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FF6:ROSE Dialog Script Notes

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0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

Woolsey (SNES)Slattery (GBA)FF6:ROSE v2.00
1600Now maybe we can get on with our lives.Now we can all live in peace again.Now we can all live in peace again.Slattery. (Line similar to Woolsey used in #1567.)
1601I heard that Espers attacked the Empire...I couldn't believe it when I heard the news that espers had attacked the Empire...I couldn't believe it when I heard the news that Espers had attacked the Empire…Slattery, reformatted.
1602All's well!Nothing out of the ordinary to report! All's well!Nothing to report here.
All's well!
Slattery, edited for brevity.
1603Is the war really over...?So the war's finally over...So the war's really over…?Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
These soldiers are absolutely insane!
Sheesh... Those soldiers think they own this place!Nuts…!
These soldiers think they own the place!
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1605This cafe is like an Imperial soldiers' dormitory!This pub's pretty much an Imperial clubhouse these days.This pub's pretty much an Imperial clubhouse these days.Slattery.
1606Since the soldiers are leaving, business is bound to pick up. Oops...better keep my mouth shut.Business has gone down the drain with all the soldiers gone... ...Oops, better watch what I say. Wouldn't want anyone questioning my loyalties!Business has gone down the drain with all the soldiers gone…

"…Oops, best keep my mouth shut."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey, repunctuated more like Slattery; "better" -> "best" since the NPC already slipped up.
1607Sure! No problem!Yeah, baby! Wh-whew!{All right,/{All right,/{Woo-/{Woo-/Yeah,}}}}{ all right/{ all right/{hoo/{hoo/ baby}}}}!Slattery; adaptive dialog for variety among multiple NPCs.
1608300 GP if you wanna stay.
How 'bout it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 300 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
300 gil if you wanna stay.
How 'bout it?
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey; "GP" -> "gil"; adaptive dialog for Cyan/Gau
1609General Leo told us about you. By all means...General Leo already made arrangements for your stay here tonight. By all means...General Leo already made arrangements for your stay here tonight.
By all means…
1610You look tired!
100 GP for a snooze.
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Rooms are 100 gil per night. Will you be staying?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
You look tired!
100 gil for a snooze.
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/{Uwao!/{Uwao!/Yau}}}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Woolsey; "GP" -> "gil"; adaptive dialog for Cyan/Gau.
1611We've been waiting for you.
This way, please...
We've been waiting for you. Please follow me...{{"We've been waiting for you. /Setzer
"I'm here on behalf of Terra and her companions."

"We've been waiting for them.}/"We've been waiting for you. }
Please follow me…"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for solo Setzer.
1612BANON: Oh, you're here!
The people of Narshe have finally decided to battle the Empire.
How did it go at Vector...?
Banon: Oh, you're here! The people of Narshe have finally decided to fight the Empire. How did things go in Vector?Banon
"{Oh, you're here!
The people of Narshe have finally decided to fight the Empire./You…
You must be…Setzer, the gambler.}"

"{Now, how did things go {{for us /}/}in Vector/How is it you've come to know
Slattery; "How did things go" -> "Now, how did things go" w/r/t kWhazit ("Incidentally, how did things go"); adaptive dialog for solo Setzer & for party size.
1613ARVIS: I see... Your plan would combine Narshe's money with Figaro's machinery to storm the Empire...
not enough manpower, though...
Arvis: I see... We'd been trying to work out a plan to make use of Narshe's resources and Figaro's machinery, but... ...We just don't have enough troops to storm the Empire.Arvis
"I see…"{/

"So, you and the others joined with Terra after escaping Vector…"} {/

"Everyone should be happy to learn that the people of Narshe have finally decided to fight against the Empire."}

{"We've been working on a plan that would make use of Narshe's resources and Figaro's machinery/Arvis
"Our plan is to combine Narshe's resources with Figaro's machinery in order} to storm the Empire…"

"…But it seems we're still lacking in manpower."
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("I see... We plan to use Narshe's resources and Figaro's machinery to invade the Empire... but we may be lacking in manpower."); adaptive dialog for solo Setzer.
1614BANON: We have to open the sealed gate...Banon: We have to open the Sealed Gate...Banon
"Our only choice is to open the Sealed Gate…"
Woolsey/Slattery; "We have to" -> "Our only choice is to" w/r/t kWhazit ("We may have no choice but to").
1615Terra: To the Esper World...?Terra: ...The gate to the esper world?Terra
"…The gate to the Esper realm?"
Slattery; "world" -> "realm" (see #1422).
1616ARVIS: We'll never beat the Empire without them.Arvis: We'll never beat the Empire without their help.Arvis
"We'll never beat the Empire without the Espers' help."
Slattery; "their help" -> "the Espers' help" for clarity & w/r/t kWhazit ("help from the Genjuu")
1617BANON: When the gate has been opened, the Espers can attack from the east.
We'll storm in at the same time, from the north.
Banon: The Sealed Gate lies to the Empire's east. When we open it, the espers can attack from there while we launch an invasion from the north.Banon
"The Sealed Gate lies to the Empire's east."

"When we open it, the Espers can attack from there while we launch an invasion from the north."
1618BANON: We MUST get the Espers to understand.
We have to establish a bond of trust between humans and Espers. Only one person can do this...
Banon: We must reestablish the bond of trust that once existed between humans and espers. The espers must be made to understand. And there is only one among us who can make them...Banon
"Of course…
We must get the Espers to understand."

"Establishing a new bond of trust between humans and Espers…
There is only one person who can do this."
Page 1: Woolsey, reformatted for tone, with new "Of course..." w/r/t kWhazit ("And to do that..."); Page 2: Woolsey's wording superimposed on kWhazit's structure; "bond of trust" -> "new bond of trust" w/r/t kWhazit ("once again").
1619Half human, half Esper...
My existence is proof
that such a bond CAN exist...
If humans and espers were truly incompatible... I would never have been born... Humans and Espers…
If they were truly incompatible,
I would never have been born…
Slattery's wording superimposed on kWhazit's structure ("Humans and Genjuu... If they couldn't coexist, I wouldn't have been born...")
1620Terra...Terra: ...Terra… (W); Note: Slattery is erroneous here ("Terra: ..."); see FF6j ("『{ティナ}……")
1621Terra: I'll do it.
I'm the only one who can!
Terra: I'll do it. I'm the only one who can!Terra
"I'll do it.
I'm the only one who can!"
1623No way around it.An attack on two fronts...{<Party Leader>
/}"{{An attack on two fronts/Make attack from two sides}/An attack on two fronts}…"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for solo Gau.
1624NARSHE'S ELDER: Our battle lies before us. We must make ourselves ready.Narshe Elder: Now we are left with no choice but to take up arms against the Empire. I suppose this was inevitable...Narshe Elder
"So, a battle with the Empire lies before us.
I suppose this was inevitable…"
Woolsey; "Our battle" -> "So, a battle with the Empire" w/r/t Slattery ("take up arms against the Empire") & kWhazit ("So, the time has come at last to fight the Empire.")
1625BANON: Get the Espers to understand, and we can bring this war to a screeching halt.
I know you can do this...
Banon: If we can get the espers to understand, we can put an end to this war once and for all. Terra... I know you can do it...Banon
"If we can get the Espers to understand, we can put an end to this war once and for all."

I know you can do this…"
Page 1: Slattery; Page 2: Woolsey.
1626ARVIS: The sealed gate stands at the eastern edge of the Empire.
There's a base there, but somehow we'll have to slip through...
Arvis: The Sealed Gate lies far to the Empire's east, but they keep it under tight surveillance. Please, find a way to slip through and open the gate!Arvis
"The Sealed Gate lies in the far eastern reaches of the Empire."

"The Empire keeps the gate under tight surveillance, but you'll have to find a way to slip though and get it open."
Page 1: Woolsey, reformatted; "stands" -> "lies (Slattery)"; "at the Eastern edge" -> "in the far eastern reaches" for precision & w/r/t kWhazit ("in the Empire's east.") Page 2: kWhazit ("The Empire is monitoring it, but slip through somehow and get it open") merged w/ Slattery's wording.
1627Locke: The sealed gate...
Can you sense anything, Terra?
Locke: The Sealed Gate... Are you feeling anything, Terra?~~~
"The Sealed Gate…
Can you sense anything,
(unused) Woolsey, reformatted.
1628Terra: ......Terra: ...~~~
(unused) (W)
1629Locke: Terra...Locke: Terra...~~~
(unused) (W & S)
1630The Espers wouldn't give us the time of day without...
The espers wouldn't give us the time of day without Terra... We'd better bring her along.{<Party Leader>
/}"{The Espers wouldn't give {me/us} the time of day/{I/We} stand no chance of winning the Espers' favor/Espers no listen{/ to us}} {if {I/we} didn't bring Terra along{/, kupo}/without Terra/if {Gau/we} not have Terra}…"
Woolsey, edited slightly w/r/t Slattery, adaptive dialog for party number & leader.
1631Terra: I can do it...
But why do I feel so wretched?
Terra: ...I know I can do this, but still... I really don't want to go there all alone...Terra
"……I know I can do this, but still…
I really don't want to go there all alone…"
Slattery, reformatted.
1632That's odd...
No Imperial soldiers...
That's odd... There aren't any guards...That's odd…

"No Imperial guards…"
Woolsey; "soldiers" -> "guards (Slattery)".
Chucked out...!
The party was thrown out...
Chucked out…!
1634Terra: Let's get this over with.Terra: We shouldn't stand around... Let's go.Terra
"We'd better keep moving."
New, based on kWhazit ("Let's just go."), Slattery, & Lina Darkstar ("Let's press on.")
1635Terra: ......Terra: ...Terra
1636This is the sealed gate...This is the Sealed Gate...This is the Sealed Gate…Slattery.
1637Locke: Beyond is the Esper World...Locke: Beyond there is the esper world...Locke
"Beyond there is the Esper realm…"
Slattery; "world" -> "realm" (See #1422).
1638Cyan: What an eerie place...Cyan: What an eerie place...Cyan
"'Tis quite eerie…"
Woolsey/Slattery, edited to emphasize Cyan's dialect.
1639Edgar: From here on, it's all up to Terra...Edgar: From here on out, it's all up to you, Terra...Edgar
"From here on, it's all up to Terra…"
1640Sabin: We're counting on you, Terra...Sabin: We're counting on you, Terra...Sabin
"We're counting on you, Terra…"
(W & S)
1641Setzer: Why'd you bring me to such an awful place!?Setzer: Oh, what am I doing in a dreadful place like this...?Setzer
"What a dreadful place you've brought me to…"
kWhazit "Such an unpleasant place we've come to..." with wording from Woolsey & Slattery superimposed.
1642Terra: Espers...
Please heed my call...
Terra: Espers... Heed my call...Terra
Please accept me…"
Woolsey; "heed my call" -> "accept me (kWhazit)".
1643Uwa ha!
So, it's true!
Uwa-ha-ha!Uwa-ha-ha!Slattery. (Is this caption used?)
1644KEFKA: Emperor Gestahl was right!Kefka: Emperor Gestahl was right!Kefka
"Emperor Gestahl was right!"
(W & S)
...the gate...quickly!
Terra, quickly! The gate!<Actor>
"Terra{, quickly/! Go, go}!
The gate!"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Gau.
1646What the!!!Wh-what!?Wh-what!?Slattery.
1648Hey! The gate!!!The gate...!Ah! The gate!!kWhazit ("Ah! The gate!!!"); removed an exclamation point for style w/r/t Slattery.
1649What about those Espers...?...Where did the espers go?{<Actor>
/}"What{{ just happened/ happen}/ just happened} with those Espers…?"
New "What just happened with those Espers_?", based on Woolsey and kWhazit ("Those Genjuu...?"); adaptive dialog for Gau. Speaker is asking what was going on *with* the Espers just as much as, if not more than, where they went (See Slattery).
1650Terra: Look,
let's return to the airship.
Terra: We'd better head back to the airship.Terra
"In any case, we'd better get back to the airship."
kWhazit ("In any case, let's return to the airship.") merged w/ Slattery; "head back (Slattery)" -> "get back".
1651KEFKA: D...
Drat it all!!
I won't forget this!
Kefka: Grr... Curse you! I won't forget this!~~~
"D…damn it all!
I won't forget this!"
(unused) Woolsey, reformatted; "Drat" -> "damn"
1652Something happened...
"I'm not sure..."
What just happened...? "I'm not sure..."~~~
"What happened…?"

