compare to kWhazit "Old man... are you dead...?" vs. Slattery "Old man... You're really gone, aren't you...?"); adaptive dialog adds speaker label.
1122Shadow: You old fool...
Why throw it all away?
Shadow: You old fool... Why throw it all away...?Shadow
"You old fool…
Why throw it all away?"
1123Cyan: He's...gone...Cyan: He's...gone, isn't he?Cyan
"He's…gone, isn't he?"
1124Celes: Ramuh...
Celes: Ramuh... Why...?Celes
(W & S)
1125Gau: R.a.m.u.h...
You leave...?
Gau: Ra...muh... You leave...not come back?Gau
You leave… not come back…?"
Slattery, slightly repunctuated.
1126Magicite...?He turned himself to magicite...<Actor>
Woolsey; adaptive dialog adds speaker label.
1127He traded his power, so that others might live...He gave up his life to help us...He gave up his own life to help us…kWhazit (same as Slattery w/ "his life" -> "his own life").
1128Cyan: He traded his power, so that others might live...Cyan: He sacrificed himself to give us the strength with which to fight the Empire...Cyan
"He gave up his own life, that he might help us…"
kWhazit, lightly repunctuated.
1129Celes: He traded his power, so that others might live...Celes: He gave up his own life so that we'd have the power to stop them...Celes
"He gave up his own life to help us…"
1130Gau: Awoooo...!Gau: Waoooh...Gau
Darkmage, slightly shortened towards the length of Woolsey/Slattery.
1131Terra...wait for us.
We'll be back!
Terra...wait for us. We'll be back for you!<Party Leader>
Wait for {{me.
I'll be/us.
We'll be}/{me.
I shall be/us.
We shall be}/{Gau.
Gau come/us. We
come}} back for {you/thee}!"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party size, Cyan & Gau dialect.
Received the Magicite
Obtained Ramuh magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey; "Received" -> "Obtained [Slattery]";
Received the Magicite
Obtained Siren magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey; "Received" -> "Obtained [Slattery]";
Received the Magicite
Obtained Kirin magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
Woolsey; "Received" -> "Obtained [Slattery]";
Received the Magicite
Obtained Cait Sith magicite!
Obtained the Magicite
'Cait Sith'.
Woolsey; "Received" -> "Obtained [Slattery]"; "Stray" -> "Cait Sith [Slattery]"
1136Everyone here?
I was thinking, ...
Edgar: Let's talk on the way!
Everyone's here? I was just thinking...
Edgar: Let's talk on the way back down!
<Party Leader>
"{Everyone's here?/You all here?}
{You're not gonna believe this/{I/We}'ve quite a story to tell/You're not going to believe this/{Gau/We} have lot to tell}…"

/}"We can talk on the way down."
Page 1: First sentence Slattery, adaptive dialog adds M.C. speaker label; Second sentence New -- based on kWhazit ("What happened is..."), adaptive dialog for party size & M.C. dialect. // Page 2: Darkmage (compare to kWhazit "Let's talk on the way back for now."); adaptive dialog adds Edgar speaker label if the first page was not assigned to Edgar.
1137Edgar: The Empire's trying to drain magic from Espers...Edgar: So, the Empire's been draining magic from espers...Edgar
"So, the Empire's been getting its Magitek power from Espers after all…"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit; Rather than "magic [Woolsey/Slattery]", uses "Magitek" (kWhazit: "sorcery", see #87) since this is sorcery in the context of the Empire's own appropriation, also to draw the full conceptual line from Magitek, through sorcery, all the way to Esper power. Added novel "after all" at the end, since this revelation is not exactly new -- It has been a working theory of the party since the meeting with Banon.
1138Sabin: This can't be true...
Sabin: Celes, was all of that true?Sabin
"Celes, is it true?"
kWhazit, reordered w/r/t Slattery.
1139Celes: I don't remember because I was asleep when they...augmented me.
But I've heard rumors to that effect.
Celes: I was asleep when they performed my infusion, so I don't know for sure. But...I've heard rumors to that effect.Celes
"I was asleep when they performed my infusion, so I don't know for sure."

"…But I've heard rumors to that effect."
Page 1: Slattery. (Reworks awkward "clearly" in "remember clearly [Lina Darkstar]" -- if you are asleep, it can be assumed you would have any memory of the event at all.) // Page 2: Woolsey/Slattery, slightly repunctuated.
1140Cyan: Then we're going in...
Edgar: We'd best split into 2 groups.
We still need to beef up our defenses in Narshe.
Cyan: Then I suppose we must find a way to slip into the Empire...
Edgar: We'd best split up again. We still need to beef up our defenses in Narshe.
"Then we set forth for the Empire…"

"We'd best split up again.
We still need to maintain our defenses in Narshe."
Page 1: kWhazit, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery ("split up again" improves upon lit. "split into two groups" since the party was just split in half a few moments ago; Second sentence Woolsey/Slattery, "beef up" -> "maintain (Spooniest)".
1141Cyan: Indeed.Cyan: That would indeed be wise.Cyan
(W) (/kWhazit)
1142Celes: I'll go to the Empire. I know it well...
Sabin: But alone...?
Celes: I'll go to the Empire. I know it inside and out.
Sabin: But alone...?
"I'll go to the capital.
I know it inside and out."

"But alone…?"
1143Locke: Don't worry, I'll go with her.Locke: Don't worry. I'll go with her.Locke
"No worries.
I'm going with her."
Slattery's structure; "Don't worry" -> "No worries (DarkMage)"; "I'll go" -> "I'm going (kWhazit).
1144Celes: Locke!Celes: Locke!Celes
(W & S)
1145Cyan: You need a hand?Cyan: It may not hurt to have a few more people along.Cyan
"Might it not help to have a couple more people along?"
Slattery; "few" -> "couple", rephrased as a question w/r/t kWhazit ("..., do they not?")
1146Locke: Please wait for us in Narshe. We'll find our way back safely.
"If you wish to change group members, head for Narshe."
Locke: Wait for us back in Narshe. Don't worry, we'll be fine! If we need to change party members, I guess we'll just head back to Narshe...Locke
"Wait for us in Narshe.
We'll be back from the Empire before you know it."

"If y{ou/e} need to change group members, just come to Narshe."
Page 1: First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence New -- found a phrase that flows naturally like Slattery while being closer to literal (Woolsey: "We'll find our way back safely." kWhazit: "We'll come back from the Empire for sure.") // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit, Adaptive Dialog assigns a speaker label to the non-party member character closest to Locke. Note: Slattery makes this first person, likely since the exact speaker is ambiguous.
1147Shadow: There's no need for me to remain with you.Shadow: I can't remain with you any longer.Shadow
"I can't remain with you any longer."
1148Celes: we gonna get there? The Empire's on the continent to the south. No boats go there...
Locke: The people of Jidoor, a town to the south, can probably help us.
Celes: are we going to get there? The Empire's on the southern continent... They've closed down all the harbors, so there aren't even any ships sailing there anymore.
Locke: The town of Jidoor to the south is full of wealthy aristocrats... One of them might know a way in. "Where there's a gil..."
"In any case… the Empire covers the southern continent.
Ships aren't sailing there anymore…"

"So…how exactly are we going to get there?"

"Maybe those aristocrats down in Jidoor can help us find a way in.
Money opens doors, after all…"
Page 1: First sentence kWhazit, repunctuated for style, "Empire's on" -> "Empire covers" w/r/t Lina Darkstar "The Empire is the southern continent"; Second sentence Slattery's wording superimposed on Woolsey's structure, removes Slattery novelty "They've closed down all the harbors" -- from this line in Woolsey/kWhazit/etc. it is ambiguous whether the ships can't go or won't go to the southern continent. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery's wording superimposed on kWhazit's structure, "Jidoor to the south" -> "down in Jidoor"; Second sentence Darkmage (based on Lina Darkstar "They are rich, after all", probably motivated by Slattey's invented figure of speech "Where there's a gil..."
1149Celes: Locke.
Locke: Yes?
Celes: Why are you coming with me?
Celes: Locke.
Locke: Yeah?
Celes: Why are you coming with me?