"I'm not sure…"
(unused) Slattery.
let's return to the airship.
Anyway, let's return to the airship.Let's head back to the airship for now…kWhazit ("Let's go back to the airship for now..."); "go back" -> "head back"
1654Terra: I'm all right.
I'm sure peace is within our grasp!
"I'm all right. I'm sure a peaceful future is just ahead!"
First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence kWhazit ("I'm sure a peaceful future is just ahead..."), repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
1655Terra: I'm all right.
I'm sure peace is within our grasp!
Terra: Don't worry. I'm sure a peaceful future is right around the corner!Terra
"I'm all right. I'm sure a peaceful future is just ahead!"
First sentence Woolsey; Second sentence kWhazit ("I'm sure a peaceful future is just ahead..."), repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
1656Locke: I can't believe we played a major role in it all!Locke: We'll bring peace back to the matter what!Locke
"We're taking back peace, and we're doing it with our own hands!"
kWhazit ("We're taking back peace with our own hands!"), edited for style.
1657Locke: I'm sure the Espers were headed for Vector...Locke: The espers probably headed straight for Vector...Locke
"I'll bet the Espers were heading straight for Vector…"
kWhazit ("I'll bet the Genjuu headed to Vector for sure") merged w/ Woolsey & Slattery; including either "straight (Slattery)" or "for sure (kWhazit)" is important for consistency, since it was already discussed among the party that the Espers were heading for Vector.
1658Cyan: The Empire deserves the worst!Cyan: I cannot forgive the Empire...Cyan
"I cannot forgive the Empire…"
1659Cyan: I could feel the warrior spirits of those Espers!Cyan: I could feel the warrior spirit in those espers.Cyan
"I could feel the warrior spirit in those Espers."
Slattery, reformatted.
1660Shadow: ......
Why am I here...?
For the money, I guess.
Shadow: ... ...Why am I here? For the money. ...Right?~~~
…Why am I here?
For the money. That's it."
(unused) Slattery, reformatted; "...Right?" -> "That's it." w/r/t kWhazit ("For the money... of course.")
1661Shadow: I think Kefka's out for General Leo's hide!Shadow: This is just between us, but I heard that Kefka has designs on General Leo's life...~~~
"None of my business… but I heard Kefka is out for General Leo's blood."
(unused) DarkMage (similar to Slattery with different word choices)
1662Edgar: We can't be smug. We must be thinking of our strategy.Edgar: I'm not just sitting here playing games! ...I'm thinking up our next strategy!Edgar
"I'm not just sitting here playing games!
…I'm thinking up our next strategy!"
1663Edgar: Somehow we need to tap in to the power of those Espers...Edgar: Somehow we need to convince the espers to lend us their aid...Edgar
"Somehow we need to convince the Espers to lend us their aid…"
Slattery, reformatted.
1664Sabin: Let me at the Empire!Sabin: Let me at the Empire!Sabin
"Let me at the Empire!"
(W & S)
1665Sabin: Let's see what's become of the Empire! Hurry!Sabin: We should hurry and check out the situation in the Empire. I'm a little worried...Sabin
"We should hurry and check out the situation in the Empire.
I'm a little worried…"
Slattery. Not as literal as kWhazit ("I'm worried about how things are in the Empire... Let's hurry and go take a look!") but more believable; the more literal rendering gives an impression that Sabin is worried *about* the Empire itself (a.k.a. the enemy).
1666Celes: I was one of the Empire's generals, but I still know evil when I see it.Celes: I may have served as a general to the Empire, but I still know evil when I see it.Celes
"I was a general of the Empire…
But I still know evil when I see it."
First sentence New, based on kWhazit ("I... was an Imperial general.") -- full stop; Second sentence from Woolsey/Slattery.
1667Celes: Kefka's sure to come up with another demented plan. We need to do something FAST!Celes: I'm sure Kefka has some dirty plan up his sleeve. We need to act fast...~~~
"Kefka's sure to think up another dirty scheme. We need to act fast…"
(unused) Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1668Strago: In all my travels, and in all my years...Strago: I traveled around the world, too, in my younger days...Strago
"I traveled around the world, too, in my younger days…"
1669Strago: ...I've never seen anyone so sleazy as Kefka.Strago: Never in all my years have I fallen from anywhere so high up!Strago
"Never in all my years have I fallen from anywhere so high up!"
(unused) Slattery. Also see kWhazit ("I've lived many a year, but that's the first time I've ever fallen from such a high place.")
1670Relm: I know.
Let me draw their portraits!
Relm: Hey! Do you want me to paint your portrait?Relm
"Hey, hey!
Do you want me to paint your portrait?"
Slattery; "Hey!" -> "Hey, hey! (kWhazit)"
1671Relm: I'm sure those Espers are all very kind!Relm: Those espers are all friendly, right!?Relm
"I'm sure those Espers are all super friendly, right!?"
(unused) Woolsey merge w/ Slattery; "very kind" -> "super friendly"; merged w/ kWhazit ("I'm sure the Genjuu are all just a bunch of nice guys, right!?")
1672Setzer: What's the most important thing in life?
Being free of obligations!
Otherwise, you lose the ability to gamble...
Setzer: What's important to me...? Bah! If I were attached to things, I couldn't gamble!Setzer
"The most important thing to me…?
Bah! If I formed attachments,
I'd never be able to gamble!"
First sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("The most important thing...?"); otherwise Slattery edited for style.
1673Setzer: Urghh!
For the time being, I don't own the skies...
Setzer: Blast it... I guess the skies'll have to wait...Setzer
"Damn it…!
For the time being,
I no longer own the skies…"
First sentence kwhazit ("Damn...") merged w/ Woolsey's punctuation; Second sentence Woolsey, "I don't" -> "I no longer" for clarity.
1674Mog: Kupoppo!!Mog: Kupoppo!Mog
1675Mog: ...puuh...Mog: ...Kupo.Mog
(W) (same as kWhazit).
1676Gau: Gau become stronger on the Veldt.Gau: Gau get stronger on the Veldt.Gau
"Gau get stronger on the Veldt."
1677Gau: ...ooh...
Gau...high place...
Not good...don't like...
Gau: Oooh... Gau...high place...oooh... ...not good...don't like...Gau
Gau…high place…
Not good… Don't like…"
Woolsey, reformatted.
1678Gogo: ......Gogo: ...Gogo
"{General Leo…
I/As long as there are people/What an/……"/If something were to happen/All/I'm glad I learned not to give up/All of you have that sparkle/Come on!
Let's/I think/Kupoppo!"/Gau get//Ooogh…?"} {think I've begun to understand/who need to be protected,/astounding//to me, ladies all over/right!
Let's/hope back then…
We all have/in your eyes… Well,/go beat that/luck is on//stronger on//} {the things you told me…"/I'll keep on fighting!"/mechanism!"//the world would grieve!"/do this!"/so much to live for."/this old man's not giving up, either!"/cackling maniac!"/our side!"//the Veldt."//}
New & totally novel; the most conspicuous example of "Joy" as referenced in the project readme, which has caused much consternation in some circles; a glaring missed opportunity in the original game; adaptive dialog yields a unique line for each party leader. Coincidentally matches the original line if Shadow is the party leader.
1679Umaro: Uhhhh...Umaro: Ooga...Umaro
New, based on kWhazit ("Uuuu...").
1680Terra: ...the Espers...
Something happened...
Terra: The espers... They were...angry...Terra
"The Espers…
They were…angry…"
Slattery, reformatted
1681What happened?What happened?<Actor>
"What happened?"
Woolsey/Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label
1682The Espers flew off together...The espers all flew off together...<Actor>
"The Espers flew off in a swarm…"
Woolsey; "together" -> "in a swarm (Lina Darkstar)"; adaptive dialog adds speaker label.
1683Then, the Empire's citizens ran off, as though they were terrified.The Imperials all ran off, too, as if they were afraid of something...<Actor>
"The Imperials all ran off, too, as if they were afraid of something…"
Slattery; adaptive dialog adds speaker label
1684Which way did the Espers go?Which way did the espers go?<Actor>
"Which way did the Espers go?"
Woolsey; adaptive dialog adds speaker label
1685Toward the capital...Toward the Imperial capital...<Actor>
"Toward the capital…"
Woolsey; adaptive dialog adds speaker label
There's something under the ground...
There's something buried here...
There's something buried here…
1687Vector......Vector.Vector… (W)
1688Setzer: We're almost at Vector.Setzer: We're almost to Vector.Setzer
"We're almost to Vector."
1689There! What's that?Huh? What's that...!?<Actor>
What{'s/} that…!?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for Gau, adaptive dialog adds speaker label.
1690There's a switch inside.
What will you do?
<Choice> (Flick the switch.)
<Choice> (Leave it alone.)
There's a switch inside the chest.
<Choice> (Flick the switch.)
<Choice> (Leave it alone.)
There's a switch inside the chest.
<Choice> (Flick the switch.)
<Choice> (Leave it alone.)
Heard a distant sound...
There is a distant sound...
Heard a distant sound…
1692N...nuts!!! I thought I had the monopoly on the stuff buried in the plaza beneath the grand stairway...Nooo...! And I was just about to claim all the treasure buried in the ground beneath the big stairway for my own...N…nuts!!
And I thought I had a monopoly on all the stuff buried in the chamber beneath the big staircase…
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
Got "Inviz Edge."
Obtained Invisibility Scroll!
Found Invis. Scroll!
Got "Super Ball."
Obtained Super Ball!
Found Super Ball!
Something's buried...
Something's buried here...
Something's buried here…
Got "Bolt Edge."
Obtained Lightning Scroll!
Found Lightning Scroll!
1697Got "?????." Obtained ItemThatDoesNotExist!
Found '????'!
Got "Fire Skean."
Obtained Flame Scroll!
Found Flame Scroll!
Got "Water Skean."
Obtained Water Scroll!
Found Water Scroll!
Got "Shadow Edge."
Obtained Shadow Scroll!
Found Shadow Scroll!
1701The Emperor's expecting you.
This way...
The emperor is expecting you. This way, please...The Emperor is expecting you.
This way, please…
1702Emperor Gestahl waits inside.Emperor Gestahl is waiting for you.Emperor Gestahl waits inside. (W)
1703The Espers that emerged from the gate are terrifying the Empire!The espers that came out of that gate tore the Empire to shreds...Espers from beyond the Sealed Gate came and attacked us.
The Empire's in shambles.
First sentence kWhazit ("Genjuu from the Mystic Barricade came and attacked the Empire..."), reworded w/r/t Slattery; Second sentence Lina Darkstar.
1704We've lost our will to fight.I've lost the will to fight...I can't bring myself to fight anymore…New; based on Slattery & Lina Darkstar ("I don't want to fight anymore").
1705Kefka's been imprisoned for unspeakable war crimes.
He's on his last legs...
The emperor imprisoned Kefka after he learned about everything he'd done. It sounds like Kefka may end up spending the rest of his life behind bars...Kefka was imprisoned once his atrocities were made known to the Emperor. I hear it'll be a life sentence, at the least…Lina Darkstar ("Kefka was imprisoned when his misdeeds were made known to the Emperor. I hear it's a life sentence at least..."); "when his misdeeds" -> "once his atrocities"; "I hear it's" -> "I hear it'll be".
1706The war's over...The war's over...The war{ i/'}s over…Woolsey/Slattery; adaptive dialog removes contraction in some conditions for less repetition.
1707The power of the Espers...
The power of those espers... It's simply terrifying...The power of those Espers…
Slattery, edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey.
1708The Espers surely came to free their friends...I wonder if the espers came to rescue their friends...?Did the Espers come to free their kin…?kWhazit ("Did the Genjuu come to take back their fellow Genjuu...?") merged w/ Woolsey; "friends (Woolsey)" -> "kin (DarkMage)".
1709Peace at last...Peace, huh...?Peace…Lina Darkstar.
1710The Magitek Research Facility's been dismantled.The Magitek Research Facility's been shut down.The Magitek Research Facility has been decommissioned.Slattery, removed contraction for tone, "shut down" -> "decommissioned" w/r/t tone of Woolsey ("dismantled").
How'd you get in here?
Hey! How'd you get back there!?Hey!
How'd you get back there!?
1712The Empire's talking peace now!The emperor said he's going to begin peace talks with the Returners, and with other nations.The Emperor said he's going to begin peace talks with the Returners, and with other nations.Slattery, reformatted.
1713When the Emperor learned that Kefka used poison in battle, he imprisoned the fiend!Kefka's been locked up. I heard it's because the emperor found out he used poison against the people of Doma.When the Emperor learned that Kefka used poison to capture Doma Castle, he threw the fiend straight into the dungeon!kWhazit ("Cefca's been put in an underground jail. I hear the emperor found out he used poison to capture Doma Castle.") adapted to Woolsey's structure; "underground jail" -> "dungeon".
1714Kefka! Using poison...
how low can you get?!
I've always hated you!
Using poison... How low can you go? I've always hated Kefka!Kefka, using poison…
How low can you get!?
I've always hated him!
Woolsey, lightly edited for style w/r/t Slattery.
1715KEFKA: Grrr!
How DARE they put me in a place like this!
Kefka: Gah! How dare they put me in a place like this! ...Hmph!Kefka
How DARE they put me in a place like this! Gah!"
Woolsey, reformatted; restored "Gah! (Slattery)" as final outburst w/r/t kWhazit ("Kaaaah!").
1716KEFKA: I don't believe this!Kefka: I just can't believe it!Kefka
"I don't BELIEVE this!!!"
Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("I can't BELIEVE it!!!").
1717KEFKA: What a bore.Kefka: What a bore.Kefka
"What a bore."
(W & S)
1718Kefka's scum...
It serves him right!
Kefka's scum. It serves him right!Kefka's scum.
It serves him right!
1719My whole family was lost in the war...I lost my whole family in the war...The war lasted so long…
My whole family's gone, now…
kWhazit ("It was a long war... my whole family's gone now..."), edited for style.
1720The war ended before we could use this machine...The war ended before I even got a chance to use this thing...The war ended before I even got a chance to use this thing…Slattery.
1721Kefka's in jail!Kefka's been thrown in jail.Kefka's been thrown in jail.Slattery.
1722GESTAHL: I've lost my will to fight...Gestahl: I've lost my will to fight...Gestahl
I've lost my will to fight."
kWhazit ("Enough. I've lost the will to fight."); "the will" -> "my will (Woolsey, Slattery)".
1723CID: The Emperor's had a change of heart...Cid: The emperor's had a change of heart...Cid
"The Emperor's had a change of heart…"
(W & S)
1724Cid!!Cid!{<Party Leader>
/}"{{{You must be…/Thou art…//You…}/You must be…}Professor /}Cid{{/, kupo}/}!"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party size & leader.
1725CID: The Espers came to save their friends. When they learned the others had perished, they went berserk,
and trashed the town...
Never will I forget their shrieks of rage...
Cid: The espers came to save their friends... When they learned that none of them were alive, they ravaged the entire city... I'll never forget their shrieks of rage...Cid
"The Espers came to rescue their friends."

"When they discovered the others had all perished, they laid waste to the the city and tore off…"

"I heard them with my own ears…
their shrieks of rage…"
Page 1: DarkMage (Woolsey/Slattery, "save" -> "rescue"). // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("On learning the others had all been killed, they laid waste to the town and left."); "town" -> "city (Slattery)", "left" -> "tore off". // Page 3: Lina Darkstar ("I heard them with my own ears... their screams of rage."), verified w/r/t kWhazit ("I heard it all with my own ears... the Genjuu crying out in rage"); "screams" -> "shrieks (Woolsey/Slattery)".
1726SENTRY: We're hanging up our weapons and armor for good.Soldier: We're hanging up our weapons for good. The war is over.Imperial Guard
"We're hanging up our weapons for good.
The war is over."
Slattery; "Soldier" label -> "Imperial Guard (DarkMage)"
1727GESTAHL: The power of those Espers...
I had no idea...
They'll shred the world...!
We must get them to understand that we are no longer at war.
Gestahl: The power of those espers...I had no idea. They'll destroy the entire world if we don't do something. We're utterly helpless against them. We must find a way to calm their rage.Gestahl
"The power of the Espers… I had no idea. If we leave them to go on like this, the whole world will be ruined."

"The Empire's might is as nothing before them. We must find a way to calm their rage."
Page 1: First sentence Slattery, reformatted, "those espers" -> "the Espers" w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar; Second sentence kWhazit ("If we leave the Genjuu to go off like this, the world will be ruined"), "go off" -> "go on", "world" -> "whole world" w/r/t Slattery ("entire world"). // Page 2: First sentence DarkMage (Lina Darkstar, "power" -> "might") -- but note kWhazit ("The Empire is helpless as a baby before them") is more literal, second sentence Slattery.
1728CID: No human's going to make them sit down and listen...Cid: Men should never lust after power they lack the means to control...Cid
"Men should never reach for such power beyond their own control…"
Slattery merged w/ DarkMage ("We should not reach for power we cannot control...")
1729GESTAHL: But for now my friends...
Let us feast and rejoice!
Gestahl: Friends! Let us speak more over dinner tonight!Gestahl
"In any case…
{{Esteemed warrior/Miss Terra/Your Majesty}/Esteemed warriors}! Let us speak at length over dinner tonight!"
First line "In any case..." is more or less novel, replaces segue "But for (Woolsey)", or hinted in kWhazit ("For tonight"), indicating Gestahl is explictly bringing the topic back into focus after Cid's philosophizing in the previous caption. Address "Esteemed warriors!" New, based on kWhazit / Lina Darkstar ("Warriors."), but with the tone of Slattery ("Friends!") -- note the use of "friends" by Woolsey & Slattery telegraph too strongly that Gestahl is not acting in good faith. Adaptive dialog for party number & leader. Last sentence Slattery, "more" -> "at length (kWhazit)".
1730CID: There're some people here who'd prefer to keep fighting.
Please, before we dine, talk to as many soldiers as you can! Make them understand!
Cid: There are still some soldiers who'd prefer to keep fighting. Please, talk to as many as you can before dinner. Make them understand!Cid
"There are some soldiers here who are still against the end of the war."

"Please, before we dine, talk to as many of them as you can.
Make them understand!"
Page 1: Slattery & Woolsey merged w/ DarkMage ("There are those in the Imperial Army who have objected to the end of the war") -- "against the end of the war" preferred as more literal w/r/t kWhazit ("aren't keen on peace") & Lina Darkstar ("do not think well of peace"); Woolsey's novel "here" works well for clarity about the request on the following page. // Page 2: Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery; "as many soldiers" -> "as many of them".
1731Dinner preparations underway.
One moment, please.
Dinner preparations are underway. Please wait just a bit longer.Dinner preparations are underway.
Please wait just a little longer.
Slattery; "a bit" -> "a little".
1732TROOPER: Please talk to as many soldiers as you can. You have 4 minutes until dinner.Soldier: You have 4 minutes until dinner. Please talk to as many soldiers as you can. Imperial Guard
"Please talk to as many soldiers as possible.
You have four minutes until dinner."
Slattery, reformatted, sentence order reversed w/r/t kWhazit & Woolsey; "as you can" -> "as possible (kWhazit)" to avoid repetition w/ #1730; "Soldier" label -> "Imperial Guard (DarkMage)".
1733Only the chest in the back is locked. Can it be opened...?Only that chest in the back corner is locked. Wonder if there's a way to open it...?Only the chest in the back corner is locked. Think there's any way to open it?Slattery, reworded for brevity & style w/r/t Woolsey.
1734G'whoa! I've been made!Gah! Caught in the act!G'whoa!
Caught in the act!
First sentence Woolsey; second sentence Slattery.
1735I am Lone Wolf, the pickpocket! I wanted that treasure!I'm Lone Wolf the pickpocket! This treasure's mine now!I'm Lone Wolf the pickpocket!
This treasure's mine now!
1736G'heh!Gah!Lone Wolf
Slattery, repunctuated for tone.
1737Persistent, aren't you!Persistent, aren't ya!?Lone Wolf
"Persistent, aren't ya!?"
Don't move or this one's dust...!
That's far enough! Come one step closer and the moogle gets it!That's far enough!
Not another move, or this one's dust…!
First sentence Slattery, second sentence Woolsey, "Don't move" -> "Not another move" to hopefully strike a better balance between making sense (since Lone Wolf is perfectly fine with the player moving backward) and giving a proper hint to the player. With Slattery the hint comes through much less clearly. Note "this one's dust" compares to kWhazit ("this one's life is forfeit"), "moogle (Slattery)" is not explicit.
1739Kupo!!Kupo!Kupo!! (W)
Got a wild one, here...!
Hmph! Got a wild one...! Uwaaah!G'heh!
Got a wild one, here…!
Woolsey; "Uwaaa!" -> "Uwaaah"; delay added before last line for pacing.
1741Took the treasure from Lone Wolf, the pickpocket!

Got "Gold Hairpin"!
Snatched the treasure from Lone Wolf! Obtained Gold Hairpin!
Took the treasure from Lone Wolf!

Obtained Gold Hairpin!

Page 1: Slattery, "Snatched" -> "Took (Woolsey)" to keep everything on one line. // Page 2: Slattery.


(W & S)
1743Locke: Couldn't hold out...?!
Uh oh...
Locke: No...! I failed her...Locke
"Couldn't hold out…!
I failed her…"
First sentence Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery; Second sentence Slattery.
1744BANON: Couldn't hold out!?
I have a bad feeling about this...
Banon: We've failed... This is the end...Banon
"We couldn't hold out…
This is the end…"
First sentence Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery; Second sentence Slattery.
1745Relics give your party members a variety of abilities.
For example...
"Sprint Shoes" double your speed.
"True Knight" lets you shield others during battle.
"Dragoon Boots" add the "Jump" command to your battle list.
"Gauntlet" allows you to hold a sword with both hands.
Use the Main Menu to equip up to 2 relics per person.
Relics can grant you a variety of abilities. For example... Sprint shoes double your walking speed. A gauntlet lets you hold a weapon with both hands to increase damage. The Knight's Code makes you shield others in combat. Dragoon boots allow you to perform jump attacks. A person can equip up to two relics at the same time.Relics can grant you a variety of abilities. For example…

"Sprint Shoes double your walking speed.
A Gauntlet lets you hold a weapon with both hands to strike harder."

"The Knight's Code will inspire you to shield others in combat.
Dragoon Boots enable you to perform Jump attacks."

"Each person can equip up to two relics."
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery; "to increase damage" -> "to strike harder" -- both are novel. // Page 3: Slattery; "makes you" -> "will inspire you to" for immersion; "allow you" -> "enable you". // Page 4: kWhazit ("Each member can put on up to two accessories") reworded w/r/t Woolsey/Slattery.
1746Shadow: I've worn out my welcome...Shadow: My job is done...Shadow
"My job is done…"
1747At Save Points you can use a "Sleeping Bag" or "Tent", and also save a game.
If you should perish, you'll automatically be able to play from your last save.
Though any GP, treasures, etc. you found will have to be found again, your Level and Exp. data will be retained.
You can save a game anywhere on the world map.
At save points, you can use tents and sleeping bags, and also save the game. If your party should happen to be defeated in battle, you'll automatically restart from the last place you saved. Any gil or items you obtained will have to be found again, but your level and experience point total will not change. You can also save the game anywhere on the overworld map.{/"}At save points, you can use Tents and Sleeping Bags, and also save the game.{/"}

{/"}If your party is ever defeated, you'll have the option to continue immediately from the last place you saved.{/"}

{/"}Any gil or items you had obtained will have to be found again, but your level and experience point total will be retained.{/"}

{/"}You can also save the game anywhere on the world map.{/"}
Page 1: Slattery, reformatted; adaptive dialog adds quotation marks if spoken by an NPC. // Page 2: Slattery, edited for brevity & consistency w/ "Optional Continue" feature; adaptive dialog for NPC quotation. // Page 3 & 4: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey; adaptive dialog for NPC quotation.
1748 (W & S)
1749Emperor Gestahl himself asked me to do his portrait...
What if he doesn't like it...?
Emperor Gestahl commissioned a painting, but what kind of painting should I do...?I've been commissioned by Emperor Gestahl himself to do a painting… But what kind of painting should I do…?First sentence based on Slattery, "Emperor Gestahl" -> "Emperor Gestahl himself (Woolsey), wording reordered to move "Emperor Gestahl himself" later in the sentence; Second sentence Slattery, "should I do" -> "should it be" to avoid awkward repetition with reworded first sentence.
1750I finished the Emperor's portrait. It was a true representation of the Emperor... but he hated it.
I ended selling it to Owzer, a rich man who lives in Jidoor.
I finished the emperor's painting. I ended up turning it into a portrait. I have no idea why he didn't like it... I even painted that thing he originally asked for in the background! Anyway, I sure didn't need a painting of the emperor, so I sold it to a rich man in Jidoor named Owzer.I finished the painting commissioned by the Emperor…
Ended up doing a portrait of Gestahl himself.

"I even got as far as embedding that ornament into it as he requested, but…
What a shame…"

"Anyway, I had no use for it myself, so I sold it to a rich man in Jidoor named Owzer."
Page 1: First sentence kWhazit ("I completed the painting commissioned by the emperor..."), reformatted; "completed" -> "finished (Woolsey/Slattery)"; Second sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("a portrait of Emperor Gastra himself"). // Page 2: New; based on kWhazit ("And I even included his special request like I was supposed to...") & Lina Darkstar ("I even inserted the item he requested, but ironically enough..."). Note -- Woolsey & Slattery imply that Gestahl saw the painting and disliked it, but FF6j is more ambiguous. It is all but certain that the "irony" is the fact that the artist agonized too long over the painting to get it just right, and now Gestahl was no longer around to appreciate it. // Page 3: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("no user for it myself").
1751The Chocobo is the noblest of creatures!This chocobo stable's my life! I'm not gonna stop renting out chocobos just 'cause the world's falling to pieces!This chocobo stable's my life!
I'm not about to stop renting out chocobos just because the world is all torn up!
Slattery, lightly edited for style, including "is falling to pieces" -> "is all torn up"
1752WOLF: Hmmm...if this is how it's gonna be then...take this!Lone Wolf: Hmmm... If that's how it's gonna be, then...take this!Lone Wolf
If that's how it's gonna be, then…
here goes nothing!"
Slattery; "Hmmm..." -> "Hmph..." w/r/t kWhazit ("Argh"); "take this" -> "here goes nothing" in part w/r/t Mato ('You can tell from his text that he's just...going to jump') & "here goes!".
1753Look out!
Get outta the way!
Move out of the way!Look out!
Get out of the way!
Woolsey; "outta" -> "out of"
1754Defeat the Statues, and magical power will not disappear...
Kefka drained the Statues' power, the source of magic...?
We destroyed the Warring Triad... But the power of magic isn't fading like it should be... ...Could Kefka have extracted the very source of magic from them?{<Party Leader>
/}"We destroy{ed the/} Warring Triad…

"{{The power of magic isn't fading/The power of magic fadeth not/Magic still not go away}/{The power of magic isn't fading/The power of magic fadeth not/Magic still not go away}/The power of magic isn't fading}…"