"Why are you coming with me?"
1150Locke: Well...
There're bound to be treasures there.
And besides, I've always wanted an inside look at the Empire!
Locke: Hmm? Well...there's the rumor about that legendary treasure being there and all... ...I just wanted to have a look around.Locke
"Hmm? Well…there's th{is/e} rumor about {a/that} legendary treasure being somewhere in the Empire…"

"I just wanted to have a look around."
Slattery; "being there and all" -> "being somewhere in the Empire" w/r/t last sentence in FF6j/Woolsey; Adaptive Dialog for case where Locke does not think Celes has heard about the legendary treasure yet.
1151Ain't no easy way to make the Imperial lands...!No one would be crazy enough to go to the Imperial continent these days unless they had no choice.No one would be crazy enough to go to the Imperial continent these days unless they had no choice. Slattery.
1152Only way to reach the Empire's by air. Of course you realize you'd need an airship!The only way to reach the Empire now is by air. Of course, you'd need an airship for that. ...What, did you think I was going to suggest launching yourself from a catapult? Are you daft?The only way to reach the Empire now is by air. Of course, you realize you would need an airship for that! First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey, lightly edited for clarity.
1153There's only one airship in the world. It's owned by a gambler, or should I say pirate...?There's only one working airship in the world. It's owned by the Gambler. They say he uses it as a flying pirate ship...~~~
"There's only one working airship in the world, and it's owned by the Gambler. They say he uses it as a flying pirate ship…"
(Unused) Slattery, lightly edited for style.
1154The gambler likes flashy shows. He's always at the opera. I think he likes the beautiful divas...The Gambler always conducts his business with pomp and pageantry. He's also a big fan of the opera. Of course, I heard he only goes there to see the leading lady...{The Gambler always conducts his business with pomp and pageantry./My, if it isn't the Gambler!
What spectacle are you chasing after now?} {
He's also a big fan of the opera./I understand you've had your eyes on the opera in particular…}

"{…Though I understand he only goes to see the leading lady…/That wouldn't have anything to do with a certain leading lady, would it…?}"
Slattery, "Of course, I heard" -> "...Though I understand"; Adaptive Dialog for M.C. Setzer.
1155You're the spittin' image of Maria! Huh? Haven't heard of her? She's a famous opera singer!You're the spitting image of Maria! Huh? Haven't heard of her, you say? She's a famous opera singer!{{That young woman with you is/You're} the spitting image of Maria!

You've never heard of {Maria/her}?
She's a famous opera singer!/There's only one working airship in the world, and it's owned by the Gambler. They say he uses it as a flying pirate ship…}"
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Adaptive Dialog for M.C. other than Celes; Adaptive Dialog replaces caption with unused caption #1153 in a special temporary case.
1156IMPRESARIO: Maria!?Impresario: Maria...!?Impresario
1157Celes: Are you talking to me?Celes: ...M-me?Celes
"Y-you mean me?"
1158IMPRESARIO: mistake.
Wow, you could pass for Maria in a heartbeat! Hoo boy, now I really am in trouble...
Impresario: Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. Wow, you could pass for Maria in a heartbeat! ...Oh dear, we're really in trouble this time...Impresario
"Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. Wow, you could pass for my diva in a heartbeat!"

"…Oh dear, we're really in trouble this time…"
Slattery; "Maria" -> "my diva" w/r/t kWhazit ("an actress in my troupe")
1159Celes looks just like Maria...?Celes looks like Maria...?{Locke
"(/"}Celes looks like Maria…?{)/}"
Slattery; Adaptive Dialog displays Locke as speaker and wraps line in parentheses if party consists only of Locke & Celes.
1160That PERSON dropped it off.That man must've dropped this...That man {must've dropped/drop} this…Slattery; Adaptive Dialog for M.C. Gau.
1161MASTER: He's the director of the operas here. Everyone just calls him "Impresario."
He's been in a tizzy ever since that letter arrived.
Maestro: That man is the director of the troupe that performs at the opera house. Everyone just calls him "Impresario." He's been in a tizzy ever since that letter arrived.Master
"That man is director of the troupe that performs at the opera house.
Everyone just calls him 'Impresario.'"

"He's been drinking himself silly ever since that letter arrived…"
Page 1: Slattery; "Maestro" label -> "Master" w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery; de-censored via kWhazit
1162Locke: Who's this "Wandering..."? what's-his-name?
MASTER: You born on a farm, son?
Locke: Who's this "Wandering What's-His-Face"?
Maestro: Were you born on a farm, son?
"Who's this Wandering What's-His-Face, anyway?"