Could} Kefka {{have absorbed the very source of/have absorbed the very source of/steal/steal}/have absorbed the very source of} magic {{from the/from the/power away from/power away from}/from the} gods?"
Page 1: Merged Slattery w/ kWhazit ("Even though we beat the Three Warring Gods..."). // Page 2: kWhazit ("The power of magic isn't disappearing"); "disappearing" -> "fading (Slattery)" // Page 3: First sentence New, based on kWhazit ("It couldn't be..."); Second sentence Slattery, "extracted" -> "absorbed (kWhazit)", "from them" -> "from the gods". Adaptive dialog thoughout caption for party size & leader. Note: This caption is intended to be a conversation between multiple party members, indicated by the use of quotation marks in the FF6j script.
1755Unequip some party members?
<Choice> Those not now in your party.
<Choice> All members.
<Choice> Don't do a thing!
Need to unequip some party members?
<Choice> Those not currently in my party.
<Choice> All members.
<Choice> Don't do a thing!
Need to unequip your allies?
<Choice> Those not {currently /}in my party{/ right now}.
<Choice> Everyone.
<Choice> Don't do a{ /ny}thing{/, kupo}!
Slattery; "some party members" -> "your allies" & "All members" -> "Everyone" for clarity; adaptive dialog for party leader Gau/Mog/Umaro.
Got "Pearl Lance"!
Obtained Holy Lance!
Obtained Holy Lance!
1757Thankupo!Thanks, kupo!Thanks, kupo!Slattery.
1758Can you talk?!You can talk!?{<Party Leader>
/}"{You can talk/Thou canst speak}{!/…}?"
Slattery; adaptive dialog for party size & leader Cyan/Shadow.
1759Human-loving, fast-talking,
street-smart, SLAM-dancing...
A moogle who speaks the words of men, and can summon the earth's power through his dance... A human-loving, fast-talking,
street-smart, SLAM-dancing…
Woolsey, lightly edited for style closer to Slattery.
1760That old psycho, Ramuh, came to me in a dream and told me to be expectin' you!
And now... I'm...
gonna join your party!
Mog: An old dude named Ramuh taught me your language, kupo! He kept showing up in my dreams and telling me to help you, kupo! So... I'm gonna help you, kupo!Mog
"This old guy Ramuh taught me your language, kupo! He showed up in my dreams and told me to join you!"

"So now…I'm…
gonna join you, kupo!"
Page 1: First sentence DarkMage (Slattery; "An old dude named" -> "This old guy"); Second sentence Slattery merged w/ Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
1761I'll wait in the airship, kupo!Mog: I'll wait for you in the airship, kupo!Mog
"I'll wait for you in your airship, kupo!"
DarkMage (Slattery; "the airship" -> "your airship").
1762Kupo!Kupo!Kupo! (W & S)
1763Locked... It's locked...
It's locked…
You'll never get this
"Gold Hairpin"!
Grrr... You'll never get this Gold Hairpin!Lone Wolf
You'll never get this Gold Hairpin!"
1765Kupo... ... po!Kupo......po!Kupo… … po! (W)
That evening, the banquet
with the Emperor took place...
That evening, a banquet was held with the emperor...
That evening, the banquet
with the Emperor took place…
1767TROOPER: This way, please.Soldier: This way, please.Imperial Guard
"This way, please."
Woolsey/Slatter, w/ speaker label Darkmage ("Imperial Guard").
1768CID: You can count me in as a Returner!Cid: I'll sit with the Returners, if that's all right.Cid
"I'll sit on the Returner side, if that's all right."
Slattery; "with the Returners" -> "on the Returner side (kWhazit)".
1769GESTAHL: Imagine!
All of us here together, sharing a meal! First we must have a toast!
Gestahl: At last, we can all be together, sharing a meal at the same table! Let us make a toast! To what shall we raise our glasses?Gestahl
"At last, we can {/all }be together,
sharing a meal at the same table!"

"First, a toast.
To what shall we raise our glasses?"
Page 1: Slattery; adaptive dialog for party size. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Slattery.
1770<Choice> To the Empire...
<Choice> To the Returners...
<Choice> To our hometowns...
<Choice> To the Empire.
<Choice> To the Returners.
<Choice> To our homelands.
<Choice> To {{the /}/the }Empire.
<Choice> To {{the /}/the }Returners.
<Choice> To {{our /}/our }homelands.
Slattery; adaptive dialog for solo Gau.
1771GESTAHL: Well then...
To our hometowns!
Gestahl: Well then... To our homelands!Gestahl
"Very well…
To our homelands!"
Slattery; "Well then..." -> "Very well... (DarkMage)" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Indeed...")
1772GESTAHL: Well then...
To the Empire!
Gestahl: Well then... To the Empire!Gestahl
"Very well…
To the Empire!"
Slattery; "Well then..." -> "Very well... (DarkMage)" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Indeed...")
1773GESTAHL: Well then...
To the Returners!
Gestahl: Well then... To the Returners!Gestahl
"Very well…
To the Returners!"
Slattery; "Well then..." -> "Very well... (DarkMage)" w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("Indeed...")
1774GESTAHL: As you know, Kefka's in jail for war crimes.
What shall we do with him?
Gestahl: As you may know, I've imprisoned Kefka for his crime of using poison against Doma. What do you think should be done with him?Gestahl
"As you may know, I have imprisoned Kefka for the crime of poisoning Doma."

"What do you think should be done with him…?"
Page1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("I've jailed him for the crime of poisoning Doma"); "I've" -> "I have". // Page 2: Slattery.
1775<Choice> Leave him in jail...
<Choice> Pardon him...
<Choice> Execute him...
<Choice> Leave him in jail.
<Choice> Pardon him.
<Choice> Execute him.
<Choice> Leave him in {{his cell/cage}/his cell}.
<Choice> {{Pardon/Free}/Pardon} him.
<Choice> {{Execute/Kill}/Execute} him {{at once/now}/at once}.
DarkMage (Slattery, "jail" -> "his cell"); "Execute him" -> "Execute him at once" w/r/t kWhazit ("He should be executed at once...") & Lina Darkstar ("He should be swiftly executed."); adaptive dialog for solog Gau. Note: the "at once" part left out of the official translations helps distinguish the third choice as rash and less appropriate than the first choice.
1776Edgar: Albrook's a port to the south of the Empire.
A Magitek Armor hauling ship plies the waters between......
......there and Crescent Island...
We'll penetrate the Imperial base. You deal with the Espers!
Edgar: Albrook's a port town to the south of the Empire. The plan is to leave for Crescent Island from Albrook on a transport ship carrying Magitek armor... We'll keep a close watch on the Empire. You deal with the espers!Edgar
"Albrook's a port town on the southern edge of the Empire."

"A Magitek Armor freighter is scheduled to depart from there for Greater Delta Island."

"We'll keep a close watch on the Empire.
You deal with the Espers."
Page 1: Slattery; "to the south of the Empire" -> "on the southern edge of the Empire (kWhazit)" since, as stated in #1148, the Empire covers the southern continent. // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("A Sorcerous Armor transport is scheduled to cross to Greater Triangle Island from there..."); "freighter" from Woolsey #1809 / Lina Darkstar; "Greater Triangle Island (kWhazit)" -> "Greater Delta Island" (See #640). // Page 3: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
1777Sabin: Can we really trust the Empire?! I have an awful feeling about this...Sabin: Is it really safe to trust the Empire? I have an awfully bad feeling about this...Sabin
"Is it really safe to trust the Empire?
I've got a bad feeling about this…"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence kWhazit.
1778Cyan: Never will I be able to forgive Kefka...Cyan: I will never be able to forgive Kefka...Cyan
"Never will I be able to forgive Kefka…"
1779Gau: Smells like parents' house here...why so familiar?Gau: Smells like cider... Smells like old man......?Gau
"Smell of drinks here…
Smells like…father…?"
First sentence New; based on lit. "the smell of sake", using "drinks here" for "sake" in part w/r/t Woolsey's novel "here"; Second sentence kWhazit, lightly repunctuated for tone.
1780Mog: Kupo!Mog: Kupo!Mog
(W & S)
1781MAJESTY: General Leo's waiting in Albrook. Please head for Crescent Island and look for the Espers...Gestahl: General Leo will wait for you in Albrook. Please go with him to Crescent Island and find those espers...Gestahl
"General Leo will wait for you you in Albrook.
Please go with him to Greater Delta Island and find the Espers…"
Slattery; "those espers" -> "the Espers (Woolsey)" to reduce player suspicion; "Crescent Island" -> "Greater Delta Island" (See #640).
1782GESTAHL: Hmm...
Well, let's let him stew in his cell for a while. Then we'll decide what to do.
Gestahl: I see... Well, let's let him stew in his cell for a while... Then we can decide what to do.Gestahl
"I see… Well, let's let him stew in his cell for a while.
We can make a final decision later."
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence New, based on Lina Darkstar ("We can think about it later") and Woolsey/Slattery ("decide"), intended to be a tad less dismissive of the player's choice.
1783<Choice> Why'd you start the war?
<Choice> Why do you want peace now?
<Choice> Why'd we have to talk to
your men?
<Choice> Why did you start the war?
<Choice> Why do you want peace now?
<Choice> Why did we have to talk to your men?
<Choice> Why {{did you/didst thou/you ever}/did you} start {{the /}/the }war?
<Choice> Why {{do y/dost th/y}/do y}ou want peace now?
<Choice> Why {{have me/Gau}/have us} talk to {{your/thy}/your} men?
First & second choices Slattery; Third choice kWhazit ("Why have us talk with the soldiers"); "the soldiers" -> "your men (Woolsey, Slattery)"; adaptive dialog for solo Cyan/Mog/Gau.
1784GESTAHL: My desire for power got the best of me.
Now I've come to my senses.
Gestahl: It was all the result of my foolish lust for power... I've come to my senses now.Gestahl
"I'm afraid it was all the result of my foolish lust for power.
I have since come to my senses."
Slattery; "It was" -> "I'm afraid it was", second sentence reworded to reduce player suspicion.
1785GESTAHL: I feel we need each other's help at this time...Gestahl: Because I now believe that working together is our only hope.Gestahl
"Because I now believe that working together is our only hope."
1786GESTAHL: Some of my men refuse to embrace peace. I felt they'd understand if they actually met you face to face.Gestahl: Some of my men still do not believe we should have ended the war. I felt they might better understand if they could meet you face to face.Gestahl
"Some of my men refuse to embrace peace. I felt they might change their minds if they met you face to face."
First sentence Woolsey (compare to kWhazit "There are still those who aren't in favor of peace."); Second sentence Slattery, "better understand" -> "change their mind (DarkMage)", "if they could meet" -> "if they met (kWhazit)".
1787GESTAHL: With your permission, I'd like to talk about the Espers...Gestahl: With your permission, I'd like to move on to discussing the espers...Gestahl
"With your permission, I'd like to move on to discussing the Espers…"
Slattery, reformatted.
1788<Choice> One more question please!
<Choice> Okay.
<Choice> I still have a few things to ask.
<Choice> Okay.
<Choice> {{I have another question to ask/I have another question, kupo/Gau still have more to ask}/We have another question to ask}.
<Choice> {{Okay/So be it/Okay, kupo/Uwao}/Okay}.
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("We have another question"); adaptive dialog for solo Cyan/Mog/Gau.
1789<Choice> One more question please!
<Choice> Let's talk about Espers...
<Choice> I still have a few things to ask.
<Choice> Okay, let's talk about the espers...
<Choice> {{One more question, please/Gau have one more question}/One more question, please}.
<Choice> Let's talk {{about the /}/about the }Espers.
First choice Woolsey, repunctuated for tone; Second choice Slattery, reformatted; adaptive dialog for solo Cyan/Edgar/Gau
1790GESTAHL: I assure you, I have answered your questions truthfully.Gestahl: I assure you, the answer I gave you was the whole and honest truth.Gestahl
"I assure you, the answer I gave you was the whole and honest truth."
1791GESTAHL: My Empire's been decimated by the Espers that emerged from the sealed gate.
They're acting spiteful. Unless they're stopped, they'll rip the world asunder!
Gestahl: The Empire has been decimated by the espers that emerged from the Sealed Gate. They're just too powerful... If we don't do something, they'll tear the entire world apart!Gestahl
"The Empire has been decimated by the Espers that flew out of the Sealed Gate."

"They're just too powerful…
If we don't do something, they may very well tear the world apart."
Page 1: Slattery; "emerged from" -> "flew out of (Lina Darkstar)", compare to kWhazit ("flew from"). // Page 2: Slattery; "they'll tear the entire world apart!" -> "they may very well tear the world apart." for tone w/r/t kWhazit ("they might even destroy the world...") & Lina Darkstar ("they may destroy the world...").
1792<Choice> Yes, the Espers have gone
too far.
<Choice> But you unleashed their
<Choice> They have gone a bit too far...
<Choice> You're the one who brought them here in the first place!
<Choice> {{Yes, the Espers have gone a bit
/Indeed, the Espers have gone a bit
/Uwao… Espers maybe go bit }too
far…/Yes, the Espers have gone a bit
too far…}
<Choice> {{You're the one who brought the
Espers'/It was thou who brought the
Espers'/Only you bring Esper}/You're the one who brought the
Espers'} power {{into the /into
}/into the }world!
First choice Slattery; Second choice Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("It was you who brought the power of the Genjuu into this world!").
1793GESTAHL: After the Espers went on their rampage, I knew I couldn't go on with my war.
I asked myself why I had started it in the first place.
By the way...
About those questions you asked me...
which did you ask first?
Gestahl: When the espers came through on their rampage, all of my ambitions faded in an instant. Now I find myself asking why I ever wanted that much power in the first place. Of course, there is no excuse for the atrocities I committed in the name of conquest. By the way...what was that first question you asked me a minute ago?Gestahl
"When I saw the devastation that the Espers wrought upon the Empire,
my ambitions faded in an instant."