"Were you raised on a farm, son?"
Page 1: Slattery; added ", anyway (DarkMage)". // Page 2: Slattery; "born" -> "raised"; "Maestro" label -> "Master" w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit.
1163That's Setzer, owner of the world's only airship.That would be Setzer, owner of the world's only airship!Master
"That would be Setzer, owner of the world's only private airship."
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit; "only airship" -> novel "only private airship", since enemies "Air Force" and "Crane" imply the existance of Imperial military airship(s).
1164A blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino-dwelling free spirit...A gambling vagabond who finds freedom from society's narrow views of morality aboard his airship, the Blackjack... A gambling vagabond liberated from
all notions of right and wrong.
He sails the skies aboard his
casino-fitted airship, the Blackjack…
Slattery edited with more literal elements taken from kWhazit, and some new wording ("liberated from all notions of...").
1165My Dear Maria,
I want you for my wife.
I'm coming for you...
The Wandering Gambler
Dearest Maria, I've decided to take you as my wife, so I'll be coming to kidnap you. The Wandering GamblerDearest Maria,
I've decided to take you as my wife,
so I'll be coming to kidnap you.
~The Wandering Gambler
Slattery, reformatted. Earlier ROSE effort used the Woolsey's creepier structure (Woolsey: "I'm coming for you..."). After confirming "kidnap [Slattery]" as a valid literal translation, Slattery's matter-of-fact tone (also closer to the original w/r/t kWhazit) is just as much if not more entertaining as Woolsey's take. Note: ヨメさん = colloquialism for "wife"
1166Celes: If we could get that airship, we'd make the Empire in no time.
Locke: Let's set up a meeting...with Setzer...
Celes: If we had that airship, we'd have our way into the Empire...
Locke: Let's set up a meeting with this Setzer.
"If we had that airship, we could easily fly our way into the Empire…"

"Let's set up a meeting with this…
Page 1: Slattery, "we'd have our way" -> "we could easily fly our way" w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar ("from the sky"). // Page 2: Slattery w/ kWhazit's rhythm (punctuation)
1167The Opera House's closed.The opera house is closed.The opera house is closed.Slattery.
1168Performance underway.There's a performance underway.A performance is underway.New; middle ground b/w Slattery (more casual) and Woolsey (brief & impersonal)
1169IMPRESARIO: Ah! You again!Impresario: Ah! It's you again!Impresario
"Ah! You again!"
1170Locke: I read that letter.
Setzer's coming to steal her...
IMPRESARIO: He'll probably appear right at the climax of Scene 1. He loves an entrance...
Locke: We read that letter. So, Setzer is coming to snatch Maria away...
Impresario: He'll probably appear right at the climax of the first act. He loves to make an entrance... *sigh*...
"We read that letter.
So, Setzer's coming to steal Maria away?"

"He'll probably appear right when the show reaches its climax. Setzer loves to make an entrance… (sigh)…"
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit. Note: "Maria" here is a Slattery novelty for clarity. // Page 2: kWhazit's structure w/ Slattery's word choices. (Restores use of Setzer's name, omitted in Woolsey & Slattery. No mention of "Scene 1 [Woolsey]" or "the first act [Slattery]" in kWhazit or Lina Darkstar.
1171Locke: Right!
If we could only grab him then...!
Locke: All right! When he shows up, we'll jump out and nab him!Locke
"All right!
If we jump out and nab him then…"
kWhazit w/ Slattery's word choices.
1172IMPRESARIO: Dear me, NO!
You'll ruin the performance!
I'll lose my job!
Impresario: Dear me, no! You'll ruin the performance! I'll lose my job!Impresario
"Dear me, NO!
You'll ruin the performance!
I'll lose my job!"
1173Celes: Then you're history!
IMPRESARIO: This is simply horrid! I want the performance to be a success!
But I don't want Maria to be abducted...!
Celes: But if you don't do anything...!
Impresario: Oh, this is simply horrible! I want the performance to be a success... but I don't want Maria to be abducted!
"But if you don't do anything…!"