"Now I find myself asking why I ever wanted that much power in the first place."

"I don't understand it myself.
Of course, I do not expect to simply write off what I've done…"

"By the way…"

"What was that {/first }question you asked me a minute ago?"
Page 1: Slattery with first half of sentence rewritten in part based on DarkMage ("As I watched Vector burn"), somewhat novel. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: kWhazit ("Even so, I don't expect to simply write off what I've been doing...") merged w/ Slattery. // Page 4: Woolsey/Slattery; Page 5: Slattery w/ adaptive dialog for case where only one question has been asked.
1794GESTAHL: Right. Anyway, more than anything I want peace. That's my true dream. I want you to understand that!Gestahl: Right... Anyway, I truly desire peace. I want you to understand that.Gestahl

"In any case, what matters presently is that I wish for peace. Truly.
I want you to understand that."
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit ("In any case, I wish for peace"), expanded in part w/r/t Woolsey ("more than anything" -> "what matters presently is that"); Second sentence New, or taken from Slattery "truly" in the previous sentence, based on kWhazit / Lina Darkstar ("That is the truth."); Third sentence Woolsey, repunctuated w/r/t Slattery.
1795CID: You seem a bit tired.
Care for a rest break?
Cid: You must be getting tired... Why don't we take a short break?Cid
"You must be getting tired…
Why don't we take a short break?"
1796<Choice> Yes, let's take a break.
<Choice> Let's keep talking.
<Choice> (Take a break.)
<Choice> (Keep talking.)
<Choice> {{Yes, let's take a break/Indeed, let us recess/Let's take a break, kupo/Uwao! Let's take break}/Yes, let's take a break}.
<Choice> {{Let's keep talking/Let us keep talking/Let's keep talking, kupo/Gau want keep talking}/Let's keep talking}.
Woolsey; adaptive dialog for solo Cyan/Mog/Gau.
1797Shall we begin again?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Resume the conversation?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Resume the conversation?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
1798GESTAHL: Is there anything you wish to hear me say?Gestahl: Is there anything you wish to hear me say?Gestahl
"Is there anything you wish to hear me say?"
(W & S)
1799<Choice> That all you really want
is peace.
<Choice> That your war's truly over.
<Choice> That you're sorry...
<Choice> That you really want peace.
<Choice> That your war is truly over.
<Choice> That you're sorry.
<Choice> {{That all you really want is peace./That thy deepest desire is peace./That peace all you really want.}/That all you really want is peace.}
<Choice> {{That this war is truly over./That fighting done now.}/That this war is truly over.}
<Choice> {{That you're sorry./That thou'rt sorry./That you sorry.}/That you're sorry.}
First option Woolsey, second option Slattery w/ "your war" -> "this war" w/r/t kWhazit & Lina Darkstar ("the war"), third option Slattery; adaptive dialog for solo Cyan/Gau.
1800GESTAHL: ......Gestahl: ...Gestahl
1801CID: All will be put right if we can achieve peace...!Cid: I hope we're truly able to bring about peace...Cid
"I hope we're truly able to bring about peace…"
1802TROOPERS: We want to test your strength!
Won't you fight with us for a couple of minutes?
<Choice> Sure
<Choice> Sorry
Soldier: We'd like to test your strength. Would you be willing to fight with us for just a couple of minutes?
<Choice> Sure.
<Choice> Sorry.
Imperial Guard
"We'd like to test your strength!"

"Would you be willing to spar with us for a couple of minutes?"
<Choice> {Sure/Certainly/Sure, kupo/Uwao}!
<Choice> {Sorry/I'm afraid not/Sorry, kupo/{Gau/We} not want to}.
Page 1: Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery, lightly edited for brevity, "fight" -> "spar (Spooniest)", speaker label "Soldier" -> "Imperial Guard (DarkMage)" based on sprite; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan, Mog, Gau.
1803TROOPER: Just as we thought...Soldier: Just as we thought...Imperial Guard
"Just as we thought…"
Slattery; speaker label "Solder" -> "Imperial Guard (DarkMage)" based on sprite.
1804GESTAHL: I understand.
My only dream in life is...peace! Now I must ask for a favor...
Gestahl: All right. I truly and sincerely wish for peace. And now, I have a favor to ask...Gestahl
"Very well. More than anything, I do truly and sincerely wish for peace."

"Now, I must ask for a favor."
Page 1: Speaker label Woolsey/Slattery; First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Slattery, "I truly and sincerely" -> "I do truly and sincerely" to reduce player suspicion. // Page 2: Woolsey, repunctuated for style.
1805GESTAHL: I understand.
I've ordered this war to be over! Now I must ask for a favor...
Gestahl: All right. I swear right here and now that there will be no more fighting. And now, I have a favor to ask...Gestahl
"Very well. I hereby proclaim the permanent cessation of all hostilities with regard to this conflict."

"Now, I must ask for a favor."
Page 1: Speaker label Woolsey/Slattery; First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence New, based in part on word choice of Spooniest "I've ceased hostility against all foreign borders", a loquacious paraphrase of the original text (kWhazit: "I vow that the war is over"). // Page 2: Woolsey, repunctuated for style.
1806GESTAHL: I understand.
I'm truly sorry for what I've done! Now I must ask for a favor...
Gestahl: All right. I sincerely apologize for all of the suffering I have caused. And now, I have a favor to ask...Gestahl
"Very well. I sincerely apologize for all of the suffering I have caused."

"Now, I must ask for a favor."
Page 1: Speaker label Woolsey/Slattery; First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey, repunctuated for style.
1807GESTAHL: After they devastated my Empire, the Espers headed northward, toward Crescent Island.
They must be found...!
We must tell them we're no longer their enemy.
After all that I have put them through, it is up to me to set things right.
That is why...
I need to borrow Terra's power.
Gestahl: After they attacked us, the espers flew off northward, towards Crescent Island. We have no way of knowing when they'll decide to go on another rampage. We need to find them and convince them to set aside their aggression before that happens. But...considering all that the Empire has done to them, I doubt they'll be willing to listen to us. That's why...I need to borrow Terra's power.Gestahl
"After attacking the Empire,
the Espers flew north towards Greater Delta Island."

"We cannot predict when they might decide to go on another rampage.
I want to find them and reach an accord before that can happen…"

"But considering all that the Empire has done to them, I doubt they'll be willing to listen to us."

"That is why…
{{I need to borrow Terra's/Terra, I need to borrow your}/I need to borrow Terra's} power."
Page 1: Slattery, "After they attacked" -> "After attacking", merged w/ kWhazit ("After the Genjuu attacked the Empire, they flew north toward Greater Triangle Island"), "Triangle" -> "Delta" (see #640). // Page 2: First sentence Slattery, edited for more speculative tone w/r/t kWhazit ("we can't be sure they won't start running wild again"); Second sentence Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("I want to find the Genjuu and come to a resolution...") & Lina Darkstar ("I wish to seek them out and reach an accord, but..."). // Page 3: Slattery, repunctuated for pacing. // Page 4: Woolsey; adaptive dialog for solo Terra.
1808Only Terra can bridge the gap between Esper and human.Terra is the only one who can bridge the gap between human and esper.{{Terra is the only one who/Only you, Terra,}/Terra is the only one who} can bridge the gap between human and Esper…Slattery; adaptive dialog for solo Terra.
1809GESTAHL: We must make for Crescent Island aboard the freighter from Albrook.
Will you accompany me?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Gestahl: I have a Magitek armor transport ship moored in the port of Albrook... I had hoped to send it to Crescent Island with all haste. Would you please go on board?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
"I was hoping to send the armor transport moored at Albrook to Greater Delta Island at once."

"Will you please go on board?"
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Page 1: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("We intend to head for Greater Triangle Island by Armor transport from Alburg at once..."). // Page 2: Slattery, "Would" -> "Will"; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan, Gau.
1810GESTAHL: We cannot simply ignore the Espers!!
Please...come with me!
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
Gestahl: We cannot simply ignore the espers! must help!
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
"We cannot simply ignore the Espers!"

"Please, you must help…!"
<Choice> {Yes/Yea/Uwao!}
<Choice> N{o/ay}
Slattery, lightly repunctuated; adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan, Gau.
1811GESTAHL: I'll have my finest warrior accompany us!
General Leo!
Gestahl: I'll have my top general and some of his troops accompany you as well. General Leo!Gestahl
"I'll have my top general and some of his troops accompany you as well.
General Leo!"
1812LEO: I'm General Leo
Nice to meet you.
Leo: I'm General Leo. Pleased to make your acquaintance.Leo
"I am General Leo.
Pleased to make your acquaintance."
1813Sabin: Didn't I see you at Doma?
...I'm SURE I did...
So that was General Leo...
Sabin: Didn't I see that guy in Doma...? Oh, right...! He was the one with principles... So...that's General Leo, eh?Sabin
"(Didn't I see him in Doma…?)"

"(Oh, right…! He's that guy…
our enemy, but still had integrity.
So that's General Leo…)"
Page 1: Slattery; "that guy" -> "him" to free up "that guy" on following page. // Page 2: First sentence Slattery; Second sentence from kWhazit ("he's that guy... an enemy, but decent") merged w/ DarkMage ("He was the one with integrity"); Third sentence Darkmage, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey for pacing.
1814LEO: You! You're Cyan, liege to the king of Doma!
Please forgive me for not being there to stop Kefka...
Cyan: ......
That wasn't your fault.
Leo: Isn't that...!? Cyan, retainer to the king of Doma! Please, forgive me for not being there to stop Kefka...
Cyan: ... What happened was not your fault.
"Aren't you…!?
Sir Cyan, warrior of Doma!"

"Please, forgive me for not being there to stop Kefka…"

…The blame lieth not with thee."
Page 1: First sentence Slattery merged with more literal "You!? (kWhazit)"; Second sentence kWhazit / Lina Darkstar ("Sir Cayenne, warrior of Doma."), repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: DarkMage ("...The blame lies not with you"), edited for archaic dialect.
1815LEO: I'll be waiting for you in Albrook.Leo: I'll be waiting for you in Albrook.Leo
"I'll be waiting for you in Albrook."
(W & S)
1816GESTAHL: We must find the Espers and come to terms with them! You are our last hope!Gestahl: Please, find the espers and convince them to cease their attacks. You're our only hope.Gestahl
"Please, seek out the Espers and make peace. You are our only hope!
I leave it to you."
First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Third sentence Lina Darkstar.
1817Locke: If Terra goes, I'll go.Locke: If Terra goes, I go.Locke
"If Terra goes, I go."
1818Terra: Locke...
Thank you...
Terra: Locke... Thank you.Terra
Thank you."
(W & S)
1819Locke: The rest of you wait here. I smell a rat...Locke: The rest of you stay here. I smell a rat...Locke
"The rest of you, stay here.
I smell a rat…"
Slattery, repunctuated.
1820Edgar: Agreed...
It's hard to trust the Emperor just like that...
Edgar: As do I... It's hard to trust the emperor just like that...Edgar
"As do I.
It's difficult to trust the Emperor
just like that…"
Slattery; "hard" -> "difficult (kWhazit)".
1821Cyan: We'll stay here and investigate.Cyan: We'll remain here and watch for anything out of the ordinary.Cyan
"We shall remain here and keep a sharp eye on the Empire."
kWhazit ("We shall remain here and observe the Empire") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("We shall stay here and keep a sharp eye on the Empire.")
1822Locke: Please do.
Leave no stone unturned!
Locke: Thanks. You'll be our eyes and ears. Keep your guard up!Locke
"Please do.
Don't let anything slip by!"
First sentence Woolsey/kWhazit; Second sentence New, based on relationship between Woolsey #1821 & #1822.
1823Edgar: Right.
And you be careful!
Edgar: Right. You be careful, too!Edgar
You be careful, too!"
Slattery / kWhazit.
1824GESTAHL: I truly apologize about the poisoning of Doma.
No one dreamed Kefka would use poison.
Gestahl: I am truly sorry about what occurred in Doma. No one ever dreamed Kefka would use poison.Gestahl
"I truly apologize for what occurred at Doma. No one ever fathomed Kefka would stoop to using poison."
Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Second sentence Slattery, "dreamed" -> "fathomed".
1825<Choice> What's done is done...
<Choice> That was inexcusable.
<Choice> Apologize again!!
<Choice> What's done is done...
<Choice> That was inexcusable.
<Choice> Apologize again!
<Choice> {{What's done is done…/That long time ago.}/What's done is done…}
<Choice> {{That much was inexcusable./That too wrong to forget.}/That much was inexcusable.}
<Choice> {{Apologize again!/A-pologize more!}/Apologize again!}
Slattery; "That was inexcusable" -> "That much was inexcuable" for tone, intended to make the choice more attractive to the player; adaptive dialog for solo Gau.
1826GESTAHL: I'm so terribly sorry! Kefka's being severely punished, and we're cleaning up the poison.Gestahl: I'm terribly sorry about what was done. I promise to punish Kefka severely and to work to eradicate poisons all over the world.Gestahl
"I am truly, terribly sorry."

"Kefka will be severely punished.
I also pledge my efforts to eradicate such poison throughout the world."
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit / Lina Darkstar ("I am truly sorry"). // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit / Lina Darkstar; Second sentence partially New, based on Slattery & kWhazit ("I also pledge to rid our world of all the poison").
1827GESTAHL: By the way...
With regard to General Celes...
Gestahl: By the way... With regard to General Celes...Gestahl
"By the way…
With regard to General Celes…"
(W & S)
1828<Choice> Was she an Imperial spy?
<Choice> Celes is one of us!
<Choice> We trust Celes!
<Choice> Was she an Imperial spy?
<Choice> Celes is one of us!
<Choice> We trust her whether she spied or not.
<Choice> Was she {{an Imperial/Empire's}/an Imperial} spy?
<Choice> Celes {{is /}/is }one of us.
<Choice> We trust Celes, spy or not.
First choice Woolsey/Slattery; Second choice kWhazit; Third choice based on Slattery, edited for brevity; adaptive dialog for solo Gau.
1829GESTAHL: Kefka was lying.
General Celes realized the war was stupid before anyone else.
That's why she joined the returners. Any other questions for me?
Gestahl: Kefka was lying. General Celes realized the lunacy of this war long before I did and went over to your side. Was there anything else you wanted to ask?Gestahl
"Kefka was lying, of course."

"General Celes realized the lunacy of this war long before I did.
That is why she chose to join the Returners."

"Now, then.
Are there yet any questions you wished to ask me?"
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery/kWhazit, with novel "of course" added from DarkMage. // Page 2: First sentence from Slattery; second sentence Woolsey, lightly edited. Note: most sources have just a single sentence for the content on this page. // Page 3: First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence New, based in part on kWhazit ("I will answer, if there is anything you would like to ask me...?"), intended to fit well with any of the three options from #1828.
1830 1 person 1 soldier 1 soldierSlattery.
1831 2 people 2 soldiers 2 soldiersSlattery.
1832 3 people 3 soldiers 3 soldiersSlattery.
1833 4 people 4 soldiers 4 soldiersSlattery.
1834 5 people 5 soldiers 5 soldiersSlattery.
1835 6 people 6 soldiers 6 soldiersSlattery.
1836 7 people 7 soldiers 7 soldiersSlattery.
1837 8 people 8 soldiers 8 soldiersSlattery.
1838 9 people 9 soldiers 9 soldiersSlattery.
1839 10 people 10 soldiers 10 soldiersSlattery.
1840 11 people 11 soldiers 11 soldiersSlattery.
1841 12 people 12 soldiers 12 soldiersSlattery.
1842 13 people 13 soldiers 13 soldiersSlattery.
1843 14 people 14 soldiers 14 soldiersSlattery.
1844 15 people 15 soldiers 15 soldiersSlattery.
1845 16 people 16 soldiers 16 soldiersSlattery.
1846 17 people 17 soldiers 17 soldiersSlattery.
1847 18 people 18 soldiers 18 soldiersSlattery.
1848 19 people 19 soldiers 19 soldiersSlattery.
1849 20 people 20 soldiers 20 soldiersSlattery.
1850 21 people 21 soldiers 21 soldiersSlattery.
1851 22 people 22 soldiers 22 soldiersSlattery.
1852 23 people 23 soldiers 23 soldiersSlattery.
1853 24 people 24 soldiers 24 soldiersSlattery.
1854I've slain too many people.
I'll never live a normal life.
I've killed too many people... I can never return to a normal life.I've killed too many people…
I'll never live a normal life.
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey.
1855You're not wanted!Get out of my face!Get out of my way!Slattery; "my face" -> "my way" for style.
1856I oppose peace!Poo on peace!I'm against this peace!New; based on kWhazit/Woolsey ("I oppose peace!"); "I oppose" -> "I'm against"; "peace" -> "this peace" for believability.
1857Some people fight harder after they're cast down!Hmm... I guess some people can't be pushed around...…I guess some people can't be pushed around…!Slattery; edited for brevity w/r/t Woolsey.
1858The Empire'll never die!Long live the Empire!The Empire'll never die! (W)
1859You deserve a thrashing!Why do I have to join up with the likes of you!?What makes 'em think I'd join up with the likes of you!?Slattery, edited for clarity.
1860You're strong...
Maybe you really CAN defeat the Espers...
You're strong... Maybe you really can do something about the espers...You're strong…
Maybe you really can do something to hold off the Espers…
Slattery; "about the" -> "to hold of the (kWhazit)"
Who'd have dreamed they were that powerful...
Espers... Who'd have dreamed they were that powerful...Espers…
Who'd have dreamed they were that powerful…?
Slattery/Woolsey, repunctuated.
1862We'll never knuckle under...... This is ridiculous...……
We can't just knuckle under…
Woolsey, edited to be more conceptual w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit ("It doesn't make sense...").
1863I heard you're the strongest of the just how strong are you...?I heard you're the strongest of the Returners... Just how tough are you?I heard you're {among /}the strongest of all the Returners…
Just how tough are you…?
Slattery; adaptive dialog for one-person party.
1864Not bad...pretty strong!Wow, you're really as strong as they say!Wow, you're really as strong as they say!Slattery. (Note: the exclamation is novel - see kWhazit "You sure are strong...")
1865Someone outta thrash ya!Still alive, huh...?Still alive, huh…?Slattery.
1866Phepppp. Returner scum!Returner scum!Returner scum!Slattery.
Not bad!
Hmph. Not bad!Hmph.
Not bad!
1868Everything'll be settled after the banquet...Everything will be settled at tonight's banquet.Everything will be settled at tonight's banquet.Slattery.
1869A message from the Emperor...
Because you were able to talk to so many soldiers, you are to be rewarded as follows.
I bear a message from the emperor. Due to your decorum at tonight's banquet and your grace in speaking to our soldiers beforehand... ...the emperor has decided upon the following.I bear a message from the Emperor.

"Due to your decorum at the banquet and your grace in speaking to our soldiers beforehand, the Emperor has decided upon the following:"
Slattery, reformatted.
1870Imperial troops have withdrawn from South Figaro.All Imperial troops will be withdrawn from South Figaro immediately.All Imperial troops will be withdrawn from South Figaro immediately.Slattery.
1871In addition, our troops have also pulled out of Doma.In addition, Imperial forces will be withdrawn from the kingdom of Doma.In addition, Imperial forces will be withdrawn from the kingdom of Doma.Slattery.
1872We hereby give you the right to take any weapons you desire from the Imperial base to the east, near the sealed gate.We will also unlock the armory at the Imperial observation post to the east. You are welcome to any of the weapons and armor within.We will also open the armory at the eastern observation post near the Sealed Gate. Feel free to use any of the weapons and armor within.kWhazit ("We will open the armory in the Mystic Barricade Lookout to the east. Please make free use of the weapons and armors inside."), superimposed on Slattery's structure, lightly edited.
1873And this is from the Emperor himself...

Received "Tintinabar."
And this is a personal gift from the emperor... Obtained Tintinnabulum!And this is a personal gift from the Emperor…

Received Tintinnabulum.
Slattery; "Obtained" -> "Received (Woolsey)".
1874CID: Wow, what a ship!
Setzer: That landing really messed up the engine. It'll take a while to fix...
Cid: This is a nice ship you've got here!
Setzer: The shock from our crash really banged up the engine. It's gonna take a while to fix...
"Wow, what a ship!"

"The shock from that landing really messed up the engine.
It'll take a while to fix…"
Page 1: Woolsey (Note brevity w/r/t kWhazit "A fine ship."). // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery.
1875Your behavior at the banquet was impeccable. Please take this as well!

Received "Charm Bangle."
Finally, I was told to give you this because of your impeccable behavior at dinner. Obtained Ward Bangle!Your conduct at the banquet was impeccable. Please accept this final gift from us.

Received Ward Bangle.
Page 1: Lina Darkstar, "final gift" -> "final gift from us" w/r/t kWhazit ("We have one last gift for you"). // Page 2: Slattery; "Obtained" -> "Received (Woolsey)".
1876CID: I'll help.
No machine can stump me!
Cid: Let me help you! I know my way around an engine!Cid
"I'll help you.
No machine can stump me!"
Woolsey; "help" -> "help you (Slattery)".
1877Well...Well then, if you'll excuse me...By your leave…DarkMage.
1878Setzer: Don't touch anything!Setzer: I think I'll pass.Setzer
"I'd rather you not touch anything."
Woolsey's novel word choice superimposed on more literal tone w/r/t Slattery & kWhazit ("No thanks.").
1879CID: Go kill time in the casino! I can speed this crate up!Cid: You know, we could really speed this baby up if we axed the casino and streamlined her a bit...Cid
"You know, we could speed this baby up if we axed the casino and streamlined her a bit…"
Slattery, "we could really" -> "we could" for brevity.
1880Setzer: ......
You little...!!
Get outta my sight!
Setzer: ...That's not open to discussion. Now, will you please get out of here?Setzer
"…You little…!
Out of the question!!"

"Now, will you please get out of here!?"
Page 1: First line adapted from Woolsey -- literal is just "......"; second line kWhazit. // Page 2: Slattery, repunctuated for tone w/r/t Woolsey & kWhazit.
1881CID: But I could really make this thing hum...!Cid: Oh well... Would've been at least twice as fast, too... Maybe three times...Cid
"But I could've really made this thing hum…"
Woolsey, edited for verb tense w/r/t Slattery.
1882Terra: You love this ship, more than anything, huh?
Setzer: Actually, when I was young there was something I was mad about...
Terra: You really love this ship, don't you?
Setzer: It may be hard to believe, considering how I live now, but I used to be a driven man.
"You really love this ship, don't you?"

"I may be living as a carefee gambler now, but when I was young I had something I was mad about…"
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: Woolsey merged w/ kWhazit ("I may be living the life of a selfish gambler, but in my youth I had something I was mad about..."), with "now" from Slattery; "selfish (kWhazit, Lina Darkstar)" -> "carefree" as the second definition of the same Japanese word, a better contrast to "driven (Slattery)".
1883Terra: ...huh?Terra: ...Really?Terra
New. (see え
1884Setzer: In my youth I dreamed of having the world's fastest airship.Setzer: I wanted to make this the fastest ship in the world, and fly it across the open sky... That was always my dream.Setzer
"To make this ship the fastest in the world and scream across the sky…
That was my dream."
Lina Darkstar ("Make this baby into the world's fastest airship and scream across the skies... that's the dream I was after.") merged w/ Slattery, edited for style.
1885Terra: You mean......
Setzer: At that time there was a young girl who piloted the Falcon, the fastest vessel ever made.
Sometimes we were the worst of rivals...but other times we were the best of friends.
We always egged each other on to go faster and higher. When she disappeared along with her ship...
I felt like I lost my spirit.
Terra: Is that any different from what you're doing now?
Setzer: Back then, there was a person who kept me working towards my dream... The pilot of the Falcon, the fastest airship ever made. At times we were friendly rivals, and at times we were simply friends. We'd always talk about our dreams... Like which of us would be the first to sail beyond the sky to the stars. But then she vanished along with the Falcon, and that was the end of youthful dreams.
"But it's not now…?"

"Back then, I had someone around to spur me on. The pilot of the Falcon, the fastest airship ever made."

"The two of us…
We were at times the fiercest of
rivals, and at others, the closest of friends."

"We'd always talk about our dreams…
like which of us would be the first to pierce through the sky and sail among the stars above…"

"But when the Falcon and her pilot went missing together…
that was the end of my youth."
Page 1: New; based on kWhazit ("But not anymore?", responding to Setzer "I chased after that dream.") and Slattery, edited for brevity. // Page 2: First sentence Lina Darkstar ("There was someone around then, who spurred me on") merged w/ Slattery; "dream" omitted here w/r/t Woolsey to reduce repetition; Second sentence Slattery. // Page 3: kWhazit ("The two of us... we were great rivals at times, great friends"..."at others") merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("The two of us... sometimes we were bitter rivals, sometimes best friends"), edited in part w/r/t Woolsey. // Page 4: Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("We wanted to see who'd be the first to pierce through the sky and sail among the stars above..."). // Page 5: kWhazit ("But when my friend and the Falcon went missing together, my youth ended, too") merged w/ DarkMage ("But then the Falcon and her pilot vanished...and that was the end of youthful dreams", likely based at least in part on Slattery & Lina Darkstar "But when Falcon and pilot disappeared, those days were over"), with some rewording.
1886Setzer: ...
Poor Daryl...
Setzer: ... Darill...Setzer
1887LEO: There you are. Another of the Empire's generals, and a person I hired in town will be traveling with us.Leo: Ah, there you are. Another Imperial general and a man I hired back in town will be accompanying us as well.Leo
"Ah, there you are."