"That's what makes this so difficult!
I can't compromise the show… but I don't want Maria to be abducted…!"
Page 1: Slattery, after much pain -- not so much to retain Woolsey as to get something as effective in the form of a rhetorical question a la kWhazit. // Page 2: First sentence New -- captures the dilemma aspect (kWhazit: "That's why I'm torn!") but rewrites as a 3rd-person observation like Woolsey/Slattery. Second sentence Slattery; "I want the performance to be a success" -> novel "I can't compromise the show", since the performance is already guaranteed to be a fiasco either way.
1174Locke: We'll let him grab her...Locke: Let him grab her.Locke
"Let him grab her."
1175Locke: We'll use Celes as a decoy. After she's abducted, I'll follow 'em right to his airship!Locke: We'll use a decoy. Once he's got her, we'll follow him right back to his airship. And if all goes well, we should be able to commandeer it!Locke
"We'll use a decoy.
After she's abducted, {I/we}'ll follow Setzer straight to his airship."

"If all goes well, we should be able to commandeer it…"
Page 1: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence based on Woolsey, restored Setzer's name w/r/t kWhazit, lightly reworded for style, Adaptive Dialog for 2-person party (Locke & Celes only). // Page 2: Slattery, repunctuated for tone.
1176IMPRESARIO: Are you mad?!!
If something should happen to Maria...
Impresario: Are you mad!? If anything should happen to Maria...Impresario
"Are you mad!?
If something were to happen to Maria…"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit.
1177Locke: That's why the decoy! We'll hide Maria somewhere safe!
IMPRESARIO: Come again?
Locke: That's why we use the decoy! We can hide Maria someplace safe!
Impresario: Come again?
"That's why we use a decoy!
We can hide the real Maria someplace safe!"

"Come again?"
Slattery; "the decoy" -> "a decoy", "Maria" -> "the real Maria".
1178Locke: You said SHE looks like Maria, right?Locke: You said Celes looks like Maria, right?Locke
"You said SHE looks like Maria, right?"
1179Celes: Now just a minute...Celes: Now just a minute...Celes
"Now just a minute…"
(W & S)
1180Locke: Celes will be our Maria! She'll lead us to the airship!Locke: She can be our Maria! We'll let Setzer kidnap her and lead us to his airship!Locke
"Celes can be our Maria.
We'll let Setzer kidnap her, and he'll lead us to his airship!"
Slattery; restored Celes's name w/r/t kWhazit/FF6j, lightly reworded for style.
1181IMPRESARIO: Brilliant!Impresario: Brilliant!Impresario
(W & S)
1182Celes: W...wait!
I'm a GENERAL, not some opera floozy!
Celes: H-hold on here! I'm a former general, not some opera floozy!Celes
"H-hold on here! I'm a former GENERAL, not some opera floozy!
I couldn't possibly do such a thing!"
First & second sentence: Slattery, "general" -> "GENERAL [Woolsey]" for tone; Third Sentence DarkMage (based on Lina Darkstar "I couldn't possibly do something so frivolous" -- similar to kWhazit though a third party suggests "There's no way I could show off like that!"), "something like this" -> "such a thing".
1183Mii... Mii...
Do, re, mi...
Faa...hack, cough...

Maa... rii aaaa
Mi... Mi... Do, re, mi... Faaa...*hack* *cough*... Maaa...riii...aaaaaa! ♬ Mii… Mii…
Do, re, mi…

♬ Maa… rii… aaaa… ♬
Woolsey (/Slattery) lightly repunctuated for style
1184Locke: Not bad, Celes!Locke: That's the spirit!Locke
"That's the spirit, Celes!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey
1185ULTROS: Mwa, ha, ha!
I'll pretend to be Setzer and foil their little plan!
Ultros: Mwa-ha-ha! I gots my own little surprise planned for y'all, just like Setzer! It'll be TONS of fun!Ultros
"Mwa, ha, ha…
I'll make like Setzer and drop 'em a little something of my own!"
New. "pretend to be Setzer (Woolsey, kWhazit)" -> "make like Setzer" w/r/t Slattery "just like Setzer" / Lina Darkstar "copy Setzer"; otherwise somewhat a middle ground b/t Slattery (over the top pun) and Woolsey (cartoon villain)
1186Locke: Let's get ready!
Celes, it's show time!
Locke: Better get to work! We've gotta make a star out of you, Celes!Locke
"Better get to work!
We've gotta make a star out of you, Celes!"
1187ULTROS: D'haaaaa!
Come on! Read it...!
Ultros: Gaaaah! Isn't anyone gonna read it!?Ultros
Isn't anyone gonna read it!?"
First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence Slattery.
1188The West and East
were waging war...