"Traveling with us will be another Imperial general and a man I hired in town."
Page 1: Slattery / Lina Darkstar. // Page 2: kWhazit ("Traveling with me are another Imperial general and a man we hired in town"); "with me" -> "with us", "are" -> "will be", "we hired" -> "I hired" w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery.
1888LEO: We should arrive tomorrow morning. Why not rest until then?Leo: We should arrive tomorrow morning. Why don't you rest until then?Leo
"We should arrive tomorrow morning. Why don't you rest until then?"
1889Terra: Celes...
Celes: ......
Terra: Celes...
Celes: ...

1890Locke: Celes...Locke: Celes...Locke
(W & S)
1891LEO: Right...let's go.Leo: All right... Let's go.Leo
"All right… Let's be off."
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Lina Darkstar.
1892Shadow: I'm working for the Empire. But don't worry...
I'm not going to garrote you!
Shadow: I'm working for the Empire. But don't worry...they didn't hire me to kill you.Shadow
"I'm working for the Empire today.
But don't worry…
They didn't hire me to kill you."
First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second & third sentence Slattery, repunctuated.
1893General Leo's waiting for you.General Leo's waiting for you.General Leo's waiting for you. (W & S)
1894General Leo's holding a meeting.Sorry, I'm discussing our plans with General Leo right now.Sorry, I'm discussing our plans with General Leo right now.Slattery.
1895LEO: Let me introduce...
General Celes...and Shadow.
Leo: Let me introduce them... General Celes...and Shadow.Leo
"Let me introduce them.
General Celes…
and Shadow."
Slattery; first sentence repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit.
1896LEO: Is something wrong?
Locke: No...
Leo: Is something the matter?
Locke: No, it's nothing...
"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery.
1897LEO: Our departure isn't till tomorrow. I've arranged some lodging for you.Leo: We depart tomorrow. In the meantime, I've arranged lodging for you at the inn.Leo
"We depart tomorrow.
In the meantime, I've arranged lodging for you all at the inn."
Slattery; "for you" -> "for you all (kWhazit)".
1898LEO: Please, get some rest.Leo: Please, try to get some rest.Leo
"Please, try to get some rest."
1899Shadow: You kids stay out of trouble now, you hear?Shadow: I'd better let this guy stretch his legs before he gets cooped up on the boat...Shadow
"I'd better let him stretch his legs before he gets cooped up on the ship."
(unused) Slattery; "this guy" -> "him (kWhazit)", "boat" -> "ship (kWhazit)".
1900Locke: Not a word of this to anyone else, o shrouded one...Locke: ...Urgh...'s greatest treasure hunter...reduced to this...Locke
"Not a word of this to anyone else, O Shrouded One…"

"World's greatest treasure hunter…
reduced to this…!"
Page 1: Woolsey, reformatted. // Page 2: Slattery excerpt appended, w/ exclamation point added for tone (DarkMage).
1901Locke: Come on...!
Why won't you speak to me?
Locke: Please... Why won't you talk to me?Locke
"Come on…!
Why won't you talk to me?"
First sentence Woolsey; second sentence Slattery.
1902Locke: Celes...Locke: Celes...Locke
(W & S)
1903Locke: Even if it was only a little...
I doubted you...
But I'm still your friend...
Locke: I know, I doubted you...if only for a moment. But... We can still be friends, right...?Locke
"I know…
Even if it was only for a moment, I doubted you…"
"But… we can still be friends, can't we…?"
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey merged w/ Slattery; Third sentence Slattery, "right...?" -> "can't we...?" to reduce presumption -- overall this caption is arranged to maintain Locke's taking full responsibility w/r/t kWhazit ("I did doubt you.")
1904Locke: Celes!Locke: Celes!Locke
(W & S)
1905LEO: You all right?Leo: Having trouble sleeping?Leo
"Having trouble sleeping?"
1906LEO: Looks like you're feeling better...Leo: I hear your emotions have returned...Leo
"I hear your emotions have returned…"
1907Terra: Funny, isn't it...
I was used by the Empire...
even had my thoughts ripped from me...
But here I am cooperating with the "enemy"...
Terra: ...It's strange, isn't it? The Empire used me, controlled my very thoughts...and now here I am, cooperating with the same people.Terra
"…Funny, isn't it?"

"The Empire used me, controlled my very thoughts… and now here I am, cooperating with the same people."
Page 1: Woolsey, repunctuated. // Page 2: Slattery.
1908LEO: People are people.
Not all of us are like Kefka.
Leo: People are people. Not everyone in the Empire is like Kefka.Leo
"People are people.
Not everyone in the Empire is like Kefka."
1909Terra: What...
what's with you?
Terra: So...what about you?Terra
"So…what about you?"
1910LEO: I knew you were being used as a kind of biological weapon...
And because I didn't do anything about it, I'm no different than Kefka...
Leo: I knew that you were half esper and being made to suffer through horrible experiments... ...Yet I did nothing. I'm no better than Kefka.Leo
"I knew that you were half Esper and being made to suffer through horrible Magitek experiments…"

"…Yet I did nothing.
I'm really no better than Kefka."
Page 1: Slattery, "experiments" -> "Magitek experiments" w/r/t kWhazit ("sorcery guinea pig"). // Page 2: Slattery; "no better" -> "really no better" since this is a reversal from Leo's implication in #1908.
1911Terra: I'm the product of a human and an Esper...
Will I ever be able to love someone?
Terra: If a human and an esper can love one another... Do you think a human and I could love each other?Terra
"If a human and an Esper were able to love each other, and I'm their child…"

"Do you think a human and I…
could ever fall in love, too?"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("as their child").
1912LEO: Of course!Leo: Of course!Leo
"Of course!"
(W & S)
1913Terra: But...
I haven't felt that way yet...
Terra: But... I don't even know what it feels like to love someone.Terra
I don't even know what it's like to love someone."
Slattery, "it feels like" -> "it's like" for brevity & w/r/t kWhazit ("I don't know what love is yet") -- less emphasis on feeling.
1914LEO: You're just young.
...but I understand what you mean. I understand only too well...
Leo: You're still young. ...Someday you'll know. I'm sure of it.Leo
"You're still young.
…Someday you'll know.
I'm sure of it…"
1915Terra: But...
I want to know what love is...
Terra: But... I want to know now...Terra
I want to know now…"
1916Terra: Who is it?Terra: Who's there...?Terra
"Who's there…?"
1917Shadow: Thought I'd sleep out under the stars.Shadow: I thought I'd sleep out under the stars.Shadow
"Thought I'd sleep out under the stars."
1918Terra: Did you hear...
...what we were just talking about?
Terra: Did you...hear what we were talking about?Terra
"Did you…
hear what we were just talking about?"
Slattery, "were talking" -> "were just talking (Woolsey)".
1919Terra: Umm...Terra: So...Terra
1920Shadow: I can't help you.
You must look within for answers.
Shadow: I can't help you. Those are answers you'll have to find for yourself.Shadow
"I can't help you.
Those are answers you'll have to find for yourself."
1921Shadow: I didn't mean to overhear anything.Shadow: I didn't mean to listen in.Shadow
"I didn't mean to listen in."
1922Shadow: Terra.Shadow: Terra.Shadow
(W & S)
1923Shadow: In this world are many like me who've killed their emotions. Don't forget that.Shadow: There are people in this world who have chosen to kill their own emotions. Remember that.Shadow
"There are people in this world who have chosen to kill their own emotions. Don't forget that."
First sentence Slattery; Second sentence Woolsey.
1924LEO: We're almost at Crescent Island. When we disembark, we'll split into two groups.
Celes and I will form one group. Terra, you go with Locke and Shadow.
If you spot the Espers, report at once!
Leo: We're almost to Crescent Island. When we make landfall, we'll split into two groups. I'll go with Celes. Terra, you go with Locke and Shadow. If you find any clues as to where the espers may be hiding, report back at once!Leo
"We're almost to Greater Delta Island.
When we make landfall, we'll split into two groups."

"I'll go with Celes.
Terra, you go with Locke
and Shadow."

"If you find any sign of the Espers, report back at once."
Page 1: "Crescent Island" -> "Greater Delta Island" (See #640). // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: kWhazit's wording ("find any signs") superimposed on Slattery's structure.
1925LEO: Terra, we'll continue yesterday's conversation later...Leo: Terra, let's continue last night's conversation the next time we meet...Leo
"Terra, let's continue yesterday's conversation when we meet again…"
Slattery merged with kWhazit ("when we meet again").
1926Locke: Let's go.Locke: Let's go.Locke
"Time to go."
DarkMage, chosen w/r/t kWhazit ("Guess we'd better head out too") giving basis for more than a simple "let's go (Woolsey/Slattery)".
1927Celes: Um, I...Celes: I, um...Celes
"Um, I…"
1928Locke: Come on.Locke: Come on.Locke
"Come on."
(W & S)
1929Oh, wow!!!
Oh, wow! We don't see many travelers around here.Oh, wow!
It's not often we see travelers around here.
Slattery, lightly edited for style.
1930MAYOR: Welcome, welcome!
Magic...? What is this "magic"?
Mayor: Welcome, welcome! Magic...? What's that?Mayor
Please make yourselves at home!
Magic, you say…? What's that?"
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Make yourselves at home"), "Magic" -> "Magic, you say (DarkMage)" for clarity.
1931MAYOR: No one is to divulge that we are able to use magic!Mayor: Please, don't tell anyone that we can use magic!Mayor
"Please, you must not divulge that we are able to use magic!"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
1932Use rods as items during battle for some amazing results!
Only problem is they break after being used once!
You can use rods as items in battle to unleash incredibly powerful magic. Only problem is, they shatter the first time you use them!You can use rods as items in battle to unleash incredibly powerful magic!

"The only problem is, they'll break after being used just once."
Page 1: Slattery repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
1933Have you talked to old man Strago? Do so, and the inn keeper may be more reasonable.Have you talked to Old Man Strago? The innkeeper should be a little more reasonable once you have.Have you talked to Old Man Strago yet?
The innkeeper might be a little more reasonable once you have.
Slattery, lightly reworded for style.
1934For some reason the inn keeper doesn't like strangers!The innkeeper doesn't like strangers. Always overcharges them.Our innkeeper doesn't like strangers.
Always overcharges them.
1935You're strangers...
1500 GP if you wanna stay.
<Choice> (Well, okay.)
<Choice> (No way!)
You're outsiders... It's gonna cost you 1500 gil if you wanna stay here.
<Choice> (Pay.)
<Choice> (Don't pay.)
You're outsiders…

"If you wanna stay, it's gonna cost you 1500 gil."
<Choice> {All right…/Uwao…}
<Choice> {Forget it./Too much!}
Page 1: Slattery. // Page 2: DarkMage ("If you wanna stay, you're paying 1500 GP", "All right", "No way!") merged w/ Slattery; adaptive dialog for party leader Gau.
1936Espers? What in blazes are they? If they're animals, talk to the old guy that lives on the edge of town.Espers? What in the world are those? If they're some kind of beast, you should ask the old man who lives on the edge of town.Espers? What in blazes are those?
If they're some kind of beast, you should ask the old man who lives on the edge of town.
First sentence Woolsey, "they" -> "those"; second sentence Slattery.
No admittance!
Heh-heh. You're not gettin' in here!Ha! No admittance!Woolsey, reformatted.
1938Old man Strago looks like he's on his last legs, but he used to be a powerful warrior.Old Man Strago may not look like much now, but he used to be an amazing hunter.Old Man Strago may not look like much now, but he used to be an amazing hunter.Slattery.
1939Have you met little Relm? She loves to paint pictures! Wonder if she'd do my portrait?Have you met Relm? She paints. I should see if she'd paint my picture!Have you met Relm?
She loves to paint pictures!
I wonder if she'd do my portait…
First sentence Slattery; Second & third sentences Woolsey, lightly edited for style.
1940Actually, Relm isn't Strago's real grandchild.
I heard she's his friend's daughter.
Relm isn't really Strago's grandchild. I heard she's a friend's daughter. That's only a rumor, though.{Actually, little Relm isn't Strago's real grandchild./Strago… You've become quite the grandpa for little Relm./Relm… Strago has become quite the grandpa for you!}
{I heard she's a friend's daughter./She's a friend's daughter, right?/You're his friend's daughter, right?}
{That's only a rumor, though./Or is that just a rumor…?/Or is that just a rumor…?}
First sentence kWhazit, "Relm-chan" -> "little Relm"; Second & third sentence Slattery; adaptive dialog throughout for party leader Strago/Relm.
1941Strago is a Blue Mage by training. He can memorize the attacks of monsters he has fought...Old Man Strago is a master of what's known as blue magic. He can memorize spells that he sees monsters use. Of course, he can't very well learn the spell if he's asleep or confused when the monster casts it!Strago{ is/, you're} a master of {what's known as /}Blue Magic.
{He/That means you} can memorize special spells that {he sees/you see} monsters using.