Draco, the West's great hero,
thinks of his love, Maria.
Is she safe? Is she waiting?
The war between the East and the West was growing more violent by the day... Draco, a soldier from the West, thinks of his love, Maria, back at home... The war between West and East
was growing fiercer by the day…

Draco, a soldier from the West,
on the field of a desperate battle,
thinks of his Maria,
left behind in his homeland…
Lina Darkstar merged w/ Slattery.
1189& Oh Maria
Oh Maria
Please, hear my voice!
How I long to be with you! &
<Musical note> O Maria! O Maria! My beloved, do you hear My words whispered in your ear As if I were by your side? <Musical note> ♬ O Maria! O Maria!
My beloved, do you hear
My words whispered in your ear
As if I were by your side? ♬
1190Locke: I'm going to the dressing room.Locke: I'm gonna go check on things in the dressing room.Locke
"I'm gonna go check on things in the dressing room."
1191Edgar: Go right ahead.Edgar: Go on! Give her some encouragement!Edgar
"Don't do anything I wouldn't."
New. Similar generic approval/encouragement, but with a certain Edgar-esque flavor (hopefully without going over the top).
1192Sabin: Uh?
Why's everyone singing?
Sabin: Huh? Why's everyone singing?Sabin
Why's everyone singing?"
1193Cyan: Going somewhere?
I'm going to relax!
Cyan: Where art thou going? Thou should relax and enjoy the show!Cyan
"Whither goest thou?
Thou shouldst try to relax."
kWhazit; "Try calming myself" -> "Thou shouldst relax" in part w/r/t Slattery.
1194Gau: Pretty song!Gau: Uwao! Pretty song, pretty song!Gau
"Pretty song!"
1195IMPRESARIO: Is everything okay?Impresario: Oh, I hope this works...Impresario
"I hope this works…"
Slattery; lightly edited for brevity.
1196IMPRESARIO: Your friend left.
Said he'd have fallen asleep in another 5 minutes...
Impresario: Your friend left. Said he'd fall asleep if he had to sit here for more than five minutes...Impresario
"Your {/one }friend left. Said he couldn't sit through five minutes of this without falling asleep."
Slattery, edited for style, Adaptive Dialog for multiple party members present.
1197Locke: Aye yai yai!!?
Locke: Have you...always been that pretty?Locke
Is that…YOU!?"
Woolsey, toned down a bit.
1198Celes: Locke.
Why did you help me escape back there?
Locke: I...once abandoned someone when she needed me...
Celes: Locke... Why did you stand up for me when you did?
Locke: ...Because I'm tired of standing by and doing nothing while I lose the girls I like.
Why did you stand up for me when you did?"

"{I once wasn't there to protect someone when she needed me…
I couldn't let that happen again/…Because I'm tired of standing by and doing nothing while I lose the girls I like}."
Slattery; adaptive dialog uses Pixel Remaster if Celes has not personally heard Locke's story about Rachel. Note: Woolsey's "escape" is novel -- Celes is more likely referring to the scene where Locke defends her against Cyan's condemnations, or to his whole bodyguard project generally. "Escape" makes it sound like she's only referring to his initially getting her out of South Figaro.
1199Celes: Somewhere inside you were saving...her, weren't you...?Celes: Am I just a replacement...for her?Celes
"Am I just a substitute…for her…?"
Slattery, lightly repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey for tone; "replacement" -> "substitute". Celes is primarily trying to get Locke to open up more about his insecurities. While perhaps feeling let down by the situation, she is not bitter towards Locke as one might gather from Slattery. Woolsey & kWhazit both seem to capture the mood properly -- Woolsey by significantly rewriting the line, kWhazit by using the word "substitute". ("Replacement" suggests something permanent/committed, while "Substitute" is more temporary/open-ended.) Both Woolsey & kWhazit use the past tense while Slattery, Mato, and Lina Darkstar do not. What may also be going on here -- though probably not likely -- is Celes suggesting that Locke is using his own Rachel complex as a crutch to avoid admitting any real feelings he's been developing for Celes as herself. (i.e. "Am I REALLY only a substitute for Rachel, or is there more going on here?").

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2024 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.