"Of course, {he/you} won't learn a thing if {he's/you're} asleep or confused at the time!"
Slattery, "spells" -> "special spells" for clarity & edited for brevity w/r/t kWhazit "But he can't memorize them if he's, say, asleep or confused"; adaptive dialog for party leader Strago.
1942Listen, I have to tell you...
Naaah...never mind.
Listen, I should tell you... No, never mind.Listen, I should tell you…
No, never mind.
1943My house burned down!Waaah! My house burned down!Waaah!
My house burned down!
1944Get outta the way!Buzz off!Get outta here!Woolsey, "outta the way" -> "outta here" w/r/t meaning of Slattery "buzz off".
1945I've never seen you before.I've never seen you before.I've never seen you before. (W & S)
1946...... Right!...Hmph!……
1947And who might YOU be?And who might you be?And who might YOU be? (W)
19481 GP per night.
Why not relax for a spell?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
1 gil per night. Why not relax for a spell? How about it?
<Choice> Yes
<Choice> No
1 gil per night.
Why not relax for a spell?
<Choice> {Sure/Agreed/Uwao}!
<Choice> {Later./Not now.}
Woolsey; "GP" -> "gil", Options edited to encourage affirmative response, w/ adaptive dialog for party leader Cyan/Gau.
1949Whatcha want with me?What brings you young folks to see me?What brings you young folks to see me?Slattery.
1950An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the ways of monsters...An elderly gentleman who has spent his whole life pursuing the secrets of monsters... An elderly gentleman with a pure
dream, who has spent a lifetime
pursuing the secrets of monsters…
Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("pure dreams", "a lifetime").
1952Uh?! What was that?Hmm? Where did that voice come from?Hm?
Where'd that voice come from?
Slattery, edited for brevity; "Hmm" -> "Hm (kWhazit)".
1953N'ga! Oh no!Huh? Uh-oh!Huh? Uh-oh!Slattery. hurts...Mama, I got an owie!Mama, it hurts…!Woolsey's wording superimposed on Slattery's structure.
1955Oh all right. Cure...Oh, all right. Cur--Oh, all right.
Woolsey, lightly edited for style.
1956...medicine...where is my cure medicine?!#NAME?…medicine…
Now, where did I leave that curing medicine?
Woolsey, "where" -> "Now where (kWhazit), lightly edited for style.
Please use cure on me!
Mama! Why won't you use Cure on me!?Mama!
Just do Cure…!
kWhazit ("Mommy... do Cure!") merged w/ Woolsey's tone & style.
1958Strago: Espers?
Not really familiar with that word.
Locke: But you've heard it before?
Strago: Espers, eh? Hmm... Haven't heard that word in years.
Locke: So, you know about espers?
Espers… hmm…
Haven't heard that word in years."

"So you know about them?"
Page 1: kWhazit ("Genju? Genjuu... hmm... I've not heard that word in a long time.") merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: Slattery, "about espers" -> "about them (kWhazit)".
1959Strago: Nope, uhn uhn...
Can't say I have.
Honestly can't say I have!
Strago: Nope, can't say I do! Don't know a thing. Not one thing!Strago
"Nope, uh-uhn…
Can't say I do.
Honestly… can't say… I do!"
Woolsey, edited for congruity w/ edited #1958.
1960Grandpa!Grandpa!Graaandpaaa!!New, based on kWhazit ("Graaaampaaaa!!"), slightly toned down w/r/t Woolsey & Slattery.
1961Strago: Hey...HEY!Strago: Hey!Strago
"Hey, hey, hey!"
1962Strago: What in blazes...
What're you doing?
Strago: What do you think you're doing, young missy?Strago
"What do you think you're doing, young missy?"
1963In her pictures she captures everything:
forests, water, light...
the very essence of life...
In her pictures, she captures everything: forests, water, light... the very essence of the things she paints... Her paintbrush captures everything:
forests, water, light…
the very breath of life itself…
First line Slattery, "In her pictures, she" -> "Her paintbrush (kWhazit)"; second line Woolsey/Slattery; third line New, based on the content of kWhazit ("and even human hearts") & the structure of Woolsey.
1964That's odd...Something's fishy here...Something's fishy here…Slattery.
1965Relm: Grandpa.
Who are these people? Friends? Can they use magic, too?
Strago: Yaa! Hush!
Relm: Grandpa, who're they? Are they friends? Can they use magic, too?
Strago: Sh-shush!
"Grandpa, who are they?
Are they friends?
What kind of magic can they do?"

"Yaa! Hush!"
First sentence Slattery, "who're" -> "who are"; Second sentence Slattery; Third sentence DarkMage -- novel rendering shifts Relm's question away from whether the guests can do magic (which ought to be taken for granted in Relm's case).
1966Relm: What a cute doggy!
Shadow: Get away.
He bites.
Relm: What a cute doggy!
Shadow: Back off. He bites.
"Aw, what a cute doggy!"

"Get away.
He bites."
Page 1: Woolsey/Slattery merged w/ Lina Darkstar ("Aww, what a cute doggy!"). // Page 2: Woolsey.
1967Strago: Go to your room!
Relm: I will not!
What a fussy old man!
Strago: Go back to your room!
Relm: Why do I have to go to my room? You never let me have any fun!
"Go back to your room."

"How come!?
Stubborn old crank…!"
Page 1: Slattery repunctuated w/r/t kWhazit for tone. // Page 2: First sentence kWhazit; Second sentence Lina Darkstar ("Stubborn old crank!") lightly repunctuated for tone.
1968Strago: Please...leave us!
Relm: Well...all right...
Strago: Because I said so! Now shoo!
Relm: ...Fine.
"Because I said so!
Now, shoo!"

Slattery, lightly repunctuated for style.
1969Relm: What a sweet puppy!Relm: Hmph!Relm
♬ Nee, hee! ♬
New, based on kWhazit ("Nyaaaah!!") & Lina Darkstar commentary ('A close translation for this line would be "Neener neener!" but I rejected that on grounds of Relm not being quite THAT young. Just imagine her sticking out her tongue.').
1970Strago: Hoo boy...
Seems to like your dog...
Strago: Oh, dear... Seems to have taken a liking to your dog...Strago
"Dear me, and now you've befriended the visitor's dog…"
New, based on Slattery & Mato commentary ('It's an incomplete sentence in Japanese', 'He's talking to Relm still about the dog. Like, "Hey, this is the stranger's dog."').
1971Strago: This is terrible...Strago: That child...Strago
"Good grief…"
New, similar to Lina Darkstar ("For goodness' sake."), but more brief.
1972Strago: Sorry.
Shadow: No problem.
The dog usually doesn't like people, though...
Strago: My apologies.
Shadow: It's fine. He usually doesn't like other people, though...
"My apologies."

"It's fine.
The dog usually doesn't like other people, though…"
Slattery merged w/ Woolsey.
1973Strago: Please excuse her.
She's just young.
Locke: Hmmm...
Strago: This is just a back-water village. We can tell you nothing about your Espers...
Strago: Anyhow... I'm terribly sorry, but I really don't think I can be of any help to you folks.
Locke: I, uh... I see...
Strago: We're just your ordinary, quiet little village... You're not going to find anyone who knows about any of those esper things here, I'm afraid! Not in Thamasa!
"I'm terribly sorry, but I don't think I can be of any help to you folks."

"I, uh…
I see…"

"We're just a typical backwater village here! None of us knows a thing about those 'Espers' of yours…"
Page 1: Slattery, novel "Anyhow..." removed for brevity & effect, "I really don't" -> "I don't" for brevity. // Page 2: Slattery. // Page 3: Woolsey, slightly expanded wording w/r/t kWhazit, first person plural w/r/t Slattery for style.
1974Locke: I see...
There's something wrong here...
Terra: Let's have a look around.
Locke: Hmm... There's something strange about this place...
Terra: Let's have a look around the village.
Something is definitely off about this place…"

"Let's look around a bit."
Page 1: New, based on Lina Darkstar ("Uh-huh. There's definitely something here...") & Slattery. // Page 2: kWhazit.
1975Locke: Thanks for your time!
Strago: Sorry I couldn't have been more helpful!
Locke: Thanks for your time!
Strago: Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
"Thanks for your time!"

"Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!"
1976Shadow: Interceptor!
Shadow: Interceptor!Shadow
1977Relm: Oh, all right...Relm: Bye-bye!Relm
1978Strago: What a beautiful day.Strago: Ah, what a beautiful day!Strago
"Ah, what a beautiful day."
Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey for tone.
1979Relm: Interceptor, please come back again and play!Relm: Interceptor, come back to play again sometime!Relm
"Interceptor, come back to play again sometime!"
1980Strago: This is awful!
Strago: You've gotta help! Relm...she's...!Strago
"It's an emergency!
First sentence Lina Darkstar; Second sentence Slattery.
1981Terra: Relm's in danger?
Strago: Yes!
She was at a neighbor's house when a fire broke out. I won't be able to stand it if something happens to her!
Terra: Something happened to Relm?
Strago: Yes! She was on fire...and then it caught the neighbor's house on fire...and... Oh, I can't even think straight anymore, but...!
"Little Relm's in danger!?"

"Yes! She was at a neighbor's house,
a fire broke out, she's a fire--
she's trapped, I mean…!"

"Oh, I can't even think straight right now…!"
Page 1: Woolsey; "Relm's" -> "Little Relm's" w/r/t kWhazit ("Relm-chan"). // Page 2: Lina Darkstar ("Yes! She was at a neighbor's house, a fire broke out"...) merged w/ Spooniest ("Yes! She was at the neighbors'! A fire's broken out! She's a fire-- She's trapped, I mean"...), w/r/t kWhazit ("Yes! Relm is stuck in a neighbor's house that caught on fire..."). // Page 3: Slattery merged w/ kWhazit ("Ayayaya... I just don't know what's what anymore!"), "anymore" -> "right now" to better reflect Strago's temporarily flustered state.
1982Strago: Please!
Won't you help?!
Strago: Please! You have to help her!Strago
Won't you help??"
First sentence Woolsey, "Please" -> "But...please" w/r/t segue from kWhazit ("Anyhow") & Lina Darkstar ("Anyways"); Second sentence Woolsey, slightly repunctuated for style.
1983Locke: Shadow!Locke: Shadow!Locke
(W & S)
1984Shadow: Interceptor...
Where are you?!
Shadow: Interceptor... Where did you go!?Shadow
Where did you go!?"
Slattery. beautiful house...!Waaah! My house...!Waaah…!
My house…!
1986Strago: Relm's inside that house!Strago: Relm's in there!Strago
"Relm's in there!"
1987FIRE!!Fire in the village!Fire in the village!!Slattery, repunctuated w/r/t Woolsey.
1988Strago: Relm!!!!!Strago: Relm!!!Strago
1989Locke: What're you doing?Locke: What're you doing?Locke
"What're you doing?"
(W & S)
1990Flames be GONE!!!Flames BEGONE!{{/Strago
}"Flames be…GONE!!"
Woolsey, "be GONE" -> "be_GONE" for style, adaptive dialog adds speaker label when said by Strago.
1991MAYOR: Magic is forbidden!
Terra: Magic...?!
Mayor: Magic is forbidden!
Terra: Magic!?
"That's forbidden use of magic!"

Page 1: New. Novel wording moves away from the implication that magic is altogether forbidden. // Page 2: Slattery.
1992Strago: I don't care!
Relm's inside!!!
Strago: I don't care! Relm's inside!Strago
"I don't care what it is!
My Relm's in there!!"
New, based on Spooniest ("I don't care! That's my Relm in there!!!"), lightly adapted to fit better with the new #1991.
1994MAYOR: All right.
We really have no choice.
Mayor: All right... We really have no choice.Mayor
"You're right…
We really have no choice."
Slattery, "All right" -> "You're right" w/r/t kWhazit ("Yes, yes...") to disambiguate between approval and agreement.
1995MAYOR: Stand back.Mayor: Stand back.Mayor
"Stand back."
(W & S)
1996Strago: It's no use.
The fire's too strong!
MAYOR: I think that's because they keep so many Fire Rods in here...
Strago: It's no use! The fire's too strong!
Mayor: They were storing an awful lot of flame rods in there...
"It's no use.
The fire's too strong!"

"They were storing an awful lot of Flame Rods in there…"
Page 1: Woolsey. // Page 2: Slattery, recapitalized w/r/t Woolsey.
1997Strago: I'm going in!Strago: I'm going in!Strago
"I'm going in!"
(W & S)
1998Terra: Wait...I'm going too.
Locke: Count me in. You'd better stay out here, gramps.
Strago: Fool!
I may be old, but I'm not powerless!
Terra: Wait... I'll go with you.
Locke: Count me in, too. I'm not gonna let an old geezer go in there on his own!
Strago: Who are you calling a geezer!? I'm only seventy, and fit as a fiddle! "Geezer," he says...
"Wait. I'll go too."

"That's right.
Don't leave us out in the cold, Gramps."

"Who're you calling Gramps!?
I may be past my prime, sonny,
but I'm not decrepit!"
Page 1: Woolsey merged w/ Slattery. // Page 2: New, based on kWhazit ("That's right, gramps. Don't be a stranger.") & Lina Darkstar ("Damn right. Don't give us the cold shoulder, Gramps."). // Page 3: First sentence Slattery, "who are" -> "who're", "a geezer" -> "Gramps"; Second sentence Woolsey merged with kWhazit ("I'm not decrepit enough to be called Gramps"), "old" -> "past my prime, sonny" for style in part w/r/t Lina Darkstar ("you little whippersnapper!").
1999Quickly!Quickly!Quickly! (W & S)

0–399     400–799     800–1199     1200–1599     1600–1999     2000–2399     2400–2799     2800–3082

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition © 2020-2024 David Thompson (SilentEnigma).

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

The author makes no claim to FINAL FANTASY VI or any intellectual property contained therein.